--f ..1 -.-t 1'-1 r -.1 %, FORM TP 2015156 rESrcoDE 02112020 -l MAY/JUNE 2OI5 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL t-'..j t1 ;-.j +,: i-jl r.1 f-:l CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION@ *- CHEMISTRY r.:{ {.1 \111 i-11 a--ll UNITl-Paper02 +:-ll r_Jt +-{ 2 hours 30 minutes ;i.J l.l s--i t-'_1 +1i .--l .---l :i-:J .--t ::al READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. l. This paper consists of SIX questions in TWO sections. AnswerALL questions. 2- write your answers in the spaces provided in this bookret. 3- Do NOT write in the margins. 4- where appropriate, ALL WORKING MUST BE sHowN in this booklet. 5. A data booklet is provided. 6- You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer questions. ' If you need to rewrite any answer and there is not enough space to do so on the a.il :---a *I r-a ,-: F-.:J i-:i (-a1 l-_-{ *i r-_1 r.! :r-{{ +-.1 +? i.-:; !|.il ta sl .---l f.i;' ?_-_.r 7 t:i original page, you must use the extra lined page(s) provided at the back ofthis booklet. Remember to draw a line through your original answer. It-='l :.-.:i .----1 8' If you use the extra page(s) you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided at the top of the extra page(s) and, where relevant, include the question part beside the answer. i+i; Y.-l +: a'_a a:tr F1T Ea-{ iii] $:l *:-ll {-11 .'.--1il a'-al s.l :iil :i--:{ It:t i+11 t1--1 l'-a ---{ (--.1 i-:,r DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE TJNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. t'-1 D1:-l :.--l si lrli Copyright @ 2014 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. ..-l -'-'-l ---l L ::-:;J 02 | 12020/0APE 201 s ilillil ililt ilu lill il]ilul ilililtil ilil ilil iltl 0211202003 J r -2SECTION A AnswerALL questions. MODULE 1 FUNDAMENTALS IN CHEMISTRY l. (a) (i) Define the term 'bond energY'. [1 markl (i i) The bond lengths and bond energies of carbon-carbon single, double and triple bonds are listed below. c-c 1.544 Bond Lengths Bond Energy 348 kJ mol-' C:C rs4A 614 kJ mol-' c< 1.20A 839 kJ mol-' State the relationship between the strength of a covalent bond and its length. [1 markl (b) Bond energies can be used to estimate the enthalpies ofreactions in which bonds are broken and new bonds are formed. Consider the gas-phase reaction between methane (CH) and chlorine to produce methyl chloride (CH3CL) and hydrogen chloride. (i) Write a balanced equation to represent the reaction above. [2 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02tr2020/cAPE 2015 I t- ililil ililillllllllll lllll lllll lffil lllll llfl lllllll 0211202004 I -J- (ii) Using bond energy values from Table l, calculate the enthalpy change of reaction, AHon, for the equation required in (b) (i). TABLE 1: BOND ENERGY VALUES Bond Energy (kJ mol-r) H-H 436 F-F 158 cu-ct 244 H-F 562 H-C[ 431 c-c 3s0 C-H 410 c-cI 340 c-o 360 S-H 347 [3 marksl (iii) Is the reaction in (b) (i) exothermic or endothermic? [1 markl GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02112020/CAPE 2015 I l- ilililt ililt il] ililt il]t il]fl]il il]t ul ilt ill 0211202005 I r -4(iv) On the axes provided below, draw the energy-profile diagram for the reaction in (b) (D. Progress of reaction [2 marksl GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02112020/0APE 2015 I t- ilillll illllllllllllllllllllllll illll llllllllll llllllll 0211202006 -5(c) -l A student is asked to determine the enthalpy ofthe neutralization reaction between 75 cm3 of 1.00 M hydrochloric acid and75 cm3 of I .00 M potassium hydroxide solution. Outline the experimental steps (including calculations) required to obtain an accurate value. [Assume that the densities of the solutions of acid and base and their heat capacities are oC-r) of water.l equal to the density (l g cma) and heat capacity (4.18 J g-r [5 marksl Total 15 marks CO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 021t2020/cAPE 20l s I l- ililtil uil ilu ilil ilil il]ilil ilil ilililill til| 0211202007 -6MODULE 2 KINETICS AND EQUILIBRIA (a) 2. Define EACH of the following terms: (i) Standard electrode potential of a half-cell i;;;;i (ii) Standard cell potential of an electrochemical cell [2 marksl (b) Consider the following (unbalanced) equation which describes the process that is taking place in an electrochemical cell under standard conditions. A(s) + Sn2*(aq) -+ Al,3*(aq) + Sn(s) (i) Write the ionic half-equation forthe reaction taking place at EACH ofthe electrodes. ANODE: CATHODE: (ii) [2 marksl Write the cell diagram. [1 markl GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02112020/CAPE 2015 I t- ililililfll illl lllll lilll llil lllll iln ill illl llll 0211202008 r -7 - (iii) Draw a well-labelled diagram of the electrochemical cell. Indicate the direction of electron flow. [6 marksl (iv) For EACH electrode shown in Table 2, select the Ee value to determine the Ee"",,. TABLE 2: ELECTRODE POTENTIALS Electrode Reaction Eo at298 K (25 oC) (volts) Ag*+e-iAg +0.80 A[3*+3e-€Al, -1.66 Ba2*+2e-iBa -2.90 Sn2* + 2e- -t Sn -0.14 Sna*+2e-+Sn2+ +0.15 [2 marksl Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02n2020/cAPE 2015 I l- | ilil[il|| ilil ililt il]t fl]t ilil iltil ililt ilil fl| o211202009 I -8MODULE 3 CHEMISTRY OF THE ELEMENTS The Group IV elements exhibit oxidation states of *2 and +4 in their compounds. 