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Parach Daily Devotional August

Shepherd Bushiri
SB Publishers
Copyright©2022 by Shepherd Bushiri
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James or New International versions unless otherwise
indicated. Please note that SB Publishers’ style capitalises
certain pronouns in Scriptures that refer to the Father, Son
and the Holy Spirit and may differ from some publishing
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Volume 0059
Published: August 2022
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Parach daily devotional is an inspiring publication by Shepherd
Bushiri. It is designed to encourage readers to study the Word
of God daily. Included in each devotion is the Word of the Day,
a short guideline on what to do with it and prayer.
How to use the Parach daily devotional:
• The devotional can be read at anytime and even
• Make sure that you read the devotional everyday and be
• Follow the message, meditate on it and pray.
• When you pray, you may personalise the prayer.
• Search and study the Scriptures included for further
reading. This will help you to expand your understanding
of the subject.
May you enjoy the benefits of filling yourself up with the Word
of God through this devotional.
[Monday, 01 August]
Scripture of the Day:
“Though a righteous person may fall seven times, he will get up,
but the wicked will stumble into ruin.” - Proverbs 24:16 (CSB)
s a prophetic church we know the number seven
means “divine completion and perfection.” The
scripture above distinguishes the fate of the righteous and
that of the wicked, which is brought about by the intervention
of God for He alone, in His divine power perfects all things.
This then tells us that the ability of the righteous to get up
from a fall is by the grace that God gives to the righteous.
God in Genesis 28:15 said He will not leave you until
He has done what He has promised you; thus, if this is the
fifth time you have fallen, you should not be discouraged.
There is a divine completion and perfection that is taking
place in your life through that challenge. Our God is a
God who deals with the root cause of an issue. Therefore,
you should not stay down, when you fall. Get up with a
revelation that God is perfecting you. Every time you fall,
connect to the grace of God and get up.
Action Point:
The book of Isaiah 52:2 says, “Arise, shake off your
dust; rise and sit enthroned.” Remember that God is
perfecting you with every fall. Today, make up your mind to
arise, and shake off the dust.
“Blessed be the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands
for war, and my fingers for battle - my lovingkindness and
my fortress, my high tower and my deliverer, my shield and
the One in whom I take refuge.” - Psalm 144:1-2 (NKJV)
Further Study:
Joshua 7:10 | Mark 5:41 | Matthew 17:7
Further Reading:
“Tsalach Anointing” by Shepherd Bushiri
“Reformation is not just a prerequisite to enter heaven only.
It is a key to your prosperity and the unleashing of God’s plan
for your life” (PSB, 2017, pg 35).
[Tuesday, 02 August]
Scripture of the Day:
“But Ruth replied, ‘don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back
from you. Where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will
stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.’”
- Ruth 1:16-17 (NIV)
here was a great famine in the land of Judah and
Elimelech went to sojourn in Moab, he and his wife
Naomi, and two sons. While in Moab, Elimelech, Naomi’s
husband died. After another ten years, his two sons, one
of whom married Ruth, a Moabite, also died. When Naomi
heard that the Lord had visited Judah, and gave them food,
she started off going back to Judah, with her two daughter
in-laws. As they went along on their way to Judah, Naomi
spoke to her two daughter in-laws to go back home since
their husbands had died and therefore, there was no
reason tying them to either Naomi or Judah. Orpah, the one
daughter in-law returned home, but Ruth profusely denied.
This is the true definition of loyalty.
There was not much for Naomi to offer, after losing so
much. Loyalty is not proved when everything is smooth. You
can only claim to be loyal during hardship and difficulties.
Loyalty is when you stick around, even if there is completely
no benefit, and the environment is no longer conducive
(Ruth 1:20).
Action Point:
When you have met people who contribute good
towards your peace, who see the good in you and motivate
you to be your best, give them your loyalty. Ruth ended up
getting married to a rich man called Boaz, in Judah. Her
loyalty led her to good things. God, always rewards loyalty.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I submit myself to
Your grace. Guide me that I may not waste my loyalty on
the wrong people. Open my eyes, that I may know, and
appreciate, the destiny helpers you have brought in my life,
and help me to be truly loyal to them, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study:
Romans 8:38-39 | Deuteronomy 7:9 | Proverbs 21:21
Further Reading:
“Tushiya” by Shepherd Bushiri
“Show me any successful person in life and I will show you
how God was involved. I trust God for my success because I
know He is the source of success” (PSB, 2018, pg 8).
[Wednesday, 03 August]
Scripture of the Day:
“If you do nothing in a difficult time, your strength is limited.”
- Proverbs 24:10 (CSB)
t is said that you can only know your strength when
you are tested. In the scripture above, King Solomon
tells us that if you do nothing in a difficult situation, then that
tells us that your strength is limited. This means, if a difficult
time, or a challenge comes, and it cripples and debilitates
you, then your strength is lean. The New Living Translation
puts it this way: “If you fail under pressure, your strength is
too small.” Your strength should be intact no matter what
circumstance you are in.
Strength does not only pertain to the physical, but
also the spiritual. If David had cowered and ran away from
Goliath or the lion and the bear, we would not know of him
today as a victor, and exalted king (1 Samuel 17). God used
Goliath to birth the incredible destiny He had planned for
David; thus, the day of adversity is not to be perceived as
a challenge, but rather, an opportunity from God to elevate,
and enlarge your territory. My son and my daughter, I pray
that in difficult times your strength will not fail, and that you
will advance forward to great victory.
Action Point:
March on, push, and fight until you get to the end.
Adversity is a time to prove the power and might of God.
Do not cower but remember that you can do all things; not
just some, but all things through Christ who strengthens
you (Philippians 4:13).
“Praise be to the LORD, for he has heard my cry for
mercy. The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart
trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy, and
with my song I praise him.” – Psalm 28:6-7
Further Study:
Deuteronomy 31:6 | Jeremiah 32:17 | 1 Samuel 30:6
Further Reading:
“Sleeping Near The Ark” by Shepherd Bushiri
“The cross is symbolic of hardships, work and sacrifice but
at the same time, it is a symbol of the perfect will of God for
men. You will go through trials and tribulations, but do not
fear, it will all bring you closer to God” (PSB, 2018, pg 73).
[Thursday, 04 August]
Scripture of the Day:
“For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one,
much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the
gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus
Christ.” - Romans 5:17 (NKJV)
he word “reign”, as stated in the scripture above,
means “to king” in the Greek translation. The Greek
construction of Romans 5:17 can therefore be translated
as: “… those who receive abundance of grace and of the
gift of righteousness will king in life through One, Jesus
Christ.” You are supposed to “king” in life. You are a child of
the King of kings.
This is what some of us have found out; we have
received abundance of grace, and the gift of righteousness,
and as a result, we are “kinging” in life. We are living the life
of dominion and supernatural power. God reigns in our lives
through repentance and faith in Christ. Jesus rules in our
lives as Lord and Saviour. We are committed to His ways.
We seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness;
His way of reigning as King.
Action Point:
When you receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and
Saviour, that very moment when you start to reign as king
in the Royal Priesthood with Jesus Christ, seated at the
right hand of the Father, in Heaven. As you grow daily in
the Word of God, you receive more understanding of your
ability to rule and reign in the Kingdom of God. May you
receive fresh revelation and understanding of your Godgiven purpose and calling.
