Ex No: 1(C) Date: CLIENT SERVER SYSTEM AIM: To build a simple client-server system. The system you are developing is a simple key-value store. The client takes user input to get/put/delete keys and passes these requests over the server. The server maintains a data structure of key-value pairs in memory and returns a suitable reply to the server. When the request from the client is of the form "put key value", the server must store the key-value pair in its data structures, provided the key does not already exist. Put requests on an exis ng key must return an error message. When the client sends a request of the form "get key value", the value stored against the key must be returned. If the key is not found, a suitable error message must be returned. The client should be able to issue a delete request (on an exis ng key) as follows: "del key". For all requests that succeed, the server must either return the value (in case of get), or the string "OK" (in case of put/del). You may assume that all keys and values are integers. When the user inputs "Bye", the server should reply "Goodbye" and close the client connec on. Upon receiving this message from the server, your client program terminates ALGORITHM: SERVER: STEP 1:Set Up Socket: Create a socket object for communication. STEP 2:Define Key-Value Store: Initialize an empty dictionary to store key-value pairs. STEP 3:Handle Client Connection: Define a function to handle client connections. STEP 4:Accept Connections: Start listening for incoming connections. STEP 5:Receive Data: Receive data from the client in chunks of 1024 bytes. STEP 6:Parse Command: Split received data to extract the command and its arguments. STEP 7:Execute Command: Based on the command, perform appropriate actions: 7.1: For "put": Store key-value pair if the key doesn't already exist. 7.2: For "get": Retrieve value associated with the key if it exists. 7.3: For "del": Delete key-value pair if the key exists. 7.4: For "Bye": Close connection and break loop. STEP 8:Otherwise, send an error message for invalid commands. STEP 9:Send Response: Send appropriate responses back to the client. STEP 10:Close Connection: Close the connection with the client after handling requests. STEP 11: Continue listening for new connections and repeat the process. CLIENT: STEP 1:Import the socket module for networking functionality. STEP 2:Define a function named communicate_with_server() to handle communication with the server. STEP 3:Create a socket object using socket.socket() with AF_INET for IPv4 and SOCK_STREAM for TCP connection. STEP 4:Connect the socket to the server address and port using s.connect(). STEP 5:Enter a loop to continually prompt the user for commands. STEP 6:Send the command entered by the user to the server using s.sendall(). STEP 7:If the command is "Bye", receive a response from the server, print it, and break the loop; otherwise, receive data from the server and print it. SERVER SOURCE CODE: import socket key_value_store = {} def handle_client(conn, addr): print(f"Connected by {addr}") while True: data = conn.recv(1024).decode() if not data: break command, *rest = data.split() if command == "put": if len(rest) != 2: conn.sendall(b"Error: Invalid put command format") else: key, value = rest if key in key_value_store: conn.sendall(b"Error: Key already exists") else: key_value_store[key] = value conn.sendall(b"OK") elif command == "get": if len(rest) != 1: conn.sendall(b"Error: Invalid get command format") else: key = rest[0] if key in key_value_store: conn.sendall(key_value_store[key].encode()) else: conn.sendall(b"Error: Key not found") elif command == "del": if len(rest) != 1: conn.sendall(b"Error: Invalid delete command format") else: key = rest[0] if key in key_value_store: del key_value_store[key] conn.sendall(b"OK") else: conn.sendall(b"Error: Key not found") elif command == "Bye": conn.sendall(b"Goodbye") break else: conn.sendall(b"Error: Invalid command") print(f"Disconnected from {addr}") conn.close() with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: s.bind(("localhost",8989)) s.listen() print("Server is listening...") while True: conn, addr = s.accept() handle_client(conn, addr) CLIENT SOURCE CODE: import socket def communicate_with_server(): with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: s.connect(("localhost",8989)) print("Connected to server.") while True: command = input("Enter command (put/get/del key value): ").strip() s.sendall(command.encode()) if command == "Bye": response = s.recv(1024).decode() print(response) break data = s.recv(1024).decode() print(data) if __name__ == "__main__": communicate_with_server() OUTPUT: SERVER: Server is listening... Connected by ('', 54052) Disconnected from ('', 54052) CLIENT: Connected to server. Enter command (put/get/del key value): put name prem OK Enter command (put/get/del key value): put age 20 OK Enter command (put/get/del key value): get name prem Enter command (put/get/del key value): get age 20 Enter command (put/get/del key value): del age OK Enter command (put/get/del key value): get age Error: Key not found Enter command (put/get/del key value): del name OK Enter command (put/get/del key value): Bye Goodbye RESULT: Thus, the above python program to perform a simple key-value store was executed and the output verified successfully.