PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND HEALTH 2ND QUARTER EXAM A type of orienteering in which ontrols usually have different point values depending upon distance from the start and the difficulty of navigation required to find them. Score Orienteering A form of orienteering that requires participants to mark their map correctly with the controls. Route A type of orienteering in which controls are marked with reflective tape and participants use head lamps or flashlights. Night Orienteering A layer of clothing next to the skin. Base Layer or Skin Layer The sport of attaining, or attempting to attain, high points in mountainous regions, mainly for the pleasure of the climb Mountaineering Part of the system by Lasco which involves the scale being 1/9 being very easy; 9/9 technical. Difficulty Scale A water treatment method which takes only 30 min but will discolor containers Iodine Tablets This gives protection from the rain, wind, and bugs. It also adds warmth, comfort, and a sense of security Tent There are different ways of using this equipment and they are often combined to make use of the advantages of each mechanism Laces A type of orienteering in which every team member does a short course and tags the next team member Relay Orienteering This can be quite overwhelming for newbie climbers, so for the purpose of this article, we can just use the "Minor - Major" classification in choosing mountains to climb. Trail Class The outer layer, sometimes called shell, is your protection from wind, rain, or snow. Wind and/ or Rain-Barrier Layer A water treatment method which kills all harmful organisms Boiling These are probably the single most important piece of equipment you will need to purchase before a hiking trip. SHOES/BOOTS A layer of clothing that helps you retain heat by trapping air close to your body Insulating Layer A type of orienteering which is done on cross country skis Ski Orienteering A type of orienteering in which maps are marked with a line indicating the exact route to be followed. Line Orienteering Another key element in hiking used in keeping feet dry and free of blisters. Socks A water treatment method which has a good job in filtering but takes longer time. Filtering A water treatment method which takes only 30 min but may taste unpleasant to some Bleach Solution The following are used for hygiene while hiking EXCEPT for one. Prescription medications A form of orienteering with a set course with undisclosed control points. Line A type of orienteering in which participants must return to start between each control. Star Event An outdoor activity which consists of walking in natural environments, often on hiking trails. Hiking A type of orienteering in which the event is done on a lake or tidal water area within a canoe. Canoe Orienteering These types of backpack are very simple, robust, and streamlined, with a single compartment and single lid pocket. Mountaineering Backpacks A type of orienteering which is being used with preschoolers and primary grade children. String Orienteering These are the flaps that cover the inlet of the upper. Tongues A form of orienteering with results judged on a time basis. Cross-country Sometimes also called “car camping” is camping on planned campgrounds where it is close to a vehicle Frontcountry camping A type of orienteering in wherein at each control the participant attempts to complete some type of activity. Project Orienteering A lifestyle sport involving hiking and trekking through rugged terrain, camping, climbing over rocks, fallen trees and logs, passing by thick vegetation, crossing rivers, and exploring the great outdoors while having fun in the process. Mountain climbing The following are types of safety equipment in camping EXCEPT for one. Biodegradable soap These refers to thickness of a sleeping bag Loft A type of orienteering in which participants travel to each control on a bike Bike Orienteering A water treatment method which slightly changes taste and you have to mix two solutions together and waits for 5 mins. before treating water Aquamira A type of orienteering which is excellent for school yards and small areas. Motala An outdoor activity where participants' goal is finding the various checkpoints (with specific sequence) in a pre-set course using a especially created detailed map and the compass to navigate in an unfamiliar terrain. Orienteering Provides warmth and comfort for a good rest at night. Sleeping bag The author of, devised a "relative" difficulty rating system that can be used to compare one mountain in the Philippines to another. Gideon Lasco Used to carry enough clothing, food, and camping equipment for multi-day walks Trekking Pack A type of orienteering in which teams try to locate as many controls as possible in a 4, 12 or 24 hour period. Rogaine A type of camping where no amenities are readily available and motorized vehicles cannot reach the camping site Backcountry camping A form of orienteering that has numerous controls set up, each allocated points according to difficulty Score Part of the system by Lasco which involves the major and minor trek Classification A type of orienteering in which a course of controls to be taken in a specific order is laid out. Cross Country The following are types of navigation EXCEPT for one. Trail snacks A type of orienteering which is designed for those with disabilities. Trail Orienteering A type of orienteering in which proof-of-arrival at each control site is confirmed by answering a question about the site. Trivia Orienteering A small lightweight backpack stove is more efficient than open fire because temperature can be controlled. True