As, I lift up my holy hands to pray, I receive by faith, a
fresh wind and touch of the Holy Spirit. May I be endued
by the power of the Holy Spirit, so I can live a life of a king.
I receive wisdom and revelation right now, in the mighty
name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Further Study:
Hebrews 2:8 | Revelation 5:10 | 1 Corinthians 15:24-25
Further Reading:
“The Jesus Nation” By Shepherd Bushiri
“The nation that God is raising is not without its mysteries.
One needs to maneuver with a level of knowledge to be able
to win in this season” (PSB, 2021, pg 8).
[Friday, 05 August]
Scripture of The Day:
“Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, Go and wash in the
Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored, and you
shall be clean. But Naaman was angry and went away and
said, Behold, I thought he would surely come out to me and
stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, and wave his
hand over the place and heal the leper.”
- 2 Kings 5:10-11 (AMPC)
hen Naaman was told to go and bath in the river
Jordan, he was so angry and went away because
in his mind he had his own formula for how he wanted God to
heal him. Naaman did not know that this was God’s formula
for his healing. The Bible says, “God purposely chose what
the world considers nonsense in order to shame the wise,
and he chose what the world considers weak in order to
shame the powerful” (1 Corinthians 1:27 GNT). The way we
think and operate is not the way God operates. His ways
are not our ways. We need to allow Him to do what He
alone can do and in His own way.
Jesus had multiple ways of performing miracles, and
He was not restricted to one way. When He wanted to heal
a blind man, He took saliva and mixed it with mud, placed
on the eyes of the blind man and the blind man began to
see (John 9:6). One may question why do it that way? For
the blind man to see, Jesus had to use that formula. You
might be looking for a financial breakthrough but just like
the widow of Zarephath, God is instructing you to use that
last thing you have for a miracle to happen (1 Kings 17:716). God uses His own formula. What is it that God is telling
you to do today?
Action Point:
Obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22).
From today, begin to obey the Word of the Lord and do
what it says. Some of the things might not even make
sense but it is not for you to understand. All you need to do
is just believe and God will do the rest.
Dear Heavenly Father, from today help me to be
obedient to You, and to be a doer of Your Word. Lead me
in Your way for Your ways are not my ways, in the name of
Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
Further Study:
Mark 10:51-52 | Isaiah 55:8-11 | John 9:6-7
Further Reading:
“The Prophetic Calling” by Shepherd Bushiri
“God had known each of us before we were born, and He
prepared how things in the life of each one of us will unfold
for us to reach our destinies” (PSB, 2016, pg 79).
[Saturday, 06 August]
Scripture of the Day:
“Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it; saying,
‘and level you, and your children within you, to the ground; and
they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you
did not know the time of your visitation.’”
- Luke 19:41,44 (NKJV)
gnorance, and lack of discernment on what God is
doing has destroyed many believers. In our scripture
for today, Jesus wept over Jerusalem, because they did not
know the time of their visitation. God desires that you should
be set free, but when you do not recognise, and discern the
time, your life cannot be changed. When God has visited
you, everything in your life changes. God visited Sarah who
had no child; her life changed, and she conceived passed
the age of childbearing (Genesis 21:2). When God decides
to visit you, protocols are broken.
When Vashti went against King Xerxes’ command, she
did not realise that that was the time God wanted her to
be shown to the world as a queen. Imagine that the king
wanted her to parade and show off her beauty, and she
refused, then she was dethroned from being queen (Esther
1). She missed her visitation. Most of the time, God wants
to do something in our lives, however, due to stubbornness
we fail to see what God wants to do. It may happen that you
have been giving your tithe, and you have sown seeds; you
have prayed for a specific petition, but when God wanted
to do something in your life, you started misbehaving, and
you did not even know that God visited you. This is how
people miss what He wanted to do in their lives. We serve
God who works in His own time.
Action Point:
Open your eyes, be sensitive, and alert. Ask God to
give you the spirit to discern. When you are going through
a certain challenge in your life, do not give up. Never give
up and know why you are passing through what you are
passing through, so that when God visits you, you are
Oh God, help me not to miss the day of my visitation.
I pray that You help me to realise the things that can bring
me peace, and joy today, in the name of Jesus Christ, I
pray. Amen.
Further Study:
1 Samuel 2:21 | Esther 1:12 | Genesis 12:1-3
Further Reading:
“The Prophetic Calling” by Shepherd Bushiri
“You must understand that although God is everywhere and
omnipresent, He does not manifest everywhere all the time.
There are seasons that He has appointed to manifest Himself
to men” (PSB, 2015, pg 163).
[Sunday, 07 August]
Scripture of The Day:
“For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded
is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against
God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.”
- Romans 8:6-7 (NKJV)
hat does it mean to be carnally minded? To be
carnally minded is to be ruled by the flesh or the
body. It is to live according to the five senses of a human
being. On the other hand, to be spirit-minded is to live life
based on the ruling of the Holy Spirit in you. It is to live a
life based on the truth, which is the Word of God, and the
principles of God. To be carnally minded, or to be physical is
what we call the third dimension of life. The third dimension
is a level where you live just like unbelievers, you make
decisions based on what you see, what you hear, and what
is going on in your life. The third dimension is when you see
things clearly in the natural and are affected in the physical.
When someone is sick, they are sick in the third dimension.
The Bible in today’s scripture says, in this third
dimension, the result is death. When you live in the third
dimension, your focus is on what is going on around you.
There was a day when Peter asked to join Jesus and walk
on water. The Bible says, as long as Peter’s eyes were
fixed on Jesus, he walked on water perfectly; but when he
began to look at the wind and got scared, which was when
he operated in the third dimension, he began to sink (Mark
6:45-56). If Jesus had not reached out to him at this point, he
could have drowned and died. Everything in this dimension
submits to the fourth, and other higher dimensions. Do not
live life like unbelievers, who live their lives according to
what they have seen on the news, what is happening with
the economy, what stories they have heard, or even social
media. Believers live a life of the Spirit. When you became
born again, you changed into a spirit being.
Action Point:
Refuse to live in the third dimension. Move away from
this deadly life. The Bible says, “Do not be conformed to
this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your
mind” (Romans 12:2). The Word of God is there to help you
renew your mind. Make sure you focus on the spirit (the
unseen) and not the flesh. Do not live one more day in this
dimension of defeat.
Lord Jesus, today, I do away with the third dimension. I
do away with the physical realm, and the flesh. I will not live
a life of death; I will not live as unbelievers live. Help me to
always renew my mind, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study:
2 Corinthians 10:3 | Romans 8:5 | Romans 6:4
[Monday, 08 August]
Scripture of The Day:
“And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive
words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and
of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but
in the power of God.” - 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 (NKJV)
n this epistle, Paul speaks of the power of God. Apostle
Paul says, he wants the faith of the church to be in the
power of God, and not in the wisdom of men. But what is the
wisdom of men? The wisdom of men is the ability to think,
and act utilising knowledge, experience, understanding,
common sense, and insight. This is all based on experience
and acquired knowledge, the knowledge that comes from
studying and academia. God urges you today to put your
faith in His power and not in human wisdom. God’s power
is way beyond human wisdom.
When one has cancer for example, human wisdom will
bring in chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy as a solution.
God’s power, on the other hand, is in the Word of God,
and this power heals and delivers. When one is deep in
debt, and their assets are about to be repossessed, human
wisdom leads to finding a way of getting funds somehow.
