Uploaded by Boaz L. Yende


Each page represents a section of the test.
You may mark questions for follow-up and
review those questions at the end of the
test before you submit the test for grading.
The timer will start when you click the
Continue button after the test instruction
page. The time is located on the upper
right of the test.
Clicking the Summary button on any test
page will display the questions you have
answered or not answered and a flag for
any questions you have marked for
If you exceed the time limit, the test will
end, and you will be graded on the
questions you have answered.
Save the test often, because if you lose
internet connectivity during the test, it
will not automatically save your
answers. When you save the test, the
timer will continue to run, so you should
immediately relaunch the test after
saving so you do not run out of time.
After submitting the test, you will receive
your score.
• a passing score will show Completed
• you can review the percentage of correct
answers by section before attempting the
test again.
Tests may be attempted an unlimited
number of times, however, there is a
24-hour lock-out period between test