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Human Performance in Aviation Safety

Human Performance
Concept of safety (Doc 9859 2nd Ed.)
❖ Safety is the state in which the possibility of harm to persons or property damage
is reduced to, and maintained at or below, an acceptable level through a
continuing process of hazard identification and safety risk management.
❖ Traditional approach in preventing accidents:
➢ Focused on outcomes (direct cause/s)
➢ Unsafe acts by operational personnel
➢ Attached blame/punish line personnel for failures to “perform safely”
➢ Addressed identified safety concern exclusively
A concept of accident causation
❖ Organization
Management decisions and organizational processes - Activities over which
any organization has a reasonable degree of direct control
❖ Workplace
Working conditions - Factors that directly influence the efficiency of people in
aviation workplaces.
❖ People
Errors and violations - Actions or inactions by people (pilots, controllers,
maintenance engineers, aerodrome staff, etc.) that have an immediate adverse
❖ Defences
Resources to protect against the risks that organizations involved in
production activities generate and must control.
The Organizational Accident
o Organizational Processes
o Policy-making
o Planning
o Communication
o Allocation of resources
o Supervision
Activities over which any organization has a reasonable degree of
direct control.
➢ Latent Conditions
o Inadequate hazard identification and risk management
o Normalization of deviance
Conditions present in the system before the accident, made
evident by triggering factors.
➢ Defences
o Technology
o Training
o Regulations
Resources to protect against the risk that organizations involved
in production activities generate and must control.
➢ Workplace Conditions
o Workforce stability
o Qualifications and experience
o Morale
o Credibility
o Ergonomics
Factors that directly influence the efficiency of people in
aviation workplaces.
Less-than-optimum workplace conditions foster active
failures by operational personnel.
➢ Active Failures
o Errors
o Violations
Actions or inactions by people (pilots, controllers,
maintenance engineers, aerodrome staff, etc.) that have an
immediate adverse effect.
Active failures can be considered as either errors or
➢ Safety endeavors should improve workplace conditions to contain active
failures because it is the combination of all these factors that produces safety
➢ From the perspective of the organizational accident, safety endeavors should
monitor organizational processes in order to identify latent conditions and
thus reinforce defenses.
a) Liveware-Hardware (L-H)
Relationship between the human vis-a-vis the physical attributes of
equipment, machines and facilities.
With reference to human performance in the context of aviation operations,
there is a natural human tendency to adapt to L-H mismatches.
b) Liveware-Software (L-S)
Relationship between the human and the supporting systems found in the
workplace, e.g:
standard operating procedures (SOPs), and
computer software.
Issues such as:
recency of experience,
accuracy, format and presentation,
clarity and
c) Liveware-Liveware (L-L)
Relationships among persons in the work environment, especially those
who function in groups:
flight crews,
air traffic controllers,
aircraft maintenance engineers, and
other operational personnel
Communication and interpersonal skills, as well as group dynamics, play
a role in determining human performance.
Crew resource management (CRM) and its extension to air traffic services
(ATS) and maintenance operations has created a focus on the management
of operational errors across multiple aviation domains.
Staff/management relationships as well as overall organizational culture
are also within the scope of this interface.
d) Liveware-Environment (L-E)
Relationship between the human and both the internal and external
Internal workplace environment: physical considerations e.g.
temperature, ambient light, noise, vibration, air quality.
External environment: operational aspects e.g. weather factors, aviation
infrastructure, terrain.
The relationship between the human internal environment and its external
Psychological and physiological forces, including illness, fatigue,
financial uncertainties, relationships and career concerns, can be
either induced by the L-E interaction or originate from external
secondary sources.
The aviation work environment includes disturbances to normal biological
rhythms and sleep patterns.
Additional environmental aspects may be related to organizational
attributes that may affect decision-making processes and create pressures
to develop “workarounds” or minor deviations from standard operating
―an action or inaction by an operational person that leads to deviations from
organizational or the operational person’s intentions or expectations.
Humans will commit errors regardless of the level of technology used, the level of
training or the existence of regulations, processes and procedures.
