Question Bank EDCC Mid-Sem, Sem 2, 2022-23 1. Explain the interdependence of life (in terms of food chain, plant – pollinator relation) on Earth, provide examples 2. What dictates Animal Behaviour? 3. “Fossil fuel’s leftover infrastructure may have surprising new ecological role” discuss this statement 4. Earth is the only home we have got! Critically analyse this statement 5. What is Anthropocene? Define briefly 6. When did Anthropocene start? Discuss your opinion with arguments and facts 7. Explain the drivers and consequences of Anthropocene (Please do not take more than two sentences to explain each driver and consequence) 8. What changes in the Anthropocene are likely to reflect in geological records? 9. Discuss Planetary Boundaries as a “safe operating space” for Humanity 10. Which Planetary Boundaries are already crossed. Explained briefly 11. What is Biodiversity? How do you measure Biodiversity? Discuss the status of Biodiversity vis-à-vis Planetary boundaries 12. Provide some examples as to how human actions are affecting biodiversity 13. Explain as to how Farmer Soil Health Card Scheme could help in fighting nitrogen and phosphorus pollution along with increasing farmer’s income 14. What are ‘tipping elements’, explain with example from the climate system 15. Critically examine Johan Rockstrum’s statement “Although humanity has crossed four of nine planetary boundaries I believe there is still time to pull back from the brink and create a sustainable future based on a circular economy that continually reuses resources, powered by renewable energy” 16. Discuss the freshwater crisis in India in context of Planetary boundaries 17. Provide some examples as to how human actions are affecting biodiversity 18. Discuss as to how we lost the genetic biodiversity of vegetables, what can we do about to reverse this trend 19. Explain as to how Farmer Soil Health Card Scheme could help in fighting nitrogen and phosphorus pollution along with increasing farmer’s income 20. Write a brief commentary on the co-evolution and co-existence of the Angel Trumpet and the Sword-billed humming bird. Comment about the resource allocation strategies for the plants with the example from Angel Trumpet 21. Discuss evolution. How humans are affecting the evolution of species in both Plant and Animal Kingdoms? 22. Explain the relative impact of different drivers of Anthropocene on environmental degradation with the help of the Global Calculator Tool 23. In 2020 the Human made mass exceeded the natural biomass, discuss the significance of this event 24. Discuss the freshwater crisis in India in context of Planetary boundaries 25. Do you think this 2019’s great freeze in US mid-west is linked to climate change? Please explain the link 26. Discuss tipping elements in the climate system 27. Do you think this 2019’s great freeze in US mid-west is linked to climate change? Please explain the link 28. “Is Climate Change happening?” support (/oppose) this statement with evidence 29. How is climate change impacting extreme events (and Insurance Industry) in India 30. “Can individual extremes be sometimes attributable to climate change” explain with some examples 31. Explain as to how Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) is linked to How climate change is already Impacting Indian forests, suggest some of the remedies 32. How could climate change impact Himalayan glaciers in Future? Can we still do something about it? 33. Discuss how a super El Nino could influence India and its economy in short run (~1-5 years). 34. Discuss as to how climate change may impact extreme temperatures in south Asian region in future. 35. How climate change is likely to affect heat waves in future in India? 36. How can you be so sure that climate change is caused by GHG emissions? 37. What is the concept of equity in context of Climate Change? 38. What is the concept of Equity, Justice and Fairness in Context of Climate Change 39. Which Countries are most responsible for Climate Change? Can Climate Change related loss and damages be claimed from these countries? 40. Discuss deadly heatwave projections for India under climate change scenarios 41. “Ozone hole recovery is a remarkable example of the success of global environmental efforts” Critically analyse this statement 42. What is the concept of Equity, Justice and Fairness in Context of Climate Change 43. Critically analyse the statement that climate change doesn’t have a political solution but rather a technological and managerial solution. 44. Discuss the role of circular economy in mitigating climate change 45. Which Countries are most responsible for Climate Change? Can Climate Change related loss and damages be claimed from these countries? 46. Analyse the role of corporates and govts in fight against environmental degradation and climate change 47. Is the goal of 175GW by 2022 renewables is achieved by India? Discuss this with help of data 48. “Indian Economy is increasingly challenged by ever rising extreme events” critically discuss this statement 49. Discuss Goa’s State Action Plan on Climate Change