EDUC6B Assessment as AN INTEGRAL PART OF TEACHING *Athentic assessment- perform real world tasks, demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills -demonstrate specific skills, to apply the skills and knowledge they have mastered -usually includes a task for students to perform and a rubric by which their performance on the task will be evaluated *TRADITIONAL ASSESSEMNT VS. AUTHENTIC ASSESSSEMNET ( performance asses, alternative, direct) TA- multiple choice, gap fill, true or false,matching -develop productive citizens -possess a body of knowledge and skills -Schools must teach -test the students -THE CURRICULUM DRIVES ASSESSMENT -(selecting a response, contrived, recall/ recognition, teacher- structured, indirect evidence) AA-inventories, peer rating/self rating, journals, portfolios, discussions, interviews -develop productive citizens -Be capable of performing real tasks -Schools must help students -The students perform meaningful tasks -ASSESSEMENT DRIVES THE CURRICULUM -(Performing task, real life, construction/application, student-structured, direct evidence) *Diagnostic assessment-- pre assessment allows teacher to determine individual students prior knowledge includinf misconceptions before instruction • Formative assessment- during instruction to provide the teacher with informtion - teacher monitor student learning to get ongoing feedback =A FOR L - MEANT TO ENSURE LEARNING TO TAKE PLACE • summative assessment- used at the end of the instructional period =A OF L- a picture of hoe it took place. It is the basis of their result • Traditional assessment- includes the paper-and pencil test = Selected response type(Alternate response , multiple choice,matching type)+ constructed respomse type(short answer, essay,problem solving) = paper and pencil test • Authentic assessment- students knowledge and skill are assessed in the context that approcimates the resl world or real life as closely as possible OBE-Outcome Based Education OBE cover Qualifications of lectures- content-based learning system - it focus on end goals, student centered lerning and variety of assessemnt - main objective is Set clear standard for observable, measurable outcomes - all activities are designed to achieved specific goals - main focus are the students - if the students do not learn(review for improvements) - the learning domain in educational goals( affective, cognitive, psychomotor) - common ob instructional methods include the following except( problem based learning, active learning, cooperative assessment) - the lowest level of thinkimg of teh updated Bloom's Taxonomy(REMEMBERING) - THE 'UNDERSTANDING THINKING LEVEL IS A PARAPHRASE THE MEANING OF THE CREATING LEVEL • norm and criterion-referenced assessement- compare studens performance against CRITERTION OR SUCCESS EHICH IS THE PREDETERMINED standard - performance is compareddirectly to the standard withput considering how other students perforemd in the asse - cut scores • Norm referenced assessment- student's performnce of other students, the norm group, npt against a predetermined standard - SCORES- ARE GENERALLY REPORTED AS A PERCENTILE RANKING • Contextualied assessment- focus on construction of functioning knowledge - performance in their appication of knowledge and skills in the real work context • decontextualized assessment- Written exams • suitable for assessing declaritive knowledge and do not necessarily have a direct connection to a real life context ESTABLISHING HIGH QUALITY ASSESMENT 1. Quality assessemnt are in accordance with contemporary view of active learnig and motivation- learners discover and construct meaning 2. Assessemnt of high quality is valid- If it measures what it is supposed to measure. 3. Assessment of high quality is realible- when the test produces consistent scores 4. Assessment of high quality is fair- If iit assesses what it is supposed to be assessed as stated in the learning outcomes which is expected to have been taught. *Task designing- depends on what the teacher desired to observe as outputs of the students (Complexity, appeal, creatvity, goal-based) • PRODUCT - OREINTED PERFORMANCE- Based assessment empahsozes the tangible outcomes of learning . - assesses learners abilities to create and produce authentic and meaningful products that demonstrate their understanding and application of knowledge *PRODUCT -ORIENTED LEARNING COMPETENCIES product- wide array of studnets that target specific skills students performance-the target learning outcomes that students are expected to achieve Rubrics- help evaluate students [erformance or proficiency in given task as it relates to a final output PYRAMIDD OF LEVEL OF EXPERTISE TO FOLLOW Novice or Beginner's level (Level 1)- Does the finished product illustrate the minimum expected parts and functions? Skilled level( Level2)- does the finished output contain additional parts and fuctions on top of the minimum requirements? Expert level(Level 3)- Does the finished product contain the minimum requirements, have additional features and aesthetically pleasing? *TYPES OF RUBRICS Holistic rubric- provides a global score for a student's performance on a task Analytic rubric- Specifies at least two citeria by which a student's performance on a task is to be evaluated and provides a seperate scores each criterion