An important goal is to set and maintain defences to reduce the likelihood of
errors and, just as importantly, reduce the consequences of errors when they do
To effectively accomplish this task, errors must be identified, reported and
analysed so that appropriate remedial action can be taken.
Errors can be divided into two categories:
a) Slips and lapses - are failures in the execution of the intended action.
Slips are actions that do not go as planned, while
lapses are memory failures.
For example, operating the flap lever instead of the (intended) gear lever is a
slip. Forgetting a checklist item is a lapse.
b) Mistakes - are failures in the person’s plan of action.
Even if execution of the plan were correct, it would not have been possible to achieve
the intended outcome.
Three strategies for the control of human error
❖ (1) Error reduction strategies intervene at the source of the error by reducing or
eliminating the contributing factors.
➢ Human-centred design
➢ Ergonomic factors
➢ Training
❖ (2) Capturing strategies intervene once the error has
already been made, capturing the error before it
generates adverse consequences.
➢ Checklists
➢ Task cards
➢ Flight strips
➢ … Capturing strategies are different from
reduction strategies in that they utilize
checklists and other procedural interventions
rather than directly eliminating the error
❖ (3) Error tolerance strategies intervene to increase
the ability of a system to accept errors without
serious consequence.
➢ System redundancies
➢ Multiple inspection processes
❖ Violation:
- “a deliberate act of wilful misconduct or omission resulting in a deviation
from established regulations, procedures, norms or practices”
❖ a) Situational violations
committed in response to factors experienced in a specific context,
such as time pressure or high workload.
❖ b) Routine violations
- become the normal way of doing business within a work group.
committed in response to situations in which compliance with
established procedures makes task completion difficult.
may be due to practicality/workability issues, deficiencies in
human-technology interface design and other issues that cause
persons to adopt “workaround” procedures which eventually become
referred to as “drift”, these violations may continue without
consequence, but over time they may become frequent and result in
potentially severe consequences.
In some cases, routine violations are well grounded and may result in
the incorporation of the routine violation as an accepted procedure
after a proper safety assessment has been conducted and it is
shown that safety is not compromised.
❖ c) Organizationally induced violations
may be considered as an extension of routine violations.
This type of violation tends to occur when an organization attempts
to meet increased output demands by ignoring or stretching its
safety defences.
Culture binds people together as members of groups and provides clues as to
how to behave in both normal and unusual situations.
Culture influences the values, beliefs and behaviours that people share with
other members of various social groups.
Three distinct cultures
❖ National culture encompasses the value system of particular nations.
❖ Organizational/corporate culture differentiates the values and behaviours of
particular organizations (e.g. government vs. private organizations).
❖ Professional culture differentiates the values and behaviours of particular
professional groups (e.g. pilots, air traffic controllers, maintenance
engineers, aerodrome staff, etc.).
❖ No human endeavour is culture-free
Organizational Culture
❖ For the management of safety, the greatest potential for the creation and
maintenance of an effective, self-sustaining culture is at the organizational
❖ The organization is a major determinant of the behaviour in which persons will
engage while performing management or operational activities during the
delivery or oversight of aviation activities.
❖ Organizational culture provides a cornerstone for managerial and employee
decision making.
Safety Culture:
❖ encompasses the commonly held perceptions and beliefs of an organization’s
members pertaining to the public’s safety;
❖ can be a determinant of the behaviour of the members.
Condition, object or activity with the potential of causing injuries to personnel,
damage to equipment or structures, loss of material, or reduction of ability to
perform a prescribed function.
Two definitions
❖ Hazard – Condition, object or activity with the potential of causing injuries to
personnel, damage to equipment or structures, loss of material, or reduction of
ability to perform a prescribed function.
❖ Consequence – Potential outcome(s) of the hazard.
Types of hazards:
❖ Technical
Natural hazards (examples)
❖ Severe weather or climatic events:
➢ E.g.: hurricanes, major winter storms, drought, tornadoes, thunderstorms
lighting, and wind shear.
❖ Adverse weather conditions:
➢ E.g.: Icing, freezing precipitation, heavy rain, strong winds, and restrictions
to visibility.
