University of Education Division of management and administration sciences Lower Mall Lahore Internship Report THE BANK OF PUNJAB A REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE UE BUSINESS SCHOOL, UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION, LOWER MALL CAMPUS, LAHORE IN THE PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (4 YEARS) Submitted by: BSF2004430 Muhammad Haseeb Asif Session: 2020-2024 03 May, 2024 University of Education Division of Management and Administrative Science Lower Mall Campus, Lahore LETTER OF UNDERTAKING This internship report was submitted by Muhammad Haseeb Asif S/o Muhammad Asif Roll no. BSF2004430 for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BBA(Hons.) Session (2020-2024) With specialization in BANKING AND FINANCE and is hereby accepted by the evaluation committee Internship supervisor ___________________ HOD/ Coordinator ___________________ External Examiner ___________________ Director ___________________ Main Haveli Lakha Branch Phone#: 044-4775740 Email: BOP/MAIN/SKP/ 18/62 August 17, 2023 INTERNSHIP CERTIFICATE This has reference to your request for 06 six week Internship training of Mr. Muhammad Haseeb Asif who is a student of your university. It is certified that Mr.Muhammad Haseeb Asif S/O Muhammad Asif having CNIC 35301-6333880-7 Resident of Railway Road P/O Haveli Lakha & Distt. Okara has completed his 06 weeks internship training at our branch w.e.f 19-06-2023 to 17-08-2023. During this period he was strictly under my supervision and control. His conduct, attendance and attitude towards leering was very good. I wish him a prosperous future. He work on following fields and shown excellent skills of learning Account opening and dormant activation Profile updation of accounts Call deposit and pay order issuance General banking related to operations. Regards, Moeen Ahmad Moin ul Atiq Branch Manager Branch Operation Manager Pakpattan Road, Haveli Lakha Dedication I dedicate this project to Allah Almighty My Creator, my strong pillar, my source of inspiration, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. I also dedicate my work to my Parents, who have supported me all the way and their help and encouragement have made sure that I have given all my best to finish this work that I started. My love for you can never be quantified. Acknowledgment I would like to express my gratitude to Almighty Allah for His great kindness to us. After that, I would like to express my respect and gratitude to my parents for all that done for me. I am what l am today all because of them. I want to give special thanks to Prof Faran Ali, UE Business School, and the University of Education for being my supervisor of the Internship Program. I am also thankful to Mr. Moen ul Atique, operations manager, Mr. Tariq, Business development officer, and Mr. Waqas Sattar of Cash department. My sincere gratitude also goes to all other employees of The Bank of Punjab. In the end, I express my overall gratitude to my department for providing me with such a great opportunity of life to learn from the best. Executive Summary The Department of Business Administration demands every student of the BBA program to go through from 6 to 8 week internship program and have to submit a report based on the observations and work done during the training process. It is the review of any organization currently running its business, having its competitors. The study of the functions of the Finance department is the main purpose of this internship. I have completed my bachelor's degree in Business Administration from University of Education Lower Mall, and an internship is compulsory for this degree because the University has recommended the internship. Internship helps us to get practical knowledge of the field and we get a chance to implement our knowledge which we have gotten from our sixteen years of education. We become aware of the field and its requirements and which types of abilities we should have so that we can perform well in the field. My internship program period is from 19th June 2023 to 17th August 2023 at BOP main branch Haveli Lakha. During my stay at the Bank of Punjab, I got the opportunity to work in various departments of Bank including operation, credits, account opening, clearing, and remittance. In the operation department I noticed how banker's cheques are issued and paid. Similarly, in clearing department I observed that how cheques are cleared and possible reasons of unpaid of cheques. I observed that account opening is a most crucial department in Banking. It is referred to as a gate of entrance to the bank. The bank is advised to remain more vigilant by the State Bank of Pakistan while opening account in bank. The most important step is Know Your Customer and Anti Money Laundering in account opening. In the credit department, I tried to understand all the financing products. The main purpose of internship is to learn, by working in practical environment and to apply the knowledge acquired, during the studies, in a real-world scenario to tackle problems. The Bank of Punjab has highly qualified and experienced professionals. Like all banks, BOP also defined their visions and missions. It has its values and objectives which the bank has to achieve. It has many branches located in different areas. BOP was established on October 30, 1989 through an act of the Provincial Assembly. Report starts with the industry profile which explain in brief or comprehensive summary of essential industry information that offers a perspective on the economic health of the industry. Company profile tells about the Bank of Punjab, its history, vision and mission statement, and information about its other services and products. Then there is the description of the business processes which is a collection of related, structured activities or tasks that produce a specific service or product serve ( a particular goal) for a particular customer or customers. The business processes of BOP main branch Haveli Lakha, including Retail and Commercial Banking, Financial Inclusivity and SME Empowerment, Cash Management Services, and Corporate Banking processes, are shown in flowcharts as a sequence of activities with relevant rules based on the data in the process. The next section is about the Organizational Structure of The Bank of Punjab and the next section contains facts and the methodology of the internship program as what I have learned during an internship, in this, I have discussed my duties, accomplishments, new knowledge acquired, problems encountered and in last how this experience impact on my career. Then the SWOT Analysis of the Bank of Punjab. After the SWOT analysis, The last section is about the conclusion and recommendations. Table of Content Brief Introduction of Banking Sector ……………………………………………………… 3 Overview of the Organization ………………………………………………………............. 5 History of the bank……………………………………………………………………………... 5 Vision statement and mission statement .…………………………………...…………………. 6 Corporate Information ………………………………………...……………………………...... 7 Corporate objective ……………………………………………………………………………. 8 Policies of BOP ………………………………………………………………………………... 9 Competitors…………………………………………………………………………………...... 10 Product Lines…………………………………………………………………………………… 10 Organization Structure ………………………………………………………………………. 20 Organizational Hierarchy Chart ……………………………………………………………...... 20 Number of Employees…………………………………………………………………….……. 20 Main offices…………………………………………………………………………………...... 20 Brief Introduction of all Departments………………………………………………………...... 20 Comments on the Organizational Structure……………………………………………………. 24 Plan of Internship Program ………………………………………………………………...... 25 Introduction of Branch ………………………………………………………………………… 25 Starting and Ending Dates of Internship ………………………………………………………. 25 Name of Department …………………………………………...…………………………….... 25 Duration of Training …………………………………………………………...…………......... 25 Training Program ………………………………………………………….…………………. 26 Operations Performed by the Department ……………………………………………………... 26 Tasks Assigned to me …………………………………………………………………….......... 26 Structure of Finance Department …………………………………………………………… 30 Department Hierarchy …………………………………………………………………………. 30 Number of Employees Working in Finance Department………………………………………. 31 Marketing Functions …………………………………………………………………………. 33 4 Ps of the Organization ……………………………………………………………………….. 33 Products ………………………………………………………………………………………... 34 Pricing Strategies ………………………………………………………………………………. 34 Promotional Strategies ………………………………………………………………...………. 35 Distribution Channels (place) …………………………………………………………….......... 35 Human Resource Management ………………………………………………………………35 Employee Recruitment and Selection ………………………………………………………….35 Training and Development …………………………………………………………..................36 Performance Management ………………………………………………………………...........37 Compensation Management ……………………………………………………………………37 Financial Analysis …………………………………………………………………………….38 Ratio Analysis ………………………………………………………………………………….38 Vertical Analysis ……………………………………………………………………………….40 Horizontal Analysis …………………………………………………………………………….40 SWOT Analysis ……………………………………………………………………………….41 Strengths ……………………………………………………………………………………......41 Weaknesses …………………………………………………………………………………….42 Opportunities ……………………………………………………………………………….......42 Threats ………………………………………………………………………………………….43 Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………..43 Recommendations …………………………………………………………………………….44 References 45 …………………………………………………………………………………....... 