IET Circuits, Devices & Systems Research Article Symbiotic organisms search algorithm for optimal design of CMOS two-stage op-amp with nulling resistor and robust bias circuit ISSN 1751-858X Received on 6th June 2018 Revised 4th February 2019 Accepted on 20th February 2019 E-First on 12th July 2019 doi: 10.1049/iet-cds.2018.5259 Sumalya Ghosh1 , Bishnu Prasad De2, Rajib Kar1, Ashis Kumar Mal1 1Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India 2School of Electronics Engineering, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar, India E-mail: Abstract: This study suggests an evolutionary technique namely symbiotic organisms search (SOS) algorithm based optimal designs of two different analogue very-large-scale integration circuits. The configurations considered here are nulling resistor compensation based complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) two-stage op-amp and two-stage CMOS op-amp with robust bias circuit. The prime goal of this work is the sizing of metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS) transistors employing the SOS algorithm to optimise the area occupied by the individual circuit. Design results based on the SOS algorithm are authenticated with SPICE simulation. SPICE simulation results reveal that all the design specifications are firmly satisfied for both the circuits. Moreover, SPICE based results show that the SOS algorithm provides much better results compared to the earlier reported techniques regarding the gain, MOS area and power dissipation for the abovementioned op-amp circuits. 1 Introduction Design of analogue integrated circuit is a complex procedure that includes the composite agreements between non-linear objectives. The objective consists of design parameters, and the set of optimal design parameters is searched. Due to the increase in circuit complexity, the search space is expanded, and it becomes challenging to find the optimal set of design parameters manually. Therefore, automated circuit sizing based on evolutionary techniques may be used for the design of analogue circuits. Some of the recent articles which describe analytical equation based optimisation approaches to design several analogue verylarge-scale integration (VLSI) circuits are as follows: Articles [1, 2] present an algorithm called particle swarm optimisation (PSO) [3, 4] to optimise the metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS) area of a two-stage op-amp. PSO has also been applied for the maximisation of unity gain bandwidth (UGB), and gain of an analogue folded cascode op-amp [5]. A technique called hybrid evolutionary optimisation is proposed for the design of five different analogue circuits in [6]. Using the geometric programming, a complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) op-amp sizing has been estimated as a convex optimisation problem [7]. A transconductance amplifier with multiple-inputs is proposed using neural network in [8]. An efficient approach for the extraction and optimisation of MOSFET model parameters is developed in [9]. Sizing of analogue circuits using thin-film transistors is suggested in [10] for the application of flexible electronics. Different algorithms have been used to design several CMOS analogue circuits in [11, 12]. CMOS folded-cascode op-amp and comparator circuits are optimally designed using ALC-PSO in [13]. Design of CMOS inverter using ALC-PSO is presented in [14] for high-speed symmetrical switching application. The literature which include the symbiotic organisms search (SOS) algorithm in solving the various types of optimisation problem in different engineering fields recently are as follows. Article [15] applied the SOS algorithm to design a PID controller. In [16], the SOS algorithm is applied to solve the transmission congestion problem in power system. Article [17] suggested the SOS algorithm for the demand side management modelling in the power industry. In [18], the SOS algorithm is applied to determine the coefficients of an optimal fractional order