❖ Geophysical events:
➢ E.g.: earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, floods, storm surges and
❖ Geographical conditions:
➢ E.g.: adverse terrain or large bodies of water.
❖ Environmental events:
➢ E.g.: wildfires, wildlife activity, and insect or pest infestation.
❖ Public health events:
➢ E.g.: epidemics of influenza or other diseases.
Technical hazards (examples)
❖ Deficiencies regarding:
➢ E.g.: aircraft and aircraft components, systems, subsystems and related
➢ E.g.: an organization’s facilities, tools, and related equipment.
➢ E.g.: facilities, systems, sub-systems and related equipment that are
external to the organization.
Economics hazards (examples)
❖ Major trends related to:
➢ Growth
➢ Recession
➢ Cost of material or equipment
➢ Etc.
Sources of hazard identification
❖ Internal
➢ Flight Data Analysis
➢ Company voluntary reporting system
➢ Audits and surveys
❖ External
➢ Accident reports
➢ State mandatory occurrence system
❖ As a reminder
➢ Predictive
➢ Proactive
➢ Reactive
Hazard identification methodologies
a) Reactive - analysis of past outcomes or events.
- identified through investigation of safety occurrences.
- incidents and accidents are clear indicators of system
deficiencies and therefore can be used to determine the hazards
that either contributed to the event or are latent.
b) Proactive
analysis of existing or real-time situations, which is the
primary job of the safety assurance function with its audits,
evaluations, employee reporting, and
associated analysis and assessment processes.
Actively seeking hazards in the existing processes.
c) Predictive
data gathering in order to identify possible negative future
outcomes or events,
analysing system processes and the environment to identify
potential future hazards and
initiating mitigating actions.
Cost-benefit analysis
❖ Direct costs
➢ The obvious costs, which are easily determined. The high costs of
exposure of hazards can be reduced by insurance coverage.
Purchasing insurance only transfers monetary risk, does not
address the safety hazard
❖ Indirect costs
➢ The uninsured costs. An understanding of uninsured costs (or indirect
costs) is fundamental to understand the economics of safety.
❖ Indirect costs may amount to more than the direct costs resulting from exposure
to hazards:
➢ Loss of business
➢ Damage to the reputation
➢ Loss of use of equipment
➢ Loss of staff productivity
➢ Legal actions and claims
➢ Fines and citations
Insurance deductibles
Mitigation – Measures to address the potential hazard or to reduce the risk probability
or severity.
Risk mitigation = Risk control
(Mitigate – To make milder, less severe or less harsh)
Segregation of exposure
Avoidance – The operation or activity is cancelled because risks exceed
the benefits of continuing the operation or activity.
Operations into an aerodrome surrounded by complex geography
and without the necessary aids:
➢ Reduction – The frequency of the operation or activity is reduced, or
action is taken to reduce the magnitude of the consequences of the
accepted risks.
Operations into an aerodrome surrounded by complex geography and without the
necessary aids:
- LIMIT OPERATIONS to day-time, visual conditions
Segregation of exposure – Action is taken to isolate the effects of the
consequences of the hazard or build-in redundancy to protect against it.
Operations into an aerodrome surrounded by complex geography are limited to aircraft
with specific / performance navigation capabilities:
- DO NOT ALLOW Non-RVSM equipped aircraft to allowed to operate into RVSM
Risk mitigation – Defences
❖ Recalling the three basic defences in aviation:
➢ Technology
➢ Training
➢ Regulations
Human Factors
Clinical Psychology
Clinical psychology includes the study and application of psychology for the
purpose of understanding, preventing, and relieving psychologically-based distress or
dysfunction and to promote subjective well-being and personal development. It focuses
on the mental well-being of the individual. Clinical psychology can help individuals deal
with stress, coping mechanisms for adverse situations, poor self-image, and accepting
criticism from coworkers.
Experimental Psychology
Experimental psychology includes the study of a variety of basic behavioral
processes, often in a laboratory environment. These processes may include learning,
sensation, perception, human performance, motivation, memory, language, thinking,
and communication, as well as the physiological processes underlying behaviors, such
as eating, reading, and problem solving. In an effort to test the efficiency of work
policies and procedures, experimental studies help measure performance, productivity,
and deficiencies.
Anthropometry is the study of the dimensions and abilities of the human body.
This is essential to aviation maintenance due to the environment and spaces that AMTs
have to work with.
Computer Science
The technical definition for computer science is the study of the theoretical
foundations of information and computation and of practical techniques for their
implementation and application in computer systems.
Cognitive Science
Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary scientific study of minds as information
processors. It includes research on how information is processed (in faculties such as
perception, language, reasoning, and emotion), represented, and transformed in a
nervous system or machine (e.g., computer). It spans many levels of analysis from lowlevel learning and decision mechanisms to high-level logic and planning
Safety Engineering
Safety engineering assures that a life-critical system behaves as needed even
when the component fails. Ideally, safety engineers take an early design of a system,
analyze it to find what faults can occur, and then propose safety requirements in design
specifications up front and changes to existing systems to make the system safer.
Safety cannot be stressed enough when it comes to aviation maintenance, and
everyone deserves to work in a safe environment
Medical Science
Medicine is the science and art of healing. It encompasses a variety of health
care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of
illness. Disposition and physical well-being are very important and directly correlated to
human factors. Just like people come in many shapes and sizes, they also have very
different reactions to situations due to body physiology, physical structures, and
Organizational Psychology
Organizational psychologists are concerned with relations between people and
work. Their interests include organizational structure and organizational change,
workers’ productivity and job satisfaction, consumer behavior, and the selection,
placement, training, and development of personnel. Understanding organizational
psychology helps aviation maintenance supervisors learn about the points listed below
that, if exercised, can enhance the work environment and productivity.
Educational Psychology
Educational psychologists study how people learn and design the methods and
materials used to educate people of all ages. Everyone learns differently and at a
different pace. Supervisors should design blocks of instruction that relate to a wide
variety of learning styles.
Industrial Engineering
Industrial engineering is the organized approach to the study of work. It is
important for supervisors to set reasonable work standards that can be met and
exceeded. Unrealistic work standards create unnecessary stressors that cause
mistakes. It is also beneficial to have an efficient facility layout so that there is room to
work. Clean and uncluttered environments enhance work performance. Another aspect
of industrial engineering that helps in the understanding of human factors is the
statistical analysis of work performance. Concrete data of work performance, whether
good or bad, can show the contributing factors that may have been present when the
work was done.
The Pear Model
There are many concepts related to the science and practice of human factors.
However, from a practical standpoint, it is most helpful to have a unified view of the
things we should be concerned about when considering aviation maintenance human
factors. A good way to gain this understanding is by using a model. For more than a
decade, the term “PEAR” has been used as a memory jogger, or mnemonic, to
characterize human factors in aviation maintenance. PEAR prompts recall of the four
important considerations for human factors programs, which are listed below.
• People who do the job.
• Environment in which they work.
• Actions they perform.
• Resources necessary to complete the job.
Types of Errors
An unintentional error is an unintentional wandering or deviation from accuracy.
This can include an error in your action (a slip), opinion, or judgment caused by poor
reasoning, carelessness, or insufficient knowledge (a mistake). For example, an AMT
reads the torque values from a job card and unintentionally transposed the number 26
to 62. He or she did not mean to make that error but unknowingly and unintentionally
did. An example of an unintentional mistake would be selecting the wrong work card to
conduct a specific repair or task. Again, not an intentional mistake but a mistake
In aviation maintenance, an intentional error should really be considered a
violation. If someone knowingly or intentionally chooses to do something wrong, it is a
violation, which means that one has deviated from safe practices, procedures,
standards, or regulations.
Kinds of Errors
Active and Latent
An active error is the specific individual activity that is an obvious event. A
latent error is the company issues that lead up to the event. For example, an
AMT climbs up a ladder to do a repair knowing that the ladder is broken. In this
example, the active error was falling from the ladder. The latent error was the
broken ladder that someone should have replaced.
