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Forgotten Realms GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Rules

Forgotten Realms Powered by GURPS Dungeon Fantasy
The Base reference material is the GURPS Dungeon
Fantasy and Dungeon Fantasy RPG. The DF line takes
precedence over the DFRPG. The following
adjustments apply.
Character Creation
Size (SM) from -2 to +1).
*Native language spoken and written for free; 6 points
worth of languages distributed as desired
Maximum number of perks at character creation is 1/50
initial points. 250 points character has 5 perks.
Characters can acquire 1 extra perk per each 50 points
acquired in play.
Remember that you can only acquire 1 perk for each 10
points spent in skills in some categories of perks.
Maximum 20 (before racial modifiers)
Some templates can get to 25 (thief DX 25, wizard IQ
25, etc…)
Maintaining Skills (B294) is in effect.
Gizmos and Gadgeteer don’t exist.
Magic resistance only interacts with spells and
spell-like abilities. Most power ups will not interact
with magic resistance.
New Advantages
Magic Artificer [15 pts]: you don't suffer the standard
1 energy per day limitation when creating magic items
using the slow and sure method. You can use twice
your magery level per day instead. Your assistants may
use up to their magery level.
Thayan Circle Magic [1 pts/level]
Each level of this advantage buys off the skill penalty
for having assistants when creating magic items. Up to
level 9.
Power Level Guidelines
Mundane (Level 1-5): The vast majority of humanity
is “mundane”.
In GURPS terms those characters have main attributes
up to 12 and main skill level up to 13, no single
advantage with a cost higher than 10 pts. Point Total up
to 100.
Ex: Bargain Henchmen (DF 15: Henchmen)
Exceptional (City Tier, Level 6-10): significant
number of a nation’s movers and shakers, along with
other leaders, heroes, and notables, are “exceptional”.
In GURPS terms those characters have main attributes
up to 15 and main skill level up to 17. Point Total up to
Ex: Standard Henchmen, Veteran Henchmen and
Standard DF Heroes (DF 15: Henchmen)
Powerful (Kingdom Tier, Level 11-15): “Powerful”
characters are quite rare—typically only a handful of
such powerful characters should exist in most nations,
and they should be leaders or specially trained troops
most often designed to serve as allies or enemies for use
in an adventure.
In GURPS terms those characters have main attributes
up to 18 and main skill level up to 20. Point Total up to
Ex: Most villains in the DFRPG Companion 2.
Legendary (Continent Tier, Level 16-20):
“legendary” characters should be exceptionally rare,
and when they appear should only do so as part of a
specific campaign—all legendary characters should be
supported with significant histories and flavor.
In GURPS terms those characters have main attributes
up to 21 and main skill level up to 25. Point Total up to
Ex: some chosen of the gods, Drizzt, Bruenor, Wulfgar,
Epic Level (World Tier, Level 21+); “Epic” characters
have transcended mortality and might be more akin to
deities & demigods.
In GURPS terms those characters may have main
attributes above 25 and main skill level starting at 26.
Point Total is above 750.
Ex: in the FR Settings, those characters would mostly
be the Gods Chosen. Elminster, Halaster, Larloch
Power level demographics
Power Level
Search roll (3d6)
6 or less
4 or less
2 or less
Settlement size modifiers (City Stats pg 5).
Forgotten Realms Powered by GURPS Dungeon Fantasy
Race Adjustments
Professions are not limited by race.
Mana dependency disadvantage and mana sensitive
limitation don’t exist.
Cat folk are Tabaxi.
Gargoyle, Troll, Wildman, Vampire and Minotaur can’t
be race templates.
Coleopteran, corpse-eater, dark one, elder-spawn,
Dragon-blooded don’t exist in the prime material
Gear perks can only be obtained in the case of the
character having come from places highly populated by
their race.
Races with gifts as perks: limit of 1 trait per gift perk.
All elves have Elven Reverie [9]: Doesn’t Sleep
(Accessibility, Not when diseased, poisoned, or under
2/3 HP, -20%; Mental Only, Has to rest the body, -50%)
[6] + Less Sleep 4 (Accessibility, Not when diseased,
poisoned, or under 2/3 HP, -20%; Physical Only, -50%)
All elves have Darkvision (range divisor 10, -30%)
Doesn’t have social stigma
Mountain, shadow and winged elf don’t exist in
forgotten realms
Sea elf > Aquatic elf
Sun & Moon elves: High Elf or Wood Elf template.
