Pedigree Analysis Pedigree • Shows a family tree with respect to a given trait. Pedigree analysis reveals patterns of inheritance • Determines the probability of an affected offspring for a given cross COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Why do Pedigrees? • Punnett squares and chi-square tests work well for organisms that have large numbers of offspring and controlled matings, but humans are quite different: (a) Small families. Even large human families have 20 or fewer children. (b) Uncontrolled mating. Often with heterozygotes. (c) Failure to truthfully identify parentage. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Individuals may wish to be tested if: • There is a family history of one specific disease • They show symptoms of genetic disorder • They are concerned about passing on a genetic problem to their children. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Autosomal Dominant COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Autosomal Recessive COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES X-linked Dominant COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES X-linked Recessive COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Y-linked • Very rare • Related to genes unique to the Y-chromosome • Present only in males • Only passed from father to son • Always expressed • Does not skip generations COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Mitochondrial • Trait is inherited from mother only. • All children of a mother are at risk to be affected or carriers. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Practice 1 • In humans, albinism is a recessive trait. The disorder causes a lack of pigment in the skin and hair, making an albino appear very pale with white hair and pale blue eyes. This disorder can also occur in animals, a common albino found in a laboratory is the white rat. The pedigrees below trace the inheritance of the allele that causes albinism. • Given the following genotypes, describe the phenotypes (normal or albino) AA = __________________________ Aa = _________________________ aa = __________________________ COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Practice 1 a) How many children does the couple have? b) What is the sex of the oldest child? c) How many grandchildren does the couple have? COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Practice 2 Two normally-pigmented parents have 3 children. The first child (a girl) and their second child (a boy) have normal pigmentation. Their third child (a girl) has albinism. That girl marries a normally pigmented male and they have four children. The first three (two girls and a boy) have normal pigmentation. Their fourth child (a girl) has albinism like her mother. Construct the pedigree for this case. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES