Science Stage 9 Paper 1 Cambridge Lower Secondary Progression Test Mark Scheme 3146_01_MS_5RP © UCLES 2023 2023 3146/01 Science Stage 9 Paper 1 Mark Scheme 2023 General guidelines on marking Many descriptive answers can be expressed in a variety of ways. Professional judgement can be used in these cases, providing it matches the marking points and further information in the mark scheme. Answers may have words spelt incorrectly. Credit is normally given for phonetically correct answers, unless the word has a scientifically different meaning. For example, where the answer should be antennae, credit will be given for antena but not for anthen (too close to anther). Only the science is being assessed, so answers do not need to be grammatically correct. Significant figures will be indicated in the question or in the mark scheme. Unless specified all marking points are independent. Annotations and abbreviations / or alternate responses for the same marking point ( ) brackets the words or units in brackets do not need to be stated, for example, (recycles or releases or provides) minerals = minerals scores the mark underline exact word is required Accept an acceptable response Do not accept indicates an incorrect response that would contradict another otherwise correct alternative Ignore indicates an irrelevant answer that is not creditworthy. Full marks can still be achieved even with answers that are ignored. Note provides extra information when necessary ecf error carried forward; marks are awarded if an incorrect response has been carried forward from earlier working provided the subsequent working is correct ora or reverse argument; for example, as mass increases, volume increases could be written as mass decreases, volume decreases © UCLES 2023 Page 2 of 12 © UCLES 2023 1(b) 1(a) Question 3146/01 Page 3 of 12 filters the blood or removes urea from the blood urethra (bladder) ureter kidney(s) Answer Marks Science Stage 9 Paper 1 Mark Scheme Accept correct named waste products Accept removes waste products from the blood 1 Ignore cleans the blood 3 each correct answer = 1 mark Further Information 2023 Cl 2(a)(ii) © UCLES 2023 attraction between ions 2(b) Answer Page 4 of 12 Marks Science Stage 9 Paper 1 Mark Scheme (attraction between) oppositely charged ions or positive and negative ions Li and K 2(a)(iii) gains an electron Al 2(a)(i) Question 3146/01 Accept electrostatic attraction between ions = 2 marks 2 each correct answer = 1 mark 1 both needed in any order for the mark Accept (ion) has 1 more electron than the atom 2 each correct answer = 1 mark Accept any indication of the correct answer, e.g. ticking or underlining, but circling takes precedence 1 more than one answer circled = 0 marks Further Information 2023 © UCLES 2023 one or two correct = 1 mark 2 all three correct = 2 marks Page 5 of 12 Accept hit or bump or knock Thermal energy travels through the metal container by conduction. 3(c) Note answer must be comparative Accept black (container) reflects less radiation 1 Accept shiny or silver object is a worse absorber Accept (except at start) the temperature is always higher (at the same time) As energy passes through the metal the particles collide with each other. black (container) is a better absorber (of radiation) 3(b)(iii) 2023 Accept shiny silver container increased the least 1 Accept the black container has reached the highest temperature 1 Accept temperature probe 2 each correct answer = 1 mark Further Information Accept to and fro or move back and forth Accept collide for vibrate (idea that) the temperature has increased the most 3(b)(ii) Marks The particles in the metal gain thermal energy and vibrate more. thermometer temperature is how hot an object is or temperature is how cold an object is heat is the amount of (thermal) energy in an object Answer Science Stage 9 Paper 1 Mark Scheme 3(b)(i) 3(a) Question 3146/01 Question © UCLES 2023 5(c) 5(b) 5(a) 4 Question 3146/01 iron iron + no copper + no magnesium Page 6 of 12 (idea that) iron sulfate is used up in the first reaction zinc yes zinc zinc sulfate (yes) metal iron sulfate is there a displacement reaction? Answer The Earth was spinning so fast that some material broke off and began to orbit the Earth. The Moon formed when Earth hit another smaller planet, the debris collected in an orbit around the Earth. The Moon was formed at the same time as the Earth was formed. The Moon formed in another part of the Solar System and was later captured by Earth’s gravity. Answer ✓ Marks Marks Science Stage 9 Paper 1 Mark Scheme 1 correct products in any order = 1 mark 2 correct reactants in any order = 1 mark 1 all three correct = 1 mark Further Information Accept any indication of the correct answer, e.g. circling or underlining, but ticking takes precedence 1 more than one box ticked = 0 marks Further Information 2023 transpiration 9 (g) (idea of) to stop water loss (from the surface of the water in the conical flask) or to stop evaporation (of water from the conical flask) the balance is more precise 6(a)(iii) 6(b)(i) 6(b)(ii) 6(b)(iii) Page 7 of 12 xylem 6(a)(ii) © UCLES 2023 root hair (cells) Answer Marks Science Stage 9 Paper 1 Mark Scheme 6(a)(i) Question 3146/01 Do not accept results are more accurate 1 Accept the results are more precise 1 Do not accept to stop water loss from the plant shoot or evaporation from the plant shoot 1 Accept answer written near question, but answer in table takes precedence 1 Accept diffusion or evaporation 1 1 Further Information 2023 to turn a circuit on or off cell variable resistor © UCLES 2023 8(c) Page 8 of 12 (idea that) offspring inherit genes from both parents 1 Ignore offspring inherit different chromosomes Accept so 50% offspring are female because XX if the sperm which has an X chromosome fertilizes the egg the offspring will be female 2 each correct answer = 1 mark 1 Further Information if two lines to (or from) one box and one is incorrect, then both lines are incorrect one correct = 0 marks two or three lines correct = 1 mark four or five lines correct = 2 marks 3 all six lines correct = 3 marks Further Information Accept so 50% offspring are male because XY Marks Marks 2023 if the sperm which has a Y chromosome fertilizes the egg the offspring will be male half the sperm has Y (chromosome) or half the sperm has X (chromosome) any two from to change the current in a circuit switch 8(b) to measure the voltage across a component voltmeter V Answer the source of energy in the circuit fertilisation Question function name Answer Science Stage 9 Paper 1 Mark Scheme symbol 8(a) 7 Question 3146/01 © UCLES 2023 9(b) 9(a) Question 3146/01 there are no anomalous results Page 9 of 12 the mean for each ball is similar to their results all their results for each ball are similar any two from wildfires tsunami climate change or long term cooling of the Earth’s temperature mass extinction (of dinosaurs/animals) any two from Answer Marks Science Stage 9 Paper 1 Mark Scheme 2 each correct explanation = 1 mark Accept (idea of) increase in temperature near impact 2 each correct answer = 1 mark Further Information 2023 Question © UCLES 2023 11(b) 11(a) 10(b) 10(a) Question 3146/01 current voltage or (Ω) = l v or Answer 0.025 3.0 Page 10 of 12 (idea that) current joins up after going through the lamps (idea that) current divides at the junction this is a parallel circuit any two from 120 (Ω) (resistance) = evaporation One other way of increasing the rate of this reaction is to increase the surface area of the magnesium The rate of this reaction is increased by increasing the concentration or the temperature of the dilute sulfuric acid Answer Marks Marks Science Stage 9 Paper 1 Mark Scheme 2 each correct answer = 1 mark Ignore incorrect unit Accept 120 with or without working = 2 marks 2 correct formula or evidence of correct substitution = 1 mark Further Information Do not accept filtration or distillation or sieving 1 Accept crystallisation or heating Ignore concentration 2 each correct sentence = 1 mark Further Information 2023 © UCLES 2023 12(b) 12(a) Question 3146/01 4 3 2 1 K M G A (O) Page 11 of 12 Arcturus Antares mean radius is about half that of the Sun mean luminosity is about half that of the Sun go to 4 Capella Sirius Lactera go to 3 go to 2 mean mass is less than the mass of the Sun mean mass is greater than the mass of the Sun mean mass is 60 times greater than the mass of the Sun mean mass is 3.2 times greater than the mass of the Sun star colour is not blue or blue to white star colour is blue or blue to white star type New stars are formed in some nebulae called stellar nurseries Nebulae are clouds of dust and gas Answer Marks Science Stage 9 Paper 1 Mark Scheme one correct = 0 marks two or three correct = 1 mark 2 all four correct = 2 marks Accept hydrogen or helium for gas Accept dust and gas in either order 2 each correct sentence = 1 mark Further Information 2023 © UCLES 2023 3146/01 Page 12 of 12 BLANK PAGE Science Stage 9 Paper 1 Mark Scheme 2023