Wood & Wild: Wood elf template
*Basic Speed +1 (B17)[20]
*Uncontrollabe Appetite (Blood) [-15]
*Frightens Animals [-10]
†You may start with certain exotic and supernatural
advantages, or buy them in play, at their usual point
costs. Limit of 1 trait per gift perk:
Alternate Form (Children of the Night: bat, rat, wolf)
Doesn’t Breathe [20];
Immunity to Metabolic Hazards [30];
Clinging [20].
Claws (Sharp; Switchable, +10%) [6]
DR (Tough Skin, -40%) up to 3 [3/level]
59 points
ST -1 [-10], IQ +1 [20].
Traits: Charm (Darkness)[1], Darkvision (range divisor
10, -30%) [18], Magery 0 [5], Magic Resistance 2
(Improved, +150%) [10], Unaging [15], Social Stigma
(Minority group) [-10]
Spells: Darkness
Elven Reverie [9]: Doesn’t Sleep (Accessibility, Not
when diseased, poisoned, or under 2/3 HP, -20%;
Mental Only, Has to rest the body, -50%) [6] + Less
Sleep 4 (Accessibility, Not when diseased, poisoned, or
under 2/3 HP, -20%; Physical Only, -50%) [3].
Deep races (Duergar, drow, svirfneblin) have
Dwarves have Darkvision (range divisor 10, -30%) [18]
Goblin-kin have Darkvision (range divisor 10, -30%)
Infused: No reputation with elementals.
Dhampyr (racial lens)
15+ points
Race template on top of an existing race
All dhampyrs have:
*Vampiric bite 1 (B96) [30]
The player then has to choose at least 2 of the
*Darkvision (range divisor 10, -30%) [18]
*Vampiric gifts† [1]
Forgotten Realms Powered by GURPS Dungeon Fantasy
Template Adjustments
Druids cast weather and plant spells with +1 skill and
using 90% of the spell’s initial cost (before skill
modifications) rounded down.
Multi class
Holy Warrior
Once per day while fighting under a fair cause for his
god, he automatically and instantaneously heals 1 hp
from the first time he’s struck in combat.
Characters can start the game with 1 template,
acquiring access to one more at 300 character points
and then another one at 600, 900, etc..
+2 will
Pure bonus: Higher purpose cap +2
Pure class
+1 DR on chest armor
Pure bonus: +2 to Striking ST cap
Artificer, Demolisher, Mentalist, Musketeer, Saint,
Shaman, Sorcerer, Warrior saint removed.
If the character desires to stay in his template (Pure
class) when he hits 300 character points allows
increasing the cap on one attribute of their choice in 5.
Non casting classes may increase caps on some of their
core skills.
Casting talents (Power investiture/Magery, etc..) are
capped at a max of 4, instead of 6; or at the value
mentioned if it is lower than 4.
Staying pure in a casting class will increase its “Casting
talent“ cap in 1. Acquiring a class that has the same
casting talent as yours will increase it in 1 to the highest
300 points pure Wizard can have magery 5, for
The templates don’t cost points, they are just defined by
the player and they will define who the character is and
where they can best spend their points at.
You can only acquire exotic/supernatural/cinematic
traits from your template.
Luck, serendipity: are considered exotic.
Martial artist/Ninja
+1 bonus to any maneuver.
Pure bonus: +1 to cap of chi abilities/Ninja abilities.
Monster slaver
Pure bonus:
Caster: add 1 to magery and add 15 more spells.
Noncaster: +1 to cap of all attributes
Mystic Knight/Archer/Swordsman
Imbue costs 2 Fp, -5 on skill to reduce to 1 Fp.
Once per session he can choose someone or something
to reroll a success against him.
Pure bonus: +2 to cap of their “Striking ST” and of
their “High manual and dexterity”
IQ max 27 (not unlimited)
+1 to all IQ skills.
+2 perception
Pure bonus: +2 to cap of their striking ST.
+1 damage with ranged weapons or backstabbing.