digital integrator. The SOS algorithm has been adopted to design an optimal active analogue filter in [19]. To enhance the power supply stability, the IET Circuits Devices Syst., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 5, pp. 679-688 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019 SOS algorithm is explored in [20] for the optimum placement of distributed generators in the distributed network. The model in [21] presents the optimisation of directional overcurrent relays in the power system utilising the SOS algorithm. This paper investigates the optimal design of two different opamp circuits [22–25] using the SOS algorithm. The effective contribution made in this work is the optimal designs of analogue circuits with better performance parameters as compared to the earlier reported literature. This paper is organised as follows. Section 2 describes the design steps of two different op-amp circuits and formulates the cost functions (CFs) for each of the circuit. Section 3 concisely describes the SOS algorithm. The simulation results are discussed in Section 4. Lastly, the conclusion has been made in Section 5. 2 Design steps and formulation of objective function In CMOS integrated circuit, the circuit sizing technique is a constructive process where the design specifications like gain, power dissipation, area and so on are formulated in terms of the design parameters. Design parameters like the size of the devices and bias current have to be tuned under different design constraints. Equations defining each specification are used for the CF of the SOS-based circuit design. In this paper, two different CMOS two-stage op-amps have been considered which are shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. SOS algorithm should minimise the CF and attain the optimal values of the design parameters within the given ranges for the individual circuit. 2.1 Design steps for CMOS two-stage op-amp with nulling resistor compensation The op-amp is considered as the fundamental building block for several analogue integrated circuits. CMOS two-stage op-amps find wide applications for the designs of analogue-to-digital converters, filters and mixed mode systems. The following electrical specifications have been considered for the op-amp circuit presented in Fig. 1: small-signal voltage gain ( Av),UGB, slew rate (SR), maximum and minimum input common mode voltages (V IC(max), V IC(min)) and power dissipation (Pdiss). Compensation capacitance (CC) and the dimensions (W and L) of 679 V DS5(sat) = V IC(min) − V SS − V tn − • Calculate (W 6 /L6) from ID5L1 K′nW 1 (8) W6 W 4 gm6 = L6 L4 gm4 (9) gm6 ≥ 10gm1 (10) where and Fig. 1 Basic CMOS two-stage op-amp with nulling resistor compensation gm4 = K′ p • Compute ID6, needed for Pdiss. W4 I L4 D5 gm2 6 2K′ p(W 6 /L6) • Calculate (W 7 /L7) from the current ratio of ID6 to ID5 (11) ID6 = (12) W7 W 5 ID6 = L7 L5 ID5 (13) • Check Av and Pdiss as given in (14) and (15), respectively Av = Fig. 2 Basic CMOS two-stage op-amp with robust bias circuit the MOS transistors are taken as design parameters for the op-amp circuit. The design steps of nulling resistor compensation based op-amp circuit [26] are as follows: • Select CC at a minimum value and keep the output pole ( p2) at 2.2 times higher than UGB to achieve a 60° phase margin CC > 0.22CL gm6 CL • Compute ID5 to satisfy SR and Pdiss using p2 = − (1) (2) ID5 = SR × CC (3) • Calculate the transconductances of M1 and M2 (refer to Fig. 1) from CC and UGB using gm1, 2 = 2π . UGB . CC • Compute the values of (W 1 /L1) and (W 2 /L2) from (4) gm1 W2 W1 = = (5) L1 L2 K′nID5 • Calculate (W 3 /L3) and (W 4 /L4) from the specification of ICMR, V IC(max) using ID5 W3 W4 = = L3 L4 K′ p(V DD − V IC(max) − Vt p + V tn)2 (6) • Compute (W 5 /L5) and (W 12 /L12) from the specification of ICMR, V IC(min) using 2ID5 W 12 W5 = = L5 L12 K′n V DS5(sat) 2 where 680 (7) 2gm2 gm6 ID5 ID6(λn + λp)2 Pdiss = (ID5 + ID6)(V DD + V SS ) • To set V A = V B, V SG10 must be equal to V SG6. Therefore ID11 W 6 W 11 = L11 