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Glycoproteins, Lipoproteins & Protein Denaturation - Biochemistry

Is a protein that contains carbohydrates or carbohydrate derivatives in addition to
amino acids. The carbohydrate content of glycoproteins is variable, but it is fixed
for any specific glycoprotein.
Glycoproteins include a number of important substances; two of these collagen
and immunoglobulins,
Collagen-the fibrous protein collagen, whose structure was first considered in
section 20.16 qualifies as a glycoprotein because carbohydrate units are present
in its structure. This structural feature of collagen, not considered previously,
involves the presence of the nonstandard amino acids 4-hydroxyproline (5 %) and
5-hydroxylysine (1%) derivatives of the standard amino acid’s proline and lysine.
The presence of carbohydrate units (mostly glucose, galactose, and their
disaccharides) attached by glycosidic linkages to collagen and its 5-hydroxylysine
residues causes collagen to be classified as a glycoprotein. The function of the
carbohydrate groups in collagen is related to cross-linking. they direct the
assembly of collagen triple helices into more complex aggregations called collagen
When collagen is boiled in water, under basic conditions, it is converted to the
water-soluble protein gelatin. This process involves both denaturation and
hydrolysis. Heat acts as a denaturant, causing rupture of the hydrogen bonds
supporting collagens triple-helix structure.
Are among the most important and interesting of the soluble proteins in the human
body. An immunoglobulin is a glycoprotein produced by an organism as a
protective response to the invasion of microorganisms or foreign molecules.
They serve as antibodies to combat invasion of the body by antigens. An antigen
is a foreign substance such as a bacterium or virus, which invades the human
body. An antibody is a biochemical molecule that counteracts a specific antigen.
The immune system of the human body has the capability to produce
immunoglobulins that respond to several million different antigens.
The importance of immunoglobulins is amply and tragically demonstrated by the
effects of AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). The AIDS virus upsets the
body’s normal production of immunoglobulins and leaves the body susceptible to
what would otherwise not be debilitating and deadly infections.
Is a conjugated protein that contains lipids in addition to amino acids. The major
function of such proteins is to help suspend lipids and transport them through the
blood stream. Lipids, in general, are insoluble in blood (an aqueous medium)
because of their nonpolar nature.
A plasma lipoprotein is a lipoprotein that is involved in the transport system for
lipids in the bloodstream. These proteins have a spherical structure that involves
a central core of lipid material (triacylglycerols and cholesterol esters) surrounded
by a shell (membrane structure) of phospholipids, cholesterol, and proteins. In the
blood, cholesterol exists primarily in the form of cholesterol esters formed from the
esterification of cholesterol hydroxyl group with a fatty acid.
Four major classes of plasma lipoproteins
Chylomicrons- Their function is to transport dietary triacylglycerols from the
intestine to the liver and to adipose tissue.
Very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) Their function is to transport
triacylglycerols synthesized in the liver to adipose tissue.
Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) Their function is to transport cholesterol
synthesized in the liver cells throughout the body.
High-density lipoproteins (HDL). Their function is to collect excess cholesterol
from body tissues and transport it back to the liver for degradation to bile acids.
Denaturation of Protein
Normal protein > Denaturation > Renaturation
Denaturation is a process in which a protein loses its native shape due to the
disruption of weak chemical bonds and interactions, thereby becoming biologically
In case of proteins:
A loss of three-dimensional structure, sufficient to cause loss of function.
Loss of secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure of proteins
Change in physical, chemical, and biological properties of protein molecules
Denaturation involves transformation of a well-defined folded structure of a proteins
formed under physiological conditions, to an unfolded state under non-physiological
Changing pH denatures proteins because it changes the charges om many of the
side chains. This disrupts electrostatic attractions and hydrogen bonds.
Certain reagents such as urea and guanidine hydrochloride denature proteins by
forming hydrogen bonds to the protein groups that are stronger than the hydrogen
bonds formed between the groups
Detergents such as sodium dodecyl sulphate denature proteins by associating with
the non-polar groups of protein, thus interfering with the normal hydrophobic
Organic solvents such as acetone, alcohols denature proteins by disrupting
hydrophobic interactions.
Proteins can also be denatured by heat. Heat increases molecular motion which
can disrupt the attractive forces
None of these agents break the peptide bonds, so the primary structure of proteins
remain intact when it is denatured.
When protein is denatured, it loses its function.
