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ACCT 341 Intermediate Accounting I Course Syllabus

ACCT 341
Intermediate Accounting I
Section L01
Table of Contents
INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION................................................................................................................. 2
GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION ....................................................................................................... 2
Course Description ................................................................................................................................... 2
Course Objectives .................................................................................................................................... 3
REQUIRED MATERIALS .......................................................................................................................... 3
Required Textbook: .................................................................................................................................. 3
Connect (publisher’s website)................................................................................................................... 3
Western Online ........................................................................................................................................ 3
COURSE STRUCTURE AND REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................... 4
Course Structure ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Required Assignments in Connect ............................................................................................................. 4
Assignments: .................................................................................................................................... 5
Smartbook (SB) .................................................................................................................................... 5
Homework (HW).................................................................................................................................. 5
Data Analytics (DA) ............................................................................................................................. 5
Ethic Case ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Examinations .................................................................................................................................... 6
Resume ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Student Group Events, Activities and Guest Speaker Presentation Participation ................................... 7
Accounting Tutoring Services ............................................................................................................ 7
ChatGPT and other AI tools ...................................................................................................................... 7
GRADING................................................................................................................................................... 8
Grading Components................................................................................................................................ 8
Grading Scale........................................................................................................................................... 8
SHARING OF COURSE CONTENT............................................................................................................ 9
UNIVERSITY POLICIES ............................................................................................................................ 9
Students with disabilities: ......................................................................................................................... 9
Non-Discrimination & Anti-Harassment Policy ........................................................................................ 9
Student rights and responsibilities............................................................................................................. 9
Academic Integrity ................................................................................................................................. 10
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Mask requirement and COVID protocols ................................................................................................ 10
The University Writing Center ............................................................................................................... 10
College of Business and Technology Mission Statement ......................................................................... 10
WIU Department of Accounting & Finance Mission Statement .............................................................. 10
TENTATIVE COURSE SCHEDULE ........................................................................................................ 11
DISCLAIMER ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Dr. Lu Lu
Class Meeting
No In-person Meetings Required
Livestream from Zoom: https://wiu.zoom.us/j/ 92542759194 with video recording
(Registration required:
Office Hours
T/W/Th 2:00 – 3:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Also by appointment
To schedule an appointment outside of regular office hours, please email to arrange
a mutually convenient time.
Quad Cities: Riverfront Hall 211-D
STIPES 433 (by appointment only)
Virtual office: https://wiu.zoom.us/j/99973761019
Phone: (309)7629481 ext. 62249
Email: L-Lu@wiu.edu (best way to contact me)
The preferred communication channel is email, and I will aim to respond within 24
hours (excluding weekends). Please include the course title (ACCT341) in the
subject field.
Course Description
Theoretical concepts and technical procedures underlying the preparation of external financial reports for
corporate business organizations.
Prerequisite: Accounting 201 and 202 with a “C” or better.
Note: “C” Requirement for Accounting Majors:
Accounting “majors” must earn a “C” or better in ACCT 341 before advancing to ACCT 342.
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Course Objectives
This course is designed to build upon foundational accounting concepts and prepare students for more
advanced accounting coursework. The course will delve deeper into accounting theory and its practical
applications, with an emphasis on financial reporting for corporations.
At the end of this course students will be able to...
Develop a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical concepts in accounting
Analyze transactions and determine appropriate accounting treatment in accordance with accounting
standards and principles.
Explore and analyze the ethical considerations involved in selecting accounting treatments for specific
Develop critical thinking skills and the ability to evaluate complex accounting issues.
Discuss the complexities of accounting practice and identify relevant issues in the field with evidencebased arguments.
Support analysis with evidence-based arguments and apply accounting concepts to real-world issues.
Prepare for more advanced accounting coursework and future accounting careers.
Required Textbook:
Intermediate Accounting, Spiceland, Sepe, Nelson, Thomas (11th ed., McGraw-Hill) with Connect Access
Code (ISBN: 9781264387403 [ebook], 9781264134526[bound edition], or 9781264387441[loose-leaf
The textbook with the access code is available from the Western Illinois University bookstore at:
Connect (publisher’s website)
This course employs an online course package named Connect, which comprises an electronic textbook
version. You will also complete and submit the homework and non-writing assignments on Connect.
