110703028 資科三 柏慶銘 IBM Brief Introduc.on IBM, a global technology powerhouse founded in 1911 and headquartered in Armonk, New York, has a storied history marked by pioneering innovaBons in hardware and soCware soluBons. From the first programmable computer to the iconic IBM PC, the company has conBnually evolved its offerings. In recent years, IBM has strategically diversified into consulBng, technology, and business services, with a parBcular focus on cogniBve soluBons and cloud compuBng under leaders like Sam Palmisano and Virginia "Ginni" RomeOy. Notable acquisiBons, such as Red Hat SoCware in 2019, have reinforced its presence in hybrid cloud compuBng. Today, IBM's product lineup encompasses server hardware, storage soluBons, soCware for analyBcs, IT infrastructure, mobile, social, and security, alongside a suite of services like consulBng, outsourcing, and cloud compuBng. Renowned for its research and development prowess, IBM conBnues to lead in areas like blockchain, quantum compuBng, and cogniBve technology. In the compeBBve landscape, IBM faces formidable rivals across its various product segments. Companies like HewleO Packard Enterprise (HPE), Dell Technologies, and Cisco Systems challenge its server hardware dominance. In the cloud compuBng realm, Amazon Web Services (AWS), MicrosoC Azure, and Google Cloud Pla[orm (GCP) pose significant compeBBon. Despite industry rivals, IBM remains a resilient force, conBnually adapBng to market shiCs and driving innovaBon to maintain its leadership posiBon. Impact of COVID-19 The COVID-19 pandemic and recent economic shortcomings have had a significant impact on IBM. The pandemic led to disrupBons in global supply chains, changes in customer behavior, and a shiC towards remote work, impacBng IBM's operaBons and revenue streams. Economic challenges resulted in delays or cancellaBons of projects, reduced spending on IT services, and heightened uncertainty in the market. Despite these challenges, IBM has demonstrated resilience by adapBng its strategies, focusing on areas of increased demand like cloud compuBng and cybersecurity, and conBnuing to innovate to meet evolving customer needs. Analysis of Property and Equipment (Fixed Assets) This comparison of fixed assets between December 31, 2023, and December 31, 2022, highlights notable changes in IBM's asset por[olio over the period. While the total gross fixed assets decreased from $18,695 million to $18,122 million, indicaBng potenBal disposals or reduced investments in new assets, the accumulated depreciaBon also decreased from $13,361 million to $12,621 million. This reducBon suggests improved asset management or the disposal of older assets with higher depreciaBon. Consequently, the net fixed assets increased from $5,334 million to $5,501 million, signaling a higher net value of fixed assets for IBM despite the decrease in gross fixed assets. Analysis of Intangible Assets: By observing the table of company’s intangible balances from 2022 to 2023, The difference in total Accumulated AmorBzaBon of both years of 825, and Net Carrying Amount of 11,036, implied that these assets are highly likely to sBll be operable in the next couple years. Reference: hOps://www.techtarget.com/searchitchannel/definiBon/IBM-InternaBonalBusinessMachines#:~:text=IBM%20(InternaBonal%20Business%20Machines%20C orporaBon)%20is%20a%20mulBnaBonal%20technology%20company,operaBons% 20in%20over%20170%20countries.