God’s power on the other hand, responds to giving.
Scripture says, “Give, and it will be given to you. A good
measure, pressed down, shaken together and running
over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you
use, it will be measured to you” (Luke 6:38 NIV).
Action Point:
My faith must not be based on human wisdom, but
on the demonstration of God’s power. Human wisdom
is carnality, and as a believer, the first thing you must
acknowledge, and embrace, is that you no longer function
carnally. Everything about your life must be approached
from God’s point of view; your first reaction to any situation
must be the Word of God with faith.
Father, I believe in Your power. Thank You for
entrusting me with the same power that raised Jesus from
the dead through the Holy Spirit. From today, my faith is
in Your power, which is beyond human wisdom, in Jesus’
name, I pray. Amen.
Further Study:
Romans 8:6 | Hebrews 10:38 | Joel 3:10
Further Reading:
“Tushiya Anointing” by Shepherd Bushiri
“One good thing about godly wisdom is that, it produces
tangible fruit. You do not need magnifying glasses or a
microscope to spot the existence and presence of wisdom”
(PSB, 2017, pg 46).
[Tuesday, 09 August]
Scripture of the Day
“Now my friends, I want to say this to you. Fill your minds with
thoughts about good things. Think about things that are true,
clean, right and lovely. Always think about things which people
know are very good.” - Philippians 4:8 (EASY)
s a Christian you need to believe the Word of
God and fill your mind with things that are true.
God wants us to think of things that are good, lovely and
clean, not negative things. Sometimes when people are
experiencing grief and they are hurt, they only meditate on
what they are going through and on their pain, they forget
to fill up their minds with the things that are pure and lovely
and of good report.
It may happen that someone is suffering from a certain
sickness, and the doctor has given him or her a report. As a
believer, it is important that the person focuses on the truth,
which is the Word of God and not what the doctor says. The
Bible says, “… by his stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5),
which means they should believe in the divine healing that
was given to us through the Blood of Jesus Christ. Yes,
medicine helps to pinpoint the issue and to know its name,
however, in the Jesus Nation there is hope and faith that
God can take us out of any gloomy situation. These are the
positive thoughts we should always think about.
Action Point:
Refuse the negative thoughts that come to your mind.
Meditate on the Word of God and let what you mediate on
be pleasing to God. Allow your thoughts to be praiseworthy.
Always think of what is of good report. From today, see
the best in everyone and everything. No matter the
circumstance, choose to have a positive mindset.
Dear Heavenly Father, help me to fill my mind with
good thoughts, may I only think of that which is lovely and
honourable before You, in the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.
Further Study:
Isaiah 53:1 | Proverbs 15:13 | Proverbs 17:22
Further Reading:
“Rayon” by Shepherd Bushiri
“It is high time that we put off the limits from God. You
see, when you extend the reach of your thoughts you are
guaranteed to witness the greatness of God’s power” (PSB,
2017, pg 85)
[Wednesday, 10 August]
Scripture of the Day:
“Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your
waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with
your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel
of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with
which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.”
- Ephesians 6:14-16 (ESV)
he full armour of God is not something you put on
occasionally. This armour should always be on
you. As the Word of God states, put on truth as a belt to
strengthen you and to stand in triumph. What is the truth?
The Word of God is truth. Put on holiness as the protective
armour that covers your heart. Because out of the heart
flows the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). Stand on your feet
extremely alert, and then you will always be ready to share
the blessings of peace. In every battle you may face, take
faith as your wrap-around shield, for it is able to extinguish
the blazing arrows coming at you from the evil one. When
you have faith, you can move mountains, nothing has the
ability and power to stop you. Not even the evil one.
Embrace the power of salvation’s full deliverance,
like a helmet to protect your thoughts from lies. A helmet
protects your head from injuries that may occur; there is
a helmet of salvation, which enables your thoughts to be
renewed and to be in line with the will of God. And take
the mighty, razor-sharp, Spirit-sword, of the spoken Word
of God and use it to pray passionately in the Spirit.
Action Point:
As a child of God, it is imperative for you to understand
that the Word is a manual for our day-to-day living. Guard
your salvation with all diligence. Protect yourself using the
tools set out for your salvation for you to be able to win the
Father in the name of Jesus, I thank You that You have
equipped me with a body-shield to secure myself. I declare
therefore that from hence forth, I have my full armour of
God on me, always, in Jesus’ name.
Further study:
1 Peter 5:8 | Romans 13:12-14 | Isaiah 59:17
Further Reading:
“Wells of Salvation” by Shepherd Bushiri
“The revelation of salvation had never changed; it was
constant even with the progression of generations” (PSB,
2018, pg 16).
[Thursday, 11 August]
Scripture of the Day:
“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me. You
will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies; and
with Your right hand will save me.” - Psalm 138:7 (NKJV)
he Word of God births comfort in the midst of
affliction. Sometimes in life all you need is a Word
from the Lord to revive your spirit and mind. One of my sons
once asked me why I always remain calm and collected
when faced with trials. My answer was so simple to him.
I meditate on the Word of God daily, and when affliction
comes, I am grounded on what God has said to me. Though
you walk amid troubles, the Lord Himself will preserve your
life. This is the truth you need to know as God’s child.
When your confidence and hope is built fully in the
Lord, you know that God, will pull you out of any bad place.
In every bad situation there is something good that will
spring out. What is amazing in the above scripture is that,
when God revives you, your enemies are silenced.
Action Point:
The Word of God revives. Dwell in His Word; mediate
on it day and night. It is effective no matter what you are
going through.
Revive me oh God, in every way, and in every area. Let
there be revival in my spirituality life, finances, ministry, and
all that concerns me. Today, I pray for revival that cannot be
stopped, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Further Study:
Psalm 80:18 | Psalms 85:6-7 | Psalm 119:50
Further Reading:
“The Prophetic Calling” by Shepherd Bushiri
“However, when the revelation of the Word leaps up from
the pages of the Bible, it energises you and leads you in the
deep things of God. For some reason, God wants us to exert
ourselves in our pursuit of Him” (PSB, 2017, pg 153).
[Friday, 12 August]
Scripture of the Day:
“Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy
the fruit of their deeds. How terrible it will be for the wicked!
Disaster is headed their way, because what they did with their
hand will be repaid to them.” - Isaiah 3:10-11 (ISV)
oday’s scripture comes with a warning for the
wicked. Those who put their hands to do evil
against their fellow brethren. The wicked persecute their
colleagues, in order to bring disrepute to their names
and businesses so that they can emerge more worthy of
a business connection or contract. The wicked covet and
deprive themselves of sleep, until they make someone
fall (Proverbs 4:16). Of these, the Lord says, “disaster is
headed their way”, and they will be repaid for what their
hands did.
The New International Version of this scripture laments,
“woe to the wicked”. It is for this reason that believers
need not envy the wealth of the wicked. It is also for this
reason, that we need not harbour bitterness towards those
who have acted wickedly against us, because they will be
rewarded for the wickedness of their hands.
Action Point:
Examine yourself today. If you find that your dealings
and ways were wicked – repent. In the same breath, this is
a call to us - the Jesus Nation, to warn those whose ways
are wicked, that they may come to their senses and escape
from the snare of the devil (2 Timothy 2:26), for such a life
only leads to death.
