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A Survey of Artificial Intelligence in Fashion

Hung-Jen Chen , Hong-Han Shuai , and Wen-Huang Cheng
A Survey of Artificial Intelligence in Fashion
he fashion industry is on the verge of
an unprecedented change. Fashion
applications are benefiting greatly
from the development of machine learning, computer vision, and artificial intelligence. In this article, we present
an overview of three major topics of
fashion and associated state-of-the-art
techniques: 1) fashion analysis, including popularity prediction and fashion
trend analysis; 2) fashion recommendation, including fashion compatibility and
outfit matching; and 3) fashion synthesis,
including makeup transfer and virtual
try-on. Problem formulations, method
comparisons, and evaluation metrics
are illustrated for each topic of fashion
research. Additionally, promising directions for development in each area are
outlined to inspire future research.
plications, e.g., in improving revenue
increasing customer loyalty (https://
and staying ahead of trends (https://
In this article, we introduce three important research topics—fashion analysis,
recommendation, and synthesis— as
shown in Figure 1.
Specifically, fashion analysis consists of the two major research areas
of popularity prediction and fashion
trend analysis. The study of popularity
prediction on social media has become
important with the explosive growth
of social media content (i.e., text, images, audio, and video) and interactive
behavior among web users. Therefore,
extensive efforts have been expended in
the past few years to predict social media content popularity, understand its
variation, and evaluate its growth. This
popularity reflects user interests and
provides opportunities to understand
user interaction with online content as
well as information diffusion through
social media platforms. Hence, an accurate popularity prediction of online content may improve user experience and
Fashion Research
Fashion has become an indispensable
part of the economy, society, and individuals. People are interested in fashion
and want to know what looks best on
them and how they can improve their
style and raise their impressions. As
such, the issue of how to help people
quickly and accurately find their own
beauty products has gradually become
a research hotspot. With the advance of
machine learning, there has been a trend
of using machine learning techniques
in the fashion industry for various apDigital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSP.2022.3233449
Date of current version: 1 May 2023
Fashion Trend
FIGURE 1. An overview of the fashion applications introduced in this work.
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service effectiveness. Moreover, it can
significantly enhance several important
applications, such as online ­advertising
and online product marketing. Most
research on popularity prediction predominantly focuses on exploring the
correlation between popularity and
user-item factors, such as item content,
user cues, social relations, and user-item
interactions. In fact, time also exerts a
crucial impact on popularity but is often overlooked. Hence, Wu et al. [1] first
proposed investigating popularity prediction by factoring popularity into two
contextual associations, i.e., user-item
context and time-sensitive context.
Fashion trend analysis is also of
great significance and aims to master
the changeability of fashion. Despite
rapid technological changes, the desire
to convey a sense of self through one’s
appearance has not changed. As such,
fashion guidance to develop good taste
and catch up with trends is needed. Additionally, for the fashion industry, valid
forecasting enables fashion companies
to establish marketing strategies wisely
and to continuously anticipate and fulfill their consumers’ wants and needs. In
particular, fashion trends reflect what’s
“in” and what’s “out” for the season. To
date, fashion trend analysis is mainly
performed by fashion experts who have
intensive fashion knowledge. However,
even for fashion experts, it is time consuming to collect and analyze fashion
trends since there are numerous fashion shows each year. With this in mind,
several recent studies aim to automate
this process. For example, Hidayati
et al. [2] first introduced a framework
for discovering visual style elements
that well represent the fashion trends at
New York Fashion Week (NYFW) that
are 1) frequently occurring within the
given fashion week event and 2) unique
for the latest fashion week.
For fashion recommendation, the
goal is to help users find products relevant to their interests as they navigate
large collections of fashion products by
using information from product views,
followed or ignored items, purchases,
and webpages visited to determine exactly how, when, and what to recommend to customers. For example, if you
consider an outfit as a set of clothes with
a specific style or a good outfit composition, we need to not only follow a
dress code but also balance color and
styles creatively. Although there is a
substantial number of studies on clothing retrieval and recommendation, none
of them considers the problem of fashion outfit composition. Thus, dressing
with style is more than just clothing; it is
about how we carry ourselves to reflect
our attitude and personality. Nevertheless, dressing with style takes strategy.
A number of key principles need to be
considered to dress with style, including the flattering styles for our body
shape, the occasion, and the combination of our clothing items. Body shape
is the first thing to consider when
choosing the perfect clothing styles.
Hidayati et al. [3] proposed the first
framework for learning the compatibility of clothing styles and body shapes
from social big data, with the goal of
giving users better recommendations
about what to wear in relation to their
essential body attributes.