ID6 L6 (14) (15) (16) • Choose I D5 (17) 2 • Set (W 10 /L10) = 1. The ratio (ID10 /ID5) determines the aspect ratio of M9 and is given as ID11 = ID10 = ID9 = ID10 W 5 W9 = L9 ID5 L5 • The aspect ratio of M8 is given as CC W8 (W 10 /L10)(W 6 /L6) = I D6 L8 CC + CL ID10 • V SG8 is equal to V SG10. V SG10 is given by (18) (19) 2 ID10 (20) + Vt p K′ p(W 10 /L10) • Determine the active resistor (Rz), implemented by the transistor M8, using V SG10 = 1 K′ p(W 8 /L8)(V SG10 − V t p ) • Zero (z1) can be computed as Rz = z1 = − 1 RzCC − (CC /gm6) (21) (22) Here, the zero (z1) is placed in such a way that it will cancel out the non-dominant output pole ( p2). The design parameters for this circuit are given below. V DD and V SS are the supply voltages at the positive and negative end, respectively. V GS and V DS denote the voltage measured across the gate-source and drain-source terminals of a MOS device, IET Circuits Devices Syst., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 5, pp. 679-688 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019 respectively. Parameters V t, K′ and λ represent the threshold voltage, transconductance and channel length modulation factor, respectively. K′ = μCox, where μ denotes the mobility of carrier and Cox denotes the oxide capacitance. Subscripts ‘n’ and ‘p’ with each parameter represent the parameter corresponding to NMOS and PMOS device, respectively. gm represents the input transconductance. ID is the drain current flowing through MOS device. For the SOS algorithm, the eco-size (i.e. population size) is taken as 40, and the dimension (d = 16) of the optimisation problem can be defined as Step 13: RB = 1 2μn Cox(W 8 /L8)CCSR The population size for the SOS algorithm has been taken as 40 and the dimension (d = 13) of the optimisation problem can be defined as Y = [SR, ωu, V IC(min), V out(max), ϕM , CL, L1, L3, L5, L7, L9, L10, L14] . The CF is given as X = [Av, UGB, SR, V IC(min), V IC(max), Pdiss, CC, L1, L3, 14 CFrobust_bias_circuit = ∑ (W i × Li) L5, L6, L7, L8, L9, L10, L11] . (25) i=1 The CF is formulated as the sum of the areas occupied by each transistor present in the op-amp circuit and is presented as 12 CFnulling_registor_compensation_circuit = ∑ (W i × Li) (23) i=1 To construct the nulling resistor compensation based op-amp circuit, the number of transistors required is 12. The target value of CFnulling_registor_compensation_circuit is intended to be lesser than 14.87 μm2 which is achieved in [23]. Here, the SOS algorithm has been applied to optimise the CFnulling_registor_compensation_circuit. Figure-of-merit (FOM) [27] for the designed circuit is given as FOMnulling_registor_compensation_circuit = CL . UGB I0 (24) 2.2 Design steps for CMOS two-stage op-amp with robust bias circuit The electrical specifications like SR, unity gain frequency ( f u), V IC(min), V out(max), phase margin (ϕM ) and the design parameters, i.e. load capacitance (CL), structural parameters (W, L) of transistors involved in the circuit are reserved within certain limits. The design steps for the robust bias based op-amp circuit [24] are listed as follows: 16kT SR 1+ 3ωuSn( f ) ωu(V DD − V IC(max) + V tn) Step 2: ID7 = SR × (CC + CL) 3μp(V DD − V out(max))CC Step 3: L6 = 2ωu(CC + CL)tan(ϕM ) 2SR × (CC + CL) Step 4: W 6 = L6 μpCox(V DD − V out(max))2 Step 5: ID5 = SR × CC ωu2 CC W = Step 6: L 1, 2 μnCoxSR Step 7: Step 1: CC = 2SR CC W = L 5, 8 μnCox(V IC(min) − V SS − V tn − (SR/ωu))2 CC + CL W W = Step 8: L 7 CC L 5 (W /L)6 W W = Step 9: L 3, 4 2(W /L)7 L 5 CC W W Step 10: = L 9 CC + CL L 6 W W W W (W 6 /L6) W 8 Step 11: 10 = 11 = 12 = 13 = L10 L11 L12 L13 (W 7 /L7) L8 W 14 W Step 12: =4 8 L14 L8 IET Circuits Devices Syst., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 5, pp. 679-688 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019 The number of transistors required to construct the robust bias based op-amp circuit is 14. The value of CFrobust_bias_circuit is aimed to be lesser than 100.5 μm2 [24]. The SOS algorithm is used to optimise the CFrobust_bias_circuit. FOM [28] for this circuit is presented as FOMrobust_bias_circuit = 3 Gain . UGB IRN (26) SOS algorithm The SOS algorithm operates on symbiotic relations noticed in the ecosystem between two organisms. Cheng and Prayogo [29] have proposed the SOS algorithm. The idea of ‘symbiosis’ and a brief description of the SOS algorithm are given in the subsequent two subsections, respectively. 3.1 Symbiosis: a concept In 1879, de Bary, a German mycologist first used the Greek term ‘symbiosis’, that implies ‘living together’, to illustrate the connection between two non-identical organisms which are interconnected. Symbiotic interactions are mainly classified into two categories, obligatory and facultative. Two organisms rely on each other for their existence in case of obligate interaction, whereas for the other case, two organisms may rely on each other, but it is not essential. Three kinds of symbiotic interactions have been noticed in nature, namely mutualism, commensalism and parasitism. In mutualism, both the particulars will be benefitted from the interaction of two different organisms. Commensalism happens when one gets profit, and the other becomes neutral from the interaction between two different organisms. In parasitism, one will be benefitted, and the other will severely suffer from the interaction of two different species. For their existence in the ecosystem over a long time, the living organisms will go through symbiotic interactions to adjust themselves to the environment. 3.2 Features of the SOS algorithm The SOS algorithm finds the relationship between organisms that are involved in discovering the better-fitted organism within a search space. To locate the optimal global solution, the population of candidate solutions (which is termed as the ecosystem) is randomly generated at the beginning of the SOS algorithm. Each organism is taken as a candidate solution to the corresponding optimisation problem. The SOS algorithm produces a new solution by mimicking the symbiotic relationship between the two organisms. In an ecosystem, each organism is connected with three symbiotic relationships. This connection process will be continued until the termination criterion is satisfied. The next three subsections describe the three different phases of symbiotic relationship in brief. 3.2.1 Mutualism interaction: In mutualism, both the organisms get benefitted from the mutualistic relationship between the organisms simulated through the SOS algorithm. An interaction between oxpecker and zebra is a basic example of mutualism 681 Table 1 Inputs and technology considered Inputs/technology Nulling resistor compensation based op-amp [22, 23] V DD, V Robust bias based op-amp [24] 1.2 2.5 V SS, V −1.2 −2.5 V t p, V −0.379 −0.901 V tn, V 0.305 0.711 Kn′, μA/V2 260 182 2 K ′p, μA/V 82 41.6 technology 0.13 μm standard CMOS 0.5 μm HP's CMOS 14TB [30] Table 2 Constraints of the design specifications for nulling resistor compensation based CMOS two-stage op-amp Design constraints Ranges considered ≥ 40 SR Av Unit V/ μs dB >86 CL 0.05 pF CC 0.011 < CC ≤ 10 pF UGB ICMR Pdiss ≥ 100 −1 ≤ ICMR ≤ 1 ≤ 20 MHz V μW L1 − L12 0.13 ≤ L1 − L12 ≤ 1 W 1 − W 12 0.5 ≤ W 1 − W 12 ≤ 10 μm μm X j, new = X j + rand(0, 1) × (Xbest − Mutual_Vector × BF2) (28) where Mutual_Vector = Fig. 3 Plot of convergence profile of the SOS algorithm for nulling resistor compensation based CMOS two-stage op-amp Xi + X j 2 (29) In (27) and (28), rand(0, 1) is a randomly generated data which lies between 0 and 1, and the values of two benefit factors, denoted by BF1 and BF2, are either 1 or 2. As the organisms may get benefitted fully or partially from the relationship, hence these two factors (BF1 and BF2) express the benefit level of each organism. Mutual_Vector describes an interaction between the organisms (Xi and X j) and is defined in (29). In (27) and (28), the remaining parts indicate the mutualistic effort due to the organisms to improve their adaptation level into the ecosystem (highest level of adaptation is implied by Xbest). If they provide better values of CF as compared to the previous solutions, then only the new solutions are accepted. 