Pure bonus: +1 max Extra attack
+1 hp
Pure bonus: +5 max hp and +3 max DR (adds to
+1 with maneuvers with one handed swords.
Pure bonus:+1 max extra attack
Hypnotism (B201) at -15 on hostile subjects.
Unholy warrior
Once per day while fighting under a fair cause for his
god, his first blow inflicts 1 extra hp of negative energy
Forgotten Realms Powered by GURPS Dungeon Fantasy
damage that can’t be healed from anything but normal
Can use the enchantment school.
Tech Level
The setting is mostly TL3-4. Some races, kingdoms and
barbarian tribes have lower TL, from 0 (Wemics,
Goblins, Ogres, Hill Giants, etc), to 2 (Orcs, Uthgard
Barbarians, Frost Giants)
There are no teleportation/Gate spells restrictions.
• No spell or maintenance cost can become 0.
Wizards use the magic system as written. They require
Magery. Wizards do have to learn prerequisites and
don’t have limited spell lists, but several spells are
off-limits (unless the GM makes an exception):
Shadow magery: exclusive to Shar worshippers and
mages making pacts with the darkness of shar. Same
cost. It was harder for a Weave user to perceive,
counter, or dispel spells created by using the Shadow
Weave, but at the same time it was also harder for a
Shadow Weave user to affect spells created using the
Weave. Always incur a -2 penalty for these activities.
The weave: Anything exotic, supernatural or cinematic
passes through the weave.
Dead magic zones: Anything exotic, supernatural or
cinematic doesn’t work inside dead magic zones.
*Divination spells penalties for other planes:
Knowing the object is in another plane = -8
Locating the exact plane is given by affinity and
proximity with the material plane:
-10 Ethereal, astral or shadows
-12 Elemental, positive or negative
-14 External planes
In order to locate the thing the caster has to go to the
given plane and cast the spell there.
Spell-like abilities:
Only the most lore related and iconic spells will be
recreated, be it via charms, thaumatology: sorcery,
gurps powers, etc..
Rarity of Magic Items guidelines
Common magic items are made using the quick and
dirty rules and are the bulk of items usually sold in
Thayan Enclaves. A roll of 9 or less for an Uncommon
Item availability and a roll of 6 or less for a Rare Item.
The roll can be further modified by the settlement size
(City Stats pg 5).
Max Energy Cost
$ 100
$ 10,000
$ 40,000
Very Rare
$ 200,000
Above 10000
Magic Schools
For Lore and RP reasons, those would be the
D&D-GURPS schools correlation.
Abjuration: Protection & Warding, Metamagic.
Conjuration: Healing, Earth, Food, Water, Gate.
Divination: Communication & Empathy, Knowledge,
Enchantment: Mind Control.
Evocation: Fire, Air, Light & Darkness, Making &
Illusion: Illusion & Creation, Light & Darkness,
Necromancy: Necromancy, Healing, Body Control.
Transmutation: Body Control, Movement.
Universal: Enchant, Metamagic.
Exotic Materials
There is no meteoric metal in FR.
Mithril: ideal to build armor. It has the same DR as the
conventional steel, with half the weight. +19CF
Adamantine: use the Orichalcum rules. +29CF
Forgotten Realms Powered by GURPS Dungeon Fantasy
wyvernspur, Liira, Milil,
Sharess, Corellon
Larethian, Hanali celanil
Ilmater, Lliria, sharindlar
Shaundakul, Tymora,
Gwaeron windstrom,
Lurue, Savras, Valkur,
Marthammoir duin,
Labelas Enoreth
Shar, Selûne, Sehanine
Tyr, Kelemvor, Torm, Helm,
Hoar, Gorm Gulthyn,
Umberlee, Auril, Istishia,
Ulutiu, Valkur, Deep
Talos, akadi, Istishia,
Aerdrie faenya
Tempus, Uthgar, Garagos,
Red knight, Selvetarm,
clangeddin silverbeard,
Deep duerra, Haela
Brightaxe, Corellon
Larethian, Shevarash
Deities (Work in progress)
Gods of magic (Mystra, Azuth) choose 1.