Finally, fashion synthesis generates
a realistic-looking person with different makeup or clothing styles. Makeup
transfer is a new application of virtual
reality technology in images. However, applying makeup is time consuming, and it takes even longer to find a
suitable makeup for each individual.
The ability to quickly see virtual
makeup effects on images has become
a necessity for many young people.
Therefore, makeup transfer technology has received increasing attention.
The ideal makeup transfer method
needs to maintain the face appearance of the plain face image, transferring only the makeup style of the
reference image, and the final output
generated image should automatically
present the perfect combination of the
plain face portrait and the reference
makeup. Nevertheless, since people’s
facial expressions, face shapes, lip
shapes, eyebrow shapes, eye shapes,
and distances between eyebrows and
eyes are different, the output generated image may not be well integrated
or may even be distorted. Moreover, a
makeup style is changeable and irregu-
lar, and it is also affected by age and
race. Different works leverage generative models to handle these challenges.
For example, Li et al. [4] utilized generative adversarial networks (GANs)
with cycle consistency between inputs
and outputs to produce makeup and
antimakeup looks simultaneously in a
single forward pass.
In addition to makeup, despite the
convenience online fashion shopping
provides, consumers are concerned
about how a particular fashion item in
a product image would look on them
when buying apparel online. Thus, allowing consumers to virtually try on
clothes not only enhances their shopping experience, transforming the way
people shop for clothes, but also saves
costs for retailers. Virtual try-on enables
customers to try on products using their
camera-equipped devices. Image-based
virtual try-on is among the most promising approaches of virtual fitting that
show target clothes on a customer’s image. However, it is difficult to design an
algorithm that can synthesize the results
under different conditions, e.g., different
body shapes and different poses with
some occlusions, as well as preserve the
details of the clothing itself, e.g., cloth
texture, logo, and text. Therefore, recent work has also leveraged generative
models to tackle this challenging task.
For instance, Han et al. [5] presented
an image-based virtual try-on network
(VITON) without using 3D information
in any form, which seamlessly transfers
the desired clothing item onto the corresponding region of a person using a
coarse-to-fine strategy.
In the following sections, we introduce several classic works, present the
evaluation metrics, and provide future
directions for each category. Overall,
the contributions of our work can be
summarized as follows:
1) We provide the latest survey of the
current progress in the fashion
domain and categorize fashion
research topics into three important
categories: analysis, recommendation, and synthesis.
2) For each category of fashion research, we provide an organized
review of the significant methods
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Post Metadata
Posted Time
Post Duration
Posted Day
Posted Month
Social Features Fusion
Social Network
User ID
Average Views
Group Count
Extract Social Context Features
Brightness Contrast
Composition Geometry
Background Simplicity
Deep Learning
Local Binary Pattern
Extract Visual Content Features
Tagged People
Comment Count
Tag Count
Title Count
Description Length
Member Count
Image Count
Reduction Using PCA
Fusion Network
Visual Network
Clarity Contrast
Color Entropy
Reduction Using PCA
Visual Features Fusion
FIGURE 2. Diagram of the proposed framework for image popularity prediction as proposed by Abousaleh et al. [6]. PCA: principal component analysis; MSE: mean square error; FC: fully connected layers.
and their contributions. Moreover,
evaluation metrics for different
problems are introduced.
3) Several possible future directions for
each category in the area of fashion
research are provided, which may
benefit the research community.
Fashion analysis
Popularity prediction
In recent years, popularity prediction
on social media has attracted extensive
attention because of its widespread applications, such as online marketing and
trend detection. Popularity prediction on
social media is usually defined as the
problem of regressing the rating scores,
view counts, or click-throughs of a post
[1]. Given the image and corresponding postcontext information, the goal is
to predict the popularity score. Figure 2
shows an example framework of image
popularity prediction [6], which takes the
visual content features and social context
features as the input and then fuses them
to predict the popularity score.
Specifically, Wu et al. [1] presented
the novel approach of multiscale temporal decomposition (MTD) to decompose popularity into user-item context
and time-sensitive context to explore the
mechanism of dynamic popularity. The
proposed MTD models time-sensitive
context on different time scales, which
is beneficial for automatically learning
temporal patterns. However, the essential
multiscale characteristic of popularity
dynamics is not considered. Wu et al. [7]
further presented a general framework
named multiscale temporalization for
modeling dynamic popularity in social
media from multiple time-scale views.
Specifically, they proposed constructing a structured decomposition model at
different time scales instead of computing the whole popularity tensor directly
with only intrinsic time information.
Wu et al. [8] proposed a novel view on
temporal context modeling that considers both temporal and sequential coherence during prediction. They proposed
a novel prediction framework called
a deep temporal context network that
jointly integrated embedding, temporal
context learning, and predicting with
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temporal attention. Moreover, Massip
et al. [9] focused on image popularity
prediction by analyzing early popularity
patterns of posts in the same content category, fused with user information data.
Lo et al. [10] proposed a deep temporal
sequence learning framework to predict
the fine-grained fashion popularity of
an outfit look. In addition, they considered not only visual dependence but
also temporal coherence for predicting
fashion popularity over time. More specifically, they extracted both contextual
and visual features from the outfits and
transferred them into a unified latent sequence using a two-stream, multimodal
embedding structure.
However, most of the aforementioned
studies rely on only a few of the useful
features for image popularity prediction
and do not consider the interplay between other pertinent types of features.
For example, image popularity prediction can be significantly influenced by
various factors (and features), such as visual content, aesthetic quality, user, post
metadata, and time; therefore, considering all of this multimodal information is
crucial for an efficient prediction. Moreover, it is nontrivial to design an appropriate model that can make better use of
the various features for predicting image
popularity. Abousaleh et al. [6] proposed
a novel convolutional neural networkbased visual–social computational model for image popularity prediction. As
shown in Figure 2, this model used two
individual networks to process the input
data with different modalities (i.e., visual
and social features) independently, and
the outputs from these networks were
then integrated into a fusion network to
learn joint multimodal features for estimating the popularity score.
Performance evaluations
The performance of a popularity prediction is primarily measured by the mean
absolute percentage error (MAPE), mean
absolute error (MAE), mean square error
(MSE), and Spearman’s ranking correlation (SRC). The MAPE, MAE, and
MSE are used to calculate the difference
between the predicted scores and the
ground truth scores. However, for some
applications (e.g., ranking), only relative
scores are important. As such, SRC is
used to measure the ranking correlation
between the ground truth popularity set
P and predicted popularity set Pt , varying
from 0 to 1. SRC is defined as
1 / c Pi - Pr mc Pt i - Ptr m
v Pt
k - 1 i = 1 vP
where Pr and v P are the mean and variance of the corresponding popularity set,
Future opportunities
The influence of other aspects on image
popularity could be investigated, e.g.,
geographical location, cultural background, and gender difference. Moreover, most existing works focus on using
images to predict popularity. However,
external factors may also affect image
popularity. For example, the hashtags
(similar to keywords) used in a post also
highly affect the popularity. This external textual information could be incorporated to investigate whether it could
improve image popularity prediction.
Finally, learning popularity prediction
under the setting of multiple competitive
sets of information spreading on networks might be an interesting direction.
For example, it could be interesting to
examine the product containment problem, i.e., limiting the spread of productrelated posts in online social networks by
posting competing posts.
Fashion trend analysis
In addition to predicting popularity, fashion trend analysis focuses on discovering
fashion cycles and fashion temporal patterns by analyzing the key elements in
fashion. For example, pioneer research
in automatic fashion trend analysis was
presented by Hidayati et al. [2]. They
collected a fashion style image dataset
that was extracted from the videos of 10
different seasons of NYFW (https://
www.fashiontv.com/). Afterward, fashion trends were examined by analyzing
four visual style elements, i.e., color, cut,
head decor, and pattern, in terms of their
coherence (to co-occur frequently) and
uniqueness (to be sufficiently different
from other fashion shows). Furthermore,
Chen and Luo [11] analyzed the best-
selling clothing attributes corresponding
to a specific season via online shopping
website statistics, e.g., 1) winter: gray,
black, and sweater; 2) spring: white,
red, and V neckline. They designed a
machine learning-based method using
the fashion item sales information and
the user transaction history to measure
the real impact of the item attributes on
customers. Moreover, Chang et al. [12]
first investigated the world’s fashion
landscape in modern times through the
visual analysis of big social data. Their
proposed “fashion world map” framework exploited a collection of geotagged
street fashion photos from an image-centered social media site named Lookbook
(https://lookbook.nu/). They devised a
metric based on deep neural networks to
select the potential iconic outfits for each
city and formulated the detection problem of the iconic fashion items of a city
as the prize-collecting Steiner tree problem, whereby a visually intuitive summary of the world’s iconic street fashion
could be created.
Performance evaluations
The objective evaluation metrics used
to measure the performance of existing
fashion trend learning models are the
MAPE, MAE, MSE, and SRC, which
were introduced in the section “Popularity Prediction.” For the street-fashion
prediction task, the agreement ratio (AR)
is widely used as the evaluation metric.