To access this course on “Connect”, you must first register using a purchased access code. Go to the
following web address and click the "register now" button: https://connect.mheducation.com/class/l-luacct-341-l01-interm-acct-i-spring-2024
1. On the course’s homepage in Western Online, find the McGraw-Hill Connect widget, and
2. click the link to begin pairing/registering with Connect
If you have trouble with registration, please contact Customer Support at http://mpss.mhhe.com/.
***Note that I do NOT guarantee the technology, and I do NOT provide tech support.
Western Online
The course will be conducted primarily through Western Online (“WOL”). The “Content Browser” in
Western Online shows the course structure/organization. Each learning module links you to resources and
assignments on other websites. The learning modules, as well as their contents, are set up in the sequential
order in which they are to be completed.
You can log in at http://WesternOnline.wiu.edu. If you are not able to access the public pages, or to login to
your class site by the time classes begin, contact the University Computer Support Services at
support@wiu.edu. Additional contact information can be found here: WIU Technology Support.
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Western Online only requires an operating system that can run the latest compatible web browsers. Your
computer operating system should be kept up to date with the latest recommended security updates and
upgrades. Technical requirements for Western Online can be found here: Western Online Technical
Browser Information: For best performance, Western Online should be used on the current or first previous
major release of either the Chrome or Firefox web browsers. Some multimedia objects will require you to
enable third-party cookies in order to play them.
If you use a Mac laptop, you are encouraged to install Windows either in Parallels or in Boot Camp.
You could get help installing Windows at uTech. After you install Windows you can also install MS Office
(with Excel and Access) for free. Although Excel and Tableau are compatible with Mac, some of the menu
items could be slightly different for Mac. All the instructions will be based on Windows.
To remote access to the WIU classroom/lab computers, please visit the following page:
This 16-week course is offered entirely online and can be accessed asynchronously, meaning you can study
at your own pace and schedule without real-time interactions. The performance expectations for this
asynchronous format are on par with traditional, in-person courses. However, this mode of learning requires
a higher level of self-motivation, self-discipline, and technical proficiency from students. Given the nature of
asynchronous online learning, it's vital for students to actively use all the resources provided by the course to
guarantee their academic success. This approach ensures that, despite the lack of physical classroom settings,
the educational outcomes remain rigorous and rewarding.
Students are expected to:
 Read the syllabus and familiarize themselves with all relevant University policies;
 Review and adhere to the course calendar;
 Visit the Western Online regularly; and
 Submit assignments on time.
Course Structure
All lecture notes and related course materials can be found on Western Online. Assignments should be
completed in Connect.
For asynchronous students, I strongly encourage you to…
1. read through a section of lecture notes (ideally, you will read the textbook as well)…
2. complete the Smartbook (SB) assignments…
3. work out exercises and multiple choice questions in each Lecture Note in the “Content” of Western
4. check your answers against the solutions, and identify the reasons for any mistakes you made…
5. reread the sections of notes/textbook to solidify your understanding of the material…
6. complete the homework(HW) and data analytics(DA) assignments.
Required Assignments in Connect
Upon pairing your Connect account with Western Online, you can access Connect assignments for the course
through Western Online. Simply navigate to the 'Content' section to find the assignments for each chapter,
along with their respective due dates.
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it is essential to allocate significant and regular time for reading, studying, and completing assignments.
Except for the Resume and Ethic Case, assignments must be completed in Connect by the specified due date
and time. The deadlines can be found in the 'Tentative Course Schedule' at the end of this syllabus. Late
homework assignments will NOT be accepted.
At the time this syllabus was prepared, there are nine required sets of Smartbook, data analytics, and
homework assignments in Connect. Please note that I reserve the right to request additional assignments and
to modify the number of exams and homework as I see fit. If necessary, any changes will be communicated
to all students via email or Western Online announcement.
1. Assignments:
At the time this syllabus was prepared, there were 9 sets of required assignments in Connect.