A denatured enzyme ceases/stops its function
A denatured antibody no longer binds to its antigen
A denatured milk proteins losses its biological activity
The denatured state does not necessarily mean that complete unfolding or
denaturation of protein and randomization of confirmation.
Under some of the conditions, these proteins exhibit both properties such as
denaturation and renaturation.
Mechanism of protein denaturation:
Higher temperature denaturation = heat denaturation or thermal denaturation
Lower temperature denaturation = cold denaturation
In both cases, there is breakage of hydrogen bonds, disulfide bonds, hydrophobic
interactions, Vander Waal’s forces, but there is no breakage of peptide bonds
during denaturation
Causes of protein denaturation:
Denaturation occurs when proteins are exposed to an extreme environment
conditions such as high level of salt, higher level of acidity, higher temperature etc.
Because of these extreme conditions, the function of the proteins alters due to
deformities along their bonds and can be temporarily or permanently denatured.
Agents causing denaturation
Physical agents
Violent shaking or agitation
Hydrostatic pressure
UV radiation
Chemical agents
Acids and alkalis
Organic solvents
Salts of heavy metals
Chaotropic agents
Altered pH
Denaturation by heat
Most proteins can be denatured by heat, which affects the weak interactions in a
protein (primarily hydrogen bonds) in complex manner
If the temperature is increased slowly, a protein’s conformation generally remains
intact until an abrupt loss of structure and function occurs over a narrow
temperature range
During cooking, this stress causes denaturation which is typically as heat and
ultimately proteins gets coagulated.
As higher temperatures can cause irreversible denaturation of proteins, and when
a cell is exposed to high temperatures, several types of molecular chaperones
swing into action for this reason, these chaperones are also called heat-shock
proteins (HSPs).
Denaturation by violent shaking:
Agitation also denatures protein
We see this clearly in the whipping of egg whites.
The constant churning of milk or cream creates foam from various proteins which
also causes denaturation of proteins.
Denaturation of milk protein occurs during whipping or beating of ice-cream mix
during ice-cream manufacturing.
Denaturation of proteins by hydrostatic pressure:
Proteins undergo dissociation and unfolding by pressure mostly because the final
states are more hydrated, have fewer non-hydrated cavities and therefore, occupy
smaller volumes.
For a typical case of protein denaturation, pressure will shift the equilibrium of the
The decrease in volume is due to hydration of newly exposed nonpolar and polar
residues as well as to the loss of free volume arising from packing defects in the
folded structure.
High pressure has been used to assess the underlying mechanisms of protein
misfolding and aggregation.
Denaturation by UV radiation:
UV radiation supplies kinetic energy to protein molecules, causing their atoms to
vibrate more rapidly and disrupting the relatively weak hydrogen bonding and
dispersion forces of protein molecules.
Chemical agents:
Denatured by Acids and alkalis:
Acids and bases disrupt salt bridges held together by ionic charges.
Double replacement reaction occurs where the positive and negative ions in the
salt change partners with the positive and negative ions in the new acid or base
This reaction occurs in the digestive system when the acidic gastric juices cause
the curdling (coagulating) of milk.
Strong Acids or Bases salt formation; disruption of hydrogen bonds. (skin blisters
and burns, protein precipitation.)
Acidic protein denaturants include:
Acetic acid
Trichloroacetic acid 12% in water
Sulfosalicylic acid
Basic protein denaturants include
Sodium bicarbonate
Sodium sulphate
Denaturation by organic solvents:
Proteins can also be denatured by using organic solvents such as ether, alcohol,
acetone, diethyl ether etc. These added alcohol disrupts the hydrogen bond
between protein molecules and new hydrogen bonds are formed instead between
the new alcohol molecule and the protein side chains.
Denaturation of proteins by salts of heavy metals:
The heavy metal salts usually contain Hg+2, Pb+2, Ag+1Ti+1, Cd+2 and other
metals with high atomic weights. Since salts are ionic in nature they disrupt salt
bridges in proteins.
The reaction of a heavy metal salt with a protein usually leads to an insoluble metal
protein salt complex
This reaction is used for its disinfectant properties in external applications. For
AgNO3 is used to prevent gonorrhea infections in the eyes of newborn infants.
Silver nitrate is also used in the treatment of nose and throat infections.
Heavy metals may also disrupt disulfide bonds because of their high affinity and
attraction for sulfur and will also lead to the denaturation of proteins.