3.2.2 Commensalism interaction: A simple example of commensalism is the interaction between the spider and the trees. Spiders trap the insects by creating the net on the trees. Thus, the spider acquires food and trees are not affected. To mimic the commensalism phase, randomly choose an organism X j to relate to the organism Xi. Hence, organism Xi achieves profit from the relationship while X j remains unaffected. The new value of Xi can be evaluated using the expression given in the following equation [29]: Fig. 4 Simulated SR response for nulling resistor compensation based opamp where oxpeckers eat parasites from zebra's skin. Thus, the zebras are getting free from parasites and oxpeckers are getting food. Oxpeckers will fly and shout when feels something wrong that guides the zebra to be aware of and rescue. In this interaction, the ith organism in the ecosystem is denoted by Xi, and randomly picked up another organism X j to relate with Xi. Both the organisms will take the advantages to survive inside the ecosystem using the mutualistic interaction. The new values of Xi and X j are evaluated using (27) and (28), respectively Xi, new = Xi + rand(0, 1) × (Xbest − Mutual_Vector × BF1) 682 (27) Xi, new = Xi + rand( − 1, 1) × (Xbest − X j) (30) where (Xbest − X j) describes the profit offered by X j to help Xi. As a result, the organism Xi will survive better within the ecosystem. 3.2.3 Parasitism interaction: An interaction between Plasmodium parasites and the human being is a simple example of the parasitic relationship. These parasites come into the human body through the mosquitoes, and they propagate through the human host. Due to this, the human host will be affected by several diseases which may lead to death. Here, an organism Xi is taken as the mosquito which generates an artificial parasite called as Parasite_Vector. This Parasite_Vector is constructed by IET Circuits Devices Syst., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 5, pp. 679-688 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019 Table 3 Design parameters obtained for nulling resistor compensation based CMOS two-stage op-amp Design variables hierarchy particle swarm ant colony optimisation genetic algorithm craziness based particle optimisation (HPSO) [22] (ACO) [23] (GA) [23] swarm optimisation (CRPSO) [25] SOS I0, μA 4.5 4.38 4 1.1 1.05 (W /L)1, 2 2.5 /0.75 0.5/0.81 2/0.93 0.96/0.75 0.9/0.75 (W /L)3, 4 1.5/0.5 1.3/0.64 1.7/0.9 0.5/0.5 0.5/0.5 (W /L)5, 12 5.5/0.75 2.8/0.58 6/0.46 0.76/0.58 0.7/0.55 (W /L)6 3.8/0.5 6.8/0.64 5.7/0.9 9.0966/0.5 8/0.5 (W /L)7 7/0.75 4.6/0.58 9.7/0.46 4.95/0.5 5.25/0.5 (W /L)8 1.5/0.25 1.6/0.68 8.8/0.98 1.115/0.25 1.2/0.25 (W /L)9 3/0.75 1.5/0.58 4.2/0.46 0.58/0.58 0.8/0.8 (W /L)10 4/0.75 0.5/0.17 6.5/0.76 0.53/0.53 0.52/0.52 (W /L)11 4/0.75 0.5/0.17 5.1/0.76 0.57/0.57 0.55/0.55 CL, pF 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 CC, pF 0.09 0.11 0.1 0.0275 0.027 (W /L) measured in (μm/ μm). Fig. 5 Simulated result of Pdiss for nulling resistor compensation based op-amp Fig. 7 Simulated ICMR response of nulling resistor compensation based op-amp Fig. 8 Simulated CMRR response of nulling resistor compensation based op-amp Fig. 6 UGB, gain and phase plots for nulling resistor compensation based op-amp reproducing Xi with a randomly selected dimension, changed through a random number. Then, randomly choose another organism X j (host to the parasites) from the ecosystem. The generated parasite (Parasite_Vector) will ruin out X j and takes place the present location of X j in the ecosystem if the CF value of Parasite_Vector is comparable to that of X j. Otherwise, it will immune against the Parasite_Vector, and hence the parasites will leave the ecosystem. 