Righteous God, help me to always observe Your
statutes that I may live a life pleasing to You. May there be
no wickedness in me. Deliver me from any wicked ways by
the redeeming power of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Further Study:
Ezekiel 11:21 | Hebrews 2:1-3 | Isaiah 59:18
Further Reading:
“Sleeping Near the Ark” by Shepherd Bushiri
“God urges us to be holy just as He is holy. There is no way
that a Holy God can interact with unholy people” (PSB,
2018, pg 39).
[Saturday, 13 August]
Scripture of the Day:
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you
were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the
nations.” - Jeremiah 1:5 (NIV)
hat a sweet assurance the Lord gives us through
His conversation with Prophet Jeremiah. The
Lord says, while suspended in spirit, before He put you
in the womb of your mother and began forming you, He
knew you. There, you and God were spirit to Spirit, in
conversation about the wonderful things He was sending
you to do in the world, all the people He was going to use
you to save as you preach and live your salvation, as well
as the insurmountable impact God predestined you to have
on the world for His Kingdom.
All this was foretold to you before you were formed in
your mother’s womb. This is your foreknowledge, where He
set you apart. We know the above to be true for Romans
8:28 says, “…those He foreknew, He predestined.” The
God who knew you this intimately is known as the Ancient
of Days, which is the Greek word “Attiq Yom”
Action Point:
It is for this reason that I always advise you my son
and my daughter, to stop and take the time to go back, and
discover your foreknowledge and predestination before you
begin operating in your calling. There is so much that God
invested in your calling. How can you even operate in your
calling if you do not know your foreknowledge?
Ancient of Days, You truly are the lover of my soul.
There is nothing about me that You do not know. Every facet
of my character and being, You fashioned. I am intricately
known by You. To You be all the Glory, the One who called
me into existence. I shall live all my days to glorify You, my
Maker. Hallelujah!
Further Study:
Psalm 139:16 | Psalm 139:14 | Psalm 90:2
Further Reading:
“You Will Win” by Mary Bushiri
“Our God does not change…You can count on Him always
to be faithful, powerful and loving irrespective of the
circumstance at hand” (PMB, 2015, pg 35).
[Sunday, 14 August]
Scripture of the Day:
“On that day sing about a desirable vineyard: I am the LORD,
who watches over it to water it regularly. So that no one disturbs
it, I watch over it night and day.” - Isaiah 27:2-3 (CSB)
vineyard is a plantation of grape-bearing vines.
The desirable vineyard in the scripture above
symbolises believers. We know this because Jesus Christ
in John 15:5 talks of Himself as the vine, of whom we are
the branches. The Lord boasts about how He divinely
protects and loves this vineyard. The Lord says not only
does He watch over this vineyard night and day, but also,
He waters it regularly.
God goes to great extents to make sure we flourish.
Those who garden know that too much water can cause
a plant to drown, thus when God says He waters you
regularly, it means He knows you enough, to know just how
you need to be cared for. God watches over you night and
day, to see to it that no one disturbs you. That is the extent
of God’s love for you.
Action Point:
Our scripture of the day helps us to be secure of God’s
love. Thus, in the tests of life, when the storm rages, and
the fire seems too hot, you should remember that God
watches over you, night and day.
“My lips will glorify you, because your faithful love, is
better than life. So, I will bless you as long as I live; at your
name, I will lift up my hands.” – Psalm 63:3-4
Further Study:
Proverbs 15:3 | Psalm 121:4 | Deuteronomy 32:10
Further Reading:
“You Will Win” by Mary Bushiri
“I would go so far as to say he built the hedge of protection
around us because he foreknew, we would need it. Attacks
and persecutions are sure to come because God never
promised us a life without trials and tribulations” (PMB,
2015, pg 6).
[Monday, 15 August]
Scripture of the Day:
“But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall
be anointed with fresh oil.” - Psalm 92:10 (KJV)
unicorn is an animal that looks like a horse but has
an exalted horn on the forehead. The horn of a
unicorn grows when oil is rubbed onto it. The more it gets
fresh oil, the more it grows. The word “horn” prophetically,
represents strength and power. When David was speaking,
he was declaring that God will exalt his power and strength.
There is no king who fought so many battles like King David,
and he lost none. What was his strength? The anointing
(Psalm 23:5).
The enemy does not just attack you, he attacks the
source of your strength. He searches your connections,
finances, marriage, and ministry, and attacks anything
that strengthens you. He can even make you leave church
because he knows that that is your source of strength.
Understand that when God exalts your strength, He also
brings protection to all that concerns you. If you want to
experience growth and changes in your life, you need fresh
Action Point:
The anointing is a mark that has been placed on you as
a seal. Have a constant reminder that you are anointed and
take a bold step to anoint your head with oil, and declare
that your strength and power are growing as you are doing
As I anoint myself with oil, I declare that my strength,
and power will be sustained. I will have influence and
dominion in every area. The enemy will no longer invade
my family, and life, for I have a mark on me, in Jesus’ name.
Further Study:
1 John 2:27 | Leviticus 8:12 | Psalm 23:5
Further Reading:
“The Process of Receiving the Prophetic Anointing” by
Shepherd Bushiri
“Until you die to the flesh, you will have difficulty receiving
and maintaining the anointing of God” (PSB, 2015, page 1617).
[Tuesday, 16 August]
Scripture of the Day:
“Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has
commanded you, that your days may be prolonged and that it
may go well with you on the land which the Lord your God gives
you.” - Deuteronomy 5:16 (NASB)
phesians 5:22-33 tells us that marriages are a
picture of the Gospel. This is why the devil is
centered on destroying families. When the home is messed
up, the Church is destroyed. Great pain sets in with
separation or divorce. In these end times, God is raising
prophetic families that will display the relationship between
Christ and the Church amicably.
We are in a time, when the world should look at
relationships and marriages of believers, and have hope.
In this season, the Lord will bring true love to the Church.
The Lord will reconcile broken homes. There will be love
between siblings. Families will pray together and stand with
each other. This is what it means to be family prophets.
People who have been waiting to get married or to marry,
will find the right, loving and God-fearing spouse and they
will enjoy their marriages.
Action Point:
As family prophets, be more understanding and
forgiving to one another. Love your wife like Christ loves
the Church. Respect, and submit to your husband with the
grace of God of Major 1. Walk in the love of God.
God of Major 1, as I humble myself before You. I ask
You to forgive me of all my sins, and I choose to forgive
each person who has hurt me. I receive the agape love
of God deep within my heart, in the mighty name of Jesus
Christ, I pray. Amen.
Further Study:
Malachi 1:6 | Ephesians 6:4 | Genesis 2:18
Further Reading:
“Family Curses” by Shepherd Bushiri
“When I talk about a family curse, I talk about transgenerational, negative manifestations that keep on reoccurring in one’s family lineage or passed down or inherited
from one individual to the other” (PSB, 2018, pg 2).
[Wednesday, 17 August]
Scripture of The Day:
“For we fix our attention, not on things that are seen, but on
things that are unseen. What can be seen lasts only for a time,
but what cannot be seen lasts forever.”
– 2 Corinthians 4:18 (GNT)
The fourth dimension is the dimension of the unseen; it
is the spiritual realm. It is a dimension that is not accessible
in the flesh but in the spirit. In this dimension, there are
spiritual things taking place. Angels, demons, magicians
and even believers have access to this dimension. The
scripture above says we fix our attention on things that are
unseen, the things in the fourth dimension. The scripture
goes ahead and says, things that are unseen last forever.