The “Dirty Dozen”
Due to a large number of maintenance-related aviation accidents and incidents
that occurred in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Transport Canada identified twelve
human factors that degrade people’s ability to perform effectively and safely, which
could lead to maintenance errors. These twelve factors, known as the “dirty dozen,”
were eventually adopted by the aviation industry as a straight forward means to discuss
human error in maintenance. It is important to know the dirty dozen, how to recognize
their symptoms, and most importantly, know how to avoid or contain errors produced by
the dirty dozen. Understanding the interaction between organizational, work group, and
individual factors that may lead to errors and accidents, AMTs can learn to prevent or
manage them proactively in the future.
1. Lack of Communication
Lack of communication is a key human factor that can result in suboptimal,
incorrect, or faulty maintenance. [Figure 14-16] Communication occurs between the
AMT and many people (i.e., management, pilots, parts suppliers, aircraft servicers).
2. Complacency
Complacency is a human factor in aviation maintenance that typically develops
over time. [Figure 14-17] As a technician gains knowledge and experience, a sense of
self satisfaction and false confidence may occur.
3. Lack of Knowledge
A lack of knowledge when performing aircraft maintenance can result in a faulty
repair that can have catastrophic results. [Figure 14-18] Differences in technology from
aircraft to aircraft and updates to technology and procedures on a single aircraft also
make it challenging to have the knowledge required to perform airworthy maintenance.
4. Distraction
A distraction while performing maintenance on an aircraft may disrupt the
procedure. [Figure 14-19] When work resumes, it is possible that the technician skips
over a detail that needs attention. It is estimated that 15 percent of maintenance related
errors are caused by distractions.
5. Lack of Teamwork
A lack of teamwork may also contribute to errors in aircraft maintenance. [Figure
14-20] Closely related to lack of communication, teamwork is required in aviation
maintenance in many instances. Sharing of knowledge between technicians,
coordinating maintenance functions, turning work over from shift to shift, and working
with flight personnel to troubleshoot and test aircraft are all are executed better in an
atmosphere of teamwork.
6. Fatigue
Fatigue is a major human factor that has contributed to many maintenance errors
resulting in accidents. [Figure 14-21] Fatigue can be mental or physical in nature.
Emotional fatigue also exists and effects mental and physical performance. A person is
said to be fatigued when a reduction or impairment in any of the following occurs:
cognitive ability, decision-making, reaction time, coordination, speed, strength, and
balance. Fatigue reduces alertness and often reduces a person’s ability to focus and
hold attention on the task being performed.
7. Lack of Resources
A lack of resources can interfere with one’s ability to complete a task because
there is a lack of supply and support. [Figure 14-23] Low quality products also affect
one’s ability to complete a task. Aviation maintenance demands proper tools and parts
to maintain a fleet of aircraft. Any lack of resources to safely carry out a maintenance
task can cause both non-fatal and fatal accidents. For example, if an aircraft is
dispatched without a functioning system that is typically not needed for flight but
suddenly becomes needed, this could create a problem.
8. Pressure
Aviation maintenance tasks require individuals to perform in an environment with
constant pressure to do things better and faster without making mistakes and letting
things fall through the cracks. Unfortunately, these types of job pressures can affect the
capabilities of maintenance workers to get the job done right. [Figure 14-25] Airlines
have strict financial guidelines, as well as tight flight schedules, that force mechanics to
be under pressure to identify and repair mechanical problems quickly so that the airline
industry can keep moving. Most important, aircraft mechanics are responsible for the
overall safety of everyone who uses flying as a mode of transportation.
9. Lack of Assertiveness
Assertiveness is the ability to express your feelings, opinions, beliefs, and needs
in a positive, productive manner and should not be confused with being aggressive.
