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Reaction Paper: Poverty in the Philippines

Body 3 paragraph per vid
Conclu/ realization, lesson, and recommendation
Are we steadily improving? Do we, Filipinos deserve the life that we have? or are we stuck in a rut with
no means to progress? Those are some of the questions that run into my mind after I watched those three
different documentaries about the real-life struggles of Filipinos. I often wonder what the missing
component is, for us to develop and grow in order to live our lives in the way that we deserve. As we
know, the Philippines has been tied up with different circumstances that brought economic factors and
social issues which also led to economic downfall. One of them is Poverty that is remained to be one of
the country's major socioeconomic challenges for a long generation. This is the situation where the
Philippines is still falling behind other countries because as of now, we do not have a proper plan and
solution for how to solve this chronic poverty. As a result of that, many individuals are suffering and
sacrificing their skill and strength, even if it is not full enough for them to live a better life and I witnessed
that while I was watching those documentaries.
In the first documentary, entitled PAAralan. This is all about children living in an area that is far from
civilization who walk for almost three hours and cross some of the bridges just to attend their classes in
school. These students are facing the risk of accidents daily because of their situation, where some of
them are having a hard time walking because of the mud and sloppy roadway when they go to school.
Seeing those children helped me to realize how we should be dedicated and motivated to finish our
studies. We should be grateful for what we have right now because some of them don’t have the will to
go to school, because based on what I saw to them, they are not getting tired to walk, even if they stumble
and fall, they will stand again like nothing is happen because for them being educated can help them to
get out in poverty and have a better life. Aside from that, if those children are doing their part, the
government should also do its part and role to help them. According to one teacher who teaches in that
school, the condition in their neighborhood has remained like that for a long time, and their
officers/officials didn’t know about it. They were clueless that there are some people in their town
experiencing things like that and that is unreasonable. Each of us knew that we had funds for those
circumstances, and that is why we have no one else to blame but the government and other sectors when
we experience that situation.
Next on the line is the “Ambulansya De Paa”, this documentary is focused on one of the causes of poverty
which are malnutrition and lack of medical checkups of the families who live in the mountains or what
they called “Little Baguio”. In Here Kara David, the reporter, has seen how poor life was there and what
people looked like. Their town lacks medical equipment, and they have no doctors that will check on their
health, which is why most of the people there are sick and malnourished, especially children. According
to the community, they use “Duyan” as their ambulance or service to carry out the sick person to the
center and that will take a long walk because they need to cross first more than five rivers to reach the
medical center and that is so sad and heartbreaking because the situation in here is between the life and
death, where they have no choice but to face the reality of their lives. However, witnessing this made me
feel bad for them because even if they cry out for help from those people who are in higher positions,
they will remain unbothered and forget about their concerns. What a sad reality, right? That is why
remember, as long as there are crooked people, there is no prospect for a better society.
Moreover, the last documentary entitled “Krisis ng Sikmura”, is about the lack of sufficient income to
sustain their basic and essential needs that include proper food and a healthy lifestyle. This crisis is kind
of sensitive, it feels like you can't bear it when you watch it, especially the first scene about “Pagpag”,
where they collect leftovers of food from the dumpsters, they will wash it, and cook it again for them to
eat it or sell it at a lower prize. Witnessing this kind of situation helped me to realize that these people
that includes fishermen, farmers, and unemployed citizens are having a hard time finding a way to live,
they do not have proper and stable jobs that will help them to survive, wherein sometimes they need
lower their pride and dignity first before they could eat. Moreover, in the part when they do not have
anything to eat on their plates, I realized that we people who can eat three times a day or more should
be grateful because we do not experience those situations in life. We should always consider this as a
blessing. Alternatively, if the country's leaders do not have a solution and action for this, we Filipino
citizens who are grateful should make a change for them. We must help, fight, and voice out their rights
to achieve the better future that we deserve.
However, watching these kinds of documentaries will open our eyes and minds widely to the real meaning
of “POVERTY”, which is usually seen in undeveloped areas where there are a lot of cases of malnutrition
and deaths due to hunger and lack of proper care. Many people are suffering in the life they do not wish
for, and if I was in that position, I would definitely be dead for the reason that I could not bear the situation
of our governance. To be honest, I do not want to blame the government for everything because those
problems are already here, but all I want is action on how to solve them. But after such a long time, we
are still here hoping and suffering about the same concern. Yes, they were addressing the issue but where
is the action? Do they have a plan for that to have sustainable development? The answer is nothing
because if we have, little by little those kinds of cases will decrease, and our country will also develop
when it comes to the rate of the standard of living. Remember that having a government that manipulates
a country's political and economic power does not generate a decent society. Otherwise, the only way for
us to live in a better society and get what we deserve is to choose a great leader who is willing to take all
of the risks and nd to take an action to achieve the core values, where no one is poor, people will live long
and healthy lives, be smart and innovative, and will live in a high-trust society.Philippine Development
2. what is economic development for you?
