Division of Muntinlupa City LAKEVIEW INTEGRATED SCHOOL DAILY LESSON LOG S.Y. 2023-2024 School Teacher LAKEVIEW INTEGRATED SCHOOL RACQUEL E. CAÑA REA R. QUEZADA Teaching Dates and Time Grade Level Learning Area GRADE 9 SCIENCE Quarter THIRD I. OBJECTIVES A. Content Standard B. Performance Standard C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives (Write the LC Code for each) II. CONTENT The learners demonstrate an understanding of: a. Factors that affect climate, and the effects of changing climate and how to adapt accordingly The learners shall be able to: a. Participate in activities that reduce risks and lessen effects of climate change a. Explain how different factors affect the climate of an area (S9ESIIIe-29) The learners should be able to: a. Relate altitude and land topography with climate. Altitude is the height of the place above the sea level. Mountainous areas tend to have more extreme weather because it acts as a barrier to air movements and moisture. As the altitude increases the air temperature decreases, the colder the climate. As the altitude decreases the air temperature increases, the warmer the climate. III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. References 1. Teacher’s Guide pages 2. Learners Materials pages 3. Textbook pages 4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal Other Resources B. pp. 144-158 pp. 182-210 Science and Technology pp. 224-247 IV. PROCEDURES A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson Ask the students, “What are the factors that affect the climate?” B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson “Picture Perfect” The teacher will post pictures, the students will identify the name of the place and where it is located. Guide Questions? 1. Which place is in a low area? 2. Which place is in a high area? 3. How will you differentiate these two places? C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson High or Low? Students will identify the given cities/places which are in high or low area. Learning Plan 2022-2023 D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 Guide Questions: 1. What is the temperature of Ask the students, “Compare the temperature of those places?” GROUP ACTIVITY: Instruction: Each group will have their task card which they are going to present and discuss, they will be given 20 minutes to finish the task. Group 1: What’s the Relationship? Direction: Analyze the picture below and relate how temperature affects climate. Discuss your answer in the class. Guide Questions: 1. What can you say about the air molecules? 2. What will be the temperature of a place with farther air molecules? compact air molecules? 3. What is the temperature of a place at a low altitude? What about in high altitudes? 4. How will you relate the altitude and the temperature? Group 2: What’s the difference? Direction: Observe and analyze the picture, then, answer the guide questions. Guide Questions: 1. What are the examples of the cities found in high and low elevations? 2. What do you notice about the temperature in places found in high elevation(Figures A and C)? What about in low elevation (Figures B and D)? 3. Based on your answers, what is the relationship between altitude and temperature of a place? Group 3: What’s the difference? A Guide Questions: Learning Plan 2022-2023 B C D 1. Have you been in Baguio? For those who have been in Baguio, how would you describe the temperature there? 2. Why do many people visit Baguio City? 3. Suppose you are climbing a mountainous place; how do you usually feel? 4. What do you think will happen to the air as you go to a higher place? 5. Why do mountain climbers wear jackets and thick clothes when they go up the mountain? Group 4: The Higher, The Colder Objective: Explain how altitude affects climate. Materials Needed: Manila paper, marker Procedure: Study the table. Then answer the guide questions that follows. Guide questions 1. Which place is the coldest? 2. Which place is the hottest? 3. Construct a scatter graph based on the data above. 4. Based on the data, what is the relationship between altitude and temperature of a place? E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 F. Developing Mastery (Leads to formative assessment 3) Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living G. H. Making Generalization and abstraction about the lesson I. Evaluating Learner Learning Plan 2022-2023 1. What can you say about the clothing of people living in low altitude area? 2. How will you describe the lifestyle of the people living in the higher altitudes like Baguio City? 3. How will you relate the lifestyle of the people living in Muntinlupa than that of people living in Baguio City/Tagaytay? Video presentation. Guide question. 1. What are the factors affecting climate? 2.How will you explain the relationship between altitude, topography, and temperature of a place with the climate? Multiple Choice. J. Additional activities for application or remediation 1. During summer, many people visit Baguio because of the cold weather. What do you think makes Baguio cold? A. latitude B. altitude C. topography D. distance from the ocean 2. Why do places at the same latitude but different altitudes have different climates? A. Different altitudes receive different amounts of precipitation. B. Different altitudes receive different amounts of heat. C. Places with higher altitudes have lower temperatures. D. Places with higher altitudes have higher temperatures. 3. Why do mountain climbers bring thick jackets when they go up the mountain? A. The temperature increases as the altitude increases. B. The temperature decreases as the altitude increases. C. The altitude increases as the temperature increases. D. The altitude decreases as the temperature increases. 4. Which of the following BEST describes climate? A. The weather that occurs in the atmosphere within a day. B. The pattern of weather that occurs in a region over a long period of time. C. The pattern of weather that occurs in a region over a short period of time. D. The disturbance in the atmosphere that happens in a long period of time 5. Which statement BEST describes topography? A. It is the total distance above sea level. B. It is the side of the mountain that experiences floods. C. It is the curve of the earth and the distance from equator. D. It is the physical attribute, surface shapes and features of an area. 1.What is the difference between windward and leeward? Reference: Science 9 (Learners Module ) pages.191-192 V. REMARKS VI. REFLECTIONS A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation. B. C. No. of learners who require additional remediation who scored below 80% Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson. D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation. E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? Learning Plan 2022-2023 Learners who earned 80%or above Section Number Learners who scored below 80% Section Number Yes No Learners who have caught up with the lesson after remediation Section Number Learners who continue to need remediation Section Number ____ experimentation ____ hands-on demonstration ____ role playing ____ authentic activities ____ collaborative learning ____ debates ____ lecture ____ independent study ____ problem-based learning Others: ________________________________________________ Why did they work? _____________________________________ ______________________________________________________ F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other teachers? ____ bullying ____ ventilation issues ____ learners’ behaviour ____ insufficient IMs/ICT tools ____ distractions during class hours Others: ________________________________________________ ____ localized videos ____ big books ____ recycled materials ____ musical compositions ____ localized/contextualized LPs ____ use of community as laboratory Others: ________________________________________________ A. Which of my teaching did this work? (What went well? What is the strongest part of your lesson? which part of the lesson / strategies is the most effective) ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ B. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? (What went wrong? What is the weakest part of your lesson? which part of the lesson / strategies is the needs enhancement) C. What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other teachers? (How will you improve the part of the lesson that needs enhancement) ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Prepared by: Learning Plan 2022-2023 ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Checked and Reviewed by: Noted: RACQUEL E. CAÑA Teacher I REA R. QUEZADA Teacher III Learning Plan 2022-2023 REYNANTE H. ESPELETA Head Teacher III-Science ROSENDO E. SANGALANG EdD Principal IV