Remember, in this dimension, even demons and
magicians can operate. Actually, magic and witchcraft
are operated in this dimension. Scripture says, “So Aaron
stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt, and the
frogs came up and covered the land. But the magicians did
the same thing with their enchantments and secret arts and
brought up [more] frogs upon the land of Egypt” (Exodus
8:6-7 AMPC). This realm then, although it is better than the
third dimension, is a dangerous place to dwell, because
magicians can do more against a believer in this realm. In
this dimension, the one with lesser authority submits to the
one with higher authority. You need revelation to access
this dimension, and you must soak yourself in the Word of
God to maintain this dimension.
Action Point:
Your enemies are operating from the fourth dimension,
therefore no matter what, make sure not to let circumstances
take you back to the third dimension, otherwise, you may
be completely defeated. On the other hand, make sure not
to dwell in this dimension, where magicians and demons
can even do more harm than believers.
Father in the name of Jesus Christ, by faith, I enter the
fourth dimension. Help me to always maintain revelation of
who You are, and who You have made me to be, which is a
spirit-being. Let me not be defeated by the enemy, in Jesus’
name. Amen.
Further Study:
Colossians 1:16 | John 4:23-24 | Exodus 7:8-11
Further Reading:
“Spiritual Battlefield” by Shepherd Bushiri
“You must engage in a good fight: the good fight of faith that
is worth fighting. This is the kind of fight that God wants us
to spend our energy on when we are in the battlefield, a fight
that has a spiritual reward” (PSB, 2017, pg 52).
[Thursday, 18 August]
Scripture of The Day:
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we
beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,
full of grace and truth.” - John 1:14 (NKJV)
he fifth dimension is not just a spiritual dimension,
it is a dimension where the Word becomes flesh.
When in this dimension, what you speak becomes a
reality. This dimension is not accessed by the one in the
third dimension. Only those in the fourth dimension can
have access to the fifth dimension. At this level, the Word
becomes flesh, and it is full of grace and truth. The Bible
says: “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall
make you free” (John 8:32 NKJV). In this level, you get to
know your true identity.
Witches are in the spirit, but they do not know the truth,
and they do not even have grace. In this dimension, you
should take advantage of the grace, and use the truth that
you know. The truth is the Word of God, and what God has
said over your issue. The Bible says, Elisha was surrounded
by Syrians who came to kill him. Elisha’s servant was
operating in the third dimension and was terrified. Elisha
on the other hand, was in the fifth dimension, and he knew
the truth that he was surrounded by chariots of fire from the
Lord (2 Kings 6:15-17 NKJV).
Action Point:
Desperately search for the truth in God’s Word today.
Operate from the truth and not just on facts. Make sure you
access grace in the fifth dimension, and do not move to
lower dimensions no matter what.
Father, today, standing on the truth in Your Word, I am
set free. I am unstoppable, and I cannot be defeated, for I
am full of grace, and truth. I am operating in a realm where
demons cannot operate, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study:
1 Kings 18:36-38 | Mark 11: 20-23 | 1 Timothy 1:14
Further Reading:
“Rayon Anointing” by Shepherd Bushiri
“We receive blessings from God through grace and not works.
There is no amount of money that we could ever place on the
table to claim that we deserve a blessing from God” (PSB,
2017, pg 56).
[Friday, 19 August]
Scripture of the Day:
“… your old men shall dream dreams, your young men
shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the
handmaids in those days will I pour my spirit.”
- Joel 2:28-29 (KJV)
here are two types of visions: spiritual visions, and
physical visions. Spiritual visions are the kind of
visions that we get from the place of prayer. These visions
are born from the Holy Spirit. On the other hand, physical
visions are the visions that are a product of man’s planning.
These are born from personal visualisations of the future.
Money does not buy or bring a vision, but a vision can
bring money. The Lord enables every believer to have both
physical, and spiritual visions. There is a unifying factor
that comes upon every believer, and that is the Holy Spirit.
Regardless of social status, when you receive the Holy
Spirit, He gives you an advantage. Even those considered
the lowest people in society, when the Holy Spirit comes
upon them, and they have visions, they can become great.
Visions are an important aspect in our walk on this earth.
Without a vision man will perish. Visions give direction,
and preservation to life. What you see of yourself you can
Action Point:
Child of God, be intentional about yielding to the Holy
Spirit and having quiet time to receive visions for your life.
Give yourself to prayer and you will have revelations of
what your life will be. The Bible in Habakkuk 2 says, “Write
down the vision on a plain tablet, so that the reader might
run with it.” Believe in yourself that the vision you have for
yourself may come to pass.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the dimension of
visions that I am entering in. By faith, I am what You say I
am. I declare that as I get visions, and revelation from You
concerning my life, family, career, health, and business,
I will become it, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ.
Further Study:
Habakkuk 2:2 | Proverbs 23:7b | Proverbs 29:18
Further Reading:
“Prophetic Codes” by Shepherd Bushiri
“Warning: ‘…Every man who sees in the spirit or who has a
vision from God, will often face persecution and attacks even
from those dearest to his heart’” (PSB, 2018, pg 129-130).
[Saturday, 20 August]
Scripture of the Day:
“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit
upon all flesh; and your sons and daughters shall prophesy,
your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see
visions.” - Joel 2:28 (KJV)
n the portion of scripture above, we hear of a time,
which prophet Joel prophesied of, when the Spirit
of God shall be poured out. During the time when this
prophecy was given, it was only old people who served
God. Joel as inspired by the Holy Spirit said, that time will
come when the Spirit shall be poured out upon all flesh
regardless of age group. When that happens, those that
were not privileged to serve God will begin to serve Him,
because the Spirit would have come upon them.
This prophecy was fulfilled in Acts 2, on the day of
Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came upon the believers,
who were in the upper room. The Holy Spirit filled everyone
that was present, and He gave utterances to the people
that were in the upper room (Acts 2:14-47). As a believer,
the Holy Spirit enables you to prophesy to your life, health,
finances, career, family and all that concerns you. You
can achieve greatness with the help and guidance of the
Holy Spirit. The coming of the Holy Spirit and prophecy are
Action Point:
It is important to notice that every believer has to have
a personal fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Learn to yield
yourself to the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life. Always
position yourself at a place where you hear the voice of
the Spirit. Prophesy what you want to see, and prophesy
positive things about all that concerns you.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of the Holy
Spirit. Thank You for the enablement He has endowed me
with. I prophesy good health, success, prosperity, peace,
order, and love in all things that concern me. I declare this,
in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Further Study:
Luke 4:18 | Luke 24:49 | Acts 1:8
Further Reading:
“The Prophetic Calling” by Shepherd Bushiri
“When we are under His (the Holy Spirit’s) influence, the
Holy Spirit, we tap into the supernatural because that is the
realm where He lives and functions” (PSB, 2015, pg 190).
[Sunday, 21 August]
Scripture of The Day:
“And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest
of these is love.” – 1 Corinthians 13:13 (NKJV)
he sixth dimension is a spiritual dimension, where
you are grounded in love; you have a deep love for
the Lord, and you understand how great the love of God for
you is. When you get to this level of love, no power of the
enemy can come against you. The Bible says love never
fails (1 Corinthians 13:8 NIV), and consequently when you
operate from this dimension, you cannot fail. You get filled
with the fullness of God at this level, for God is love.
