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Fleming's VAK Learning Styles: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic

One way to be truly successful in the classroom is to wrap your head around the
three different learning styles according to Fleming's VAK model. Why are they so
important? If you can grasp how you learn best, you can use specific learning
methods for your particular learning style so the things your teacher says in class do
not go in one ear and out the other, so to speak. Getting a better grasp on how your
brain functions can help solve problems with boredom and low grades in class
because you're pinpointing the reasons of your learning deficiencies.
Different learning styles require varied methods to keep you motivated and
successful in the classroom, and after all, isn't that what you really want? Of course
it is! Here is a bit more about each of the three learning styles.
More Study Skills of Successful Students
Fleming's Three Different Learning Styles
Different Learning Style #1: Visual
Fleming states that visual learners have a preference for seeing material in order to
learn it.
1. Strengths of the visual learner: A visual learner
o Instinctively follows directions
o Can easily visualize objects
o Has a great sense of balance and alignment
o Is an excellent organizer
2. Best ways to learn:
o Studying notes on overhead slides, whiteboards, Smartboards,
PowerPoint presentations, etc.
o Reading diagrams and handouts
o Following a distributed study guide
o Reading from a textbook
o Studying alone
3. How do you know if you're a visual learner?
Different Learning Style #2: Auditory
With this different learning style, students have to hear information to truly absorb
1. Strengths of the auditory learner:
o Understanding subtle changes in tone in a person's voice
o Writing responses to lectures
o Oral exams
o Story-telling
o Solving difficult problems
o Working in groups
2. Best ways to learn:
o Participating vocally in class
o Making recordings of class notes and listening to them
Reading assignments out loud
Studying with a partner or group
1. How do you know if you're an auditory learner?
Different Learning Style #3: Kinesthetic
Kinesthetic learners tend to want to move while learning.
1. Strengths of the kinesthetic learner:
o Great hand-eye coordination
o Quick reception
o Excellent experimenters
o Good at sports, art and drama,
o High levels of energy
2. Best ways to learn:
o Conducting experiments
o Acting out a play
o Studying while standing or moving
o Doodling during lectures
o Studying while performing an athletic activity like bouncing a ball or
shooting hoops
3. How do you know if you're a kinesthetic learner?
Closing Thoughts About Learning Styles
Generally, students tend to favor one learning style more than another, but most
people are a mix of two or maybe even three different styles. Good students,
however, can come from any predominant learning style. So, teachers, make sure
you're creating a classroom that can engage any type of learner and students, use
your strengths and mitigate your weaknesses so you can truly accomplish what you
would like in class.
Want to know which style you are? Take this simple test here: