Student Learning Outcomes Computer SLOs for Class 4 Sr.No Competencies 1 Is he/she able to tell about different kinds of computer? 2 Is he/she able to tell about features of computer and its operation? 3 Is he/she defines input, process and output? 4 Is he/she able to tell about input and output devices? 5 Is he/she knows about how to keep computers in good working conditions? 6 Is he/she knows about pioneer of the computers? 7 Is he/she tells about the role of pioneer in development of computer? 8 Is he/she defines the different parts of computer? 9 Is he/she defines CPU? 10 Is he/she able to tell functions of ALU, CU, MU? 11 Is he/she tells about disk drives of CPU? 12 Is he/she tells about the USB and DVD, CD? Yes No Student Learning Outcomes S.ST SLOs for Class 4 Sr.No Competencies 1 Is he/she able to define and differentiate between different terms of citizen? 2 Is he/she able to tell about human rights? 3 Is he/she able to tell the difference between right and responsibilities? 4 Is he/she understands and explain about “Diversity”? 5 Is he/she able to explain the term “Tolerance”? 6 Is he/she able to describe the term Multicultural Society? 7 Is he/she differentiates the term Conflict and Peace? 8 Is he/she tell about the causes of disagreement? 9 Is he/she able to explain the common etiquettes? 10 Is he/she able to describe the impact of peace and conflict on society? 11 Is he/she able to define what culture is? 12 Is he/she able to explain diverse culture of Pakistan? 13 Is he/she able to define Minorities and their festivals? 14 Is he/she able to explain the term “nation” and “nationality”? 15 Is he/she able to define “ Patriotism” 16 Is he/she able to tell about Communication? 17 Is he/she able to define different forms of communication? Yes No Student Learning Outcomes Islamiyat SLOs for Class 4 Sr.No Competencies 1 Can student tell about pillars of islam? 2 Can he/she explain second piller name? 3 Can he/she explain what we recite in namaz? 4 Can he/she explain the rakats of namaz? 5 6 Can he/she explain the importance of namaz and important points of offering namaz? Can he/she explain the term “Zakat”? 7 Can he/she explain to whom we should pay zakat? 8 Can he/she explain why zakat is paid? 9 Can he/she explain what Quran sayings about Zakat? 10 Can he/she Recite the surahs ( Al-Kafiroon, Al-Quraish) orally? 11 Can he/she recall the names of Allah? Yes No