Required Assignments include pre-class Smartbook reading (SB), homework (HW), and Data
Analytics exercises (DA). The assignments must be completed in Connect and submitted by the
due date/time. Assignment submitted after the deadline will NOT be graded. You can find the
assignment deadlines in the 'Tentative Course Schedule' section at the end of this document.
Please note that there will be NO make-up assignments.
Smartbook (SB)
Each SB assignment is worth 5 points. Smartbook is a digital textbook available through the
Connect. It serves as an adaptive learning resource to facilitate more efficient learning. Smartbook
uses data-driven technology to identify areas where a student might need more practice or additional
resources, and then tailors the content to address those needs. It tracks a student's progress and
provide feedback and recommendations to help improve performance.
I strongly recommend that students complete the Smartbook assignments before starting their
homework. As a supplement to your learning, I encourage you to watch the lecture videos to help
enhance your understanding of the course material. These short videos are segmented into specific
topics, allowing you to select them based on your areas of interest.
Homework (HW)
Each HW assignment is worth 20 points. Homework is designed to help you gain a deeper
understanding of the concepts. You have three attempts for each homework assignment, although
only one attempt is required. Homework assignments are not timed. You are allowed to use books,
notes, and hints provided by Connect. Your best scores will be graded. Each HW assignment is
graded for accuracy in Connect.
It’s recommended that you begin working on assignments well before the due date to ensure you have
enough time to make second or third attempts if necessary. You must submit the assignments for
grading. I cannot and will not guarantee the technology to complete the assignments.
Data Analytics (DA)
Each DA assignment is worth 5 points. DA assignments are not timed and you have three attempts
for each assignment. You will be asked to use Tableau to do the assignments. You can get a free
student license for one year from Tableau. Go to www.tableau.com to create your account and get a
free one-year license. Don't worry if you're new to Tableau or feel uncertain about your skills.
There are Walkthrough videos available for each DA assignment.
2. Ethic Case
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The written assignments include an analysis of an accounting-related ethical dilemma. The due date for
the ethics case can be found in the “Tentative Course Schedule” provided at the end of this syllabus.
Chapter 1 in the textbook (p.17) includes a 7-question framework for analyzing an ethical dilemma and
finding a solution (See Illustration 109). The ethics case assignment requires you to follow this
framework to analyze the ethical dilemma. The Ethics case assignment, as well as a sample case analysis,
is uploaded to the course Content in Western Online. The grading rubric will include following the
instructions and framework, quality and completeness, and writing quality. You are encouraged to consult
ChatGPT, but avoid relying exclusively on it. AI-generated content will be detected by Turnitin. A
primarily AI-generated assignment will NOT be graded. Please submit the assignment to the
“Assignments – Ethics” drop box on Western Online.
3. Examinations
Throughout the semester, your will take three examinations. Each exam will consist of 40 multiplechoice questions. Each of the first two exams is worth 100 points and each allows a duration of 80
minutes for completion. The third exam is worth 120 points and allows a duration of 120 minutes for
completion. The questions are crafted to assess your grasp of pertinent concepts and your proficiency in
addressing relevant accounting tasks. This includes transaction analysis, journalizing, posting, and the
preparation of financial reports, among others. Please refer to the provided course schedule in the syllabus
for specific examination dates.
These exams mirror the style and content of the CPA, CMA, and various other professional exams, hence
this course prepares you for such certifications. Notably, a significant portion of these materials won't be
revisited in subsequent accounting courses. Therefore, mastering the content now is imperative.
Important guidelines for the exams:
 The exams are closed-book; consulting books or notes is not permitted.
 You're accountable for the content in the textbook and any supplementary material introduced in
 Each exam is an individual endeavor; collaboration or assistance from others is prohibited.
 Utilizing notes, books, websites, apps, or other resources during exams is strictly forbidden
unless explicitly stated.
 Any evidence of academic dishonesty will lead to a charge of violating WIU's Academic Integrity
Policies, resulting in dropping from the course with a grade of "F".
Prior to the examinations, please install the Respondus Lockdown Browser and ensure its functionality.
