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English 9 Panel Discussion Self-Learning Task

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Cebu Province
Name:______________________________ Yr. & Section: ________________ Date:_________________
EN9RC-IVf-2.22 Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning, and
the effectiveness of the presentation
a. Take a stand on critical issues brought up.
b. Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author‘s reasoning, and the
effectiveness of the presentation.
c. Analyze the stand of the speaker based on his/her explicit statement.
d. Show respect on one‘s opinion and ideas.
Conducting a Panel Discussion
1. A Journey through Anglo-American Literature Learner‘s Material for English
2. Online References
A. Readings
Guidelines for Conducting a Panel Discussion
A panel discussion is designed to provide an opportunity for a group to hear several people
knowledgeable about a specific issue or topic on present information and discuss personal views.
A panel discussion may help the audience further clarify and evaluate their positions regarding
specific issues or topics being discussed and increase their understanding of the positions of
How to Proceed
1. Identify, or help participants identify, an issue or topic that involves an important conflict in
values and/or interests. The issue or topic may be set forth as a topical question, a
hypothetical incident, a student experience, an actual case, etc.
2. Select panelists who are well informed about and have specific points of view regarding the
issue or topic. A panel discussion that includes three to five panelists is usually most
workable. Select a leader or moderator.
3. Indicate to panelists the objectives the panel discussion is designed to promote and allowtime for panel members to prepare for the discussion. In some situations, ten or fifteen
minutes may be sufficient time for preparation while in other situations, panel members may
need to prepare several weeks in advance of the scheduled discussion.
4. Decide upon the format the panel discussion will follow. Various formats are appropriate.
The following procedures have been used effectively:
a. The leader or moderator introduces the topic, and the panelists present their views and
opinions regarding the issue or topic for a set amount of time.
b. The panelists discuss the issue or topic with each other by asking questions or reacting to
the views and opinions of other panel members. A specific amount of time should be
c. The leader or moderator closes the discussion and provides a summary of panel
presentations and discussion.
d. The leader or moderator calls for a forum period during which the members of the class
may participate by addressing questions to various panel members or by voicing their
views and opinions. The forum period should be conducted by the panel leader or
Principal Responsibilities of the Instructor
1. Identify, or help participants identify, issues or topics upon which to base a panel discussion.
2. Ensure that all panelists and the moderator are familiar with the procedures for panel
discussion in advance of the discussion itself so that they will be able to fulfill the
responsibilities of their roles.
3. Assist panelists and participants (when necessary) in preparation for the discussion by
directing them to various source materials, authorities in the field, etc.
4. Help participants understand the need for fair procedures in discussing an issue or topic, e.g.,
the freedom to discuss an issue, the obligation to listen to other points of view, the need for
orderly, courteous discussion, etc.
My Panel Role
B. Exercises for skill subjects / Analysis questions using HOTS for content subjects
Exercise 1
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and
FALSE if the statement is incorrect. Write your answers in your activity notebook.
1. A panel discussion is designed to provide an opportunity for a group to hear
knowledgeable people about a specific issue or topic, present information and discuss
personal views.
2. The main responsibility of the instructor is to identify, or help participants identify,
issues or topics upon which to base a panel discussion.
3. The leader or moderator only closes the discussions.
4. The topic in panel discussion should involve important conflict in values and/or interest.
5. A panel discussion includes three to five panelists.
Exercise 2
Directions: Statements below are taken from President Obama’s “There Were No
Winners…” address. Identify which among the statements contain factual information
(statements that can be verified or proven to be true or false) or subjective content (involves
judgment, feeling, opinion, intuition, or emotion rather than factual information). Write F for
factual and S for subjective. Write your answers in your activity notebook.
_________1. There were no winners in this government shutdown.
_________2. At a time when our economy needs more growth and more jobs, the
manufactured crises of these last few weeks actually harmed jobs and growth.
_________3. The way business is done in Washington has to change.
_________4. First, we should sit down and pursue a balanced approach to a responsible
budget, one that grows our economy faster and shrinks our long-term deficits
_________5. Second, we should finish the job of fixing our broken immigration system. There
is already a broad coalition across America that is behind this effort, from
business leaders to faith leaders to law enforcement. It would grow our economy.
It would secure our borders.
_________ 6. The Senate has already passed a bill with strong bipartisan support.
_________ 7. Those of us who have the privilege to serve this country have an obligation to do
our job the best we can.
C. Assessment/Application:
Now that you already know the guidelines in conducting panel discussions, it is time for you
to make your observations. Invite your family members to conduct a discussion regarding one
of the current issues that our country is experiencing right now. Explain the role of each
member. While they are having their discussions, observe some strong and weak points of
each of the member. Write your evaluation in your answer sheet following the format of a
note pad prepared for you.
Issues to consider as topic in family panel discussion:
a. Climate change
b. High population growth
c. Poverty
d. Unemployment
e. COVID-19 pandemic
My Observation
Names of the family members: _______________________________________
Strong points:
Weak Points:
Suggestions for Improvement:
Rubrics for Evaluating a Panel Discussion
Appropriate vocabulary
Well organized oral text with staging
Gives information with supporting evidence
Demonstrates understanding of other
panelists’ views/able to clarify
5 pts.
5 pts.
5 pts.
5 pts.
20 pts
Prepared by:
Verified by:
School Head
Student’s name & signature
Parent’s signature
Teacher’s signature
Date accomplished: ___________________
Date submitted: ___________________
Address: IPHO Bldg., Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City
Telephone Nos.: (032) 520-3216 – 520-3217; SDS Office: (032) 255-6405; ASDS Apao: (032) 236-4628