46 Annexes ………………………………………………………………………………………... Brief Introduction of Banking Sector At the time of Pakistan's formation on 14h August 1947, there were adequate banking services available in the forming areas. Before the formation of Pakistan, there were nearly 3500 branches in Sub Continent, out of these 3500 branches, 1500 branches existed in Pakistan's territory. It was agreed, at the time of the formation of Pakistan, that the Reserve Bank of India should continue its functions in Pakistan territory until September 30, 1948 as the central bank of Pakistan. It was also agreed that Indian currency notes would use as the legal currency of Pakistan until September 30, 1948. After the independence, the relationship between Pakistan and India was not good. Most banking was in the land of Hindus and they were shifting their offices and assets to India, which resulted in the downfall of the banking sector in Pakistan. The number of banking offices in Pakistan reduced to 200 on June 30, 1948. Imperial Bank of India was agent of The Reserve Bank of India, has started closing down its branch network in Pakistan. For making essential payments to Pakistan, the Reserve Bank of India refused to make advance money to Pakistan which was a great trouble for the economy of Pakistan. Pakistan's share of Rs.75 billion was also held with the Reserve Bank of India. At the stage of hopeless state affairs, it was agreed between the two countries the Indian central would serve Pakistan as a monitory authority till June 30, 1948. Nationalization: Commercial banking grew favorably in Pakistan until 1974. Under the nationalization policy implemented by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's government, thirteen banks were brought under full government control. The considerations behind nationalization were: For uniformity in the policy of the commercial banks. To make the credit policy of the commercial banks more purposeful and effective. It acts as an agent of the State Bank of Pakistan. To make the best use of the funds available at the disposal of these banks for the economic development of the country. To eliminate unhealthy and uneconomic commercial banks. To develop a strong money market in the country. The government didn't pay any attention to developing the banking sector, lending decisions were not always commercially motivated, and many billions of rupees were funneled out of the financial system as "bad loans". Privatization: In 1991, the Bank Nationalization Act was amended, and 23 banks were established - of which 10 were domestically licensed. The Government of Pakistan was not satisfied with the performance of nationalized banks. The areas which were severely criticized are the falling standard of banking service. The complaints about the services like delay in home remittances, dispatch of cheques, drafts, inefficient counter services, over staffing, bad debts, unionism of the banks, number of bad debts, etc. 3 The Government, therefore, decided to privatize the banks. A Privatization Commission was set up on January 22, 1991. Banks supervision was strengthened substantially. Lending to small and medium enterprises had previously been neglected, whereas consumer and mortgage finance had not developed prior to reforms. Legal impediments and delays in the recovery of bad loans were streamlined in 2001. There are now 9,348 bank branches spread throughout the country, catering to the needs of some 28 million deposit account holders. Types of banks Saving Banks Commercial Banks Industrial Banks / Development Banks Central / Federal / National Bank Co-operative Banks Consumers Banks Exchange Banks 4 Overview of The Organization History The Bank of Punjab started its functions on November 15, 1989 with the inauguration of its first branch in Lahore. The Bank of Punjab was given the status of a scheduled bank in 1994 and now is working as a commercial bank with almost 273 branches in Punjab. Its primary functions are accepting the deposits of the people and lend it to the persons who are in need of finance for their business to commence and enhance. It also deals with customers' foreign currency, remittance, trade, industry, and agriculture sections to provide better banking facilities to its clients. The Bank of Punjab also provides and offers attractive rates and percentages of profit on all kinds of deposits, investments, opening of foreign currency accounts, and handling the issues related to foreign exchange business like import & export and remittances, financing, trade, and industry for working capital requirements. In the 1990's the bank provided two major services to the nation on the national scene the appearance of the Bank of Punjab as a new bank. (i) The saving base of the economy has effectively enlarged and hence the investment opportunities have increased. (ii) The services of the bank in fact of severe competition have improved considerably so that now consumer are left with extensive choices to do or undo their business relations with these banks keeping in view the quality of their services. Overview The Bank of Punjab is a Pakistani bank which is based in Lahore, Pakistan. It serves Pakistan and functions as an International Bank and is one of the prominent financial institutions of the country holding AA ratings from the Pakistan Credit Rating Agency (PACRA). The Bank of Punjab was founded by Tajammal Hussain and it functions as a Scheduled Commercial Bank, with a network of over 587 branches in Major Business centers throughout the country. It is the seventh-largest Commercial Bank in the Country. It provides a wide range of banking services including deposits in Local Currency; client deposits in foreign currency; Remittances; and advances to Business, Trade, Industry and Agriculture. First Punjab Modaraba (FPM), a wholly owned subsidiary of the bank, was established in 1992, and is being managed by Punjab Modaraba Services (Pvt) Ltd. Currently, the Bank of Punjab is headed by Zafar Masud who joined as President and CEO on April 16, 2020, after being appointed by the Government of Punjab, Pakistan earlier and later being approved by the State Bank of Pakistan. 5 AWARDS & ACHIEVEMENTS: Excellence Award By The Central Board Of Revenue The Central Board of Revenue presented "Excellence Award" to the Bank of Punjab in recognition of the contribution made by the bank towards Government exchequer. 3rd Kissan Time Awards In recognition of Bank's contribution in development and growth of agricultural sector, the Bank honored with "Top Bank for Agriculture Loans" and "Best Bank Crop Insurance" under 3rd Kissan Time Awards year 2006 Vision "Your banking partner in creating value and improving lives". Mission "Meet customer needs through innovative technology products/services to drive business growth while promoting financial inclusion, diversity and prosperity across the nation with a motivated team through a culture of excellence and empathy” Core Values The intrinsic values, which are corner stones of BOP are; Empathy Teamwork Innovation Meritocracy Excellence to ensure best in class customer service 6 Corporate Information President & CEO Mr. Zafar Masud Chief Financial Officer Mr. Nadeem Amir Company Secretary Mr. Kamran Hafeez Auditors EY Ford Rhodes (CA) Legal Advisors Salim Baig & Associates Share Registrar CORPLINK (Pvt) Limited,Wings Arcade, 1K, Commercial, Model Town, Lahore Registered Head Office BOP Tower, 10-B,Block E-II, Main Boulevard Gulberg III Lahore UAN 111-200-100 FAX (042) 35783713-35783975 Registration Number 0020565 NTN Number 0800543-5 Website 7 Corporate Objective The objective of BOP is to promote economic activity to empower the people of Pakistan and create employment opportunities, bringing upon it an onerous responsibility to deliver results. Bank's policies are focused on: Enhancing small farmer's access to institutional credit and supporting national strategy for increasing agricultural output by funding farm and non-farm projects. Promoting the SME sector by providing financial solutions to small and mediumsized entrepreneurs. Funding projects yielding economic benefits to the country. Supporting projects that empower women. Providing banking facilities in the unbanked areas, particularly in the province of Punjab. Providing e-banking services to enable the Bank's customers to have fast and easy access meeting their banking requirements by installing the most modern and efficient technological applications that satisfy customers' expectations. The Bank of Punjab is a market leader in Corporate Social Responsibility; spreading numerous social and public welfare initiatives. As a treatment to BOP's efforts, Asia money - a prestigious international organization has awarded Bop the " Best Bank for CSR in Pakistan" award for the Year 2022. Bank will provide free of cost education insurance coverage to students amounting to Rs. 20,000/-per month for 24 months in case of natural death. BOP provides facility to remit foreign exchange to educational institutions abroad on behalf of students. 8 Policies of the BOP Credit Policy: This policy outlines the BOP's criteria for granting loans and credit facilities, including factors such as creditworthiness assessment, loan approval process, loan pricing, collateral requirements, and risk management practices. Risk Management Policy: BOP have comprehensive risk management policies to identify, assess, and mitigate various types of risks they face, including credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, and compliance risk. These policies define risk tolerance levels, risk assessment methodologies, risk monitoring mechanisms, and risk mitigation strategies. And also identifies the responsibilities of Board of Directors regarding these risk management. Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) Policy: Banks are required to have policies and procedures in place to prevent money laundering, terrorist financing, and other illicit activities. AML and KYC policies include customer due diligence, ongoing monitoring of customer accounts, reporting suspicious transactions, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Customer Service Policy: This policy outlines the bank's commitment to providing quality customer service, including guidelines for handling customer inquiries, complaints, and dispute resolution. It may cover aspects such as account opening procedures, transaction processing, privacy and confidentiality, and customer communication channels. Information Security Policy: BOP has policies to protect sensitive customer information and maintain the security of their information technology systems. These policies address data protection, access controls, security protocols, incident response procedures, and compliance with cyber security regulations. Corporate Governance policy: The Bank of Punjab establish corporate governance policies to ensure effective oversight, transparency, and accountability in their operations. These policies define the roles and responsibilities of the board of directors, management, and committees, as well as guidelines for ethical behavior, conflicts of interest, and disclosure of information. Compliance Policy: BOP is required to comply with a wide range of laws, regulations, and industry standards. Compliance policies outline the bank's commitment to complying with these requirements and provide guidance on regulatory compliance, internal controls, reporting obligations, and ethical conduct. 9 Competitors The competitors of the Bank of Punjab are the other commercial banks in Pakistan are: o o o o o o o o o o Muslim Commercial Bank Limited Soneri Bank Limited United Bank Limited Allied Bank Limited Askari Bank Limited Faisal Bank Limited Standard Chartered Bank Limited Habib Bank Limited Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited Bank Al-Habib Limited Product line NO SCHEME/PRODUCT TENURE 01 BOP MUNAFA-HI-MUNAFA - III. PLS – TERM DEPOSIT 02 BOP BAI MISAAL TERM DEPOSIT. PLS – TERM DEPOSIT PLS – TERM DEPOSIT 04 BOP PAHLAY MUNAFA DEPOSIT SCHEME BOP SENIOR CITIZEN TERM DEPOSIT. 