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Liebert IntelliSlot Unity Card Modbus Configuration

Editing the Liebert IntelliSlot Unity Card Configuration
Protocols—Modbus Folder
Modbus Settings
Managed Device Write Access
Enable or Disable the Modbus server to write to the managed device
Modbus Interface
Select the Modbus interface, either Modbus TCP or Modbus RTU
Modbus TCP Folder
The Modbus TCP permits connection to the card by:
• any client (Open) permits communication by any IP address
• clients on the same subnet as the Liebert IntelliSlot Unity card
• clients with specific IP addresses (Trusted IP Lists); only five addresses are permitted
Modbus TCP Settings
Limit Network Access Type
IP Access List
(Open, Same Subnet, Trusted IP List)
The TCP port used by the Modbus Server to listen for and respond to Modbus protocol requests based on
Limit Network Access Type setting.
Maximum Client Connection Count
Liebert® IntelliSlot™ Unity™ Card User Manual