FOOT-FEET IDIOMS Drag Your Feet Meaning: Do something very reluctantly; delay doing something Example: If you’d quit dragging your feet and finish the drawings, we could get out of here for a long weekend. Find Your Feet Meaning: To adjust to a new place or situation Example: Did it take you long to find your feet when you started your new job? Jump in with Both Feet Meaning: Begin a new experience wholeheartedly Example: I think Fitriana is going to work out great in the new job. We started showing her the programming language yesterday, and she really jumped in with both feet. To Get Cold Feet Meaning: To experience reluctance or fear Example: I was ready to dive into the pool from the high board, but I got cold feet and couldn’t – It’s do it. Vote with One’s Feet Meaning: To physically depart from something as a way of showing disapproval Example: People voted with their feet on the new Chevrolet models, staying away from showrooms. Have a Lead Foot Meaning: A tendency to drive very fast Example: I refuse to get in a car with Courtney. She has a lead foot, and she’s already been in three accidents. On the Back Foot Meaning: At a disadvantage Example: The ruling party was on the back foot after allegations of corruption from a major newspaper. Put Your Foot Down Meaning: Use your authority to stop negative behavior Example: Usually I let the kids watch some television, but last night they had it on for five hours. I’m going to have to put my foot down. TO BE DEAD ON ONE’S FEET . Meaning: To be exhausted. TO HAVE ITCHY FEET . Meaning: When you have a desire to change something, want to travel or experience something new. THINK ON YOUR FEET . Meaning: When you have made or need to make a decision inmediately. SWEEP SOMEONE OFF THEIR FEET . Meaning: This is the feeling you get when you are completely taken or carried away by someone on an emotional level.