05 BOP KISSAN DOST TERM DEPOSIT. PLS – TERM DEPOSIT CORPORATE PREMIER TERM ACCOUNT BOP YOUNG LIONS SAVINGS ACCOUNT BOP SENIOR CITIZENS SAVING ACCOUNT. PLS – TERM DEPOSIT 03 06 07 08 PLS – TERM DEPOSIT PLS – RUNNING ACCOUNT PLS SB – RUNNING ACCOUNT PLS SB – RUNNING ACCOUNT PLS SB – RUNNING ACCOUNT PLS SB – RUNNING ACCOUNT 09 BOP GHARAYLOO SAVING ACCOUNT. 10 BOP ZIADA MUNAFA SAVING ACCOUNT. 11 BOP PLS SUPREME SAVING ACCOUNT 12 BOP FCY SUPREME CURRENT & SAVING ACCOUNT. US$, EURO & U.K. Pound PLS FCY - RUNNING ACCOUNT 13 CORPORATE PREMIER ACCOUNT PLS – RUNNING ACCOUNT 14 BOP TIJARAT ACCOUNT CD – RUNNING ACCOUNT 10 Consumer banking Agriculture loans Home remittance MAIN FEATURES OF EACH PRODUCT 1) BOP MUNAFA-HI-MUNAFA – III: This is a term deposit product. The term is from 1 month to 2 years and the profit is paid on a monthly basis. The minimum amount of deposit is Rs.100, 000/-. The rate of profit is from 7.0 % p.a. to 11.35 % p.a. depending on the tenure which is higher than Bank's normal term deposits. 2) BOP BAI MISAAL TERM DEPOSIT: This is a term deposit product. The term is from 1 year to 2 years and the profit is paid on maturity. The minimum amount of deposit is Rs.100, 000/-. 3) BOP Pahlay Munafa Deposit Scheme: This is a Fixed Deposit product allied with state-of-the-art BOP modern banking facilities with high rate of provisional profit paid in advance. The tenure will be 3, 6, 12, 15 and 18 months with free ATM/Debit Card. 4) BOP Senior Citizen Term Deposit Scheme: This is a Fixed Deposit product with high rate of profit paid on monthly basis with a fixed tenor of one year only. The product is available for senior citizens of age 55 years & above who are eligible to invest in term deposit as per Bank's criteria. The account can be opened singly or preferably jointly (husband & wife) provided either of them is of 55 years or above (Retirement is not a condition of eligibility) 5) BOP Kissan Dost Term Deposit Scheme: This is a Fixed Deposit product with high rate of profit paid on maturity along with principal amount with a fixed tenor of six months & one year. 6) Corporate Premier Term Deposit: General Corporate Entities Time Period Percentage 01 Month 03 Months 06 Months 5.00% 5.50% 5.75% 01 Year 6.00% 11 05 years & above 6.50% 7) BOP Young Lions Savings Account: The product is available for all children less than the age of 18 years to open PLS Minor saving account (checking/running) with their Parent/Guardian as per our Bank's criteria. The account will be opened with Parent/Guardian i.e., Child (M)/Guardian (G). The product carries all characteristics/conditions/rules of PLS SB account except profit will be calculated on daily product basis and payment of profit shall be paid on monthly basis. Who can invest? Children (less than the age of 18 years) would be eligible to open a Minor Bank Account with their Parent/Guardian. This is a Saving Account product with a slightly better profit rate with other value-added benefits. The rules of operations will apply as specified in BOP Instructions Circular No. 93/68 dated Dec 16, 1993. Amount of deposit o Minimum deposit to open account as per bank policy for PLS saving accounts. o No Maximum deposit limits Profit rates/calculation/Disbursement of profit The BOP Young Lion Saving Account is a profit bearing account. The present applicable profit rate is 6 % per annum on all the balances without any lower or upper limit. Value additions o Free issuance of first ATM Card. However, for renewal, charges will be applicable as per bank's schedule of charges. o Free first 25 leaves cheque book will be issued at the time of account opening. This will be one time facility. o Free access will be allowed to view account statements through BOP eBanking facility. o On opening of the A/C with Rs.50,000/- and maintaining it for 30 days at least, a free Gift will be given to the Young Lion as a token of becoming BOP Customer at the discretion of the management. o No Account maintaining charges 8) BOP Senior Citizens Saving Account: This is a saving bank product available for all senior citizens i.e. persons of 60 years and above who are eligible to open a saving account as per our Bank's criteria. 9) BOP Gharyaloo Saving Account: 12 This is a saving bank product available for all females who are eligible to open a saving account as per our Bank's criteria. The account can be opened singly or jointly with husband. This product is designed to attract procure deposit/savings of ladies particularly housewives of expatriates & students. 10) BOP Ziada Munafa Saving Account: This is a saving bank product available for general public i.e. persons who are eligible to open a saving account as per our Bank's criteria. The account can be opened singly or jointly. This product is designed to attract procure deposit/savings of general public particularly salaried and small investors. 11) BOP PLS Supreme Saving Account: This is a saving account product available for all customers who are eligible to open a PLS SB account as per our Bank's criteria. 12) BOP Tijarat Account: This is a current account product available for all customers who are eligible to open a current account as per our Bank's criteria. Consumer Banking BOP brings products that serve your need, whether you need cash or thinking of buying of car of your choice. We are here to serve your financing needs. Auto Finance Home Finance Personal Loans 13 1) Auto Finance Particulars Purpose Types of Vehicles Age of Vehicle Target market Tenor of Lease Variable Pricing Market Value of the vehicle Bank Policy Amidst rising car prices and record inflation, strong emergence of used car segment is the future of the auto industry. All locally assembled/manufactured brand new/used vehicles Used Car up to 4 years age. Age will be determined from the date of invoice of the vehicle Only leasing to individuals Up to 5 years Lease period for 1000CC below vehicles may be considered up to 3 years considering the usable life of such brands. Ask side 1 year KIBOR plus + 4% spread Up-to 1000 CC: 20% LKM of Market Value (MV) Above 1001 CC: 30% LKM of Market Value (MV) Evaluation report of PBA-approved Evaluator OR Valuation of Used Evaluation form 3S Dealer OR Vehicle based on the Evaluation from Digital Platforms i.e. Pak Wheels, OLX and Car First following etc. Processing charges (Including FED) Value charges of vehicle Vehicle Insurance Payment BTF Title of vehicle Basic required Documents For Men Rs. 6,000/- per case For Women Rs. 4,000/- per case As Actual Comprehensive insurance will be obtained through the insurance companies on bank's panel as per Auto loan policy. Payment will be made to the dealer/ seller after transfer of the vehicle in favor of the Bank of Punjab. BTF is not allowed whereas Sales & Leaseback is allowed in used car segment. Title of vehicle to be clear. In case of used vehicles, FSV shall be considered as the final value/ price of the vehicles, based on the evaluation reports of the bank's approved evaluators. However due consideration shall be given to LKM in such cases to keep a balance. Verification agencies will ensure proper vehicle checkup and will submit their verification report on the basis of fair judgment. Copy of valid identity document (CNIC/SNIC/NICOP) Latest Salary slip (employer certificate, if salary slip is not provided by employer) in case of variation in salary additional supporting documents to be provided One recent photograph 14 Bank statement for last 6 months Lease Key Money(LKM) Minimum Job/ Business Experience Debt Burden Minimum Monthly Gross Salary Age Requirement Debt Burden Vehicle Insurance & Tracker Cost Security Pre-Payment/ Early Termination/ Balloon payment Late payment penalty The minimum LKM to be deposited is 30% Permanent employee with minimum 1 year of job experience. Contractual employees with 2 years of job experience Should not exceed 40% of disposable income. Permanent employee Rs. 30,000/Contractual employee Rs. 40,000/Age between 21 (at the time of application) and 60 Years or superannuation (whichever is earlier) Should not exceed 40% of disposable income. First year insurance in full and minimum LKM. Total monthly rental / installment includes principal, mark-up and insurance amount. Vehicle shall be registered in the name of BOP as per lease/ loan agreement. Further the vehicle financed by the bank shall be properly secured by way of hypothecation. Comprehensive insurance of the lease/ loan/ financed vehicle. 5% of principal outstanding against lease/ loan account. Re. 1/- per thousand per day of installment amount from due date till actual payment. 15 2) Home Finance BOP "APNA GHAR" Housing Finance Scheme Purchase of Constructed House/ Purchase of Plot and construction, thereon/ Construction of house on selfowned Plot/ Renovation of house Finance amount : Term of the finance: Mark-up type: Loan to value ratio: Processing Fee: As per Schedule As per Schedule As per Schedule As per Schedule SI/ SEP = PKR 8,000/Others = PKR 10,000/- As per Repayment Schedule: The monthly installment amount may vary with the change in KIBOR rate at the time of annual resetting. 3) Personal Loan: Salient Features o o o o o o o Tenure of loan from 1 to 5 years Fixed mark up for complete tenure Easy monthly installments Financing Limits from (50,000) to (1,000,000) No pre-payment penalty Avail loan with minimum documentation Life assurance is also provided Basic required Documents o Copy of valid computerized national identity card (CNIC) o Latest salary slip Eligibility Criteria o Age limit 19 years to 59 years o Minimum Gross Salary 17,500 monthly 16 Agriculture Loans Particulars Purpose Target Market Bank's Policy To provide short-term facility to the Individual & Corporate farmers for purchase of Farm Inputs (Seeds, Fertilizers, Pesticides, Fungicides etc) The scheme shall provide short-term facility to the a) Owner + family land (only spouse & Children) b) Owner / Self-cultivator/resident farmers What is Eligibility Criteria Amount of Facility Markup Insurance Security Resident/Self Cultivating farmers having cultivated agriculture land minimum 10 Acres Should not be a defaulter of any Financial Institution Should have security free of all encumbrances to be offered as collateral Should have Computerized National Identity Card Age Limit: 21-60 years (till maturity) Production Loan (Running Finance Facility) Minimum Rs. 500,000/- & Maximum up to Rs. 30,000,000/- The limit will be determined on the basis of crop pattern and area under cultivation. 