In this task, the iconic items of different
cities are predicted. Suppose there are m
participants in the user study to evaluate whether the extracted items are associated with k cities. For each city, if n
participants prefer one method, the AR
performance of this method for this city
is calculated by n/m. Given k cities in
total, the average agreement ratio (AAR)
of the method can be calculated as
AAR = 1 / AR i . (2)
k i=1
Future opportunities
In addition to fashion elements, user group
relations could be used to better understand the connections among fashion trend
signals, e.g., city, gender, occupation, and
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age. Moreover, in addition to the existing media sources, other sources, such as
fashion magazines, bloggers, and brands,
should be considered in the massive fashion trend prediction. As such, multisource
learning is also a promising solution for
better predicting fashion trends.
Fashion recommendation
Research work on fashion recommendation [3], [13], [14], [15] can be classified into fashion compatibility and
outfit matching, which are defined as
measuring the ability of items of different types to coordinate to form fashionable outfits as well as generating
harmonious fashion matching based on
individual preferences.
Fashion compatibility
A fashion recommendation is made according to fashion compatibility, which
measures how well items of different
types can coordinate to form fashionable outfits. The goal of fashion recommendation is to automatically provide
users with advice on what looks best
on them and how to improve their style.
Specifically, given a set of human body
measurements that can clarify the type of
body shapes and clothing items in each
image, the model aims to learn an accurate relationship between clothing styles
and body shape types for recommending
the correct clothing styles.
As such, the key technology is to learn
both visual similarity and visual compatibility among different clothing types. To
learn the compatibility between clothing
styles and body shapes, Hidayati et al. [3]
first proposed a novel intelligent fashion
analysis framework to model the correlation between human body shapes and
their most suitable clothing styles, which
could be further applied to improve fashion recommendations. They used two
kinds of data, i.e., human body measurements and clothing styles. By incorporating both clothing style and body shape
information, they mined the auxiliary
clothing features to discover semantically important styles for each body shape.
Then, they constructed graphs of images
with visual and body shape information
and selected the relevant styles across the
visual and body shape graphs.
Moreover, style transformations
and style failures are two key rules for
style recommendations. The concept
of style transformation refers to a fashion style that inspires positive change in
those who follow it, while style failure is
regarded with little acceptance because
of its lack of sophistication (inelegance).
If there are any common styles that are
incompatible with the previous rules, the
recommendation results might be less reliable [16]. Bridging the gap between the
diversity of target styles and fashion style
rules in an unsupervised manner remains
an issue to be resolved. To effectively
capture and represent the detailed semantics of style concepts, Hidayati et al.
[16] proposed analyzing fashion-related
knowledge from social big data. That
is, they utilized online available fashion
knowledge rules, including the clothing
styles of top stylish celebrities and their
corresponding body measurements as
well as the clothing styles that fashion
experts recommend for each body type.
Instead of mining clothing images and
body shapes straightforwardly, Hidayati
et al. [3] first filtered out clothing images
that met the fashion rules engineered by
fashion experts. Then, they investigated
a joint embedding of clothing styles and
body measurements with a multimodal
representation learning algorithm. As a
result, the semantic features of clothing
style and body shape graphs were discovered through propagation and selection. Furthermore, they presented five
basic female body shapes, i.e., hourglass,
inverted triangle, rectangle, round, and
triangle, as new style references. A novel
dataset of style references was also constructed for the five basic female body
shapes—hourglass, inverted triangle,
rectangle, round, and triangle—which
consists of 249,298 clothing images of
five categories (dress, outerwear, pants,
skirt, and top) worn by 270 stylish female
celebrities, the body attributes of 3,150
female celebrities together with the associated body types, and 2,160 images of
basic styles for female body shape types.
Performance evaluations
To measure the performance of fashion compatibility, the area under the
receiver operating characteristic curve
(AUC), recall, and mean average precision (MAP) are used. The AUC measures the probability that the evaluated
work would recommend higher compatibility for the positive set than the
negative set [17]. Recall measures the
proportion of relevant items that are included in the recommendation list to the
total number of relevant items for a given
user [17]. The MAP is calculated by determining the mean of average precision
at the points where relevant products or
items are found, which can be expressed
as follows:
1 / 1^ L n [k]! R h P @k
N u ; R u ; k =1
where u, N u, and R u indicate the specific
user, the total number of users, and the
set of items rated by the user, respectively. L indicates the list of ranking lengths
(n) for the user (u), and k represents the
position of the item found in the list L. Pu
represents the precision in selecting the
relevant item for the user.
