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Government & Civil Society Handout: MYP 1

Academic Year 2023-24
Grade: MYP 1
Subject-Individuals and societies (IH)
Unit: Governance systems
Key concept: Systems
Related concept: Power,Perspective
Global context: Fairness & development
Global context exploration: Students will explore Democracy, politics, government and
civil society.
Statement of inquiry: A fair distribution of power within a governing system often
develop different perspectives of civil society.
Students are expected to have the knowledge and understanding of the systems and fair
distribution of powers in society leads to good governance system and a civil society.
A Government is needed for every country to make decisions and get things done
ranging from decisions about where to build roads and schools, or how to reduce the
price of onions when they get too expensive or ways to increase the supply of electricity.
They also take actions on social issues and other important things like running postal
and railway services. In the meantime, the Government is also in charge of protecting
the boundaries of the country and maintaining peaceful relations with other countries.
Also, at the time of any calamity, it is in charge of organising aid and assistance for the
affected people.
“Peace is not unity in similarity but unity in diversity, in the comparison and
conciliation of differences.”
Mikhail Gorbachev
Government can be defined as “the group of people with the authority to govern a
country or state.” It sets and administers public policy and exercises executive, political
and sovereign power through customs, institutions and laws within a state.
In other words Government is also a set of institutions that have the power to make,
implement and interpret laws so as to ensure an orderly life. Government consists of
group of people who are assigned the task of administering and managing the affairs of
the nation.
Government is needed to make decisions and to get things done. The government takes
decision on various matters; like how and where to build roads, schools and railway
lines, how to improve the public healthcare system, how to improve the supply of
drinking water, etc.
It includes:
(i) Providing various services like the supply of water and electricity, free education,
health services, proper roads, etc.
(ii) Maintaining the internal law and order
(iii) Protecting the country against external aggression
(iv) Maintaining peaceful relations with other countries
(v) Providing aid to the deprived and the underprivileged
(vi) Securing equality and justice for all sections of society
(vii) Ensuring and maintaining the economic growth of the country
The term Civil Society is used to collectively refer to the voluntary organizations
corporate bodies, socially active groups, and firms working in each society. Civil society
is the set of civic rights, including primarily everyone’s right to participate in Public life.
Civil society forms the backbone of democracy.
“Civil Society is the set of intermediate associations which is neither the state nor the
family, but which plays an active and positive role in social, economic, and cultural
According to Andrew Heywood, “Civil society refers to “a realm of associations, business,
interest groups, classes’ families and so on.”
Civil society is sometimes referred to as the civil sector, a term that is used to
differentiate it from other sectors that comprise a functioning society. For example, the
United States is made up of three sectors: the public sector, which is the government
and its branches; the private sector, which includes businesses and corporations; and
the civil sector, which includes the organizations that act in the public's interest but are
not motivated by profit or government.
Role played by civil society in India in good governance:
• A well-functioning civil society is a boon for today’s multi-stakeholder-led example of
good governance.
• Good governance refers to inclusive, consensus-oriented, rule-bound administration that
is responsive to citizens’ pressing needs. By virtue of its expertise and goodwill, NGOs
can help government improve quality of governance.
• Civil society groups perform advocacy role by highlighting specific demands of the
interest groups they represent.
• Promoting with government and legislators on such issues increases the chances of
their concerns finding place in upcoming laws and executive decisions.
• Pro-active participation of women’s rights groups has forced government to rethink on
many policies.
• The rights of trafficked children have been highlighted by groups like Bachpan Bachao
Andolan, whose founded Kailash Satyarthi received Nobel Prize for his efforts.
• LGBT groups have won rights of transgender in India via SC’s progressive judgments.
• Minority groups whose voices may drown in majoritarian pretention can effectively gain
due limelight if represented by able interest groups at highest level of governance.
• Because of these efforts only, an electoral candidate has to disclose his assets,
educational qualifications, past principles (if any) – helping voters make an informed
• Elections being the start of a democratic cycle have been reformed by forceful efforts of
such NGOs and pro-active mass media.
CONCLUSION: By reading this handout, students will develop an understanding
about the power and a good governance system.
In a nutshell Government is “the organisation, that is the governing authority of a
political unit”, “the ruling power in political society” and the apparatus through
which a governing body functions and exercises authority”.
The Government makes laws that everyone living in the country has to follow. It
cannot only make a decision but can enforce it as well.
FURTHER EXPLORATION: Students will develop their understanding of the related
concept of Power and perspective with the help of this handout and will also have
further exploration to1. To what extent the Government is responsible for fair distribution of powers?
2. Outline the need of government?
3. What is Governance system ?
4. Describe the need of a good society?
Kumar, Post author By Pritam. “What Role Does Civil Society Play in Ensuring Good-Governance? Discuss the Challenges Being
Faced by Civil Society Organization in India? (250 W/ 15 M).” Civilsdaily, www.civilsdaily.com/mains/what-role-does-civilsociety-play-in-ensuring-good-governance-discuss-the-challenges-being-faced-by-civil-society-organization-in-india-250-w-15m/.Date accessed 30/01/2024.
Phani. “NCERT Solutions for Class 6th Social Science Civics Chapter 3 What Is Government.” Learn CBSE, 23 Oct. 2020,
www.learncbse.in/ncert-solutions-for-class-6th-social-science-civics-chapter-3-what-is-government/. Date accessed