Dungeon Fantasy 7 - Clerics
FR Deities
Chauntea, Eldath, Mielikki,
Lurue, Shiallia, Thard harr,
Angharradh, Rillianef
Gond, Oghma, Deneir,
Milil, Dugmaren
brightmantle, Laduguer,
Siamorphe, Mask, Tymora,
Gargauth, Nobanion,
Berronar truesilver, Erevan
Tymora, Beshaba, Leira,
Mask, Lolth, Gargauth,
Loviathar, Tiamat,
Ghaunadaur, Vhaeraun,
Tymora, Abbathor,
Dumathoin, Vergadain
Bane, Bhaal, Loviatar,
Myrkul, Talona, Cyric,
Kelemvor, Jergal,
Velsharoon, Kiaransalee,
Ubtao, Grumbar, Moradin
Sylvanus, Mielikki, Malar,
Uthgar, Nobanion,
Fenmarel mestarine,
Solonor Thelandira
Sune, Eilistraee, Finder
*Pyramid 78
**Pyramid 100
Forgotten Realms Powered by GURPS Dungeon Fantasy
• Weather spells cast in a minimum radius of 4 in very
favorable conditions can precipitate the given weather
condition locally.
• Spells cannot have prerequisites from prohibited
schools anymore. The new added prerequisite is “a
number of spells of the same school to match an equal
or greater number of spells that would be paid on
previous prerequisites”. This can be easily checked on
the table at (M223).
• There are no time manipulation spells.
• Radiation spells don’t suit dungeon fantasy, so they
don’t exist for anyone.
• For spells that manipulate wind effects check
“WIND” by the end of the document.
Reviewed spells:
● Create air (M23) and Earth to air
(M25) creates “atmospheric air”
● Body of air (M24), Body of wind
(M27) Body of flames (M76), Body
of ice (M189), Body of lightning
(M198), Body of metal (M183),
Body of shadow (M114), Body of
slime (M165), Body of stone
(M54), Body of water (M185),
Body of wood (M165): clothes and
gear (up to the caster’s skill with the
spell in pounds) can be carried.
● Shapeshift others (M33) Double
cost when cast on unwilling
● Tickle, Clumsiness, Hinder, Rooted
feet, Debility, Frailty, Might, Grace,
Vigor(M36-37), Resist Pain , Hold
breath, Ambidexterity, Balance,
Reflexes, Sensitize, Agonize,
(M38-39), Paralyze limb, Total
paralysis(M40), Sickness (M138):
Duration set to 10 seconds
Weaken Blood (M40) Duration set
to 1 hour.
Alter Voice, Alter Visage, Alter
Body (M41), Exchange bodies
(M49), lich (M159): changes can be
made permanent using the caster’s
own character points.
Enlarge, Shrink, Shrink other
(M42), Enlarge Other (M120) cost
15 FP per +1/-1 SM
Enlarge object, Shrink Object, ,
contract object, extend object and
Transform Object (M43)(M120)
cost 8 FP per pound of original
Corpulence, Gauntness (M43):
Duration set to 1 minute
Transform body, Transform other
and Transmogrification (M43) :
duration set to 10 minutes
Retrogression (M47) works only on
extraplanar petitioners or alike.
Control person (M49): duration set
to 10 seconds
Create earth and Stone to earth
(M51) creates humus.
Earth to stone and Flesh to stone
(M51): produces Sandstone or Pig
Earth to water (M52) the mud
created by this spell is 50% water
50% humus.
Rain of stones (M53) Rain of acid
(M191) Rain of ice daggers (M192)
duration set to 10 seconds
Entombment (M53) Cost set to 20
(12 to reverse)
Essential earth (M53) does not
interact with earth to stone spell
Steelwraith (M54) duration set to 10
Volcano and Earthquake (M54):
Cost multiplied by 10
Alter terrain and Move terrain(M55)
Removed from the game.
Great wish(M62): Extremely rare
Create fire (M72) and Essential
flame (M75) duration set to 10
Plane shift and Plane shift Other
(83) The heavy encumbrance
calculation uses either ST +
Forgotten Realms Powered by GURPS Dungeon Fantasy
Magery/Talent or the Teleport spell
skill, whichever is higher.
Additionally, the caster arrives in a
random place and surface of the
destination plane.
