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Physics Lesson Plan: Impulse & Momentum Review

Westbury High School
Science Department Lesson Plan
Defining Success
A merger of Madeline Hunter’s Lesson Cycle and the 5-E Method of Instruction
Teacher: Mrs. Saidy
Subject: Physics
Lesson: Impulse and Momentum. Review for the Finals.
12/1/14-12/19/14 Free Body Di
LESSON OBJECTIVE: What will your students be able to do by the end of the class?
The focus for this unit is for students to calculate momentum, power, mechanical energy, and apply the
impulse-momentum theorem in physical systems
7E Lesson Plan Template 2010
Strategies, key concepts or
Compare and Contrast
Summarize and NoteTaking
• PHYS.2E Design and implement investigative
procedures including making observations,
asking well-defined questions, formulating
testable hypotheses, identifying variables,
selecting appropriate equipment and
technology, and evaluating numerical answers
for reasonableness.
• PHYS.2H Make measurements with accuracy
and precision and record data using scientific
notation and International System (SI) units.
• PHYS.2J Organize and evaluate data and make
inferences from data including the use of tables,
charts, and graphs.
• PHYS.2K Communicate valid conclusions
supported by the data through various methods
such as lab reports, labeled drawings, graphic
organizers, journals, summaries, oral reports,
and technology-based reports.
• PHYS.2L Express and manipulate relationships
among physical variables quantitatively
including the use of graphs, charts, and
• PHYS.3E Research and describe the
connections between physics and future
• Ⓡ PHYS.6C Calculate the mechanical energy of,
power generated within, impulse applied to,
and momentum of a physical system.
7E Lesson Plan Template 2010
Cooperative Learning
Why is safety important
during a laboratory
Why is safety in the science
classroom a number one
priority for teachers,
students, and parents?
How do we
investigate/understand and
communicate the study of
natural phenomena?
 ELPS.C.1.b Monitor oral and written language production and employ
self-corrective techniques or other resources.
 ELPS.C.2.b Recognize elements of the English sound system in newly
acquired vocabulary such as long and short vowels, silent letters, and
consonant clusters.
 ELPS.C.3.b Expand and internalize initial English vocabulary by learning
and using high-frequency English words necessary for identifying and
describing people, places, and objects, by retelling simple stories and
basic information represented or supported by pictures, and by learning
and using routine language needed for classroom communication.
 ELPS C.1.d Speak using learning strategies such as requesting
assistance, employing non-verbal cues, and using synonyms and
circumlocution (conveying ideas by defining or describing when exact
English word are not known).
 ELPS C.2.a Distinguish sounds and intonation patterns of English with
increasing ease.
 ELPS C.3.a Practice producing sounds of newly acquired vocabulary
such as long and short vowels, silent letters, and consonant clusters to
pronounce English words in a manner that is increasingly
 ELPS C.1.f Use accessible language and learn new and essential
language in the process.
 ELPS C.2.c Learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and
academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions.
 ELPS C.3.c Speak using a variety of grammatical structures, sentence
lengths, sentence types, and connecting words with increasing accuracy
and ease as more English is learned.
 CCRS VIII.C.1 Understand the fundamental concepts of kinematics.
 CCRS VIII.C.2 Understand forces and Newton’s Laws
 CCRS VIII.A. Understand Concurrent and Resultant Forces.
ANTICIPATORY SET: (ENGAGE): A “hook” to get the students interest
and attention. (A question, picture, 2-3 minute long video clip, a
7E Lesson Plan Template 2010
M: Do Now connected to Homework with debrief – Check for
understanding ( Circular motion )
W: Do Now connected to Homework with debrief – Check for
understanding (Impulse )
F: Do Now (Projectile Motion).
T: Do Now (Momentum)
Th: Do Now (conservation of momentum)
M: Do Now Review for Finals
W-F: Finals.
Provide students with a common experience (Labs, hands on activities).
Debrief activity, teach concept.
M: Open Discussion – Impulse and Momentum – Collaborative and
Small Group Activity. Watch video generate high order
Calculate the Impulse and momentum of certain objects. .
Collaborative and Small Group Activity
W: Describe and Calculate the force and the time needed to change the
momentum of certain objects. Collaborative and Small Group
F: Calculate the momentum and Impulse of different objects. .
Collaborative and Small Group Activity
T: Lab activities on momentum and Impulse. Collaborative and Small
Group Activity.
Th: Review for the finals Collaborative and Small Group Activity
M: Review for the finals.
W-F Finals
7E Lesson Plan Template 2010
Lab Safety Contracts
Notebook paper
Graph Paper
discussions between teacher and students. Guide/help students as they
solve problems and/or answer questions. Clarify misconceptions and
check for understanding.
M: Taking notes and watching video and demonstrations on Impulse and
W: Calculate Impulse and Momentum group and individual work.
F: Interactive discussion and problem solving on Impulse and Momentum.
T: Interactive demonstration and discussion on Conservation of
Th: Explain Mathematical relationship and model of force and time, velocity
and distance, mass and momentum. Teacher-lead whole group
M: Review for finals
W-F Finals.
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: (ELABORATE) Students apply the information
learned in the Explain to answer questions or solve problems.
M: Calculate force and time to measure the impulse and the momentum.
(Repeat activity to clarify misunderstanding) Student Problem Set.
W: Calculate momentum, impulse, force, and time using work sheet.
F: Work sheet on Impulse and Momentum.
T: Set of problems on Conservation of Momentum
Th: Work sheet on Review for Finals.
M Review for finals
W-F Finals
7E Lesson Plan Template 2010
EVALUATE: Assess student mastery. (Quizzes, Lab Reports, Unit tests)
M: Impulse. Student Problem Set - Share and Debrief Solutions
Individual and Small Group Presentations
W: Momentum-(Student problem set) - Individual and Small Group
F: Impulse and Momentum problems worksheet.
T: Conservation of Momentum Individual and small group activity.
Th: Review for finals problems worksheet.
M: Review for Finals
W-F: Finals
7E Lesson Plan Template 2010