Magic e

Magic e
E can be a magician letter and does magic in its spare time. In
some words when you see the e you don’t say it because it is
making a spell to change the sound of the vowel. The vowels
are a e i o u and e changes them to the sound you hear
when you say your alphabet. Let me show you.
rat = the furry little creature
rat + e = rate which can mean the pace of something.
hat + e = hate
Now you try some and see if you can cast a spell to change the
words by adding e to the end.
1. rod
8. hid = ----------------
2. spit
9. can = ----------------
3. rag
10. pan = ----------------
4. car
11. mad = ---------------
5. sit
12. fat = ---------------
6. hop =
13. mat = ---------------
7. slop =
14. pip
= ---------------
15. man = -------------
18. cap = -----------------
16. tap = -------------
19. rip = -----------------
17. mop = -------------
20. cut = -----------------
Now write a sentence with each of the words that you made by
adding the magic e.