ELSEVIER PII: S0140-7007(96)00021-7 Int J. ReJ?ig. Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 223-230, 1996 Copyright @ 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd and IIR Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved 0140-7007/96/$15.00 + 00 Sensible heat and friction characteristics of plate fin-and-tube heat exchangers having plane fins Chi-Chuan Wang and Yu-Juei Chang E n e r g y a n d R e s o u r c e s L a b o r a t o r i e s , I n d u s t r i a l T e c h n o l o g y R e s e a r c h Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC Yi-Chung Hsieh and Yur-Tsai Lin D e p a r t m e n t o f M e c h a n i c a l Engineering, Y u a n - Z e Institute o f T e c h n o l o g y , Taiwan, ROC Received 10 October 1995; revised 14 March 1996 In the present study, 15 samples of plate fin heat exchangers with different geometrical parameters, including the number of tube rows, fin spacing and fin thickness are tested and compared in an induced flow open wind tunnel. Results are presented in the form of friction factor and Colburn j-factor against Reynolds number based on the tube collar diameter in the range of 300 to 7500. Comparisons with the existing plate fin correlation are also reported. It is found that the fin spacing does not affect the heat-transfer coefficient. The number of tube rows has negligible effect on the friction factor, and the fin thickness does not affect the heattransfer or friction characteristics. (Keywords: heat transfer; pressure loss; battery; tube; fin; air; measurement; Reynolds) Copyright ~) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd and IIR Transfert de chaleur sensible et caract6ristiques de frottement pour 6changeurs de chaleur plaque-ailettes, pourvus d'ailettes planes Dans /'article, les auteurs essaient et comparent, dans un tunnel aOrodynamique ouvert it ~coulement./brcO. quinze Ochantillons d'Ochangeurs de chaleur it plaque-ailettes, en en modifiant les parambtres g~omOtriques, h savoir: le nombre de rang~es de tubes, l'espacement des ailettes et leur ~paisseur. Ils pr~sentent les rOsultats sous jorme du facteur de frottement et du facteur j de Co~burn, compar& au hombre de Reynolds" fondd sur de diambtre circulaire du tube, dans la plage de 300 h 7500. Ils rapportent Ogalement des comparaisons avecla correlation existante des plaques-ailettes, lls d~duisent que l'espacement des ailettes n 'a aucune incidence sur le coefficient de transfert de chaleur. Le nombre de rang~es de tubes a un effet ndgligeable sur le facteur de j?ottement, et l'(paisseur des ailettes n'effecte ni le transfert de chaleur ni les caract~ristiques de frottement. (Mot cl+s: Transfert de chaleur; perte de pression: batterie; tube; ailette: air: mesure: Reynolds) Copyright (~! 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd and IIR The plate fin-and-tube heat exchangers, consisting of mechanically or hydraulically expanded round tubes in a block of parallel continuous fins, are widely used in industry and particularly in the heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration industries. The complex airflow pattern across the fin-and-tube surface makes the theoretical prediction of heat-transfer coefficients very difficult, and therefore most publications are related to experimental works. The most systematic study was carried out by Rich 1'2, who investigated a total of 14 coils, in which the fin spacing was varied from H I D e = 0.084 to 0.64. He concluded that the heat-transfer coefficient was essentially independent of the fin spacing. He further concluded that the pressure drop per row is independent of the number of tube rows. McQuiston 3 stated that the j-factor could be correlated by applying a correction 'finning factor', defined as Ao/Ato , to the Reynolds number. A strong dependence of heat-transfer coefficients on the finning factor was observed. McQuiston 3 showed an ( A o / A t o ) - 015 dependence in his plate-fin data. Kayansayan 4 indicated that the j-factor is proportional t o (Ao/Ato) -0362. Based on