2.1 RE-7: GLOBAL WARMING IMPACTS OF REFRIGERANTS & FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS: Refrigerant Leak Detection Confirm that that the that the project has installed a permanent refrigerant leak detection system Refrigerant Pump Down Confirm that the project has installed an automatic refrigerant pump down system to a dedicated storage tank with isolation valves. Fire Suppression Systems Confirm that all gaseous fire suppression systems have a GWP of 1 or less. The contractor is responsible of the following during the construction stage in order to satisfy ESTIDAMA requirements: Updated narrative and calculations (if applicable) describing how the project meets the credit requirements, and specific requirements as below: Refrigerant Leak Detection Manufacturer’s information for installed leak detection system. Extract from IDP-R3 Basic Commissioning report verifying the individual Leak Detection system operates as intended. Refrigerant Pump Down Manufacturer’s information detailing the type and operation of the automatic refrigerant pump down system Extract from IDP-R3 Basic Commissioning report verifying the refrigerant pump down system operates as intended. Fire Suppression Systems Manufacturer’s information confirming the GWP of all installed gaseous fire suppression systems.