Future opportunities
There has been limited research on combining product images with user photos
and text (reviews and comments). Thus,
future research should be conducted to
develop hyperpersonalized recommendation models based on sentiment analysis and user images. To achieve this goal,
hybrid and hyperpersonalized filtering
techniques could be combined to develop
a recommendation system.
Since the final goal is to help users
find the most suitable clothing that can
make them look gorgeous, investigating
multiple personal factors will be helpful for enhancing the recommendation
­system performance. For example, in
addition to body measurements, building
a fine-grained user graph that includes
other factors, such as age and skin color,
might be useful.
Outfit matching
In general, each outfit includes several
complementary items, such as tops, bottoms, shoes, and accessories. However,
generating harmonious fashion matching is challenging for three main reasons.
First, the concept of fashion is subtle and
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subjective. Second, there are numerous
attributes for describing fashion. Third,
the concept of fashion item compatibility crosses categories and involves complex relationships.
To bridge the gap between fashion
compatibility and personalized preference, several methods have been developed. Sanchez-Riera et al. [18] proposed
a personalized clothing recommendation system, namely i-Stylist, through
the analysis of personal images in social
networks. Using the user’s personalized
graph model, the probability distribution
was calculated using visual information
(deep learning features) and semantic
information (clothing properties, such
as fabric, pattern, and so on). Additionally, the user graph models can be dynamically modified when items from
the retrieved search list are selected or
discarded. To address personalized capsule wardrobe creation, Dong et al. [13]
measured user preference and body
shape to assess garment compatibility.
In particular, they proposed a framework
for personalized capsule wardrobe creation utilizing dual compatibility modeling, called PCW-DC, which evaluated
both garment–garment compatibility and
user–garment compatibility.
Nevertheless, they overlooked attributes that are fundamental to characterizing and delivering items’ preferences
to users. To alleviate such a problem,
Guan et al. [19] considered attributes
associated with fashion items and explored all of the related entities (i.e.,
users, items, and attributes) and their
various relations (i.e., user–item interactions, item–item matching relations, and item–attribute association
relations) to improve the performance.
However, the heterogeneous contents
of different entities, embeddings for
new users, and various high-order relationships make this challenging. Therefore, Guan et al. [19] first presented a
novel metapath-guided personalized
fashion compatibility model, dubbed
MG-PFCM, to solve these issues. In
particular, the multiple semantic-enhanced embedding of users and items
was obtained by combining the various fashion entities and relations into a
single heterogeneous graph.
Performance evaluations
Most outfit matching methods use the
same evaluation protocols as those for
fashion compatibility, i.e., AUC, recall,
and MAP (as introduced in the section
“Fashion Compatibility”). Some methods are evaluated with the normalized
discounted cumulative gain (NDCG).
The NDCG is calculated by determining the graded relevance and positional
information of the recommended items,
which can be expressed as follows:
/ G (u, n, k) D (k)
NDCG u = kn= 1
/ G ) (u, n, k) D (k)
where D (k) is a discounting function,
G (u, n, k) is the gain obtained from
recommending an item found at the kth
position from the list L, and G ) (u, n, k)
is the gain related to the kth item in the
ideal ranking of n size for the u user.
Future opportunities
Existing methods are only able to measure the compatibility score of a bottom
(top) from the given top (bottom) for a
specific user. In reality, an outfit usually
involves not only the top and bottom but
also other items, such as shoes and accessories. Therefore, current models assume
a fixed number of objects or dimensions
as input, which is not realistic. There is a
need for a model that can deal with different numbers of items as input and consider the outfit with an arbitrary number
of items.
Moreover, in the real-world scenario,
overlapping category labels for fashion
items might exist. Thus, future directions
should explore how to learn compatibility without category labels.
Fashion synthesis
Makeup transfer
Finding the most suitable makeup for
a particular human face is challenging
because of the tedious trial-and-error tryon process and the complicated combinations of faces and makeup. As such,
a recent line of studies focuses on how
to automatically synthesize the effects
of makeup with one’s facial appearance
[21], which provides an efficient way to
achieve virtual makeup try-on and helps
users select the most suitable makeup
style. Generally, facial makeup transfer
refers to translating the makeup from a
given face to another face while preserving the identity of the user. On the other
hand, as users may upload their photos
with makeup, another line of study focuses on makeup removal [22], which
is also a key technology for makeup
transfer. For example, Wang and Fu [22]
proposed a makeup detector and remover
framework based on locality-constrained
dictionary learning.