Most people hear about Jesus going to the cross, but
they do not understand that kind of love. With the sixth
dimension, it is not about just loving God, but loving God
with knowledge. The Bible says, “And this is my prayer: that
your love may abound more and more in knowledge and
depth of insight” (Philippians 1:9 NIV). You need to eagerly
desire to get to a level where your relationship with God
cannot be shaken and to seek deeper understanding, and
knowledge of His love; just like the Bible says, “and to know
this love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled
to the measure of all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:19
NIV). This is the type of love that opens the eyes of your
understanding about who God is to you.
Action Point:
How much do you love the Lord? Is everything you do
driven by your deep love for God? Today, cultivate your love
for the Lord, even as you meditate on His deep and perfect
love for you. His love for you is too deep, as demonstrated
by the events that took place at the cross of Calvary.
Lord, help me to understand, how much You love me.
I might have not been loved by people properly, but this
does not define Your love for me. Help me to love You and
to have the zeal for You Lord, so I can operate in this level
where I cannot fail, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study:
1 John 4:8 | 1 Corinthians 13:1-6 | Psalm 69:9
Further Reading:
“You Will Win” by Mary Bushiri
“No problem is too big for God to solve. The Lord waits for
you to come to Him, so He can shower you with His love and
compassion” (PMB, 2015, pg 51).
[Monday, 22 August]
Scripture of The Day:
“You will arise and have mercy on Zion; For the time to favor
her, Yes, the set time, has come.” - Psalm 102:13 (NKJV)
esus has brought God’s favour upon us. The
scripture above tells us that the set time to favour
Zion, the people of God - the Jesus Nation, has come.
In other words, the favour of God, has not always been
so accessible. The Bible in 2 Corinthians 6:2 says, “In a
favourable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation
I have helped you. Behold, now is the favorable time;
behold, now is the day of salvation.” The “favourable time”
means the season of God’s favour. When you are in the
Jesus Nation, you have to know that we are living in the
favourable time.
The favour of God is multi-dimensional. It covers
everything about us, be it physical or spiritual; your health,
finances, or relationships. Go boldly to the throne, where
“no good thing will He withhold” from you in Christ (Psalm
84:11). As a citizen in the Jesus Nation, it is your season for
favour in every aspect of your life. As a child of God, even
if you have never received favour in the past, release your
faith and believe that you can have it in all areas of your life.
Action Point:
You activate favour by faith. As a child of God, you
need to believe and expect to see that goodness. You need
to start thanking Him right now for the favour you have
seen, and will begin to see in every aspect of your life.
Oh God of Major 1, Thank You for making me a
candidate for Your favour. Remember me, O Lord, with
Your favour today, and every day of my life. May my life be
a demonstration of Your favour. May I experience favour in
all dimensions of my life LORD, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study:
Psalm 5:12 | Psalm 90:17 | Isaiah 58:11
Further Reading:
“The Jesus Nation” by Shepherd Bushiri
“It is by great grace that of God that we are called His own. A
holy nation, chosen generation and peculiar people. A royal
priesthood. It is God’s great favour that has landed you and I
in the Jesus Nation” (PSB, 2012, pg 96).
[Tuesday, 23 August]
Scripture of The Day:
“The woman became pregnant and she gave birth to a son.
She saw that he was a beautiful boy. So she hid him for three
months. Then she could not continue to hide him. So she took a
basket that was made from river grass. She painted the basket
with tar, to keep the water out of it. Then she put her baby in the
basket. She put the basket among the reeds at the edge of the
river.” - Exodus 2:2-3 (EASY)
In our scripture of the day, Pharoah, the wicked king of
Egypt, gave the midwives a strict instruction to kill all boys
born of the Israelites in Egypt. It was during this dangerous
time when Moses was born. The Bible says, his mother
saw that Moses was a beautiful boy, and she hid him for
three months. Notice that the Bible does not say, the father
and the mother agreed to hide him. His mother was the one
who hid him. And after a while when she saw that she could
not hide him anymore, she put him in a basket that she
carefully made and secured that it would not sink.
In Isaiah 49:15 the Bible says, “Can a woman forget
her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of
her womb?” It is very unusual for a woman to behave this
way. However, God says, even if a woman would forget
their own child, He can never forget you. Our God loves us
much more than a mother loves their child.
Action Point:
Today, meditate on the love of God. Know that no matter
what happens in your life, Gods love for you is constant. It
is a love beyond human description. Cover yourself with the
love of God today.
My Lord and my God, I thank You for Your constant
love for me. Thank You, for loving me unconditionally.
Today, help me comprehend, Your perfect love for me, in
Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study:
Hebrews 13:5-6 | Isaiah 49:14-16 | John 3:16
Further Reading:
“Wells of Salvation” by Shepherd Bushiri
“He neglected Himself the joy of spending time in the presence
of divine praises and instead went into a mundane manger
on the road for our sake. He was born, raised, tormented and
sacrificed, just for man. He did this for you and me that we
may be saved and set free” (PSB, 2017, pg 6).
[Wednesday, 24 August]
Scripture of The Day:
“Run to meet her and ask her, ‘are you all right? Is your
husband all right? Is your child all right?’ ‘Everything is all right,’
she said.” - 2 Kings 4:26 (NIV)
n our church, the most common word we use when
greeting each other is “Shalom”. In today’s scripture,
we learn of how a woman witnessed the death of her only
son who passed on in her arms. This woman knew that
even though Elisha was miles away, distance was not a
barrier. If she could meet the Prophet of the Most High God,
the life of her son would be restored. We learn that Elisha
travelled to her home and asked God to bring the boy back
to life, and God answered his prayer. The boy came back
to life. Hallelujah!
But notice something compelling - the woman spoke
these words twice: “Everything is all right”. In Hebrew, she
was saying, “Shalom”. Despite the death of her son, or
her grief and loss, she was able to say, “Everything is all
right”. In our lives too, everything is all right when we know
that all our grief, problems, disappointments, and sorrows
can be placed in the hands of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
Christianity does not mean the end of problems. However,
we know that in Christ Jesus we are more than conquerors.
We can say confidently, “Shalom, everything is alright”.
Action Point:
You too can live a life of Shalom today. Your attitude
will change the moment you know that the Master cares for
you. You must put all your trust in God, and never waver.
If you lead that kind of life, Shalom will always be on your
Dear Jesus, thank You for taking our grief, and heavy
burdens onto Yourself and carrying them for us. Thank You
that because of You, everything is all right. Amen.
Further Study:
Philippians 4:8 | Psalms 145:17-21 | Romans 8:28
Further Reading:
“The Jesus Nation” by Shepherd Bushiri
“Those that have been wounded emotionally and mentally
will be met by this healing wave and there shall be an
eruption of peace that will be brought about by the Jesus
Nation” (PSB, 2021, pg 172).
[Thursday, 25 August]
Scripture of the Day:
“… come out of your hiding place. Capture the city. The LORD
your God will hand it over to you.” - Joshua 8:7 (NIRV)
n the kingdom of God, there is a season for everything;
for example, there is a season for hiding place and
a season for coming out. In the scripture above, Joshua
instructed his army to hide, and he described that at a set
time, they should come out of hiding. When you have been
hidden, two things can be the reason: (1) It may be that
God has been hiding you to preserve you, so that you can
escape the sneer of the enemy, or (2) you may have been
hidden for a greater assignment in which God has set you
In this season, God is bringing you out of the hiding
place. It is the appointed time. The Bible in our scripture for
the day says that after you have come out of hiding, you
should capture the city. This is because God has placed
you in a strategic position to take over. You cannot take
over what you have not conquered. This is what God is
telling us as the Jesus Nation in this season. The moment
you come out boldly as a child of God, the miracles you
have been waiting for will show up right before your eyes.
