Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region IV-A CALABARZON SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF LAGUNA Magdalena District BUENAVISTA-CIGARAS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL’S COORDINATOR ACTION PLAN IN DISASTER RISK REDUCTION MANAGEMENT SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024 OBJECTIVES 1. 1.Cr Crea eate te a SDRR SDRRMC MC (Republic Act 10121) ACTIVITIES/ STRATEGIES TEAM TEAM Disa Disast ster er Ri Risk sk Re Redu duc con on Management Council). 2. Educate teachers and learners on emergency acvies. 3. Conduct a launching o disaster prevenon month. 4. Prepare and post o hazard appropriate evacuaon plans.. 5. Make a school conngency plan about COVID 19 1.1 Develop/ Organized SDRRMC team PERSONS RESPONSIBLE FUNDING SOURCE TIME FRAME EXPECTED OUTCOMES Teachers and School Head NONE First Quarter September, 2023 School Preparedness Acon Team has been organized and idenfed. 2.1 Conduct an earthquake drill or each quarter. Teachers and School Head NONE March, 2023 Narrave reports and documentaon 3.1 Give an overview about disaster prevenon month. 3.2 provide a video clips about disaster preparedness. 4.1 Posng o appropriate SDRRM coordinator, School head and teachers MOOE February, 2023 Narrave reports and documentaon SDRRM coordinator, School MOOE First Quarter Documentaon evacuaon plans within the school premises. 5.1 Making o School Conngency Plan head and teachers MOOE December, 2023 Conngency Plan SDRRM coordinator, SDRRM Team, School Head and Teachers Prepared: Approved: DIWANI L. FERMO BONIFACIO S. TOGADO PhD SDRRM Coordinator School head ______________________ ___________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ _______________________ ______________ __ Address: Naonal Road Barangay Buenavista Magdalena, Laguna Contact No.: (049) 5217900 / 09175278078 Email: