Name 1 U4A2: Letters and Diary Entries Imagine you are writing a letter to your English teacher to discuss your research and findings about the contribution of your Canadian life, assignments, or other adjustments you are experiencing in your life in Canada. For THREE executive days, you must write letters/diary entries addressed to me. Each letter or entry needs to be at least one paragraph and it must follow the structure of a letter or a diary entry. In your writing, make sure you are not only sharing the regular, day to day events of your life but also any new findings or significant event that occurs. Additionally, make sure you spend some time to reflect on these findings and events. Consider how it changed your understanding of Canada and your own identity. This assignment is %7 of your final grade. Guidelines Begin your letter as if you are addressing your teacher, including a proper salutation. In the academic/research portion of the letter, provide information and facts about the Canadian life and Canadian culture. In the diary-like section, express your personal thoughts, feelings, and reflections on the academic research, discussing how it impacted you and your perspective. Rubric: Letters and Diary Entries (Observation) Criteria Level 1 (0-59%) Level 2 (6069%) Level 3 (70-79%) Level 4 (80%+) Knowledge and Understanding: Are you showing your understanding of both Canadian life and culture by correct conventions and style of letter and diary writing? Lacks a clear understanding of letter and diary writing conventions, resulting in frequent errors in proper salutations, structure, and style. Demonstrates a basic understanding of letter and diary writing conventions but may not consistently employ proper salutations, structure, and style. Shows a good understanding of letter and diary writing conventions, with consistent use of proper salutations, structure, and style. Adheres to the format and tone of letters and diary entries. Demonstrates a deep understanding of letter and diary writing conventions, including proper salutations, structure, and style. Effectively employs the format and tone of letters and diary entries. Ms. Asgaritehrani Name 2 Thinking and Inquiry: Are your letters demonstrating an insightful analysis of events while effectively connecting your personal to Canadian culture? Lacks any meaningful reflection on findings and events. Offers limited reflection on findings and events, with analysis that lacks clarity or depth. Reflects on events with a solid analysis and makes meaningful connections between personal experiences and broader cultural and identity themes. Thoroughly reflects on events, demonstrating an insightful analysis connecting their personal experiences to Canadian culture and identity. Application: Are you successfully writing letters and diary entries, following the correct structure, while demonstrating creativity? Struggles to integrate letter and diary writing skills, leading to a disjointed or inconsistent format and style. Integrates letter and diary writing skills but the execution is somewhat formulaic, lacking creativity. Integrates letter and diary writing skills effectively, following the structure of a letter or diary entry. Successfully integrates letter and diary writing skills, following the structure of a letter or diary entry with excellent creativity. Communication: Is your writing demonstrating a strong command of language, grammar, and style suitable for letter and diary writing, while also being engaging? The writing is incomprehensible or riddled with errors, making it impossible for the reader to engage with the content. The writing is unclear or contains significant errors in language, style, or structure, affecting reader engagement. The writing is clear and wellstructured, with only minor errors in language and style, maintaining engagement with the reader. Demonstrates a strong command of language, grammar, and style appropriate for letter and diary writing. The writing effectively conveys the author’s thoughts and emotions. K/U T/I A C Total 4 4 4 4 25% 25% 25% 25% 100 Ms. Asgaritehrani