Action Point:
Fear has destroyed so many people. Remove the spirit
of fear by declaring who you are in Christ, and you will have
the boldness to come out of your hiding place and take
over. You will capture the situation by acquiring knowledge
about it and knowing how to strategically strike.
In the name of Jesus, I declare that I am coming out of
my hiding place. I will capture, take over, rule, and dominate.
I am the called of the Lord, and nothing will defeat me. I
announce victory, and I proclaim that I will completely take
over, in every area as the Jesus Nation. Hallelujah.
Further Study:
Nehemiah 9:25 | 2 Timothy 1:17 | Genesis 48:4
Further Reading:
“The Jesus Nation” by Shepherd Bushiri
“You will shine so bright that you will be versed in
International Trade and Diplomatic Relations with different
Governments” (PSB, 2021, pg 306).
[Friday, 26 August]
Scripture of the Day:
“We also boast of our troubles, because we know that trouble
produces endurance, endurance brings God’s approval, and his
approval creates hope.” - Romans 5:3-4 (GNT)
od allows you to be faced with difficulties at times,
not to destroy you, but rather to shape and mould
your character. The scripture above indicates to us that
trouble produces endurance. Well, endurance helps you
to overcome as children of God. When you have endured
tests in life, you qualify for God’s approval; just like Job (Job
You have to be a vessel deemed worthy, in the
kingdom of God. How then do you become worthy, through
endurance and a positive change of character. You can
endure and persevere in certain things, but if your character
is not changed, or shaped for the better, nothing will change
around you. Men look at the outside appearance, but God
looks on the inside, and what is on the inside should be a
pure character moulded by perseverance.
Action Point:
The only time you will be able to overcome obstacles
as a believer is when your character is strengthened. Giving
up in times of trouble is never an option. It is through those
trying times that some of us get elevated by God Himself.
Make sure to become a better version of you through
I pray in the name of Jesus, Lord, continue to mould
me into becoming an instrument fit for the Master’s use. I
declare over my life that my character will produce good
fruit, and I will overcome anything that will come my way, in
Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study:
James 1:12 | Hebrews 10:36 | 2 Peter 1:5-8
Further Reading:
“Prophetic Gates” by Shepherd Bushiri
“Such is the characteristic of every new born-again person,
the zeal to obey the Lord and do anything that He asks”
(PSB, 2018, pg 19).
[Saturday, 27 August]
Scripture of the Day:
‘’Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true
worshippers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for
they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks.”
- John 4:23 (NIV)
orship time is very crucial for a believer. You need
to have more time worshipping God. In Heaven,
God is not surrounded by intercessors, He is surrounded
by worshippers. Angels worship Him day and night, bowing
before Him and giving Him praise. He is not surrounded by
people who are binding and commanding wizards to die,
He is surrounded by worshippers.
God seeks true worshippers, who will worship in spirit
and in truth. God seeks after the one who worships Him in
the spiritual realm, and in the truth not according to facts.
Worship is not about singing with your mouth and with an
incredible voice, no. Even the devil can sing. To worship is
to fully surrender everything to God. It is not something we
just do in church, rather it is something a believer ought to
do even when alone.
Action Point:
Do not compromise when it comes to worshipping God.
Do it at any given opportunity. Christianity is not a practice;
it is a lifestyle. If you want to become a great worshipper,
make time to regularly bow down and worship God in your
Heavenly Father, teach me to worship You in spirit,
and in truth. I love the time I spend worshipping You. Guide
me never to take the time of worship for granted again, in
Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Further Study:
Psalm 71:8 | Psalm 95:6 | Psalm 63:3-4
Further Reading:
“You Will Win” by Mary Bushiri
“I told God I loved Him, and I declared His goodness with
my whole heart. Soon after the praise and worship, I felt this
amazing peace come over me” (PMB, 2015, pg 104).
[Sunday, 28 August]
Scripture of the Day:
“‘Go and look toward the sea,’ he told his servant. And he went
up and looked. ‘There is nothing there,’ he said. Seven times
Elijah said, ‘Go back.’ The seventh time the servant reported, ‘A
cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea.’ So Elijah
said, ‘Go and tell Ahab, “Hitch up your chariot and go down
before the rain stops you.”’” - 1 Kings 18:43-44 (NIV)
n our scripture of the day, the Bible speaks of a time
when Elijah prayed earnestly for rain to come. The
Bible says he prayed seven times. During the first six times
as he prayed earnestly, nothing appeared in the sky. It was
on the seventh time that his servant saw a cloud as small
as a man’s hand rising from the sea. You would think that
after a prophet of God prayed earnestly all these times,
there would be a big cloud in the sky. The prophet of God
knew that in the spirit you must do it again and again until
you see what you are praying for.
The Bible says: “He took the blind man by the hand and
led him outside the village. When he had spit on the man’s
eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, ‘Do you see
anything?’ He looked up and said, ‘I see people; they look
like trees walking around.’ Once more Jesus put his hands
on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight
was restored, and he saw everything clearly” (Mark 8:23-25
NIV). Jesus, the very Son of God, prayed for a blind man,
and the first time, the man was not fully healed because he
saw people looking like walking trees. Jesus prayed for the
blind man again, and this time, his eyes were opened. In
the spirit there is a very important principle of “do it again”.
Action Point:
Today, pray again over that prayer petition. Give again,
fast again, and believe again. Remember, delay is not
denial. Do not give up yet, do it again and again. Continue
in earnest, continued prayer over your issue, and you will
have your miracle.
Lord, I was about to give up. But as per Your Word,
I will pray again, I will fast again, and I will believe again
until I see the manifestation of my miracle, in Jesus’ name.
Further Study:
Luke 18:1-5 | Luke 8:38-40 | Habakkuk 2:3
Further Reading:
“Prophet Gates” by Shepherd Bushiri
“Regardless of the challenges that you face in the valley, you
must never give up. Like David, who met the shadow of
death keep your trust in God” (PSB, 2018, pg 62).
[Monday, 29 August]
Scripture of the Day:
“And it will come about at that time That I will search Jerusalem
with lamps, And I will punish the people Who are stagnant in
spirit, Who say in their hearts, ‘The Lord will not do good nor
harm!’” - Zephaniah 1:12 (NASB2020)
eing stagnant is the same as being inactive.
Someone who is stagnant in spirit is idle. You can
be stagnant in various areas in your life. When water is
stagnant in one place, it smells so bad. God says He will
punish those that are stagnant in spirit, that means God
does not like stagnant people. He is not pleased when
people are just stuck in one place and do not move into
other dimensions. God is a God of progress. He wants us
to progress in life.
When we become satisfied with where we are in life,
we reach a state of not wanting more, which leads to one
being stagnant because we assume that everything is fine.
God told the children of Israel that you have dwelt long
enough on the Horeb mountain, and it was time to move on
(Deuteronomy 1:6). This means the children of Israel were
stagnant at that place for a long time and God commanded
them to move forward. Because God knew that for them to
be at the place where He has designated them, they would
need to move forward.