A functioning webcam or computer camera is mandatory for exam participation. Once prepared, you're
free to undertake the exams at any preferred time within the stipulated exam window. For details on exam
submission deadlines, consult the "Tentative Course Schedule" in the syllabus. It's crucial to note that
there are NO provisions for make-up exams.
4. Resume
The written assignments include preparing/updating a professional resume. The due date for the resume
can be found in the “Tentative Course Schedule” provided at the end of this syllabus. The mechanics of
writing a professional resume are not within the scope of this course. However, resume writing tips and
a sample resume are uploaded to the course Content in Western Online. The resume grade rubric will
determine how well you followed the guidelines (tips) and your attention to detail (NO TYPOS). You
are required to visit the career center before submission. You can schedule an appointment at the
following website: http://www.wiu.edu/careers/. Due to limited capacity at the career center, please
schedule your appointment in the first week of the semester. Please submit the resume to the
“Assignments – Resume” drop box in Western Online.
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5. Student Group Events, Activities and Guest Speaker Presentation Participation
Active participation in student group presentations and events is highly encouraged and will be rewarded
in this course. By actively engaging in these activities, you will not only enhance your learning experience
and develop important teamwork and communication skills, but you will also have the opportunity to
connect with industry professionals and build a valuable network. Each participation will earn you 5
points, with a maximum of 15 points available throughout the semester. Embrace these opportunities,
share your ideas, collaborate with peers, and seize the chance to expand your network and gain insights
from industry experts. Your active involvement will be recognized and can have a lasting impact on your
academic and professional growth.
WIU's accounting student organizations, namely AESA, BAP, Finance Club, NABA, and SCMIA,
regularly organize engaging events with guest speakers who cover a wide range of topics pertinent to
aspiring accounting and business professionals. The presentation schedule can be accessed through the
AFED student group calendar, and all relevant details will be communicated via weekly accounting and
finance student news blasts. Additional events will be added to the “WOL-Content-Student Group
Activities and Events” as they come to my attention. I encourage you to check these resources regularly
to stay informed and take advantage of these valuable opportunities. I encourage you to attend
presentations in the first two months as there will be less opportunities towards the end of the semester.
6. Accounting Tutoring Services
The AFED program provides tutoring services to students. You can take advantage of the tutoring service
by using virtual tutoring on Google Hangout or in-person Tutor Lab. Tutor Lab Hours and Instructions
on using virtual tutoring are posted in Western Online. You can earn 1 point for each visit to the
accounting tutoring lab up to 5 points, based on the sign-in record.
Knack Tutoring
Students looking for additional assistance outside of the classroom are advised to consider working with
a peer tutor through Knack. WIU College of Business and Technology has partnered with Knack to
provide students with access to verified peer tutors who have previously aced this course. To view
available tutors, visit wiu.joinknack.com and sign in with your student account.
ChatGPT and other AI tools (collectively referred to as “ChatGPT”) can provide valuable insights, explanations,
and clarifications on a wide range of topics, including accounting. This policy outlines the recommended
guidelines for using them as supplementary resources in this course.
1. Use in homework and assignments:
You are encouraged to use ChatGPT to clarify concepts or get assistance with understanding course
material. However, ChatGPT should not be solely relied upon for completing assignments. Your original
thought and personal understanding are essential for the learning process.
Always ensure to cross-reference any information sourced from ChatGPT with the course materials and
textbooks. Keep in mind that ChatGPT’s knowledge base has a cutoff; therefore it may not always have
the latest updates on accounting practices or principles.
It is important that you apply your critical thinking and professional judgment in all assignments. Exercise
discretion and uphold the standards of academic integrity. Be aware that exclusive reliance on AIgenerated content will be promptly detected and such an assignment will NOT be graded.
2. Use in Examinations:
ChatGPT, or any other AI tool, is NOT permitted during examinations or closed-book quizzes. Using it in
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such scenarios is considered cheating and will lead to a failing grade for this class.
Should you find inconsistencies or issues in ChatGPT's explanations related to course material, you are
encouraged to discuss them in class or during office hours. This provides an opportunity for collective learning
and clarification.
While ChatGPT does not store personal conversations, it's always good practice not to share personal, sensitive,
or confidential information while using online platforms.
Grading Components
To successfully complete this course, you must demonstrate mastery of the course material through various
assignments, including examinations, the final presentation, and other specified assignments. Your grade will
be based on the points earned from these course components:
Smartbook (SB)
Homework (HW)
Data Analytics (DA)
Ethic Case
Bonus points
Syllabus Quiz
Office Visit / Tutoring Center Visit
Student Group and Presentation Participation
Point Value
Component Percentage
Grading Scale
The grading scale is based on the percentage of points earned out of the total points of assignment items noted
Letter Grade
92 or above
A89 -91
86 -88
82 -85
B79 -81
76 -78
72 -75
C69 -71
66 -68
62 -65
D59 -61
bel ow 59
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Final course grades will be rounded to the nearest whole number. For example, a grade
of 69.5 will be rounded to 70, but a grade of 69.49 will be rounded to 69.
Your grades will be determined by the total points you EARN throughout the semester. To achieve the grade
you desire, it's important to plan NOW. I am often asked how to improve grades after exams or at the end of
the semester, but the key to success lies in regularly READING the textbook, completing chapter assignments
(including smartbook, homework and data analytics exercises), and reviewing feedback. If you have any
questions, don't hesitate to ask. It's best to seek clarification as soon as possible rather than waiting until
exams or assignment due dates.
Exam and assignment grades will be regularly posted to the course's Western Online site. It's your
responsibility to periodically review your grade information and schedule a meeting with me to discuss any
specific grades or concerns about the overall course grade. I welcome all discussions regarding study and
learning strategies that can help you succeed in this course.
In order to enhance the classroom experience, faculty members may record lectures and make them accessible
to students who are enrolled in the course. These recordings may be created for pedagogical purposes, future
reference by students, or to accommodate the needs of students with documented disabilities. However, it is
important to note that these recordings are for personal use only and may NOT be distributed, sold, or posted
on social media platforms without obtaining written permission from the instructor.
Students with disabilities:
Students with disabilities: In accordance with University values and disability law, students with disabilities
may request academic accommodations where there are aspects of a course that result in barriers to
inclusion or accurate assessment of achievement. To file an official request for disability-related
accommodations, please contact Disability Resources in the Student Development and Success Center at
309-298-1884, disability@wiu.edu, or in 125 Memorial Hall. Please notify the instructor as soon as possible
to ensure that this course is accessible to you in a timely manner.
Non-Discrimination & Anti-Harassment Policy
University values, Title IX, and other federal and state laws prohibit sex discrimination, including sexual
assault/misconduct, dating/domestic violence, and stalking. If you, or someone you know, has been the
victim of any of these offenses, we encourage you to report this to the Title IX Coordinator at 309-298-1977
or anonymously online at: http://www.wiu.edu/equal_opportunity_and_access/report.php. If you disclose
an incident to a faculty member, the faculty member must notify the Title IX Coordinator. The complete
Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct policy is available
at: http://www.wiu.edu/policies/dhsm.php.
Military/Veteran Support Statement:
As a military-friendly institution, and in accordance with federal regulations and Illinois statutes,
Western Illinois University has established policies and procedures to accommodate military service
students. In addition to the supports available at WIU’s Veterans Resource Center
(wiu.edu/student_success/veterans / 309-298-3505), veterans, members of the National Guard or Reserves,
and active-duty military personnel with military obligations (e.g., deployments, trainings, drill) are
encouraged to communicate these, in advance whenever possible, to the instructor. The Military Service
Policy can be found at http://www.wiu.edu/policies/military.php
Student rights and responsibilities
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Web address for student rights and responsibilities: http://www.wiu.edu/provost/students.php
Academic Integrity
Each student is expected to complete his/her own work. Acts of academic dishonesty such as copying,
plagiarism, taking or distributing exams or exam questions, inputting notes into calculators or other devices
in your possession during exams, using work completed by others (students, former students, or anyone else),
etc. will be severely penalized, including but not limited to a course grade of zero. Being unaware or not
understanding that an action is academically dishonest is not an adequate excuse. If you have questions about
some action being academically questionable, please consult me ahead of time. Please remember that you are
expected to do your own work individually at all times, unless otherwise specified. Even if acts of academic
dishonesty are discovered after the semester ends, there will still be charges and penalties.
