GE 10A MIDTERM EXAM Identification. Identify the term asked for. (20 pts.) COMPUTER 1.It is an electronic device that manipulate information, or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data. ICT 2.It Is the technology required for information processing, in particular, the use of electronic computers, communication devices and software applications to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and retrieve information from anywhere, anytime. WEB (WORLD WIDE WEB) 3. It consists of information organized into Web pages containing text and graphic images. WEB 2.0 (READ-WRITE INTERAGTIVE WEB) 4. It allows the user to interact with the page known as DYNAMIC PAGE; instead of just reading a page, the user may be able to comment or create a user account. MULTIMEDIA 5. It refers to any application that combines text with media. COMMUNICATION 6. It is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another. TECHNOLOGY 7. It is the use of scientific knowledge, experience and resources to create processes products that fulfill human needs INTERNET 8. It is the largest computer network in the world that connects billions of computer user. IP ADDRESS (INTERNET PROTOCOL) 9. It is a numerical label assigned to each device. This provides identity to a network device ENCRYPTION 10. It is the mathematical scrambling of data so that it is hidden from eavesdroppers. INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDE (ISP) 11. It is an organization that provides services for accessing, using or participating in the internet. DOMAIN_NAME 12. It is a text-based name that corresponds to the IP address, is the phonebook of internet. We access information online through domain names. SERVERS 13. It is a computer program that provides service to another computer program and its user. ABACUS 14. It is a mechanical device used to aid an individual in performing mathematical calculations. STEPPED RECKONEB 15. It was invented by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in 1672. It is the machine that can add, subtract, multiply and divide automatically. ENIAC 16. It was the first electronic general-purpose computer, completed in 1946 and developed by John Presper Eckert and John Mauchly. QSBOURNE 17. It was the first portable computer, released in 1981 by the Osborne Computer Corporation. PETROGLYPH 18. Simple picture drawings which were usually carved in rock. TRANSISTORS 19. Replaced vacuum tubes and ushered in the second generation of computers. NATIQNALISP 20. It provided internet access to a specific geographic area. Il. Enumeration. Enumerate what is being asked for. (80 pts.) 1-5 Negative Impacts of Information and Communication Technology 1. Job loss 2. Reduced Personal Interaction 3. Reduced Physical Activity 4.Cost 5. Competition 6-7 Types of ISP 6. National ISP 7. Regional ISP 8-11 Examples of Web 2.0 8. Facebook 9. linkedin 10. Pinterest 11. Google+ 12-16 Generations of Computer 12. First Generation 13. Second Generation 14. Third Generation 15. Fourth Generation 16. Fifth Generation 17-36 Applications of ICT (computers in our daily lives 17. Business 18. Education 19. Healthcare 20. Retail and trade 21. Government 22. Marketing 23. Science 24. Publishing 25. Arts and Entertainment 26. Communication 27. Banking and Finance 28. Transport 29. Navigation 30. Working from home 31. Military 32. Social and Romance 33. Booking Vacations 34. Security and Surveillance 35. Weather and Forecasting 36. Robotics 37-48 Types of Websites 37. eCommerce Website 38. Business Website 39. Entertainment Website 40. Portfolio Website 41. Media Website 42. Brochure Website 43. Nonprofit Website 44. Educational Website 45. Infopreneur Website 46. Personal Website 47. Web Portal 48. Wiki or Community Forum Website 49-54 Types of Servers 49. Application Server 50. Web Server 51. Proxy Server 52. Mail Server 53. File Server 54. Policy Server 55-66 uses of Internet 55. Look for Information 56. School works, jobs, and home purposes 57. Send and receive electronic mail 58. Games 59. Watch & Post videos 60. Buy and sell product 61. Video Teleconferencing (video call, video chat) 62. Take college courses 63. Monitor home while away 64. Financial Transactions 65. Download music and movies 66. Social Networking 67-68 Main Goals of the Internet 67. Allow scientist at different physical locations to share information and work together 68. Functions even if part of the network were disabled or destroyed by disaster. 69-72 Key Features of Web 2.0 69. Folksonomy 70. Rich User Interface 71. User Participation 72. Long Tail 73-75 Disadvantages of Web 1.0 73. Read only web 74. Limited user interaction 75. Lack of standards 76-80 Examples of Web 1.0 77. Home Page 78. Directions 79. Page Views 80. HTML/PORTALS