Resist fire, Resist cold (M74),
Resist acid (M190), Resist lightning
(M196) and Resist sound (M173)
all provide a base DR of 10 for the
element resisted; anything that
passes that damage threshold will
cause the ill effects related. The cost
of the spell is doubled for DR 20,
tripled for DR 30, and so on.
Create Gate (M 85) gains the
enchanting school when made
Suspended animation (M94): Cost
doubled on unwilling subjects.
Create servant, Create warrior
(M98) - Caster must know the skill
Recover Energy (M89) Removed.
Recover Energy (New spell) Like
Recover Energy (M89) but it is a
Very Hard Meta-Spell school
without prerequisites. It can recover
1 fp/minute with skill 25; 2
fp/minute with skill 30; 3 fp/minute
with skill 35; etc..
Create mount (M99) caster must
know Animal handling as 12 +
(default counts) to make a trained
Aura (M101) and Know true shape
(M106) Resisted by will towards
targets hostile to the caster.
Mage sense and Seek magic (M102)
Magical creatures are beings
sustained by the weave or
Blur (M113) Duration set to 10
Invisibility(M114): the spell ends
instantly if the subject attacks, casts
a combat spell, or otherwise does
anything more violent than moving
around, spying, and stealing.
Reduce energy cost from 5/3 to 4/2
to compensate.
Improved invisibility(New spell):
Equal to invisibility but reduce
duration to 10s. Prerequisite :
Invisibility. PR Count 7
Awaken craft spirit (M115)
Mechanus native.
Reflect (M122) minimum cost is
4/6 or half the energy used to cast a
non area original spell, whichever is
higher. For area spells use half the
cost that would cover the warded
subject or 4/6, whichever is higher.
Additionally, the returned
missile/attack uses the same success
margin, if this applies, as the initial
attacker for the purpose of hitting
Catch spell (M123) minimum cost
is 3 or half the energy used to cast
the original spell, whichever is
Suspend magic (M123) Duration set
to 8 + double the energy spent in
Spell wall (M124) Duration set to
10 seconds.
Pentagram (M124) : Magical
creatures are beings sustained by
the weave or extraplanars; Spells of
transport cannot be used to enter the
pentagram in any condition.
Drain mana (M127) Exclusive to
followers of Shar through PI and
shadow magery.
Bless (M129) is in the domain of PI
Suspend magery (M130) and
Forgetfulness (M135) duration set
to 10 minutes.
Drain magery (M130) removed.
Dull (sense) (M133) and Loyalty
(M136) Duration set to 10 minutes,
cost doubled.
Dullness (M134) Duration set to 1
minute and cost doubled.
Panic, Daze (M134), Weakened
will, Strengthen will (M136), Mass
Daze (M137) Charm (M139),
Hallucination (M140), Great
hallucination (M141) Duration set
to 10 seconds.
Foolishness (M134), Drunkenness
and Madness (M136), Mindlessness
(M137), Sickness (M138) Duration
set to 10 seconds. Cost doubled.
Forgotten Realms Powered by GURPS Dungeon Fantasy
Mental stun Sleep (M135) and
MassSleep (M137) cost doubled.
Forgetfulness (M135), Emotion
control (M137) Duration set to 10
Deflect missile (M143) If the
Deflect Missile roll critically fails,
he takes maximum damage from the
Increase burden and Lighten burden
(M143) cost multiplied by 4
Telekinesis (new spell) Like
poltergeist (M144) but ST = (IQ +
Talent + Energy Cost). Energy cost :
2 - 10 lbs; 4 - 25 lbs; 6 - 50lbs; 8 100 lbs; 10 - 250 lbs; 12 - 500lbs.
Prerequisite: Poltergeist, IQ 12,
Magery 2. PR Count 2.
Teleport (M147) and Rapid Journey
(82) The heavy encumbrance
calculation uses either ST +
Magery/Talent or the Teleport spell
skill, whichever is higher.
Animation (M150) Brings a
Rotting death (M154) cost doubled.
Steal and steal skill (M158)
Duration set to 1 hour.
Hide path (M162) duration set to 1
Create plant (M163) Creates the
most common and mundane type of
weed, grass, tall grass, bushes or the
like for the area. Trees can come to
fruition if enough area is put into
the spell, but they come as short as
50 cm.
