GX20 and Kepware OPC.docx

GX20 and Kepware OPC – Modbus TCP Quick SETUP
1. Open Kepware OPC
2. Add new channel name
3. Select Modbus TCP/IP Ethernet as Device Driver.
4. Make no changes just select NEXT
5. Select the PC’s correct Ethernet card if more than one is availkable.
6. Select NEXT for the rest of the previous screens, do not make any changes. Make sure this one
shows Port 502 and TCP/IP.
7. Select Finish
8. Select Add Device.
9. Select Modbus
10. Input the GX20’s IP Adddress here.
11. Make the last “.0” after the IP Address a “.1”
12. Just select NEXT and do not make any changes to the defaults. Make sure this shows up as 502
and TCP/IP.
13. Continue to select NEXT without making any changes to the defaults.
14. Now add a TAG.
15. Select Name as Channel #1 Data, example. Select 300001 for channel 1. Seelct DWord and click
16. Select OK.
17. New entry should look like this.
18. Open OPC Quick Client ICON. Data for channel 1 should be there.
19. If you don’t get data or error occurs check GX20 screen.