What is Entrepreneurship ENTP 3002 What is Entrepreneurship • Entrepreneurship is the ability and readiness to develop, organize and run a business enterprise, along with any of its uncertainties in order to make a profit. • Entrepreneurship involves being able to recognize a societal problem, then launching a product or service to help solve the issue https://miro.medium.com/max/13334/1*fTcQPz QERqGU8TNvPOE1Uw.jpeg Examples of Entrepreneurs Hairdresser: https://people.com/style/should-you-cancel-hair-nail-appointment-amid-coronavirus/ Food truck: https://www.albertaventure.com/images/uploads/food-truck-drift.jpg Elon Musk: https://assets.entrepreneur.com/slideshow/20181011174457-ent18-nov-50-elon.jpeg?width=600 Mark Zuckerberg: https://www.incomediary.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/mark-zuckerberg8701.jpg Question • What are some characteristics of successful entrepreneurs? https://seisware.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/entrepreneurship-what-is-the-moderndefinition-of-entrepreneur.jpg Characteristic of Entrepreneurs • Risk tolerance- Starting a new business venture involves a considerable amount of failure risk. Entrepreneur must be willing to take risk, in the context of making a profit • Desire to Innovate - Innovation can mean either inventing a new product/service, but also launching a new process that mimics an existing process, but does it in a more efficient and cost-effective way. • Product/Market Knowledge – An entrepreneur must understand how their product/service means the needs of their target market, as well as any current industry trends Characteristics of Entrepreneurs • Open-Minded & Flexible - An entrepreneur should be flexible and open to change according to the situation. • Articulate vision & lead - Successful entrepreneurs don’t have the best ideas, but they do have the ability to successfully put ideas into practice. They must also motivate their teams to implement their ideas successfully. • Manage Time – Being able to set and adhere to a schedule is a critical component of becoming a successful entrepreneur Question • What are some of the major challenges facing entrepreneurs? https://knowlab.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/5c2755624d652.jpeg Challenges • Money – Securing financing is one of the major challenges facing entrepreneurs. Businesses can be self-financed, supported by loans/bursaries or through investors – Budgeting/managing cash-flow is another significant skill required of successful entrepreneurs. No cash… no business. • Delegating – Outside of being a solopreneur, the ability (and confidence) to delegate work to employees is one of the necessary skills to develop as an entrepreneur – Often, it not sufficient to simply delegate work. You must also ensure your employees are adequately trained and understand your expectations. Challenges • Managing Employees – It isn’t sufficient to simply be good at delegating, you must also be prepared to hire/fire employees – An old rule of thumb “hire slow, fire fast” • Manage Stress – Running your own business isn’t for the faint of heart. You must be able to handle periods of uncertainty SWOT Analysis Small Group SWOT Practice • Working in small groups (~5 ppl), you are going to run a SWOT analysis on the FHP program at Fanshawe College… • Decide on 1 note taker for each group, you will report back in ~10 minutes time as to what your group found