3.3 Computing steps of SOS algorithm for the analogue circuit design The algorithmic steps are given below. Step 1 – Initialisation: Initially create an ecosystem utilising the design constraints. IET Circuits Devices Syst., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 5, pp. 679-688 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019 Step 2 – Evaluation of CF: Evaluate the CF for each organism to find out the best organism. Step 3 – Mutualism phase: With the mutualistic interaction between each other, the organisms are updated, and the weaker organism is replaced by the fitter organism. Step 4 – Commensalism phase: The organisms are updated by performing the commensal interaction, and the updated organisms with better CF values are considered. Step 5 – Parasitism phase: Generate a Parasite_Vector, and if the CF value produced by the Parasite_Vector is comparable to the random organism then it replaces the random organism. Step 6 – Termination criterion: The programme is terminated when it is reached to the maximum number of iteration; otherwise, it goes to step 2. 3.4 Advantages of SOS algorithm The paramount feature of the SOS algorithm is that it is independent of specific algorithm parameters. The SOS uses two 683 Table 4 Comparison of design specifications of nulling resistor compensation based CMOS two-stage op-amp Design criteria Unit Specifications HPSO [22] ACO [23] GA [23] CRPSO [25] SR ≥ 40 Pdiss V/ μs μW ϕM (°) SOS <20 50.33 21 38.49 19.75 39.44 20.20 90.53 19.61 40.58 18.65 >65 61.79 56.26 55.85 68.56 67.9 fu MHz ≥100 101 0.1 0.1037 111.2 111.9 Av dB >86 86.16 77.21 80.55 88.61 90.29 V IC(min) V ≥ −1 NR NR NR −0.7507 −0.998 V IC(max) V ≤1 NR NR NR 0.9372 0.6372 CMRR dB dB >60 >70 NR NR NR NR NR NR 87.91 83.22 93.23 82.98 dB >70 NR NR NR 97.06 105.9 2 <250 29.275 14.87 41.264 11.065 10.7579 — 1.12a 0.00114a 0.00129a 5.05 5.32 PSRR+ PSRR− total area FOM μm pFMHz μA NR: not reported. aCalculated using the reported value. Fig. 9 Simulated PSRR+ response of nulling resistor compensation based op-amp Fig. 11 Layout view of nulling resistor compensation based CMOS twostage op-amp Fig. 10 Simulated result of PSRR– for nulling resistor compensation based op-amp parameters: (i) maximum iteration cycle and (ii) no. of population. So, it has a lesser chance to get entrapped by local optima due to improper parameter tuning. To obtain better candidate solutions, SOS applies three interaction strategies, mutualism, commensalism and parasitism. Mutual_Vector helps in exploring new regions in solution space when the two organisms are situated far away from each other. Commensalism alters a solution by computing the deviation between the best solution and other solution. Commensalism helps to find optimistic regions nearby the best solution, and as a result, the convergence speed will increase. Parasitism helps to preserve diversity and avoids premature convergence. 4 Simulation results and discussions SOS algorithm is implemented in MATLAB R2013a version on CPU Intel core i5-2430M @ 3.00 GHz processor with 4 GB RAM. Cadence (IC 5.1.41) software is used for the validation purpose. The supply voltages and technology parameters considered for 684 Fig. 12 Plot of convergence profile of the SOS algorithm for two-stage CMOS op-amp with robust bias circuit both the designs are presented in Table 1. The task of the SOS algorithm is to minimise the value of CFnulling_registor_compensation_circuit and CFrobust_bias_circuit, individually. For the design of nulling resistor compensation based op-amp, the SOS algorithm has been utilised to achieve the optimal design parameters I0, CC, W 1 − W 12 and L1 − L12. SOS is also employed to achieve the optimal design parameters CL, RB, W 1 − W 14 and L1 − L14 for the robust bias based op-amp. The SOS algorithm has been executed for 50 times for each op-amp circuit to evaluate the best set of optimised design parameters. In this section, SOS algorithm based design results for both the circuits are compared with the results reported in earlier research [22–25]. IET Circuits Devices Syst., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 5, pp. 679-688 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019 Table 