Unlike the aforementioned facial
makeup synthesis methods that treat
makeup transfer and removal as separate
problems, recent works [4], [20], [23],
[24] performed makeup transfer and
makeup removal simultaneously. For example, Li et al. [4] proposed a dual input/
output generative adversarial network
called BeautyGAN for instance-level facial makeup transfer. Specifically, BeautyGAN first transferred a non-makeup
face to the makeup domain with a couple
of discriminators that distinguish generated images from real face images with
makeup. In addition, it achieved instancelevel style transfer by successfully applying pixel-level histogram losses on local
regions. To improve the performance
of applying and removing makeup, Gu
et al. [23] focused on local facial detail
transfer and designed a local adversarial
disentangling network containing multiple and overlapping local adversarial
discriminators. However, this kind of
approach has two limitations. First, it
cannot handle the misalignment of images and can overfit on frontal images.
Second, the existing methods cannot perform customizable makeup transfer that
allows for shade-controllable transfer, in
which the shade of the makeup can be
changed from light to heavy.
To solve these problems, Jiang et al.
[25] proposed a pose and expression
robust spatial-aware GAN (PSGAN),
which computed the dense correspondence attention between two images to
consolidate component-to-component
transfer. Nevertheless, apart from the
large computational overhead of pixelwise correspondence, PSGAN suffers
from two main issues. First, the predicted
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pixel-to-region attention is ambiguous.
Second, it is cumbersome to implement
local transfer from multiple references as
it requires computing dense correspondences for every image and reconstructing a new attentive matrix in a pixelwise
manner. To solve these issues, Deng
et al. [24] overcame the spatial misalignment barrier from a completely different
perspective. Their proposed style-based
controllable GAN consists of two “extraction” modules and one “assignment”
module. Specifically, a part-specific
style encoder encodes the makeup style,
component by component, into an intermediate latent style code. This style code
discarded spatial information and was
therefore invariant to spatial misalignment. By contrast, the style code embeds
componentwise information that enables
partial makeup editing from multiple
references. A makeup fusion decoder
equipped with multiple AdaIN layers was
used to generate the final result using this
style code and source identity features.
As opposed to GANs, flow-based
generative models have the advantage of
being reversible and supporting different
applications by manipulating latent space
and reserving it for real-time input. Because of the ability to manipulate latent
space, Chen et al. [20] proposed an unsupervised on-demand makeup transfer
approach, namely BeautyGlow, based on
the Glow architecture [26]. Specifically,
Glow is a general framework for learning a generative network with invertible
functions that encode input images into
a meaningful latent space and enable
modification of existing data points. Although Glow allows for the manipulation
of the latent vectors, it is challenging to
transfer the local makeup details of the
reference image to the target image since
the makeup and face are mixed as the
latent vector. One possible solution is to
find the average latent vector of makeup
images and the average latent vector of
nonmakeup images and then use the difference as the direction of manipulation.
However, this approach contains two
major issues: 1) it can only find the general makeup but not the user-specified
makeup, and 2) it requires many images
from the same person or same makeup to
find the correct average latent vector. To
address this issue, as shown in Figure 3,
BeautyGlow first defined a transformation matrix that decomposed the latent
vectors into a latent vector of makeup
features and a latent vector of facial identity features. Compared with other methods based on GANs, BeautyGlow does
not need to train two large networks, i.e.,
a generator and discriminator, which
makes it more stable. Most importantly,
the invertible meaningful latent space
with the transformation matrix facilitated
an on-demand makeup transfer; that is,
users can freely adjust the makeup from
light to heavy.
Performance evaluations
The evaluation of makeup transfer is
based mostly on user studies. That is, the
participants rate the results to a certain degree, such as “Very bad,” “Bad,” “Fine,”
“Good,” and “Very good.” The percentages of each degree are then calculated to
quantify the quality of the results. In addition, quantitative comparisons can be
evaluated by the Fréchet inception distance (FID) [27] and the inception score
(IS) [28]. The FID measures the effect of
the transferred makeup style, whereas the
IS quantitatively evaluates the synthesis
quality of images.
Future opportunities
The preceding methods focus on transferring the makeup of specific parts (e.g.,
the lips and eyes). However, transferring
the local facial pattern remains unsolved.
This problem may be addressed by modeling faces in the 3D domain. In addition,
there have been several new lines of generative models in recent years. Several
articles [29], [30], [31] have shown that
diffusion models can produce superior
images compared to existing generative
models. Thus, makeup transfer could
also benefit from diffusion models.