the previously published data, Gray and Webb 5 proposed a correlation for the existing experimental data. The RMS error of the resulting correlation is 7.3% for heat-transfer coefficients and 7.8% for friction factors. Numerous studies have been devoted to plate fin-andtube heat exchangers. However, most of the previously published data are for large tube diameter (e.g. Do = 12.7 and 15.8mm). Kayansayan 4 presented six experimental data sets for a 9.52-mm-tube. However, the heat exchangers he tested were all four-row coils. Kays and London 6 have published few data for tube diameter of the order 10 mm. To date, there is no systematic study 223 224 C.-C. Wang et al. Nomenclature Area (m 2) Total surface area (m 2) External tube surface area (m 2) Heat capacity rate (W K -1) Specific heat at constant pressure (Jkg -1K -l) D~ Fin collar outside diameter (m) Inside tube diameter (m) Di Tube outside diameter (m) Do Friction factor f G~ Mass flux of the air based on the minimum flow area (kg m 2 s) H Fin spacing (m) h Heat-transfer coefficient ( W m -2 K -l) j = N u / R e P r 1/3 the Colburn factor Thermal conductivity k (Wm -1 K -1) Abrupt contraction pressure-loss Kc coefficient Abrupt expansion pressure-loss ICe coefficient Depth of the heat exchanger in L airflow direction (m) Number of tube row N Mass flow rate (kgs -1) rn N T U = U A / Cmin Number of transfer unit Nusselt number Nu = hDc/k AP Pressure drop (Pa) Fin pitch (m) rp Longitudinal tube pitch (m) Pl Prandtl number Pr Transverse tube pitch (m) l?.t Q Heat-transfer rate (W) A Ao Ato C ¢p Qmax = Cmin(Twater,in-Tair,in) The maximum possible heat transfer rate (W) rc Tube outside radius, including collar thickness (m) Re = p V D / # Reynolds number to the air side performance of the plane fin heat exchangers having a nominal tube diameter of 9.52 mm. As is well-known, coils having a tube diameter of 9.52mm are very popular in recent HVAC&R applications. As a result, the objective of the present study is to provide more experimental data on plate finand-tube heat exchangers having a 9.52-mm tube diameter. In addition, the effect of fin spacing, the number of tube rows and fin thickness on the heattransfer and friction characteristics are also investigated. Experimental apparatus Experiments were conducted in a forced draft wind tunnel as described in Figure 1. The airflow was driven by a 5.6 kW centrifugal fan with an inverter. To avoid and minimize the effect of flow maldistribution, an air straightener-equalizer and a mixer were provided. The inlet and the exit temperature across the sample coil were Req r T t U Equivalent radius for ciruclar fin (m) Tube inside radius (m) Temperature (°C) Fin thickness (m) Overall heat-transfer coefficient (Wm -2 K -l) / X L = V(Pt/2)2 + p2t/2 geometric parameter (m) geometric parameter (m) XM = Pt/2 Greek letters 6 e = Qave/Qmax q q0 # Thickness of the tube wall (m) Heat exchanger effectiveness Finn efficiency Surface effectiveness Dynamic viscosity of fluid (kgm -1 s-1) Density (kg m -3) Contraction ratio of crosssectional area Subscripts 1 2 air ave b i in f m min max o out water w air side inlet air side outlet air side average value base surface tube side inlet fin surface mean value minimum value maximum value total surface outlet water side wall of the tube measured by two T-type thermocouple meshes. The inlet measuring mesh consisted of 8 thermocouples, while the outlet mesh contained 16 thermocouples. The sensor locations inside the rectangular duct were established by following ASHRAE 7 recommendations• The thermocouple data were individually recorded and then averaged. During the isothermal test, the variance of these thermocouples were within +0.2°C. All the thermocouples were pre-calibrated by a high-resolution (0.01°C) quartz thermometer. The calibrated uncertainties of the thermocouples, as depicted in Table 1, were within +0.1°C. The pressure drop of the test coil was detected by a precision differential pressure transducer, reading to 0.1 Pa. The airflow measuring station, a multiple nozzle code test, was designed on the basis of the ASHRAE 41.2 standard s. The geometric parameters of the tested coils are illustrated in Table 2. The working medium on the tube side was hot water. The inlet temperature was controlled by a thermostat reservoir Characteristics of heat exchangers ®@ © I;i ® ®G 9 ,&_? ® i- ___> lh)l q Water ;, I i',', w, w, i',', < I ]r ----j . Rt~N('I 'v ()ll rvoiv ~ . . . . n~,]1,~ ~ I l I I ........ . . . . . . "=---'l .... I)rld '" I Rccordcr k . J Q @ L I I;; i:p I l ')'-~ 0 ,~ 0 l i- f .j iII ,,,,, 225 • • ~(Oml)U t L 7 ..... • . . . . . . . | ~-J "-- III Ill , tj f I @ III © 9 code 1 inlel honey cone straight(met :~ d c v c h q ) i n g seclion 4 'I'/C i n l e t , l c m t ) e r a t . u r e ill(,aHIll'illg st al.ion ,-) t)l,(~,..;slli,(~ t a l ) ( i n h H ) 6 lest unit 7 pressul'c lap(outlet) [+ T / C o u l l e t t e m p e r a t u r e tll(+aSlll'illg s l a t i o n t e s t e r for lllf!a~lll'OlllUll[ flow l ' a l e selling means nozzle pr(rssurc Iap(inlel) nozzle pressure tap(outlel) m u l t i t ) l e llozzl(~s p l a l e s e l l i n g nteans variable exhausl fan system discharge waler putnp of 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 aiF Figure 1 Schematic of experimental set-up Figure 1 Scheme de l'installation exp&imentale Table 1 Summary of estimated uncertainties Tableau 1 Dimensionsg~om~triques de plusieurs ~chantillons d'&hangeurs de chaleur h plaque-ailettes Primary measurements Derived quantities Parameter Uncertainty Parameter '}/air ?ilwate r 0.3 1% 0.5 % 0.5% 0.05"C 0. I C 0.05~C Reoc Rei Ap Twater Tair T f qwater qair j Uncertainty (%) ReDs = 600 Uncertainty 1%) +1.0 +0.73 +17.7 :t:2.95 4-3.5 +9.4 ±0.47 +0.73 +1.3 +0.89 ± 1.6 -]=3.9 ReDs = 7000 Table 2 Geometric dimensions of the sample plate fin-and-tube heat exchangers Tableau 2 R#sum#des erreurs estim&s No. Fin thickness (ram) Fin pitch (mm) Dc (mm) Pt (mm) & (ram) Row No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.82 2.24 3.20 2.03 2.23 3.00 1.85 2.21 3.16 1.77 3.21 1.77 3.17 1.74 3.16 10.23 10.23 10.23 10.23 10.23 10.23 10.23 10.23 10.23 10.23 10.23 10.23 10.23 10.23 10.23 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 2 2 2 4 4 4 6 6 6 2 2 4 4 6 6 Notes: tube wall thickness after expansion: 0.336 mm; the test samples are all staggered layout having an adjustable heat capacity up to 80 kW. Both the inlet and outlet temperatures were measured by two precalibrated RTDs (Pt-100 f~) which have an accuracy of 0.1°C. The water volumetric flowrate was detected by a magnetic flow meter with 0.0021s -z resolution. All the data signals were collected and converted by a data acquisition system (a hybrid recorder). The data acquisition system then transmitted the converted signals through a GPIB interface to the host computer for further operation. During the experiments, the water inlet temperature was held constant at 60.0 + 0.1 °C. The air frontal velocities ranged from 0.3 to 6 . 2 m s -1. C.-C. Wang et al. 226 Generally, the energy balance between air side and tube side was within 2%. In all cases, the water side resistance (evaluated as 1/hiAi) was less than 12% of the overall resistance in all cases, and the wall resistance (evaluated as 6w/kwAw) was negligible. The dominant thermal resistance was always on the air side. Uncertainties in the reported experimental values of the Colburnj-factor and friction factor f were estimated by the method suggested by Moffat 9. The maximum uncertainties are tabulated in Table 1. The highest uncertainties were associated with the lowest Reynolds number. Analysis In the analysis, to provide the heat transfer characteristics of the tested coils, the e-NTU method is used to determine the UA term of the heat exchanger. The UA product was calculated using the e-NTU method for the unmixed-unmixed cross-flow configuration. Correspondingly, the appropriate e-NTU relationship l° is = 1 - e x p [ N T U ° 2 2 / C * { e x p ( - C * N T U °78) - 1}] (1) Cmin Cmax ~b/airCp,air r/'twaterCp,water - 0ave Qmax . 