2009.57 - Anthropology (ANTH) 200: Cultural Anthropology, Course Outline

Maui Community College
Course Outline
1. Alpha
ANTH Number
Course Title
Cultural Anthropology
Social Science Author Kathryn Fletcher
Date of Outline
2. Course Description:
Effective Date
5-year Review Date
Studies the concept of culture and basic tools for analyzing cultural behavior.
Topics include patterning and integration, dynamics of culture, culture and
the individual, cultural change, and anthropology and the future.
Contact Hours/Type
3. Pre-requisites
3 lecture
ENG 22 with grade C or better, or placement at ENG 100; or consent.
Pre-requisite may be waived by consent
Recommended Preparation
4. Function/Designation
AS Program
AAS Program
BAS Program
AA LE - Elective
SS - Social Science
SS - Social Science
SS - Social Science
Additional Category
List Additional Programs and Category:
List Additional Programs and Category:
List Additional Programs and Category:
Other/Additional: Explain:
See Curriculum Action Request (CAR) form for the college-wide general education student learning
outcomes (SLOs) and/or the program learning outcomes (PLOs) this course supports.
Approval Date
Revised 6/28/2016
Course Outline, page 1
This course outline is standardized and/or the result of a community college or system-wide agreement.
Responsible committee:
5. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): List one to four inclusive SLOs.
For assessment, link these to #7 Recommended Course Content, and #9 Recommended Course
Requirements & Evaluation. Use roman numerals (I., II., III.) to designate SLOs
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
I. Recognize ethnocentric tendencies in themselves and others, and be able to set these aside in order to
pursue understanding of humanity with the goal of becoming a respectful, well-informed citizen of the
6. Competencies/Concepts/Issues/Skills
For assessment, link these to #7 Recommended Course Content, and #9 Recommended Course
Requirements & Evaluation. Use lower case letters (a., b.…zz. )to designate competencies/skills/issues
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
• Construct anthropological perspectives to the human experience. Evaluate the concept of
ethnocentrism and the value of respecting other ways of life.
• Describe the wide range and variability of human culture.
• Evaluate the concept of culture, and culture as a holistic and integrated system.
• Describe the social, symbolic, and material worlds of other cultures.
• Explain one’s perspective on one’s own culture.
• Evaluate ethnographic research on other cultures.
• Describe insights into modern life through application of anthropological concepts.
7. Suggested Course Content and Approximate Time Spent on Each Topic
Linked to #5. Student Learning Outcomes and # 6 Competencies/Skills/Issues
8. Text and Materials, Reference Materials, and Auxiliary Materials
Appropriate text(s) and materials will be chosen at the time the course is offered from those currently
available in the field. Examples include:
Appropriate reference materials will be chosen at the time the course is offered from those currently
available in the field. Examples include:
Appropriate auxiliary materials will be chosen at the time the course is offered from those currently
available in the field. Examples include:
9. Suggested Course Requirements and Evaluation
Linked to #5. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and #6 Competencies/Skills/Issues
Specific course requirements are at the discretion of the instructor at the time the course is being offered.
Suggested requirements might include, but are not limited to:
Revised 6/28/2016
course outline
10. Methods of Instruction
Instructional methods will vary considerably by instructor. Specific methods are at the discretion of the
instructor teaching the course and might include, but are not limited to:
11. Assessment of Intended Student Learning Outcomes Standards Grid attached
12. Additional Information:
Revised 6/28/2016
course outline