Reference IrY
Result IsY
Source IsX
Image Domain
Latent Space Domain
Image Domain
FIGURE 3. The framework of BeautyGlow. (Source: [20].)
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Virtual try-on
Clothing image synthesis is a relatively
new research topic that is gaining increasing attention. The basic version of virtual
try-on aims at generating a new image of
a specific person wearing a target clothing item while retaining body parts and
pose information. The virtual try-on task
is challenging since synthesizing try-on
images involves the estimation of 3D
transformation from 2D images, which
is an ill-posed problem. Han et al. [5]
proposed the VITON framework, which
focused on trying an in-shop clothing
image on a person’s image. It first generated a coarse try-on result and predicted
the mask for the clothing item. Based
on the mask and coarse result, a refinement network for the clothing region was
employed to synthesize a more detailed
result. However, this approach failed to
handle large deformations, especially
with more texture details, because of the
imperfect shape-context matching for
aligning clothes and body shape. Wang et
al. [33] proposed a novel network called
the characteristic-preserving virtual tryon network (CP-VTON) to improve VITON by combining warped clothes with
a generated person through a generated
composition mask instead of using a refinement generator. More specifically,
the spatial deformation could be better
handled by a geometric matching module, which explicitly aligned the input
clothing with the body shape.
In addition to synthesizing the try-on
results with a fixed pose, Hsieh et al. [34]
first proposed a novel network, Fit-Me,
which generates virtual try-on images
with arbitrary customer poses. They designed a coarse-to-fine architecture for
both pose transformation and virtual tryon. Furthermore, FashionOn [35] applied
semantic segmentation for detailed partlevel learning and focused on refining the
facial part and clothing region to present
more realistic results. They succeeded in
preserving detailed facial and clothing
information, performed dramatic posture, and resolved the human limb occlusion problem in CP-VTON [33].
A virtual try-on service, however, still
contains some artifacts in the clothing
results (e.g., missing buttons, distorted
plaids, and so on), which are critical for
the accuracy of the results. Moreover, the
work in Hsieh et al. [35] requires users to
assign the target poses instead of directly
recommending suitable poses based on
clothing style. The creation of a virtual
try-on application that automatically synthesizes a suitable pose corresponding to
the target clothing is therefore necessary
for creating a convenient and practical
virtual try-on service. As such, Chou
et al. [36] proposed a template-free try-on
image synthesis (TF-TIS) framework for
synthesizing high-quality try-on images
with automatically synthesized poses.
By learning the relationship between inshop clothes and try-on poses, TF-TIS
synthesized a suitable try-on pose. By
synthesizing poses automatically, a userfriendly platform can be created without
the extra effort of uploading a target pose,
and customers can experience better virtual try-on results. In addition, TF-TIS
preserves critical human information and
clothing characteristics by using both
global and local discriminators in the
clothing refinement network. Because
of this, TF-TIS solved many challenging
problems (for example, preserving detailed logos and generating tiny but essential details).
Earlier works also required preprocessed semantic segmentation, which is
time consuming, and the quality of the
segmentation strongly affects the follow-up results. To reduce the time cost,
Issenhuth et al. [37] proposed a parsingfree virtual try-on method. However, the
information cannot be transferred from
one view to another based on the users’
positions. Considering that users usually
try on clothes and pose differently to assess whether the garment is suitable, this
is crucial for emulating real-world tryon scenarios.
To address these issues, Chen et al.
[32] proposed a co-attention featureremapping try-on framework, FashionMirror, generating the try-on results
according to the driven-pose sequence
in two stages. Figure 4 shows the architecture of FashionMirror, which consists
of two stages: 1) parsing-free co-attention mask prediction and 2) human and
clothing feature remapping. For the first
stage, FashionMirror directly relied on a
co-attention mechanism to learn the rela-
tion between consecutive human frames
and the target try-on clothes to locate
the regions related to the clothes. FashionMirror predicted the removed mask
based on the co-attended results and the
target try-on clothing mask based on the
target wearable region. The second stage
involves synthesizing the results of the
target try-on based on the removed and
target try-on clothing masks. To achieve
realistic try-on results, the human and
clothing information were warped at
the feature level since remapping the
visual information at the pixel level
caused different-view and instability
issues. Specifically, skeleton flow
extraction learns feature-level optical
flows among consecutive frames. To
transfer the current-frame human to the
next pose, the extracted feature flows
were warped with the current-frame
human features. In addition, FashionMirror enhanced the source human
feature and the target clothing feature
within every frame to provide a more
detailed picture.