3. (a) Complete Table 3 for the oxides of carbon and lead' TABLE 3: OXIDES OF GROUP IV ELEMENTS CO CO, Pbo Amphoteric Neutral Acid/base nature Pbo2 Stable Thermal stability +2 Oxidation state of Group IV element [4 marks] (b) (i) Explain the relative stabilities of the +2 oxidation states ofthe oxides ofcarbon and lead. [4 marksl GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02112020/CAPE 2015 I I- lililllllll lllllillllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllll Nllll 0211202010 -9(ii) Use the electrode potential value in the electrode reaction for lead ions, to explain the relative stabilities of the +2 and +4 oxidation states of lead: pb4* + 2e- -------* Pb2*. Ee: * 1.80 volts [2 marksl (c) Describe what should be observed when (i) concentrated sodium hydroxide is added to solid lead(IV) oxide [1 markl (ii) concentrated hydrochloric acid is added to solid lead(IV) oxide. [2 marksl (d) Describe a test to identify Pb2* ions in solution. [2 marks] Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02n2020/cAPE 20t 5 I l- 0211202011 -10- -l SECTION B AnswerALL questions. MODULE 1 FUNDAMENTALS IN CHEMISTRY 4. (a) The atoms of certain elements contain nuclei in which the ratio of neutrons to protons is These nuclei tend to emit radiation in order to bring the ratio closer to l. greater than l. (i) Describe the THREE types of radiation that an unstable atom may emit. Include in your answer the symbols and penetrating power of EACH type of radiation' [6 marksl GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02112020/0APE 2015 I l- ilililillllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllll 0211202012 J r -il(ii) Americium-241 (Am-241) decays via alpha particle emission. Write the nuclear equations to show the new element that forms when an atom of 241- 6^ decays 95 via the emission of 2 alpha particles. [2 marksl (b) (i) Draw the diagrams of the atomic orbitals of principalquantum number 2. Include x, y and z axes in your drawing. [2 marksl GO ON TO THE NEXT PACE 021t2020/cAPE 2015 I t_ ilililililililil ilil ilil tilililililII ilil lilil ilil ilt| 0211202013 -12- (ii) -l Comment on the similarity and difference in the electronic configurations of K, Sc and Znz* given below. K: ls2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4sl Sc: ls2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d' 4s2 Znz*: lsz 2sz 2p6 3s2 3p6 3dro [5 marksl Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02tr2020/cAPE 2015 I t- |illillllllillllillllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllll 0211202014 - 13 _ -l MODULE 2 KINETICS AND EQUILIBRIA A buffer consisting of HrPOo- and HPO.2- helps control the pH of physiological fluids. Many J. carbonated soft drinks also use this buffer system. (a) Using the buffer system mentioned above, describe how the solution maintains an almost constant pH even when small amounts of acid or alkali are added to the solution. [6 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02r12020/cAPE 2015 I t- IlililtililtililililIililtililililtililtililtililt ilililtl 0211202015 I -l -t4- Catculate the pH of a soft drink in which the major buffer ingredients are 6.5 g ofNaHrPOo and 8.0 g of NarHPOn per 355 cm3 of solution. [K" (H2PO4) :6-4 x l0-8 mol dm-3] [Relative atomic mass: H : l, Na : 23, O: 16, P : 3l ] [5 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02n2020/cAPE 2015 l I_ ilillll lllll llllllllll llllllllllllillillll lllllllll lilllll 0211202016 J r - 15 (c) -l Many chemical reactions occur in living systems such as the human body. Discuss the importance of biological buffers to the maintenance of a healthy body. (lnclude an example of a chemical reaction of a blood buffer.) [4 marks] Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02112020/CAPE 2015 I t- 0211202017 I -16MODULE 3 CHEMISTRY OF THE ELEMENTS (a) The atomic and ionic radii of the Group II elements gradually increase down the group. Outline the reasons for this trend. [3 marksl GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 021t2020/cAPE 2015 I t- ililil ilil ililililt il]t ililt ililt ilil ilililil|| llll lill 0211202018 _t -17 - (b) Account for the variation in the melting points of the Group II elements from magnesium to barium. [4 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02n2020/cAPE 20ls I l- ilililililililil ilililililtil ililililil ilil ililil| 0211202019 - 18 - (c) Table 4 shows the observations when 0.1 mol dm-3 solutions of the metal ions are treated with I mol dm-3 NarSOn. TABLE 4: OBSERVATIONS OF REACTIONS Solution of Group II Cations 0.1 mol dm-3 Observations with I mol dm-3 NarSOn Mgt* No precipitate Ca2* Thin, white precipitate sf* White precipitate Ba2* Thick, white precipitate Account for the trend indicated in Table 4. [5 marksl CO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 021r2020/cAPE 20r 5 I t- ililil[]lllrillllllill||ilillilillillilllllllllllllll 0211202020 r -19(d) Explain the variation in the thermal decomposition of the nitrates of the Group II elements. [3 marksl Total 15 marks END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOI]R WORK ON THIS TEST. 02r12020/cAPE 2015 L ililflt illl lllllllllllllll lllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllll o21't202021 -J -20 EXTRA SPACE If you use this extra page, you MUST write the question number clearly in the box provided. Question No. o2r12020/cAPE 2015 L | ilm ilil illl lllll illl lllll illll ll$ lllll illl illl llll 0211202022 -l