Arboreal Immurement (M165) Cost
Plant form other (M165) Double
cost when cast on unwilling
Catch Missile (M168) If the Catch
Missile roll critically fails, he takes
maximum damage from the Missile.
Missile shield (M168) : Now
provides DR 6 for missile attacks.
double the costs for DR 12, triple
for DR 18, etc..
Reverse missiles (M168) ceases to
Return missiles (M168) costs 2 fp
for each 10 damage returned
rounded up (damage on the torso for
calculations; will consume all fp
until hp if the damage is excessive);
additionally, the returned missile
uses the same success margin as the
initial attacker for the purpose of
hitting himself.
Force dome, Force wall, Utter dome
and Utter wall (M170) : Magical
creatures are extraplanars and
beings sustained by the weave.
Their duration is 10 seconds. The
force walls of these spells can be
broken: DR 60 and hp equal to the
success margin +1. This hp fully
regens after each instance of
damage. If the hp of any part of the
wall is fully consumed the spell
ceases to exist.
Mage Stealth (M172) Duration set
to 10 minutes
Technological spells don’t exist.
Few exceptions (To be defined)
might exist in Lantan for followers
of gond or similar gods/regions.
Create acid (M190) Creates normal
acid (DFX 65)
Create steam (M190) creates
gaseous hot water.
• Sacrifice: 1 energy per $100; needs “Sacrifice
Techniques B229
Sacrifice Technique: Thaumaturgy -5. Max skill
level. Average
The sacrificed item is part of the ritual of the spell.
Casting time x5. If the roll fails the spell fails and the
sacrifice is lost (dissolves/disintegrates).
Sacrifice Living Technique: Thaumaturgy -5. Max
skill level. Hard
The sacrificed being is part of the ritual of the spell and
must be willing or helpless during the whole length of
the ritual. Casting time added = 6 min/hp (minimum 1
hour). If the roll fails the spell fails and the sacrifice is
lost (dies).
Forgotten Realms Powered by GURPS Dungeon Fantasy
Sacrifice Unwilling Living beings provides Character
Points x IQ/10 in energy.
*Petitioner : When a mortal dies, its soul is judged and
sent on to the afterlife where it becomes a petitioner.
Average 10 IQ 50 points henchmen = 50 energy
Sacrifice Willing Living beings = x2 energy
Virginity, purity or youth and the likes could improve
the energy unleashed. Gms discretion.
Known poisons, diseases and drugs: in progress
Other conventions
*Teaching provides 15% more in hours for calculating
free points in learning what is being taught.
*Looking upward erases the -2 but giver -2 to defend
vs. attacks from ahead, the sides, etc.
*Striking st works for “"†" and "‡" conditions on
Min ST” from
*Recoil of bows. Kromm quote: “For Multishot on
low-tech weapons that lack Rcl, I’d use Rcl 1 for Bulk
0 to -2, Rcl 2 for Bulk -3 to -4,Rc3 for Bulk -5 to -6,
and so on.
*Dying removes 25 character points.
The player can create another character with the
modified -25 points.
The players can never go below their bottom points.
Every instance of 30 points acquired by a player defines
the new bottom: 180, 210, 240, etc..
The lowest bottom is 150
Resurrection or effective retirement denies this loss.
Spending character points in spells that use them as
components reduces the caster’s bottom in equal points.
*Aggressive Parry (MA65) is used to calculate parry
damage on the unarmed attacker. Unarmed attackers
that use strikers don’t take damage. see
*Sapience occurs from IQ 6 forth
Shapeshifting into something with IQ 5 or less doesn’t
guarantee consciousness enough to come back to the
original shape, but merely instinctive and survival acts,
even without “bestial”.
Beaufort Scale (M194)
A 50 Kg person can be lifted by ~70 mph (Beaufort 11)
A car is lifted by ~100 mph (Beaufort 15)
Penalty for actions that suffer from wind
up to Beaufort 6 > Beaufort/3-1
from Beaufort 7-10 > Beaufort/2
from Beaufort 11+ > Beaufort+1
Penalties for missiles:
Doubled for beyond ½ D
Light (arrows, flechettes, etc): Penalty+2
Can’t pass beaufort 8
Medium (thrown weapons): Penalty+1
Can’t pass beaufort 9
Heavy (Siege): Penalty
Can’t pass beaufort 10