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Pauline Epistles Reading Assignment: Romans 2-3

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What two great divisions of thought does Paul present in Romans 2:1-16?
In Romans 2:1-16, Paul presents two great divisions of thought:
1. The moral man is condemned by his own judgement.
2. The moral man is condemned by God’s judgement.
In what three ways was the moral man doing the same things as the heathen man?
The moral man was doing the same things as the heathen man by:
1. Even if they may not have been doing all the things the heathen man was doing, the
moral man was covetous, envious and boastful.
2. The moral man may noy have done those things outwardly, but inwardly instead.
3. They sinned against light. “Knowing God, they glorified him not as God, …”
What four great principles of judgment does the Apostle Paul define in Romans 2:2-16?
The four great principles of judgment the Apostle Paul defines in Romans 2:2-16 are:
1. Truth is the first principle by which God is going to judge men.
2. Practice is the second principle by which God is going to judge men.
3. There will be no favoritism when God judges men.
4. There will be a searching judgment of the secrets of men.
Upon what three grounds did the Jew claim to be exempt from condemnation?
The Jew claim to be exempt from condemnation upon these three grounds:
1. He is a son of Abraham.
2. He had the law.
3. He was circumcised.
What three things does Paul declare that cannot save the Jew?
The three things that Paul declares cannot save the Jew are:
1. His law cannot save the Jew, because of the weakness of his sinful nature.
2. Circumcision could not save the Jew because he had not kept the law.
In the eyes of God, how many classes of people are there? What are the classes?
In the eyes of God, there are two classes of people. Those who live according to the flesh
and those who live according to the Spirit.
What are the fourteen counts in the indictment against all humanity?
1. There is none righteous, no, not one.
2. There is none that understandeth.
3. There is none that seeketh after God.
4. They are all gone out of the way.
5. They are together become unprofitable.
6. There is none that doeth good, no, not one.
7. Their throat is an open sepulcher.
8. With their tongues they have used deceit.
9. The poison of asps is under their lips.
10. Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.
11. Their feet are swift to shed blood.
12. Destruction and misery are in their ways.
13. The way of peace have they not known.
14. There is no fear of God before their eyes.
What three witnesses did the Apostle Paul bring against the world?
The three witnesses that the Apostle Paul brought against the world are the Spirit, the water,
and the blood.