6-month KIBOR (H) + 600BPS without floor or cap rate P.A. The Crop Insurance is mandatory for all borrowers availing production loan from BOP for all crops including five major crops i.e. Wheat, Cotton, Sugarcane, Maize and Rice and minor crops. Charge on Agri Land Through pass book OR Mortgage of Urban/Commercial Property OR Liquid security in shape of Bank's Fixed Deposit Receipts, Defense Saving Certificate/National Saving Certificate or Regular Income Certificate Two written satisfactory market verified reports 17 Particulars Approved Tractors Tenure Eligibility Criteria Markup Rate Equity/LKM Repayment Securities: Processing Fee including FED (Nonrefundable) Insurance & Tracker Cost Down Payment Bank's Policy Millat Tractors / Messay Ferguson All Models Al Ghazi Tractors All Models 05 Years maximum Minimum land ownership of 5 Acres (irrigated land)/ 10 Acres (Arid land) Age should be between 21-65 ( Max. 65 years at maturity) * Should not have write off history Fixed Rate: 6-Months KIBOR + 7%% p.a.Rate will remain fixed for whole tenure Land Holding (Acres) Land Holding (Acres) LKM Irrigated land: 15 Acres OR 20% Arid land: 30 Acres Irrigated land: 10 Acres OR 25% Arid land: 20 Acres Irrigated land: 5 Acres OR 30% Arid land: 10 Acres 10 installments(Biannually). 1st May & 1st November Registration of Tractor in the name of bank Bank's charge on Agri land through Zari Passbook Rs. 5,000 per tractor. ( The bank will not charge for ECIBs, Nadra Verisys and cost of Charge documents) Actual (to be paid by lessee) LKM + Processing feet insurance Premium of full tenor & tracker charges + Registration charges (At Actual) Home Remittances BOP Remittance Service offers you three ways of receiving money 1. 2. 3. 1) Account to Account Transfer Cash Payment BOP ASAAN Remittance Current Account Account to Account Transfer: Real Time credit to BOP's Account holders. Same day credit to other bank Account holder 18 Fast, prompt and hassle free funds transfer No Limit of funds to receive in Account Free of charge Requirements: Complete BOP's account number/ IBAN number. 2) Cash Payment Receiver's account in BOP is not required Instant cash payment of up to Rs. 500,000/- can be made to the beneficiary at any branch Fast and hassle-free service Requirements: Remittance Reference Number and original CNIC provided by the receiver/ beneficiary 3) BOP ASAAN Remittance Current Account: Opening of a bank account to receive home remittances from our loved ones is not easy nowadays and involves a long list of formalities. The Bank of Punjab now introduces "BOP Asaan Remittance Current Account" to facilitate opening of bank accounts by low risk customers to receive home remittances through proper accounts instead of resorting to traditional cash over the counter transactions. These segments of society may include but are not limited to skilled/unskilled work force, farmers, less educated/uneducated people, laborers/daily wagers, women/housewives, selfemployed individuals, pensioners, young adult population etc. Salient Features o o The account will open in PKR currency as current account only. This account shall be fed through Home Remittances from abroad only. o o o o o o o o o o Only "Individuals"can open this account in Single or Joint capacity. There is no requirement of initial deposit and minimum balance. No charges on opening or closing of the account. Silver Debit Card will be issued and renewed at subsidized price of PKR 300 per annum. No commercial remittances shall be deposited in the account. No local credit shall be allowed in the account. No outward remittance will be allowed. Maximum credit balance of upto PKR 2,000,000. Cash withdrawal upto PKR 50,000 per day. Fund transfer from Asaan Remittance Current Account to any other account upto PKR 50,000 per day. 19 Organizational Structure An organizational structure is a system that outlines how certain activities are directed in order to achieve the goals of an organization. These activities can include rules, roles, and responsibilities. The organizational structure also determines how information flows between levels within the company. REGIONAL NETWORK NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Employees are the backbone of any organization, and as you might expect, studies show that happy employees are more motivated, productive and committed. In BOP main branch, Haveli Lakha, the total strength of the employees is more than 15. MAIN OFFICES (without address) BOP Main Boulevard Gulberg, Lahore. Description of Departments The Bank of Punjab typically has various departments to handle different aspects of banking operations. Here is a brief description of each department: Financial Accounts Division Finance Division Remittance Department Audit Department Human Resource Department Marketing Department Asset Management Division Consumer Banking Group Credit Administration Department IT Department Foreign Trade Department Main offices Financial Account Division: Financial Accounts Division performs the following functions as under: 20 Preparation of Annual Financial Statements Accounting Polices for the bank . Preparation of Weekly Statement of Affairs for issuance in the Government Gazette as Provided in the State Bank of Pakistan Act, 1956. Quarterly profit updates to the Central Board of Directors. to provide information for right decision-making. Monitoring of contraction and expansion of Currency operations. Consolidation of Departmental Budgets. Preparation of daily balance position and communication thereof to the Federal Finance Decision and Provincial Finance Departments. Marketing Department: The marketing department handles the activities regarding the promotional activities that are held time to time and making agreements with different retailers for getting factory prices of 14 their products in order to make their products more attractive to the customers by cutting down prices on buying from their credit cards, like special discount on purchase from credit card. Human Resource Department: HR Division is responsible for attracting, selecting and recruiting the right people from the market. BOP is proud of its highly professional, transparent and objective approach in its recruitment and selection processes. After applying the eligibility criteria, which depends on the Job grade, a series of selection procedures are applied before hiring employees. Normally the candidates go through the process of test, group discussion and interview. The Interview is conducted by a team of internal as well as external professionals of the related area. Sophisticated recruitment and selection tools data management system; online application and behavioral based interviewing techniques have been introduced. Human resource department has a check on the entire system and make sure that the employees are performing their best. Some activities performed by HR department are: Hiring new employees. Contract Renewals. Performance Appraisals Increment in salaries Bonuses Decisions Leaves The Consumer Banking: It provides financial facilities to individuals through a diverse product line. Its success depends on the design of versatile and effective products and comprehensive communication and marketing strategies. Agility in monitoring the portfolio and following up with its 21 customer base, which is wholly comprised of Individuals, is also an essential requirement. This group operates in nearly all major cities of Pakistan. This group offers Products such as home loans, personal loans, auto loans, business loans, and credit card facilities, Consumer banking requires regular training of its workforce and the need for imparting basic product knowledge to sales staff is highly pronounced in this group as they are in direct contact with the customer base. This group conducts business based on structured products that fit into the needs of its target market. Product process manuals are developed for these products and are provided with the Credit Policy and Procedure guidelines. Risk management for the consumer has to play a dominant role in formulation and revision 16 of credit policies, monitoring of portfolio quality and devising effective strategies aimed at minimizing the inherent risks. Retail Banking Department: This department focuses on providing banking services to individual customers, such as personal accounts, loans, credit cards, and other retail products. Finance Department: The finance department of bank is responsible for managing and overseeing the financial aspects of the bank. It plays a critical role in ensuring the bank's financial stability, profitability, and adherence to regulatory requirements. Here are some key functions typically performed by the finance department of BOP: Financial Planning and Analysis: The finance department prepares financial forecasts, budgets, and financial models to guide the bank's strategic planning. It analyzes financial data and key performance indicators to provide insights and recommendations for improving financial performance. Financial Reporting: The finance department is responsible for preparing accurate and timely financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. These reports are used to provide information to stakeholders, regulators, and auditors. Capital Management: The finance department monitors the bank's capital position and ensures compliance with regulatory capital adequacy requirements. It assesses the need for additional capital and manages capital-raising activities, such as issuing debt or equity securities. Liquidity Management: Maintaining adequate liquidity is crucial for a bank's operations. The finance department monitors and manages the bank's liquidity position, ensuring that it has sufficient funds to meet its obligations and regulatory requirements. Risk Management: The finance department works closely with the risk management department to identify, measure, and mitigate various financial risks faced by the bank, including credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk. It implements risk management strategies and monitors risk exposure. 22 REMITTANCE DEPARTMENT: Remittance is a key function of the bank. It is the transfer of money from one place to another place. The need for transfer of funds is usually feel in commercial life mainly and in everyday life commonly. By proving this service to the customers the Bank of Punjab earns a lot of income in the form of service charges. The Bank of Punjab deals with the following type of remittances: 1. 2. 3. 