5 Constraints of the design specifications for twostage CMOS op-amp with robust bias circuit Parameters Ranges considered Units ≥ 5 ≥ 5 SR fu V/ μs MHz ≥ − 2.25 V V out(max) ≤ 2.2 V ΦM >60 ° CL ≤ 10 pF V IC(min) CC 0.5 pF L1 − L14 0.5 ≤ L1 − L14 ≤ 5 μm W 1 − W 14 0.75 ≤ W 1 − W 14 ≤ 100 μm Fig. 14 Simulated result of Pdiss for robust bias based op-amp Table 6 Design parameters obtained for two-stage CMOS op-amp with robust bias circuit Design variables [24] SOS (W /L)1, 2 1/1 1/1 (W /L)3, 4 1/1 1/4 (W /L)5, 8 1/3 1/2 (W /L)6 31/2.5 9.9/2.5 (W /L)7 3/1 5.4/1 (W /L)9 1/1 1.1/2 (W /L)10 − 13 1/1 1.1/2 (W /L)14 2.5/2 1.28/1 CL, pF 0.5 0.5 CC, pF 5 4.5 RB, kΩ NR 39.9 Fig. 15 UGB, gain and phase plot for robust bias based op-amp NR: not reported; (W /L) measured in (μm/ μm). Fig. 16 Simulated result of ICMR for robust bias based op-amp Fig. 13 Simulated result of SR for robust bias based op-amp 4.1 Simulation results for nulling resistor compensation based op-amp circuit For the nulling resistor compensation based CMOS two-stage opamp circuit, the design constraints are taken as Av > 86 dB, UGB ≥ 100 MHz, SR ≥ 40 V/ μs, −1 V ≤ ICMR ≤ 1 V, Pdiss ≤ 20 μW. Constraints of the design parameters are as follows: CL = 0.05 pF, 0.011 pF < CC ≤ 10 pF, 0.13 μm ≤ L1 − L12 ≤ 1 μm, 0.5 μm ≤ W 1 − W 12 ≤ 10 μm. Standard 0.13 μm CMOS technology is used to implement the circuit. The design constraints are given in Table 2. SOS-based design results in a total transistor area of 10.7579 μm2 with the optimal design parameters (W 1 − W 12, L1 − L12, I0, CC) in 8.323 s. Fig. 3 demonstrates the plot of convergence profile for the SOS algorithm. The optimal design parameters are given in Table 3. SPICE simulation has been done by utilising the SOS-based optimal design parameters to validate the performance specifications. SPICE results are presented in Figs. 4–11. The SPICE simulation attains SR of 40.58 V/ μs, power dissipation of 18.65 μW, gain of 90.29 dB, phase margin of 67.9°, UGB of 111.9 MHz, V IC(min) of −0.998 V, V IC(max) of 0.6372 V, CMRR of 93.23 IET Circuits Devices Syst., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 5, pp. 679-688 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019 dB, PSRR+ of 82.98 dB, PSRR− of 105.9 dB, and the layout area of 10.7579 μm2. SOS-based performance parameters for the circuit are compared with other existing techniques [22, 23, 25] in Table 4. The gain ( Av), UGB, Pdiss and the total MOS area obtained from the HPSO [22] technique are 86.16 dB, 101 MHz, 21 μW and 29.275 μm2, respectively. The results obtained using ACO, GA [23] and CRPSO [25] are given in Table 4. SOS-based optimal design of nulling resistor compensation based CMOS two-stage op-amp yields remarkably better results as compared to the previous literature [22, 23, 25] regarding Av, UGB, Pdiss, total MOS area and FOM, as presented in Table 4. 4.2 Simulation results for robust bias based CMOS two-stage op-amp circuit For the op-amp with robust bias circuit, the design constraints are considered as SR ≥ 5 V/ μs, f u ≥ 5 MHz, V IC(min) ≥ − 2.25 V, V out(max) ≤ 2.2 V, ϕM > 60°. Constraints of the design parameters are as follows: CL ≤ 10 pF, CC = 0.5 pF, 0.5 μm ≤ L1 − L14 ≤ 5 μm, 0.75 μm ≤ W 1 − W 14 ≤ 100 μm. To design the robust bias based opamp, 0.5 μm HP'S CMOS 14TB [30] process parameters are used. Table 5 presents the ranges of the design constraints. SOS-based design of the op-amp results in a total MOS area of 56.43 μm2 with the optimal design parameters (W 1 − W 14, L1 − L14, RB and CL) in 7.524 s. The convergence profile plot of the SOS algorithm is given in Fig. 12. The optimal design parameters are given in Table 6. 