HS Summative Commodity Equilibrium NEWS Standards and Skills Assessed: SS.SOC.WH2.2.7.1 - D2.7.12.a. Applying Economic Models to History - Explain examples of historical change by applying fundamental economic concepts (scarcity, opportunity cost, productivity, etc.). SS.SOC.WH2.3.2 - Aero1.9.A: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection and research. SS.SOC.WH2.4.8 - W.9-10.1 Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. Assessment or Prompt: Follow this link and read the article that is there. In the graphs below, illustrate the changes described in the article on the two market diagrams provided. Please use the prices and quantities mentioned in the article ON YOUR GRAPHS! Items to include on your graph for cocoa: ● ● ● ● ● ● The current supply of cocoa Last year’s supply of cocoa The demand for cocoa The current price of cocoa The price of cocoa last year The equilibrium quantities of cocoa this year and last year. Items to include in your graph for chocolate Easter eggs: ● ● ● ● ● ● The current supply of chocolate Easter eggs Last year’s supply of chocolate Easter eggs The demand for chocolate Easter eggs The current price of chocolate Easter eggs Last year’s chocolate Easter eggs price The equilibrium quantities for chocolate Easter eggs this year and last year. Explain how the climate change in Western Africa the markets for cocoa and chocolate Easter eggs. Refer to all the “items” you identified on the two graphs above. Write in Claim Evidence Reasoning format. 344, Cheomdandong-ro, Seo-gu, Incheon (22742) | Phone: 032-563-0523 / Fax: 032-563-0524 | info@daltonschool.kr Beginning Developing. Proficient I can identify how globalization impacts the I can describe how fundamental economic concepts (scarcity, opportunity cost, productivity, etc.) relates to globalization and impacts social policies. I can explain the cause-effect relationships SS.SOC.WH2.2.7.1 - D2.7.12.a. Applying Economic Models to History - Explain examples of historical change by applying fundamental economic concepts (scarcity, opportunity cost, productivity, etc.). world by applying fundamental economic concepts. NOT GRADED SS.SOC.WH2.3.2 - Aero1.9.A: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection and research. Mastery. I can explain the significance of economic concepts in driving globalization, considering between economic concepts and globalization, its influence on cultural, political, and analyzing their impacts on societies and technological developments, and draw a conclusion about the benefits/drawbacks of civilizations. globalization I can identify evidence from literary or I can identify some evidence from literary or I can identify evidence from literary or I can identify evidence from literary or informational texts, and I can use this informational texts, but I may not always be informational texts, and I can use this informational texts, and I can use this evidence to support my analysis, reflection, or able to support my analysis, reflection, or evidence to support my analysis, reflection, or evidence to support my analysis, reflection, or research in a clear, concise, and accurate way. research with it. research. However, I may not always do so in a research in a clear and concise way. I can also I can also explain how the evidence supports NOT GRADED . way that is clear and concise SS.SOC.WH2.4.8 - W.9-10.1 Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. I can create a claim, though it may lack I can create a supportable claim, clarity, be overly broad, and/or may not though it may lack clarity or be overly I can create a clear & supportable claim that establishes a line of be supportable. broad. claim. reasoning. I can sometimes use relevant evidence I can often use relevant evidence from I can use relevant evidence from both I can use relevant & strong evidence from the text to support my claim. the text to support my claim. primary and secondary sources. from both primary and secondary NOT GRADED explain how the evidence supports my claims. my claims, and I can do so in a way that is both persuasive and convincing. I can create a clear & supportable sources. I can use reasoning to support my claim, I can use logical reasoning to support my but at times may lack clarity, accuracy, claim, but at times may lack clarity or or logic. accuracy.. I can use clear & logical reasoning to 344, Cheomdandong-ro, Seo-gu, Incheon (22742) | Phone: 032-563-0523 / Fax: 032-563-0524 | support my claim I can use clear, precise, & insightful reasoning to support my claim. info@daltonschool.kr Feedback: 344, Cheomdandong-ro, Seo-gu, Incheon (22742) | Phone: 032-563-0523 / Fax: 032-563-0524 | info@daltonschool.kr