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PEDH 2122 Physical Education Exam - Aquatic Activities

PEDH 2122 3rd quarter exam
Physical Education (AMA Computer University)
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PEDH 2122
1 Quarter exam
Allow surfers greater balance than any other kind of surfboard.
A beam in the center of a canoe that allows the canoe to rest on a person’s shoulder when portaging
This is a special valve on top of the tube that completely stops water (and air) from entering the tube when a wave comes or
when diving underwater
-dry valve
Top half of the kayak.
A snorkeling equipment which serves as the viewing device in appreciating the world beneath the water
This type of kayaking is where the kayak is typically fitted with a fin, rather like a surfboard.
-Surf kayaking
This is a small valve just lower than the mouth that empties the collected water that comes down the tube when one blows it
-purge valve
A relaxing canoeing or kayaking where you can take a gentle paddle down a calm river, ocean, or lake to do sightseeing.
They provide the the necessary locomotion to propel effortlessly in the water.
-full-foot fins
Transfers heat away from the body much quickly than air given in the same temperature.
-Enhance Cooling
The pressure exerted by the water at equilibrium due to the force of gravity.
-Hydrostatic Pressure
This type of kayaking or canoeing iswhere the canoe or kayak is fitted with a sail.
The width of the boat and is measured at the widest part of the canoe or kayak.
A diving method where a diver uses a regulator as the breathing apparatus and a tank with compressed air which enables the
diver to breathe normally underwater
-Scuba Diving
Disabilities do not hinder anyone from scuba diving.
These waves are the result of an abrupt change in seabed topography.
-Dumping waves
These waves break in a stable pattern.
Downloaded by Jonel E. Orpilla jr (orpilla102906@gmail.com)
-Rolling waves
Allow surfers for greater maneuverability.
Surfing very, very big waves.
-Big-wave surfing
He innovated a closed diving suit to complete the diving helmet.
-Augustus Siebe
A soft flexible material that seats the mask around the face.
-Mask Skirt
This is applied to dry surfboards to help surfers “stick.”
-Surf wax
This kind of snorkel has the most basic part, the solid tube and the mouthpiece. Sometimes, this can be bent to a specific shape.
-Classic snorkel
An English merchant seaman, developed the first self-contained diving gear that used compressed oxygen and not compressed
-Henry A. Fleuss
He developed an improved diving bell.
-Edmund Halley
This aquatic activity involves peeking through life underneath water by swimming with the aid of a snorkel and mask
Crossbars reinforcing the canoe and prevents sides from pulling apart under load.
The sides curve outward (flares out) making the beam wider.
-Flared sides
Acts as structural support and it defines shape of boat.
This fins have a single, full blade while the split fin is “semiparted ” in the web, separating the blade into two long, stiff blades
-paddle-bladed fins
This helps prevent the mask from fogging up
-Mask Defogger
This prevents splashed water and spray from easily entering the tube.
-splash guard
It is the upward force of the water on an object.
Cushions and protects the nose. Some masks have the purge valve, a little flap valve located at the bottom of nose pocket that
helps in removing the water has entered the masks.
-Nose Pocket
A piece of equipment that makes it possible to breathe at the surface while the face is the submerged in water.
This aquatic activity originated from the Carib word ‘kenu’ which means dugout.
The art and science of riding down a breaking wave without a board.
Downloaded by Jonel E. Orpilla jr (orpilla102906@gmail.com)
Holds the mask to the face underwater.
Like water skiing on a surfboard.
He built the “diving engine,” which was an underwater oak cylinder supplied with compressed air from the surface.
-John Lethbridge
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