1 -- - - 1 rlohoA o + ¢5w ~ + - 1 hiA i (5) (6) where f = (l.581n(ReD~) - 3.28) -2 (7) where Re i = p VDi/iz. The finned surface effectiveness, ~0, is defined as the ratio of the actual heat transfer to the heat-transfer rate occurring when both fin and base are at the same base temperature. This term may be written in terms of the fin efficiency ~, fin surface area Af and total surface area A0 as r/0 = 1 - A f ( 1 -~7) A0 (8) where A0 = Af + A b and Af, A b are the areas of the fin and base, respectively. In the present investigation, the estimation of fin efficiency, ~7, is calculated using the Schmidt 12 approximation for the staggered plate-fin geometry. The fin efficiency is expressed as - tanh(mr0) mrO Req = 1.27 XM r r XL --0.3 (12) With Equations (9)-(12), an iterative process is needed to obtain the air side heat-transfer coefficient h0 and the surface effectiveness r/0. The heat-transfer characteristics of the heat exchanger are presented in the following nondimensional groups: Nu = hoDc/k (13) ReDo = pVmaxDc/# (14) j = Nu/(ReocPfl/3) AcPm [2R1AP The tube-side heat-transfer coefficient, hi, is evaluated from the Gnielinski ll semi-empirical correlation: (k) ( R e i - lOOO)Pr(fi/2) hi = ~ i 1 + 1 2 . 7 x / - ~ ( P r 2/3 - 1) (11) (15) f -Ao where the total heat transfer rate, Qave, is the arithmetic average of the air side and the water side heat-transfer rates. The overall heat-transfer resistance is evaluated from the following relationship: UA ~=(~9-)[l+0.351n(Req/r)] (4) rr/waterCp,water(Tin,water- Tin,air) N T U =- UA/Crnin (10) (3) (2) Oave - 2~° m--v All the fluid properties are evaluated at the average values of the inlet and outlet temperatures. The core friction of the heat exchanger is calculated from the pressure drop equation described by Kays and London 6, which includes the entrance and exit pressure loss coefficients Kc and Ke. The relation for the nondimensional friction f a c t o r f in terms of pressure drop is: where c * _= - - - where (9) Pl [ Gc2 2(P_21 _ ) (Kc -[- 1 -- 0 "2) -- \P2 1 /16/ where A 0 and Ac stand for the total heat-transfer area and the flow cross-sectional area, respectively, and 0- is the ratio of the minimum flow area to frontal area. Results and discussion The experimentally determined values of the Colburn jfactor and friction f a c t o r f for the 15 test samples plotted against Reynolds number (ReDo) are displayed in Figure 2. The characteristic dimension of the Reynolds number, ReDc, is the tube outside diameter including collar thickness. As expected, the friction factor decreases with the increase of Reynolds number for all test samples. The j-factors, for samples 7 and 14, show a maximum for the Reynolds number is less than 2000. The experimental data of Rich 2 also reveals this kind of phenomenon. A private discussion between Webb and Rich 5 had attributed this unexpected phenomenon to the experimental error at low airflow rates. Gray and Webb 5 therefore, had neglected the experimental data for ReL < 5000 (corresponds to ReDo = 2750) in correlating the data of Rich 12 ' . Since the present experiments were carried out carefully with the standard nozzles operated following the ASHRAE standard 8 recommendation (nozzle velocities are between 15 and 70ms-l). The energy balance between air side and tube side is less than 3% throughout the experiments, and good experimental repeatabilities are achieved at low velocities. Consequently, the maximum of the Coburn j-factors for samples 7 and 14 may not be due to experimental Characteristics of heat exchangers 227 0 10 0 10 q~)-#1 "--~"-:#2 -A-:N3 "~-:#4 -~-:#5 "O-:#6 -~-:#7 ~:#8 4~:#9 -'~P'-#10 , -'~:#11 --B--:#I2 -C--:#13 -{-]-:#14 --.~--#15 ~ , i,,, I E , , , ~ ,i I i I -¢¢-:#10, H = 1 . 5 7 mm, R o w = 2 --t9--:#12, H = 1 . 