685 Fig. 17 Output voltage swing for robust bias based op-amp Fig. 21 Delay plot for robust bias based op-amp Fig. 18 Simulated result of CMRR for robust bias based op-amp Fig. 22 Simulated noise for robust bias based op-amp Fig. 19 Simulated result of PSRR+ for robust bias based op-amp Fig. 23 Layout view of the op-amp with the robust bias circuit Fig. 20 Simulated result of PSRR– for robust bias based op-amp SOS algorithm based SPICE simulation results are presented in Figs. 13–23. In this paper, SOS-based designed results in a gain, phase margin, unity gain frequency, SR and the total MOS area of 81.61 dB, 65.56°, 12.2 MHz, 11.85 V/ μs and 56.43 μm2, respectively. The simulation results stated in [24] are the gain of 85 dB, phase margin of 65°, unity gain frequency of 6.15 MHz, SR of 6.21 V/ μs and the total area of 100.5 μm2. The performance parameters are given in Table 7. From Table 7, it is clear that the SOS-based design satisfies all the design specification with the lesser area for two-stage CMOS op-amp with robust bias circuit. 686 Fig. 24 Box and whisker plots for SOS algorithm based design of nulling resistor compensation based CMOS two-stage op-amp over 50 runs 4.3 Statistical results for SOS algorithm Statistical performances of the SOS algorithm are measured over 50 runs for each analogue circuit. The CF values achieved in each run are considered to implement Box and Whisker plots for the individual circuit to demonstrate the median performance. The Box and Whisker plots for nulling resistor compensation based CMOS two-stage op-amp and two-stage CMOS op-amp with robust bias circuit are given in Figs. 24 and 25, respectively. For nulling IET Circuits Devices Syst., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 5, pp. 679-688 © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019 Fig. 25 Box and whisker plots for SOS algorithm based design of two-stage CMOS op-amp with robust bias circuit over 50 runs Table 7 Comparison of design specifications for two-stage CMOS op-amp with robust bias circuit Design criteria Unit Specifications [24] SOS CL pF ≤ 10 5 4.5 SR Pdiss V/ μs μW ≥ 5 <350 6.21 NR 11.85 351.2 ΦM deg >60 65 65.56 fu MHz >60 6.15 12.2 Av dB >80 85 81.61 V IC(min) V ≥ − 2.25 −2.2 −1.693 V IC(max) V ≤ 2.25 2 1.374 V out(min) V ≥ − 2.2 −2.15 −2 V out(max) V ≤ 2.2 2.15 2.2 CMRR dB dB >70 >70 NR NR 87.91 83.22 dB >70 NR 106.9 μs nv/ Hz <1 <45 NR 44 0.183 43.85 μm2 <101 100.2 56.43 1015 × Hz3/2 V — 2485.55a 3348.81 PSRR+ PSRR− propagation delay input referred noise (IRN) at 1 MHz total area FOM NR: not reported. aCalculated using the reported value. Table 8 Circuit Statistical results of SOS algorithm for both the circuits over 50 runs Best value, Worst value, Mean, μm2 Median, μm2 Lower Upper Standard μm2 μm2 quartile, μm2 quartile, μm2 deviation, μm2 nulling resistor compensation based CMOS two-stage op-amp circuit robust bias based CMOS two-stage op-amp circuit 10.7579 11.0974 10.92 10.90 10.82 11.01 0.0201 56.43 56.7441 56.5681 56.567 56.4961 56.626 0.0961 resistor compensation based op-amp circuit, the median value is 10.9 × 10−12, and the range of variation of CF is 10.7579 × 10−12 to 11.0974 × 10−12. For the op-amp with the robust bias circuit, the median value is 56.567 × 10−12, and the range of variation of CF is 56.43 × 10−12 to 56.7441 × 10−12. As the CF values vary within a small range for both the op-amp circuits, SOS algorithm gives the stable performance. Statistical results of the SOS algorithm are given in Table 8 for both the circuits. The standard deviation values for each op-amp circuit are small as shown in Table 8. So, it is proved that the SOS algorithm is highly consistent in producing the output for each circuit. simulation results confirm that the SOS algorithm is better than the other algorithms in terms of MOS area, gain, power dissipation and so on for the abovementioned op-amp circuits. The simulation results achieved for the op-amp circuits demonstrate the efficiency of the SOS algorithm over HPSO, GA, ACO and CRPSO regarding consistency, convergence speed and design specifications. 6 [1] [2] 5 Conclusions The contribution of this study is the ‘application’ of the new stateof-the-art algorithm for the design of the analogue VLSI circuit, obtaining much better results for analogue circuit design, which is validated well by SPICE simulation. 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