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HRM843 Assignment 1: Group, Contract, Research

HRM843 ZUU WINTER 2024 – Occupational Health and Safety
Assignment 1: Confirm Groups, Team Contract and Preliminary Research
Note: This assignment is directly related to Assignment 2, therefore, it is critical that you
read both Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 before beginning this assignment. Assignment 1
is meant to facilitate the successful completion of Assignment 2.
Value: 10% of Final Grade
Due Date: Monday, February 5, 2024. Assignment Due by 3:00PM.
Special Instructions:
Submit this assignment online, in ONE completed WORD document by the due date.
Include your full names, student numbers, course code and course section on your paper.
One student ONLY must submit the assignment once on behalf of the group. Ensure your
submissions include your course code, course section, full names, and student numbers. I
will grade what is submitted on behalf of the group and will provide feedback to all group
Emailed assignments will not be accepted.
Part 1: Confirm Your Groups & Email Your Professor by January 25 with the Details
One student in the group must email Lisa.Guglielmi@senecapolytechnic.ca no later than
Thursday, January 25, 2024 on behalf of the group confirming the names, student numbers,
course code and course section for the group. Groups can consist of 4, 5 or 6 students.
Copy your team members (via their Seneca email accounts) on the email you send to your
professor so that an email chain is created between all group members and your professor.
Please make every effort to form your own groups. Let your professor know asap if you need
help finding a group so that you can be assigned to one no later than January 25, 2024.
Part 2: Team Contract to Support Successful Completion of Assignment 2
Make this practical and meaningful to the completion of your assignment and do not speak in
general terms. Be clear, specific, and practical throughout. This document should be applicable
to the smooth completion of your group assignment.
Open a WORD document, copy this Team Contract Template and complete it together as a team.
Team Contract Template
These are the terms of group conduct and cooperation that we agree on as a team.
Course Code:
Course Section:
Students Names and Student Numbers:
Contact Information: Provide each other with your Seneca email addresses for the purposes of
this assignment and any other modes of communication you’re comfortable with
Meeting Dates, Times, and Locations:
When will you meet? At what time and for how long? Location (in person or virtual)? Be clear
and specific.
*NOTE: You are strongly encouraged to make one of your meeting dates Monday, February 12
online during class time. There will be a scheduled Zoom class that day for the purposes of this
assignment. Groups will be broken out into virtual rooms where they’ll have an opportunity to
work together and discuss any questions with their professor. While this is not mandatory, it is
strongly recommended. If you can commit to this meeting date, include it in your list of meeting
Meeting Goals:
What are the overall goals for each meeting?
Crucial Behaviours for Group Effectiveness/Ground Rules:
This must be related to conduct, communication, meeting attendance, constructive feedback, et
Conflict Resolution:
Resolve conflict in a respectful and collaborative manner. As per Seneca’s Discrimination and
Harassment Policy: “It is the Policy of Seneca College that all employees and students have a
right to work and study in an environment that asserts the personal worth and dignity of each
individual. In order to achieve this objective, Seneca College will not tolerate any form of
discrimination and/or harassment in its employment, educational, accommodation or business
If you need assistance, please contact your professor as soon as possible.
How will you handle any conflict in the group? Be specific. Speak about progressive steps that
you will take to manage conflict in a fair, professional and cohesive manner.
Tasks, Roles, and Responsibilities with Due Dates:
Break down the entire project from beginning to end, taking into consideration all the steps
required for successful completion. Include specific tasks, roles, and responsibilities for each
team member, with specific completion due dates. Make this practical and meaningful to the
completion of your assignment and do not speak about general roles taken on in a general team.
No one person is expected to be the leader or the group secretary. As aspiring HR professionals,
you are all required to play an integral part in the completion of this assignment, harnessing your
varied skills and abilities.
Team Member’s Full Name
Team Member’s Signature
Part 3: Preliminary Research to Support Successful Completion of Assignment 2
Individually, each team member must include their findings related to preliminary research for
the purposes of the group assignment. Be sure to read Assignment 2 before conducting this
research as you must ensure your research is relevant to the case outlined on Assignment 2.
Include references to your preliminary research, using MLA Documentation/Works Cited Page.
You do not have to use all these resources for your final group project; this is simply a
preliminary list of possible sources related to the case.
Each team member must include: 1 relevant scholarly/peer reviewed journal, 1 relevant article,
and 1 relevant webinar from OHS Insider from the Seneca Libraries Human Resources subject
guide. This guide includes links to databases and other sources for research:
To access the OHS Insider, simply click on the Seneca Library link above, click on
“Occupational Health and Safety” at the top of the screen and then click on “OHS Insider” on the
right-hand side of the screen. To locate 1 relevant scholarly/peer reviewed journal and 1 relevant
article, conduct research through the Seneca Library site.
You can compile this individual research on one Works Cited page but identify which team
member contributed to the research entries. For the purposes of Assignment 1, you can colour
code the entries on the Works Cited page to distinguish each team member’s contributions to this
preliminary research.