Prudence & Bedeviling financial family issues: Introduction: Prudence is a virtue innate in a practicing Christian. It is in the nature of a child of God to maintain the right course as he deliberately operates in a divine trajectory. Dwelling in the word produces a consciousness to be careful to observe to do according to what is written to avoid costly deviation or distractions. The end is mostly prosperous. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you. It’s automatic. Joseph manifested this quality in Egypt so much so that Pharoah recognized him as a man ‘discerning and wise’ – Gen 41: 46-49,53-57. A rare breed at the time. He was a professor of management who had the antidote for hunger in the world. He provided for the troubling days. By wisdom he stashed enough food to carry Egypt and its neighbors during the period of economic draught. The world was salvaged for a period of 7years after Joseph was able to gather and save from the 7years of abundance. How many of us would have been that careful?? There’s need for man to make provision for trials, temptation and tribulations. A bitter reality. It is as real as good and bad in the world. A thin line demarcating opposing forces. Always hold on to the good news that our God has settled them all. From the beginning He has declared a desirable end for His people. For every shadow there’s a substance. The shadow emanates from an object. Beam your focus on the main substance which is the word of God. The devil wants you to be distracted by luring you to panic over the shadow. Satan will always apply those tools of doubt and fear so that man will lose focus. There’s no problem without a solution just like the shadow reflects a main object. That object is the real deal wherein lies the way out. Challenges are a sure bet in human existence. Some of those are financial, medical, marital, etc. The basic root is always limited funds. Nothing is new. It has happened before, it is happening somewhere to somebody at some place, and it will happen. It is a set battle if the devil continues his mission. But in all we are more than conquerors and they who know their God would make exploits. Stop shying away from the truth. Stop looking for fairy tale kind of angelic appearance miracle. God gives us miracles everyday just as He is the same who spoke to our fathers at sundry times, in different ways, at different places. He can not be moved neither can He change. It is only left for you to be real with God. A lot of families are going through varying and various challenges which can be duly attended to if we can remain conscious and careful to uphold the practicality of our faith. A prudent man will mostly be prepared for these days. Our conversation will be as the heading reads: Prudence and bedeviling financial issues in families. Let’s begin by processing this divine quality called Prudence: Prudence meaning – According to Merriam Webster dictionary Prudence is: a) b) c) d) The ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason, Sagacity or shrewdness in the management of affairs, Skill and good judgement in the use of resources, and Caution or circumspection as to danger or risk. We can then refer to it as one’s ability to adequately gather and process information necessary to enable good sense of judgement and caution which produces prosperous actions. Characteristics or qualities of Prudence: To appreciate the quality of being Prudent, we shall look at the following elements: a) Knowledge – you need to be knowledgeable to command referent power. With getting get understanding. It is the foundation of principles. As Christians we first owe our prosperity to the will of God from where we derive our principles. Upon giving your life to Christ, you must be a practicing type. Fill your barn with understanding even that knowledge which patterns to life. Make attempt to have positive knowledge on how to make a living. God has given us all to life and godliness. PROV 4:7; 2 Peter 1:3. Do you have a career or sources of living? What do you know about that career or vocation? b) Pragmatic – A prudent man is sensible and realistic. A good Christian should be practical with life and situations. Theories seldom bail people, but practicality makes the most difference. So, prudence calls for pragmatism. What have you created to make wealth? Money answers all things and is a defense. How do you feed without making income? A little folding of the hands calleth poverty. Prov 6: 10-11; James 2: 14-26; Eccl 10:19 c) Discipline – there must be a conscious effort to maintain the path to achieving set goals. The consciousness to abide by the rules or regulations of engaging in any meaningful activity or operations enables success. As a child of God, you need to observe to do according to that which is written to guide you. Its a self-developing principle which applies to your everyday life. A prudent man will ensure that he follows and maintains that course of action which leads to a desirable end. d) Cautious – caution needs to be applied. A prudent man is discerning, and provides accordingly. Prov 22:3. How many people anticipated further fall in Naira value? e) Shrewd – this is where the power of knowledge takes its effect. A prudent man is very shrewd in his decision. He barely leaves no chance to compromise to avoid failure. Application of critical management tools is very key to his disposition. Success driven. f) Careful – painstaking approach to addressing issues is a major element of prudence. The fear of failure calls for detail view and review of courses of actions. g) Foresight or vision – as a child of God you need to be visionary. Look ahead of time. You must have plans for tomorrow. We live in a world full of dynamisms. No telling what tomorrow may present because the heart of man is also full of devices. Self-aggrandizing ones that sometimes negatively affects unsuspecting neighbors. Present day Nigeria is born out of the massive greed in an average Nigerian. People will always blame the leaders without considering that what they exhibit in power is an orientation that is an offshoot of the people’s culture. “I better pass my neighbor”. The church family is not denied of such tendencies. Reasons why we need to make a difference. The economy is currently bad. But there are people who made plans for the future 10 – 20years ago and factored in uncertainty, they are comfortable today regardless of the terrible situation in the country. Imagine those who smartly saved their money and invested in dual currency, Naira /US Dollars, they complain less. Where do you hope to be in the future? What are plans for tomorrow? h) Analytic – a prudent man is analytic in his considerations. Would wish to weigh the pros and cons of a course of action before deciding. i) Wisdom – Joseph was regarded as a wise man because of his management that decisions saved Egypt from hunger.