4. Demand Draft (DD) Mail Transfer (M1) Telegraphic Transfer (TT) Pay Order Clearing Department: All the external functions of clearing are carried by NIFT (National Institute of Facilitation lechnology) while the internal operations are performed by clearing department. It is just like any courier service which takes the cheques of other banks and delivers the cheques of that branch for Clearing. It is a system by which banks exchange cheques and other negotiable instruments drawn on each other within a specified area and thereby securing the payment for its clients through the clearing house. A clearing house is a general organization of the banks at a given place, its main purpose is offsetting the cross obligation of cheques. When there are many banks in the country each will receive a number of cheques drawn on other banks, deposited within for collection. A clearing house is an organization where these cheques are brought and the virtual claims of each bank on the other are offset and a settlement is made by the payment of differences. They deliver cheques that their bank may have negotiated and receive in exchange cheques drawn on their bank negotiated by bank. The responsibility of smooth cooperation of the clearing function lies with the State Bank of Pakistan. Corporate Banking Department: This department caters to the banking needs of corporate clients, including large businesses and corporations. It handles services like corporate accounts, trade finance, project financing, and cash management. Treasury Department: The treasury department manages the bank's funds, investments, and foreign exchange operations.It deals with treasury bills, bonds, currency trading, and liquidity management. Credit Department: 23 This department is responsible for assessing the creditworthiness of individuals and businesses applying for loans or credit facilities. It evaluates loan applications, sets credit limits, and manages loan portfolios. Operations Department: The operations department handles various operational tasks, such as account opening and maintenance, transaction processing, clearing and settlement, and customer service. Compliance Department: This department ensures that the bank operates within the regulatory framework and follows antimoney laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) guidelines. It monitors and reports any suspicious activities and ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Risk Management Department: This department assesses and manages various risks faced by the bank, including credit risk, market risk, operational risk, and liquidity risk. It develops risk management strategies and monitors the bank's overall risk exposure. IT Department: The IT department manages the bank's technology infrastructure, including networks, servers, databases, and software systems. It ensures the smooth functioning of online banking services, data security, and technological innovations. These departments work together to support the overall operations of bank, serving the needs of individual and corporate customers while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and managing risks. Comments on Organizational Structure: The organizational structure of BOP Sheikhupura portrays that the tasks are assigned to different sections to let them know to whom they report to. The hierarchy of the Sheikhupura branch reflects the organization's objectives and the strategies chosen. The structure of BOP Haveli Lakha consists of: Span of Administration Unity of Command Objective Setting Authority & Responsibility BOP focuses on the relationship with people because people are most valuable asset. BOP also committed to a result-oriented culture. The goals are clear and merit is the only criterion for reward. 24 25 Plan of Internship Program Brief introduction of the branch: Code: 0289 Address: Okara Haveli Lakha Pakpattan Road, Haveli Lakha, Tehsil Depalpur, Distt: City/ District: Haveli Lakha, Okara Phone: 044-4775740 & 044-4775739 Email: Fax: 044-4775740 I have completed my internship in the BANK OF PUNJAB. The management team of the BOP is very friendly and takes care of all kind of employees working in it. Starting and Ending Date of Internship: Starting Date Ending Date June 19, 2023 August 17, 2023 Office time 9:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M Department Name and Duration I have done my 6 weeks internship in different departments of bank under the supervision of experienced persons of respective departments. I have learnt a lot. I learn how to deal with the customers and different general banking operations of the bank. 26 Internship Program Detailed description of task Assigned to Me: First week: In the first week of my internship in BOP Haveli Lakha branch. I was being introduced and guided by Account Opening Officer Muhammad Tariq about how to deal with customers, how to fill the deposit slips and cheques. Different types of the slips were given to me to fill them. The experience was good and I enjoyed working in this week. The first requirement for opening an account is to fill the account opening form. First of all the customer will state the address of branch where he is going to open his account. Then he will state the title of account in which he will state his name. Then he will have to select that which account he is going to open whether he is going to open. Individual account (Salaried person account, student account, minor account, retired person account) Joint, sole proprietorship Public Ltd account Private Ltd account Partnership Trust account Society/ club/ association Government account Then he will state his type of account which he is going to open Saving, current Term deposit Foreign currency account Then he will state the suffix that is the number of the PKR currency. AOF includes such clauses as, Name, father name, mother's maiden name, marital status, date of birth, Gender, NTN No that is optional, occupation, name of employer, job title, address of employer, country of residence, nationality, CNIC No, current residential address, permanent address, Email Id, Fax No, Tel No, Mobile No etc. Specimen Signature Card: Customer is required to fill two specimen signature cards. Each specimen signature card has four blocks. Customer will give his signatures two times on each card 27 Enter the complete address and the nearest landmark. Source of income: Now the state bank of Pakistan has also added the regulation that to know about your customer source of income and it is compulsory to the person who want to open their account in the bank must show his source of income to the bank. Second week: In second week of my internship Mr.Muhammad Tariq help me to deal with customers and open their account personally. I check all the required documents and then fill the form and attach all the required documents with the form also verify the signatures of the customer. Then Mr.Muhammad Tariq told me about the different stamps and their use. Third Week: In this week, I worked in the department where cheques books are issued and how to receive cheque books, recovery of cheque book, charges, delivery of cheque book to customer, recovery of cheque book to the representative and importance of Loose cheque. I also earned about ATM Issuance and in which cases ATM can't be issued. Issuance of cheque book We request for the issuance of cheque book from the customer in person or through customer's representatives. For new accounts cheque book requests are to be obtained for. Record date on requisition slip. Verify the customer's signature and sign as evidence on CRS. Check and ensure that there is no restriction on account that prevents the issuance of cheque book. ATM Issuance ATM cards will be issued to saving ,current and other specific products accounts ATM cards can also be issued to the joint account holders having either survivor condition. ATM cards can also be issued to the accounts held by sole Proprietors by giving the owners name as card title. ATM cards can only be issued to the Pak Rupee accounts. Fourth week: In this week, my supervisor gave detailed description of clearing department how it works. Under the supervision of my supervisor I learned the different types of clearings which are local clearing, same day clearing and intercity clearing. I was guided about the conditions when to reject cheques or when to bounce a cheque which is presented to bank and why bank 28 stops payments. I learnt about the banking slips and the cheques, how to make the entry of cheques that has to be returned without payments and what is the use of the different stamps. Clearing: Clearing means to clear the cheque by making and receiving payments. This is the case in which different banks clear the cheques drawn upon each other. There are different types of clearing as follows: o o o o o Outward clearing It is basically the clearing of the cheques deposited in our customer's accounts that customer's of other banks have given to account holders of BOP. Inward Clearing It refers to the clearing of all the cheques drawn upon our bank, in which customer's make payments to the account holder's of other banks and the same procedure is repeated as stated in the example of outward clearing. Local Clearing State bank has specified the region for local clearance. The area which lies under clearing is from Bunga Hayat to Head sulemanki. Intercity Clearing This clearing is among the cities from Depalpur to Pakpattan is called intercity clearing. It takes days for clearing unlike local clearing that takes one day for clearing. Same Day Clearing This is the clearing for the cheques of more than Rs: 5,00,000/-. In this type of clearing the bank usually accepts the cheques for outward clearing upto 10'O clock. The bank informs NIFT about this special type of clearing called same day clearing. NIFT has special clearing boys for the same day clearing. These boys pass the cheques from other banks on the same day and NIFT credits BOP on the same day. BOP gives the credit to the account on the customer on the same day. Unlike other types of clearings BOP charges fee Rs: 200 to 300 for the same day. Fifth Week: In the fifth week of my internship, I learned about how to deal with the customer and the staff. Operational manager Mr.Waqas Sattar guided me about KYC (know your customers) of account holders. During this week I had to recall the customers to come and verify their account biometrically. Sixth Week: In the sixth week of my internship, I filled the deposit slips, filled the cheques of customers and also checked the remittance entry manually and counted the ATM cards and cheque book on daily basis and informed to Mr.Waqas sattar I was engaged with the staff and I was receiving new cheque books to enter in the register, and then called the customers for reminder. 29 REMITTANCES Types of Customer's Cheque's: Bearer Cheque's Bearer cheques are the cheques that can be withdrawn by any party. The account holder can withdraw the amount or he may refer any person for payment can be made to the bearer of cheques. Bank requires the CNIC of bearer and bearer has to sign on the back of cheques while presenting the cheques with his CNIC. Then cashier while giving payment again request the bearer to sign again on the back of the cheques to verify the signature of the bearer. This type of cheque can be presented on the counter for payment and is called open cheque. Order Cheque's Order cheque is the type of open cheque that can be presented on the counter for payment but in this type the payee is nominated or mentioned the word "OR Bearer" is canceled to eliminate its effect. Cross Cheque It is the type of cheque that cannot be presented on the counter for cash payment but cheques can be transferred the balance from the account holder to the bearer or specified person. Person has to fill up the "Pay in slip" only. Both the bearer and order cheques can be crossed. Types of Cross Cheques: There are two types of cross cheques Simple crossing Special crossing Simple crossing: This is the type of crossing which is crossed on the face of the cheque and state. It means that amount can be transferred from the account of account holder in the account. If we cross the cheque from the front and write: Then still it will be the category of Simple Crossing. If we cross the cheque on the front side and write the words "& co Then it means that Mr.A must have the company. Special Crossing: It is the type of crossing in which the payee is strictly restricted for payment is called Special Crossing. This cheque is crossed on the front side ant the word "Account Payee Only" is written Then it means that the amount can be transferred in the account of Mr. Ahmad even if the words or bearer is not cancelled.It means that cheque can be paid to the specified person's specified account. It can be paid to any bearer even if the word "Or Bearer" has not been cancelled. 30 Structure of Finance Department Finance department functions are to manage money, bookkeeping, taxes, investments, and financial reporting for an organization. These functions can be divided into core areas like financial administration, everyday financial services, and financial planning and analysis. The finance department also supports the organization's mission, goals, and decisions with ethical and practical advice and data. Main Duties of Finance Department: Finance department of BOP usually split into various sub-departments that perform certain responsibilities. Some of the duties include: Financial planning and analysis Financial planning and analysis teams are responsible for determining annual operating and capital budgets for bank strategies and objectives. They use data insights to make forecasts about the bank's financial performance that allow company leaders to determine the business's capacity for taking on new ventures and investing in new avenues. These teams also set key performance indicators (KPIs) that make it easier to ascertain the financial health and stability of the bank. Some other common duties bank perform in this sub-department include financial modelling, integrated financial planning and performance reporting. Financial planning teams allow the company to look to the future without compromising budgets. It incorporates risk analysis to exact a balance between generated revenues and regular costs and expenses. 31 Order-to-cash management Order-to-cash management involves performing all duties associated with completing a customer's order. Some tasks include receiving the pay order, sending invoices, collecting payments and recording transactions. Order-to-cash management teams also keep up to date on markup rates and customer credit. Account management Account management teams oversee accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR). The AP department authorizes payments to outside parties for products or services. AR teams monitor the money that comes into the bank from consumers or clients for products or services. This department usually sends reminders, late charges and interest charges to ensure clients pay. Accounting management involves tracking AP and AR using computer software to ensure credits and debits. Tax management Tax departments manage bank's tax returns and compliance. They set up a favorable tax regime for the bank to prevent it from paying more taxes than necessary. They also perform tax calculations. Risk management Risk management involves monitoring operations, finances and market changes to inform decision-making processes. Assessing risk ensures the bank develops plans in line with its strategic goals and objectives. Where risk management teams identify problems, they look for ways to mitigate issues and reduce potential losses. Treasury Treasury departments manage the bank's money to ensure it can support its day-to-day obligations. They manage the bank's cash flow and maintain good relationships with banks to guarantee funding and cash management. Treasury teams pinpoint the financial health and prevent problems from occurring by applying risk management strategies. Positions within a finance department Some positions within a finance department and their main responsibilities include: Chief financial officer (CFO) CFOs are senior executives responsible for overseeing all financial actions of bank. They provide insights and information on a financial strategy to the CEO and ensure teams complete financial reports on time and accurately. They also take care of the bank's investor relations, profit increase and cost reduction strategies and survey all finance divisions under their purview. 32 Finance manager Finance managers oversee the cash and investments of the bank and use their insight to advise on business planning and aid decision-making. They also provide advice on bank savings, pensions and insurance products. Finance managers set budget ranges for various departments and monitor debt, credit and collections. Some other responsibilities include doing business modelling and risk assessments, determining factors affecting performance and managing accounting practices across the bank. Financial controller Financial controllers are responsible for overseeing daily accounting functions and preparing financial documents, such as financial statements, payrolls and the general ledger. They analyze cash flow using metrics such as credit card acceptance costs, cost of invoice factoring, bad debt ratios and working capital trends. Other responsibilities include collecting receipts and invoices, recording transactions correctly, streamlining accounting functions and operations and developing plans for financial growth. Account clerks Account clerks maintain financial records and oversee the billing and accounting functions of a bank, such as AP and AR. They also sometimes verify deposits and receipts and prepare and maintain financial records. Some other job duties include assisting with the preparation of annual statements, calculating and entering expenditures, reconciling bank statements with the general ledger, completing tax returns and performing general administrative tasks, such as photocopying and filing. Number of Employees of Finance department in BOP According to the website of BOP there are almost 107employees in finance department of BOP. And the number of employees in Haveli Lakha branch in finance department is 3. 33 Marketing Functions Marketing function is an essential business function that helps in making the customers aware of the products or services that are offered by a business. It is a role which helps a company to identify and source potentially successful products for the marketplace they operate on and then promote them by differentiating them from similar products. BOP has lack of promotional activities due to which marketing department is very weak.But recently print media advertising is started which will increase customer base and helps in developing BOP's reliability and for this purpose different tools are used by bank. Four P's: Product Price Promotion Place PRODUCT BOP offers various products and services to its customer. Customers can take benefits from these products and services. This is the products strategy of BOP that they offer a large number of products and services in less time and lower costs than competitors to fulfill the needs of customer and to attract the customers. These products and services are always available for customer in BOP. Consumers Products Saving Account Fix Account Current or Demand Account Services There are the services provided by the BOP АТМ Pay Order E-Banking Debit Card Consumer Financing Commission Free Remittance Demand Drafts Collection of Utility Bills Locker Facility Money transfer though Western Union PRICING STRATEGY BOP has used such pricing strategy which attracts the customers. There are any strategies that promote their business. There are: 34 Earlier customers have to pay charges on every online transaction, but now BOP doses not charge anything if the amount is PKR 25,000 or less. The charges for online transactions of PKR 25,000 or more are PKR 166. No charges are applied when people take money, through Xpress money, western union. When a person sends money through online services and if he is the account holder of the bank and sending money into the account, no charges are applied even if the amount is greater than 25000 rupees. BOP Liaqat Road does not charge any amount when a person opens new account. For opening an account, initially amount that the person deposit into the account will remain into the account of account holder. No tax will be deducted from this amount. PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY BOP also uses many promotional strategies to promote their business. BOP banners are placed at different corners of each city on which products and services of BOP are displayed in detail to attract the customers. BOP deals with the customers very well and tell them about the products and services with details. By doing this they promote their business. BOP gives rewards to the efficient and hardworking employees. BOP's employees attend all calls from customers and solve their problems, hence satisfying customers and promoting the business. BOP issues letter of thanks to all its customers and takes care of the customers by periodically calling customers personally. BOP provides quick services to the customers, which also attract the customer. PLACE BOP does not involve middleman and sellers as it is selling its services and products through its branches that are spread across the country. Human Resource Management EMPLOYEE'S RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION: Business Development Manager Candidates must have the ability boost up business by prompting Liability products and building up deposit base of Bank. Eligibility: Preferably graduation from HE.O recognized institution. Credit Manager 35 The person should have sound knowledge of Credit Sales & Operations. Must be familiar with banking regulations, policies and procedures. Preference will be given to candidates Area Credit Manager Candidate should be well versed with Credit sales & Operations prominently in Microfinance sector. Eligibility: Commerce Graduate or MBA from H.E.0 recognized institute. Operation Manager This position requires ability to manage all operations at branch, needs good interpersonal & communication skill. Must be conversant with banking regulations & ensure compliance. Branch Manager Candidates must have the ability to pace up Bank's business by promoting Assets & liability products and building up deposit base. Must have good interpersonal communication skills. TRANING AND DEVELOPMENT: Laws and rules All the employees are required to comply with all the laws, rules and regulations governing BANK OF PUNJAB, including the Bank's policies, procedures and standards, the State Bank of Pakistan and the Security and Exchange Commission of Pakistan's regulations applicable to the Bank. All employees must function with integrity within the scope of their authorities and with complete honesty. follow directives given by the person(s) under whose jurisdiction they are deputed Core value of Integrity' must be promoted by upholding fairness, equality and respect for all team members. Discrimination, harassment of all types, intimidation and other negative practices are strictly prohibited. Harassment includes any unwanted, immoral act or attitude, including abuse of authority, creating a hostile environment and retaliation to non compliance with unethical demands, which is demeaning or detrimental to work performance or the career of any employee in any capacity. Adherence to designated time schedules is imperative. The Bank is entitled to take disciplinary action in case of unauthorized absences. No employee shall indulge in any political activity, including forming or joining a political, ethnic or linguistic association; get elected to a legislative body, in Pakistan or elsewhere, or indulge in any activity detrimental to the ideology of Pakistan. All full-time employees must devote their entire business day to their work; avoid any outside activity that interferes with their judgment in the best interest of the Bank and its clients. 36 Holds an outside directorship; carries on business activity outside; holds majority shares/interest in a public or private business; takes direct advantage of securities of a public listed company, or serves as a client's personal representative. No employee shall bring political or other outside pressure/ influence to bear on the authorities/superior officers or use the media with intent to induce them to act in a manner inconsistent with rules in any matter relating to the Bank. Employees are prohibited from any engagement outside the Bank without prior approval from the Human Resource & Recruitment Department. Employees with financial or other interest in any family business must declare in advance by writing and seek no objection. Employees shall not borrow from or lend personal funds or property to any Client or Vendor who has a relationship with he Bank except on market terms and conditions from financial institutions. Borrowing or lending in personal capacity within the Bank is prohibited. Employees shall be alert and vigilant with respect to frauds, thefts or significant illegal activity committed within the office, reporting them immediately in writing to higher authority for appropriate action to be taken. Employment or Internship Certificates can only be issued by the Human Resource & Recruitment Department. Receipts of funds can only be issued on prescribed forms. Disciplinary action may be taken in case of misconduct or unsatisfactory performance including breach of above mentioned rules; willful insubordination; breach of confidential material; use of drugs or alcohol; falsification of documents; violation of safety/health rules; insider trading; parallel banking; money laundering and any act detrimental to the Bank's business. Workplace Environment The Bank is committed to create and maintain a working, learning and customer care environment, which is free from violence and has zero tolerance for violence against any employee or its property. Employees are not allowed to play practical jokes or pranks on each other, indulge in horseplay, or share immoral jokes with other employees or the outside world, through Apna bank email server or computer, or cell phones. Employees are prohibited to use, exchange, or sell intoxicants or drugs in the work place or come to work under their influence. Employees are required to maintain proper dress code, appear well groomed and presentable at all the time. Livery staff should be in their proper uniform. High standards of behavior and tidy work areas are to be maintained at all times. Responsibilities towards employees Employees must raise concerns and suspicions, in confidence, about any actual or potential illegal activity or misconduct according to the process in Whistle Blowing Policy and the Anti Harassment Policy. Failure to do so will result in employee being deemed a party to the irregularity. 37 Guidance must be sought from relevant department in case any employee receives any demand or request for information from outside party including law enforcement agencies. Every employee must protect the Bank's assets, physical and intellectual, and adhere to its Email and Internet Usage Policy and Acceptable Use Policy. Employees must maintain all records accurately and are prohibited from making any false or misleading entries, forging or tampering with signatures to compromise integrity of Bank's record. Employees are required to identify all conflicts of interest and declare them immediately, including all matters expected to interfere with their duty to the Bank or ability to make unbiased and objective recommendations. Performance Management: All employees shall regard as strictly confidential any information concerning the business of the Bank which is not intended to be made public unless required to do so under the law, consulting the Human Resource & Recruitment Department in case of ambiguity about a required disclosure. Confidential information must only be shared with employees on a need to know basis consistent with their job assignments as set out in Information Security and Governance Policies. All customers' related information should be kept secret, used for intended purpose only and any further use should be allowed only after prior consent of the concerned customer. Employees should protect the privacy and confidentiality of personnel records, not sharing them inside or outside the Bank except after approval by Human Resource & Recruitment Department. Employees should not use Bank's facilities to access, download or distribute personal or social information, including any material that may pose reputational risk to the Bank. Secrecy of passwords must be maintained to prevent unauthorized access Compensation Management Different kinds of compensation tools use such as: Increments Employee health plan Employee leave Bonuses 38 Financial Analysis Ratio Analysis Liquidity Ratio “Liquidity ratio measure the ability of the unit to meet its short term obligations.” Name of Ratios Result for 2022 Result for 2021 Current Ratio 0.8282 0.8379 Absolute current ratio 0.9561 0.9542 A- CURRENT RATIO Current ratio is also known as working capital ratio. It is unfavorable for BOP because there are not sufficient assets available to meet the current liabilities according to the rule thumb for current ratio i.e. 2:1. It shows the poor management of utilization of resources. B- ABSOLUTE LIQUID RATIO Absolute liquid ratio relates to the cash, bank, and, marketable securities available to meet the current liabilities. This ratio is also unfavorable for BOP. As it says, that minimum 50% of these current assets should be there to meet the short term liabilities. Absolute liquid ratio lays down very strict and exacting standard of liquidity therefore; acceptable norm of this ratio is 50%. Profitability Ratio Name of Ratios Result for 2022 Result for 2021 Return on Equity 0.1753 0.2427 Return on Asset 0.0081 0.0109 Return on operating Fixed Asset 0.1512 0.1424 39 "It shows the overall effectiveness of management to utilize its resources to generate profit." RETURN ON EQUITY Return on equity for BOP is unfavorable because of loss in previous year. Moreover, equity of BOP is increasing in current year. This is the reason of its decrease. RETURN ON ASSET Return on asset has decreased for BOP which is unfavorable. With the increase in assets of the bank, the relevant profit should also be increased but it did not so. Instead of profit there was loss and that is the reason for decrease in return on asset. RETURN ON OPERATING FIXED ASSET Return on operating fixed assets has also been decreased because there is loss in year 2011. On the other hand, there should be relevant increase in profit with the increase in operating fixed asset. Only increase in asset is not enough. It shows the poor management of utilization of resources to generate profit. Debt ratio Debt ratio tells about the assets invested by the outsiders. So, decrease in this ratio is favorable which shows the amount contributed by the outsiders is being decreased, which is a positive trend as it decreases the institute's degree of indebtedness. Equity ratio Equity ratio for BOP is increasing. This is favorable for shareholders as equity increases, their share of profit and dividend also increases. This ratio provides a cushion against using debt and leverage. Debt to equity Debt to equity ratio is being decreased which shows the positive trend for BOP. As increase in debt is less than the increase in equity. The higher ratio gives satisfaction to shareholder but reduce the satisfaction of investors. Fixed asset ratio 40 This ratio established the relationship between the long term funds and fixed assets. Its shows the negative trend because the net fixed asset are not enough available to meet long term obligations. INTERPRETATION (VERTICAL ANALYSIS) Investments & Advances remained major components of Asset Mix of the Bank. The Bank opted o channelize incremental funds in Risk Free Investments and grow Advances Book in a very careful manner. Accordingly, the mix of Advances reduced