Please note that WIU has a writing center that is available to help you with any -writing assignments. You
are encouraged to use this resource.
Web address for Academic Integrity Policy: http://www.wiu.edu/policies/acintegrity.php
Mask requirement and COVID protocols
http:/www.wiu.edu › VPAS › Risk Management and Emergency
The University Writing Center
The University Writing Center can assist you with general and specific questions on writing assigned in any
discipline and at any academic level. The one-on-one assistance available at the University Writing Center is
valuable for generating ideas, discussing global-level issues such as organization, and even working through
grammatical problems. The University Writing Center is in Malpass Library (3rd floor, west side, and satellite
centers in Simpkins, Bayliss, and Tanner). Call for an appointment (298-2815) and bring a copy of your
College of Business and Technology Mission Statement
The College of Business & Technology prepares students for professional careers and life-long learning in a
globalized economy. We provide an innovative and applied education in business and technology that fosters
the highest level of academic standards, integrity and ethics among our constituents.
WIU Department of Accounting & Finance Mission Statement
The WIU Department of Accounting and Finance provides a student-centered environment that promotes
academic excellence, professional and personal growth, a spirit of collegiality, and ethical and professional
conduct. The department’s curriculum and activities develop outstanding graduates who demonstrate the
knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary to enter the accounting profession and to meet future career
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*Subject to change at the discretion of the Professor
Assignments and Due Dates
(All assignments must be completed by
11:59 p.m. CST on the due date indicated)
Week #1
1/16 – 1/21
Ch.1 – Environment and
Theoretical Structure of
Financial Accounting
Course orientation
Syllabus quiz (Due by Jan. 25)
Week #2
1/22 – 1/28
Ch. 1 assignments (Due by Jan. 25)
Week #3
1/29 – 2/4
Ch.2 – Review of the
Accounting Process
Ethics Case (Due by Feb. 8)
Ch. 2
Week #4
2/5 – 2/11
Week #5
2/12 – 2/18
Ch.3 – The Balance and
Financial Disclosures
Ch. 2 assignments (Due by Feb. 15)
Resume (Due by Feb. 22)
Ch. 3 assignments (Due by Feb. 29)
Ch.4 - The Income
Statement, Comprehensive
Income, and the Statement
of Cash Flows
Exam 1 (Ch.1-3)
You can take the exam at any time of
your choice during the exam window
(Feb. 27-29) on Western Online.
Week #7
2/26 – 3/3
Ch.5 – Time Value of
Money Concepts
Ch. 4 assignments (Due by Mar. 7)
Week #8
3/4 – 3/10
Ch.6 – Revenue
Week #9
3/11 – 3/17
Spring Break
No class or office hours.
Week #10
3/18 – 3/24
Ch. 6 assignments (Due by Mar. 28)
Week #6
2/19 – 2/25
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Ch. 5 assignments (Due by Mar. 21)
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Week #11
3/25 – 3/31
Ch.7 – Cash and
Week #12
4/1 – 4/7
Week #13
4/8 – 4/14
Ch.8 – Inventories:
Week #14
4/15 – 4/21
Week 15
4/22 –4/28
Ch.9 – Inventories:
Additional Issues
Week #16
4/29 – 5/5
Final Exam Week
5/6– 5/10
Assignments and Due Dates
(All assignments must be completed by
11:59 p.m. CST on the due date indicated)
Exam 2 (Ch.4-6)
(You can take the exam at any time of your
choice during the exam window (Mar. 2628 on Western Online.)
Ch.7 assignments (Due by Apr. 11)
Ch. 8 assignments (Due by Apr. 25)
Ch. 9 assignments (Due by May 9)
Exam 3 (Ch.7-9)
(You can take the exam at any time of your
choice during the exam window (May 7-9)
on Western Online.)
The professor reserves the right to modify the syllabus and assignment schedule, as well as the weights
associated with exams, homework, and all other assignments.
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