[Figure 14-26] It is important for AMTs to be assertive when it pertains to aviation repair
rather than choosing or not being allowed to voice their concerns and opinions. The
direct result of not being assertive could ultimately cost people their lives. The following
are examples of how a lack of assertiveness can be offset:
10. Stress
Aviation maintenance is a stressful task due to many factors. [Figure 14-27]
Aircraft must be functional and flying in order for airlines to make money, which means
that maintenance must be done within a short timeframe to avoid flight delays and
cancellations. Fast-paced technology that is always changing can add stress to
technicians. This demands that AMTs stay trained on the latest equipment. Other
stressors include working in dark, tight spaces, lack of resources to get the repair done
correctly, and long hours. The ultimate stress of aviation maintenance is knowing that
the work they do, if not done correctly, could result in tragedy.
Physical Stressors
Physical stressors add to the personnel’s workload and make it
uncomfortable for him or her in their work environment.
Psychological Stressors
Psychological stressors relate to emotional factors, such as a death or
illness in the family, business worries, poor interpersonal relationships with
family, co-workers, supervisors, and financial worries.
Physiological Stressors
Physiological stressors include fatigue, poor physical condition,
hunger, and disease.
11. Lack of Awareness
Lack of awareness is defined as a failure to recognize all the consequences of an
action or lack of foresight. [Figure 14-28] In aviation maintenance, it is not unusual to
perform the same maintenance tasks repeatedly. After completing the same task
multiple times, it is easy for technicians to become less vigilant and develop a lack of
awareness for what they are doing and what is around them. Each time a task is
completed it must be treated as if it were the first time.
12. Norms
Norms is short for “normal,” or the way things are normally done. [Figure 14-29]
They are unwritten rules that are followed or tolerated by most organizations. Negative
norms can detract from the established safety standard and cause an accident to occur.
Norms are usually developed to solve problems that have ambiguous solutions. When
faced with an ambiguous situation, an individual may use another’s
Throughout these regulations the following word usage applies:
(1) Shall indicates a mandatory requirement.
(2) The words "no person may..." or "a person may not..." mean that no
person is required, authorized, or permitted to do an act described in a
(3) May indicates that discretion can be used when performing an act
described in a regulation.
(4) Will indicates an action incumbent upon the Authority.
(5) Approved means approved by or on behalf of the Civil Aviation
Authority in accordance with the pertinent requirements of national
(6) Acceptable means the Authority has reviewed the method, procedure,
or policy and has neither objected to nor approved its proposed use or
(7) Prescribed means the Authority has issued written policy or
methodology which imposes either a mandatory requirement; if the written
policy or methodology states "shall." or a discretionary requirement if the
written policy or methodology states "may."
(8) Should indicate a recommended practice.
(9) Civil Aviation Act means Republic Act No. 9497, otherwise known as
Civil Aviation Authority Act of 2008.
The following licenses are issued under this Part to an applicant who
satisfactorily accomplishes the requirements in this Part for the license sought:
(a) Pilot licenses:
(1) Private pilot license (PPL);
(2) Commercial pilot license (CPL);
(3) Airline Transport pilot license (ATPL);
(4) Multi-crew Pilot License (MPL);
(5) Glider pilot license; and
(6) Free balloon pilot license.
(b) Flight engineer license.
(c) Flight navigator license.
(d) Aviation maintenance technician license (AMT).
(e) Aviation maintenance specialist license (AMS).
(f) Air traffic controller license (ATCO).
(g) Flight operations officer (Flight Dispatcher) license;
(h) Aeronautical station operator. RATINGS
(a) The following ratings are placed on a pilot license when an applicant
satisfactorily accomplishes the requirements in this Part for the rating sought:
(d) The following ratings are placed on an aviation maintenance technician
license when an applicant satisfactorily accomplishes the requirements in this
Part for the rating
(1) Airframe
(2) Powerplant
(3) Airframe and Powerplant
(a) Subpart 2.6 prescribes the requirements for issuing the following licenses
and associated ratings and/or authorizations for:
(1) Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT)
(2) Aviation Maintenance Specialist (AMS) ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: GENERAL
(a) An applicant for an AMT license and any associated rating shall
(1) Be at least 18 years of age;
(2) Demonstrate the ability to read, write, speak, and understand the English
language by reading and explaining appropriate maintenance publications
and by writing defect and repair statements;
(3) Comply with the knowledge, experience, and competency requirements
prescribed for the license and rating sought; and
(4) Pass all of the prescribed tests for the license and rating sought, within a
period of 24 months.
(b) A licensed AMT who applies for an additional rating must meet the requirements
of Subpart and, within a period of 24 months, pass the tests prescribed by
Subparts and for the additional rating sought. KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS
(a) The applicant for an Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) license shall
have pass a knowledge test covering at least the following areas:
(1) Air law and airworthiness requirements:
(i) rules and regulations relevant to an Aviation Maintenance Technician
(AMT) license holder including applicable airworthiness requirements
governing certification and continuing airworthiness of aircraft and approved
aircraft maintenance organization procedures;
(2) Natural science and aircraft general knowledge
basic mathematics; units of measurement; fundamental principles
and theory of physics and chemistry applicable to aircraft
(3) Aircraft engineering
(i) characteristics and applications of the materials of aircraft construction
including principles of construction and functioning of aircraft
structures, fastening techniques; powerplants and their associated
systems, mechanical, fluid, electrical and electronic power sources,
aircraft instrument and display systems, aircraft control systems, and
airborne navigation and communication systems; EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS
(a) An applicant for an AMT license and associated ratings may qualify by either
practical experience or through training in an ATO.
(b) Practical experience only. Each applicant for an AMT license and rating(s)
relying solely on practical experience shall provide documentary evidence,
acceptable to the Authority, of the following experience in the inspection, servicing
and maintenance of aircraft or its components:
(1) Airframe rating - 30 months,
(2) Powerplant rating - 30 months;
(3) Airframe and Powerplant ratings - 60 months;
(c) Approved Training. Each applicant for an AMT license relying on completion of
training in an Approved Training Organization (ATO) shall provide documentary
evidence, acceptable to the Authority, of the following training:
(1) Airframe rating - 24 months
(2) Powerplant rating - 24 months
(3) Airframe and Powerplant ratings - 30 months DURATION OF THE LICENSE
(a) The duration of the AMT license is (5) years.
(b) The holder of a license with an expiration date may not, after that date, exercise
the privileges of that license.
(c) The license shall remain valid as long as the holder thereof maintains his/her
(a) A holder of an aircraft mechanic license desiring to renew his license must
accomplish and submit the following within 30 days prior to the expiry of his
(1) Application for the renewal of license duly notarized;
(2) Certification or proof that the holder has rendered services in accordance with
the provisions this Part from an AMO, AOC or an ATO, or any other person
found acceptable in writing by the Authority, as applicable, in any case fully in
Each applicant for an Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) license or rating
shall pass an oral and practical test appropriate to the rating(s) sought.
The tests cover the applicants’ skill in performing the practical projects on the
subjects covered by the written test for that rating. The applicant will be provided with
appropriate facilities, tools, materials and airworthiness data.
(a) The skill test for the AMT License shall test the applicant's knowledge and
performance in at least the following areas of operation:
(1) basic electricity
(2) lines and fittings
(3) materials and processes
(4) ground operations and servicing
(5) cleaning and corrosion control
(6) mathematics
(7) maintenance forms and records
(8) maintenance publications
(9) physics
(10) mechanic privileges and limitations
(a) The skill test for the airframe rating shall test the applicant's knowledge and
performance in at least the following areas of operation:
(1) assembly and rigging
(2) airframe inspection
(3) aircraft landing gear systems
(4) hydraulic and pneumatic systems
(5) cabin atmosphere control systems
(6) aircraft instrument systems
(7) communication and navigation systems
(8) fuel systems
(9) aircraft electrical systems
(10) position and warning systems
(11) ice and rain control systems
(12) fire protection systems
(13) Job/task documentation and control practices.
(a) The skill test for the powerplant rating shall test the applicant's knowledge and
performance in at least the following areas of operation:
(1) powerplant electrical systems
(2) lubrication systems
(3) ignition and starting systems
(4) fuel metering
(5) engine fuel systems
(6) induction and engine airflow systems
(7) engine cooling systems
(8) engine exhaust and reverser systems
(9) propellers
(10) auxiliary power units
(11) Job/task documentation and control practices.