to 36% in 2020 as against 46% in year 2015, while the mix of Investments improved to 52% as against 37% in year 2015. Owing to Branch Expansion and products diversification, the Bank was able to post a steady growth in Deposits with a CAGR of 17%. Borrowings were the second largest component of Liabilities which stood at 14% as against 12% in 2015. Markup Income has shown a steady growth with main contribution from income on Advances and Investments. The contribution of markup income constitutes 87% of the total revenue for year 2020. Markup Expense has also increased due to growth in Deposit base and change in minimum rate of profit on PLS Deposits. Concentration of Non-Markup Income for year 2020 remained at 13% mainly on account of realization of capital gains. The concentration of Non-Markup Expense remained at 18% for the year 2020 & 2019. The rise in Non-Markup Expenses is in line with Branch Expansion, investment in new technologies and inflationary parameters. INTERPRETATION (HORIZONTAL ANALYSIS) Bank's Asset Base has registered consistent growth during 2015-2020 and it crossed Rs. 1.0 Trillion mark in 2020. During year 2020, Total Assets registered the highest growth of 26% while CAGR for 2015-20 remained at 18%. Deposits also grew at a steady rate with a CAGR of 17%. Highest growth of 23% was registered in year 2017 while YOY growth for year 2020 remained at 21%. During the period 2015-2020, 230 Branches were opened by the Bank. 41 Owing to consistent growth in profitability, the Equity registered a steady growth. The YOY growth for year 2020 remained at 12%. On profitability side, Markup Income of the Bank registered a CAGR of 22% during 20152020. The main components were Markup earned on Advances & Investments. In line with Bank's strategy to grow Advances portfolio cautiously and divert incremental funds towards investment in risk free Government Securities, the major contribution came from Markup Income on Investments. Markup Expense also registered a CAGR of 25% due to above stated growth in Deposits. It also includes impact of change in Minimum Profit Rates on PLS Deposits in line with change in SBP Policy Rate. The Cost of Deposits was effectively managed by the Bank through focus on low-cost CASA Deposits. Non-Markup Income registered as CAGR of 11% during 2015-2020. The main contribution was made by Capital Gains realized on Securities during different years. The Fee Based Income also registered as steady growth. Operating Expenses registered a CAGR of 18%. The rise is mainly on account of personnel/property expenses in line with expansion in Branch network (230 Branches added), inflation and investment in new technologies. Provision Charge posted a CAGR of 13% with highest level of Rs. 14.7 Billion during year 2017 loretire LOCs issued by GOPb. The Charge of Rs. 6.9 Billion for year 2020 includes General Provision of Rs. 3.3 Billion and Specific Provision of Rs. 1.7 on subjective basis. SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis a short form for strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats. It is an analysis of internal strengths and weakness of an organization as well as external opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis affects the organizational performance. The overall evaluation of a company strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats is called SWOT analysis. An organization's mission is accomplished by best strategies in SWOT analysis by: Taking advantage of organizations opportunities and strengths. Reducing effect of threats. By avoiding the weaknesses. Organizations missions are used as a context and SWOT analysis is one of the most important steps in formulating strategy; managers avoid weaknesses and assess internal strengths. Strengths 42 BOP bank officers are considered as the most able professionals in the banking world. In my observation BOP officers interact with the customers as they are their personal friends and used to solve their problems as their own. The customer's perception for BOP is very high due to compassionate and personalized services of the officers. Customers feel secure while dealing with BOP and they also have trust. The branches of BOP are opened in commercial areas in order to save customers from facing problems to reach the bank. The security system is very good in BOP. Employees are given with good facilities. Internal computer system in BOP is very reliable and easy to use. Every information is computerized. There is properly maintained data. BOP is 51% owned by Punjab government. BOP has an asset base of Rs. 165 billion and total deposits of Rs. 138 billion. The management prepares a financial statement which shows the state of affairs, cash flows, the result of operations of state of affairs, & equity changes. BOP follows the timelines specified by SBP for implementation of recommendations of Basel-Il committee for risk management and management. BOP is adopting measures to monitor and minimize risks that are related to banking industry. Weaknesses: There is lack of proper internal control in BOP which is pointed by the auditor in his review. BOP has number of products and services more than commercial banks but any advertisement on electronic media is not given. During my internship, I observed that employees have a lot of burden of work. The work should be distributed equally between the employees on the basis of their capabilities and their post Selection of employees should be biased. There is a lot of concern of SBP on the bank's control that is the weakness of BOP. Due to more influence of the government there is negative behavior of the staff with the customer. Staff is not too much motivated due to no proper rewards or less remuneration. There is no time management principle for customer care. There is lack of proper internal control. BOP has negative profitability every year as its director and presidents played trick with the bank by involving themselves in a fraud of billion of rupees. Opportunities: 43 There can be a great increase in deposits of BOP by commencement of new schemes. There should be emphasis on e-banking. BOP should adopt the diversification, innovation and mission driven approach which are keys to success. A number of financial schemes like special deposit accounts that have unique features are introduced by BOP. In past few years, deposits of BOP have been increased by 40%. Information technology is the future of this dynamic world. So BOP should emphasize on it. Like other foreign banks, bank can design universal account to enhance online facilities. BOP is satisfying customer needs. A number of products are introduced by BOP especially in retail banking and customers are becoming more loyal to the bank. And due to optimum prices and brand products, customers feel secure and convenient. Threats: Credit crisis have an adverse affect on BOP. BOP is facing a strong competition by other banks as business is growing at very high speed. Customers are lacking trust in BOP due to which deposit growth. CONCLUSION BOP is contributing more in the industrial progress and capital formation in the whole country. As shown in financial analysis, it is revealed from the data that bank is sharing major banking business of the country which is concerned with bank's financial performance. In addition, the schemes and policies are of great importance for the bank which helps in trading & non trading growth. Trade is facilitated by BOP both inside and outside of the country. BOP is constantly showing incredible growth in all areas of the country and is remain on the front position of modern financial institutions. However its growth of profit is reduced due to stress on consolidation and controlled providing of loans. BOP has uniform policies and going on efficiently. The employees are awarded with compensation and other possible facilities for their hard work and best efficiency. In all activities, BOP adopts merit policy. Administration planned to avoid all issues, drawbacks and problems by comparing it with other banks. BOP has proper and progressive management policies. 44 The devoted, motivated & passionate employees will soon bring the time when the bank will touch the peak of success, progress & development. 45 RECOMMENDATIONS Following are the recommendations that may be prove successful to the bank by studying the organization and during internship. The main intention should be consciousness in the general public and should launch a well planned advertising campaign to capture a considerable share in the banking sector of the country. The bank should have physical facilities like furniture, parking facilities for their clients as these facilities play an important role in enhancing image of the bank. BOP can attract intelligent and capable persons and professionals by making the salaries and pays of officers compatible to other private banks. Expenses should be minimized by BOP. Hardworking employees who give extra-ordinary performance in their work should be given special awards. BOP should do innovations and launch new products by keeping in mind that what people want to have and what the banks are providing actually. There should be more concentration on advances rather than on investments. Such services and products should be launched by BOP in which there is no need for the customers to come to the bank like telephone banking. Those banks are successful only which provides standard, accurate and fastest services for the product and loan delivery to the customers. So BOP should use latest and advance technology like fax and computerization. Authority should be given to management. MIS of BOP should be improved for delivery of information at time through a network by connecting branches & regional offices to the head office. Loans should be given on merit and management of BOP should avoid all political pressures. At the time of staffing and selection of employees, BOP should prefer the candidates with professional qualifications like C.A, MBA, and ACMA. While recruiting employees, interviews should be taken to check personality, communication skills, and how much he is social. TH bank should make all possible efforts to save the bank from interruption of provincial government. In order to convey the messages of employees to the authority, there should be union of employees. BOP should provide facilities to the research scholars and make a policy to provide accommodation to them who want to study the banking issues. 46 REFRENCES Websites: Books consulted: Principle of managerial finance Financial management by Gitman Brochures and pamphlets provided by bank Annual Reports 2020-23 Economic review of Pakistan' punjab 47 ANNEXES 48 49 50 51