Performance evaluations
Most virtual try-on methods are evaluated
by subjective assessment or user study. In
addition, there are several objective comparisons in terms of IS [28], structural
similarity (SSIM) [38], and learned perceptual image patch similarity (LPIPS)
[39]. The purpose of IS is to measure the
quality and diversity of images. A model
that produces visually diverse and semantically meaningful images obtains a
higher score. SSIM measures the similarity between the ­reference image and the
generated image from 0 (dissimilar) to 1
(similar). Additionally, SSIM is used for
pose transfer to assess many state-of-theart methods by comparing luminance,
contrast, and structure information. By
comparing the reconstruction results to
the ground truth, LPIPS measures the
perceptual similarity.
Future opportunities
While existing works demonstrate significant progress using learning-based image generation tools, such as GANs, they
are limited in terms of visual quality, producing artifacts, such as blurry details,
loss of facial identity, distorted body
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Embedding p
Skeleton Flow Extraction
Mask Prediction
ε gt+1
Human Sequence Generation (Gh)
FIGURE 4. An overview of FashionMirror. STN: spatial transformer network. (Source: [32].)
parts and garments, and severe changes
in textures. Therefore, discovering how
to synthesize virtual try-on with high
resolution could be the focus of future
studies. Moreover, in the real-world
shopping scenario, it is quite important
to select a suitable clothing size. The
ability to synthesize different clothing
sizes is also a future direction for virtual try-on research.
With the advance of deep learning, deep
fashion has become a hot topic and has
received a great deal of attention. In
this survey, we introduce a taxonomy of
fashion research that categorizes them
according to the task, i.e., fashion analysis, fashion recommendation, and fashion synthesis. For each category, we not
only provide a review of the renowned
approaches but also introduce the evaluation metrics for different problems.
Despite recent progress, developing
intelligent fashion solutions remains
challenging in regard to investigating
and modeling complex real-world problems. We have listed possible directions
for future development in each section
to promote the integration of fashion
and computer vision to accelerate fashion’s development.
This work was supported in part by
the National Science and Technology Council of Taiwan under grants
NSTC-111-2634-F-007-002, and NSTC109-2221-E-009-114-MY3. This work
was developed by the IEEE Publications
Technology Department. This work is
distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL) (http://www.latex
-project.org/) version 1.3. A copy of the
LPPL version 1.3 is included in the base
LaTeX documentation of all distributions
of LaTeX released 1 December 2003 or
later. The opinions expressed here are
entirely those of the author. No warranty
is expressed or implied. The user assumes all risk.
Hung-Jen Chen (hjc.eed07g@nctu.edu.
tw) received his B.S. degrees from the
Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao
Tung University (NYCU), Hsinchu 300
Taiwan, in 2018. He is now a Ph.D. candidate at NYCU. His research interests
are computer vision, deep learning, and
artificial intelligence. His works have
been accepted in several top-tier conferences, such as the Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition Conference,
European Conference on Computer
Vision, and International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems.
Hong-Han Shuai (hhshuai@nctu.
edu.tw) received his B.S. degree
from the Department of Electrical
E n g i n e e r i n g , N a t i o n a l Ta i wa n
University (NTU), Taipei, Taiwan, in
2007, his M.S. degree in computer science from NTU in 2009, and his Ph.D.
degree from the Graduate Institute of
Communication Engineering, NTU, in
2015. He is now an assistant professor
at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung
University, Hsinchu 300 Taiwan. His
research interests are in the areas of
multimedia processing, machine learning, social network analysis, and data
mining. His works have appeared in
top-tier conferences, such as the
European Conference on Computer
Vision, and top-tier journals, such as
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and
Data Engineering (TKDE). Moreover,
he has served as a program committee
member for international conferences,
including the International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
and an invited reviewer of journals,
including TKDE. He is a Member
of IEEE.
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Wen-Huang Cheng (wenhuang@
csie.ntu.edu.tw) received his Ph.D.
degree from the Graduate Institute of
Networking and Multimedia, National
Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei,
Taiwan, in 2008. He is a professor with
the Department of Computer Science
and Information Engineering, and
Graduate Institute of Networking and
Multimedia at NTU. His research interests include multimedia, artificial intelligence, computer vision, and machine
learning. He has participated in international events and played leading roles in
journals, conferences, and professional
organizations, e.g., as associate editor of
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia and
general cochair of the 2022 IEEE
International Conference on Multimedia
and Expo (ICME). He has received
numerous awards, including the Best
Paper Award of the 2021 IEEE ICME
and the 2017 Ta-Yu Wu Memorial
Award from Taiwan’s Ministry of
Science and Technology. He is an IEEE
Distinguished Lecturer.
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