Action Point:
From today, pursue a new level in the spirit. If you want
to grow into a higher level of prayer, spend more time in
your closet. If you want to grow knowledge in the things
of the kingdom of God, do not dwell only on yesterday’s
revelation; seek the face of God and study His Word. God
is the revealer of mysteries, and He will always reveal more
to you when you continue to seek Him.
Dear Lord, I pray that I may never be satisfied with my
current situation. I want to see growth, and change in both
my spiritual and physical life. I refuse to be stagnant in the
spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Further Study:
Isaiah 32:9-20 | Deuteronomy1:6 | Revelation 3:15-17
Further Reading:
“Demons and Deliverance” by Shepherd Bushiri
“Demons of regret use regret as a platform to influence
people. Individuals who are affected by this demon live a life
of stagnation because they are influenced by the past” (PSB,
2015, pg 103).
[Tuesday, 30 August]
Scripture of the Day:
“Press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in
Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 3:14 (NKJV)
f there is one thing that I have told God that I will
never allow to happen, it is for me to go down. It is
not my portion and neither yours. No matter how much the
devil attacks your business, your calling, your family, your
relationship, your ministry, or your church, you will never go
down. The multiple attacks of the enemy towards you should
make you realise how important you are. Some people
when facing attacks, they tend to believe that they are not
important. But for some of us, when the devil intensifies the
attacks, we know why. He always tries to shake you so that
you can disregard your true and great identity.
Think about this, if you are the one with the ball in a
football pitch, all eyes are on you. The minute you score,
the crowd that favours you will be celebrating. I want you to
be cognisant of every opportunity you are given. Make sure
that you win at every chance. You are a citizen of the Jesus
Nation. You represent a nation of winners. As believers,
we carry this attitude when working for Jesus Christ. In our
world, we do not say, “You win some, you lose some.” No.
We have been given the power to win at all costs. Even if it
takes a bit more time, our mindset is that of victory.
Action Point:
Look in the Bible and see the level of battles and
adversities our forefathers and the prophets of old went
through. They all went through the same things as us and
even more, but it never ended in the way the devil intended.
The end has always been victorious. This is because victory
is part of our inheritance and identity in Christ. Whenever
you are given the opportunity, always make sure you score.
Father, I thank You for giving my life purpose. On top
of that You equipped me with the ability to achieve great
things. I declare that I will press forward in whatever
opportunity set on my path and I aim to win always, in the
name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Further Study:
1 John 5:3-4 | 1 Corinthians 15:57 | Hebrews 12:1-2
Further Reading:
“You Will Win” by Mary Bushiri
“God is not sitting in heaven trying to figure out how to sort
out your situation. He has not run out of strategies to help
you win that battle” (PMB, 2015, pg 26).
[Wednesday, 31 August]
Scripture of the Day:
“Does a young woman forget her jewelry, or a bride her
wedding dress? Yet for years on end my people have forgotten
me.” - Jeremiah 2:32 (NLT)
t is sad to see how some people have really deserted
God. One of the ways in which people forget God,
is by not reading and studying their Bibles. God longs for
you and your time. It delights Him greatly when you spend
time in fellowship with Him. A good and fruitful relationship
is based on mutual commitment and effort. You should
not only expect God to be there when you need Him, you
must also do your part. There must be an engagement and
commitment from both sides.
If you find yourself sleeping or having a feeling of
heaviness each time you want to read your Bible, you have
to know that you are under serious demonic sabotage.
The devil knows what will happen to you when you read
the Bible, that is why he attacks your time with God using
sleep. Have you ever wondered why the same thing does
not happen when you are on social media, the Internet or
watching television? This sensation only comes when you
want to spend time with God. That error must be corrected.
Action Point:
Do not disregard today’s message, but act on it. Make
it a point to give yourself to God, spend time with Him, hear
from Him, study His Word, drink from Him, and pray to Him.
Work on your relationship with the Father. Meditate on His
Word. Do this, and your relationship with Him will grow, and
your life will never be the same again.
Father, I thank You for the opportunity to be in a
relationship with You. Lord, I want to know more of You.
It is my deepest desire to be close to You. I disconnect
myself from every spirit of distraction. From today, I will
consciously put more effort towards our relationship, in the
name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Further Study:
James 4:8 | 1 Peter 2:2 | Joshua 1:8
Further Reading:
“The Prophetic Gates” by Shepherd Bushiri
“When you read the word of God as guided by the Holy
Spirit, it is easier to understand it” (PSB, 2018, pg 83).
o you know that God loves you? You may think
that this is not true because of the wrong things
that you might have done or because you look at your
current situation and say, “God cannot love me with the
state that I am in.” That is not true! He gives you everlasting
and unconditional love, and He created you to have a
relationship with Him. God loves you so much that He
provided a way for you never to be separated from Him and
to save you and me from hell. He sacrificed His Son, Jesus
Christ, while you and I were still sinners so that we may
have everlasting life. For you to have this eternal life, you
need to be born again.
Who Can Be Saved?
Anyone can be saved. The only thing you need to do
is to believe.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this
is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” - Ephesians 2:8
It does not matter the decisions that you have made in the
past. God will always give you a second chance. If you
repent today from living life on your own and commit yourself
to follow Jesus, He will remove all your past mistakes, sins
and wrongdoings, and He will guide you in the path of joy,
peace and everlasting life.
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us
our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” - 1 John 1:9
How Can You Get Saved?
God has given us the freedom to choose whether we
want to open the door, and invite Jesus in our hearts or not.
It is a decision that you make to say, “Lord, I want to change
my life and today, I want you to be the Lord of my life.”
You become saved when you get born again. In order
to be born again, you must receive Jesus. Jesus Christ
is the provision that God gave for all man’s sin. It is only
through Jesus that we can know God personally and be
forgiven for our sins. Even the name Jesus in the Hebrew
translation is Yeshua, meaning saviour.
“But God showed His great love for us by sending His Christ to
die for us while we were still sinners.” - Romans 5:8
What Happens When You Are Saved?
• Deliverance – You receive newness of life. It is as
though you have never sinned, and you become
released from any bondage or spiritual imprisonment.
• Preservation – What belongs to you ceases from
expiring because God is now the keeper of all that
belongs to you.
• Safety – You are kept safe and protected from all harm.
• Divine health – You qualify for divine healing in that
God can cause you to be healed supernaturally.
• Child of God – You become a citizen of heaven. You
inherit all the benefits of being a child of God.
• Holy Spirit – You receive the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of
God who is sent to guide, teach, intercede, and help
Salvation Is Yours!
Are you ready to have your life changed? Are you
ready for your sins to be forgiven? Are you ready to start
a new journey with God? If so, say the following words out
Heavenly Father, today, I acknowledge that I am a sinner
and need You to help me live a new life. I believe that
Jesus is the Son of God and He was crucified to pay for
my sins. I believe that He rose again and sits at the right
hand of the Father. By his blood, I am saved. My sins are
washed away and I am forgiven. Today I am born again. I
am a new creation in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Action Point:
If you have just prayed this prayer, congratulations!
You have made the most important decision of your life.
Now, I encourage you to get a Bible and find out more
about Jesus and your new life. God is going to be with you
and guide you all the way. Go to a church where they teach
the Good News of Jesus Christ and share this gospel with
two or three other people.