What is econ deve
Realization of importance
Advatanges for economy
In our economy, many changes are expected to happen. It can be a good change for everyone to have a
fresh start but at the same time, it could still have some negative impact on others and our society.
Economic Development is a kind of system or program that aims to enhance and improve the well-being
and livelihood of the people in the community. It has a bigger scope that deals with economics, which
involves different types of scarcity, social, and infrastructure, and the most commonly involve are political,
it is an institution and system on building government role which creates and implements policies to
regulate the political situation, which would improve the security and welfare of the people that will
bridge the gap to have economic growth. However, as we tackled this topic, economic development is not
similar to economic growth. There are distinctions between them. Economic growth can be happened in
a short period of time, while Economic development takes time. It should have an outline plan on how to
start and achieve sustainable action for the development, because as the lesson teach me, one action is
not enough for a change, it takes time to grow and have better living standards, but having a sustainable
action can maintain what we are achieving for.
Moreover, having a brief understanding of economic development I realized that this is the stage where
we should increase our action on sustainability and resilience in order to maintain a high standard of living
that creates means of development, growth, and opportunities in various sectors in the economy such as
in Education, where they have this program called “ESC” that simply means cash assistant and free tuition
fee on state universities from our taxes that is implemented by the government that could easily change
the life of one family that is inefficient to support their children’s education. Environment, if we pay our
taxes and the government handles it well enough. They can easily change the life of the poor and they
could reduce the rates of unemployed citizens, by giving them an opportunity jobs for them to sustain
their basic needs. Through that our environment will grow because people have sufficient income to buy
commodities that will result to produce many resources of goods and services for them. Also, it will attract
business owners to develop their businesses, establish and keep employment, and improve the quality of
life in our communities. But on the other hand, when we talk about economics in our environment
“SCARCITY” is always there and that is the huge negative impact of economic development on the life of
the people because scarcity is not easy to avoid. It is everywhere. That is why, Economic development
processes should not just provide more or better means of production, but they should also allow for
more equitable distribution to avoid those circumstances.
To sum it up, Economic development is life-changing for an economy because it is frequently related to
improving the lives of everyone, where it decreases poverty rates due to the support of one another. Also,
it builds on better living standards and a healthier community because everyone is aware and
knowledgeable of what has to be done to enhance our economy and ensure a brighter future.
3. Write the list of Millennium Development Goals (2015 - MDG)
MDG 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.
MDG 2: Achieve universal primary education.
MDG 3: Promote gender equality and empower women.
MDG 4: Reduce child mortality.
MDG 5: Promote maternal health.
MDG 6 Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and other major diseases
MDG 7: Ensure environmental sustainability.
MDG 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development.
4. Does Philippines achieved the MDG
According to MDG Monitor, the Millennium Development Goals consist of eight action plans for each state
on our planet that will enable us to build a better society. This was implemented in the year 2001 and is
expected to be achieved by 2015. Now, in the Philippines, it is hard to determine if we achieved those
MDGs because based on my research our country is not growing when it comes to growth development.
In another word, we are lagging behind other countries. So, in my perspective, our country did implement
those aims and goals, but we did not achieve them due to the different circumstances and problems in
our country.
Government is one of the primary causes of why we don’t have sustainable growth. This is because some
of the funds that are intended for us are corrupted by them for their own benefit. They did not even
achieve to maintain the first MDG which talks about reducing the poverty and hunger, because if you will
think about it based on what we see in our surroundings, there are still many individuals or families felt
hunger that will cause them not to have a healthy body due to insufficient income. That will also cause a
domino effect on the other MDGs, where some of the children do not have the will to go to school to have
a better education background and because of that many people will judge them based on who they are,
that will have an effect on the MDG’s no. three, where it talks about gender equality and women
empowerment. They could easily criticize them, and some other women will land in a situation that they
did not intend to be in, which is teenage pregnancy that will cause the community not to achieve the
remaining goals, because of judgment and poverty.
In conclusion, the Philippines did not achieve those MDGs because of some people who run the country.
They don’t have a proper and well-structured plan for where to begin to accomplish those goals, and that
is why we are still here today, no progress and improvement that other countries may be proud of.