5 7 mm, R o w = 4 -[]-:#14. H = 1 , 5 4 mm, R o w = 6 f f -1 10 -1 10 -2 10 9 10" I I I IIIII I I I 10 4 10 ReDc Figure 2 j a n d f f o r the tested s a m p l e s Figure 2 j e t f pour les ~chantillons essayks mm I I I I I I 3 10 t=0.2 uncertainty. Note that samples 7 and 14 are of six-row configuration and smallest fin spacing. The possible explanation for this unusual phenomenon are twofold. Firstly, as illustrated by Rich l, the standing vortices form behind a cylinder in cross-flow at low Reynolds number and the eddies breaks away from the cylinder and move downstream at higher Reynolds number. The size of the standing vortices is likely to increase with the number of tube rows, and eventually a detectable decay of the heat-transfer coefficient is found. Secondly, the flow visualization experiments conducted by Chen and Ren ~3 indicate that the smaller fin spacing is responsible for reducing the vortex. As a result, the airflow pass through the heat exchanger is somewhat like channel flow and the exponent dependence in the Reynolds number is changed. Note that for channel flow, the Reynolds number dependence is Re -°z, whereas for pure tube bank flow, the Reynolds number dependence is Re -°'4. Combining these two effects, the 'maximum phenomenon' is expected to form at low air velocities especially for heat exchangers with larger number of tube rows and smaller fin spacing. Similar results were also shown in the automotive multilouver fin surface as reported by Davenport TM and Achaichia and Cowel115. Webb and Trauger r6 found that some of the air streams bypass the louvers at low Reynolds number and act as 'duct flow' between the fin channels so that a lower jfactor will be obtained. Achaichia and Cowel115 identified the flow pattern as 'fin directed flow' for the low Reynolds number region and 'louver directed flow' for high Reynolds number region. Figure 3 illustrates the effect of the number of tube rows on the heat-transfer and friction characteristics. The number of tube rows are 2, 4 and 6, respectively. The fin spacing is approximately 1.57 mm. As can be seen, the Colburn j-factors decrease with the increase of the I i I III] I I I i 3 10 10 4 10 ReD c F i g u r e 3 Effect o f the n u m b e r o f t u b e r o w o n the h e a t - t r a n s f e r a n d friction characteristics F i g u r e 3 Effet du nombre de rangOes de tubes sur le transfert de chaleur et lefrottement number of tube rows for Reynolds number less than 2000. However, the effect of the number of tube rows diminishes as Reynolds number increases over 2000. This phenomenon is very similar to the plate fin data as shown by Rich 2 and Senshimo and Fujii 17. Figure 5 shows also that there is no detectable variation of the heat-transfer coefficients with increasing row number for Reo~ > 2000. This is due to the downstream turbulence eddies shed from the tubes that cause good mixing in the downstream fin region. As they Reynolds number decreases, the downstream turbulence tends to diminish and the vortices behind the tube cylinder are expected to form. As a result, the number of tube rows shows a significant effect on the heat-transfer characteristics for ReD~ < 2000. Figure 3 also indicates that the friction factors are independent of the number of tube rows. Again, this phenomenon is very similar to other plate finand-tube heat exchangers as shown by Rich 2, the louver fin geometry for Chang et al. 18, the wavy fin configuration of Wang et al. 19 and the convex-louver fin geometry of Wang et al. 2°. Figure 4 illustrates the effect of the fin thickness on the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the plate fin-andtube heat exchangers. The effect of fin thickness on the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the plate fin-andtube heat exchanger have not been investigated before. Gray and Webb 5 argued that the fin thickness should not affect the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the plate fin-and-tube heat exchangers. They explained that the fin thickness affects only the airflow velocity in the heat exchanger, which is accounted for by the Reynolds number. In addition, the friction correlation excludes the entrance and exit losses. As a result, it is likely that the fin C.- C. Wang et a l. 228 0 0 10 i r p i i i ~J 10 r I "0-:#9, H=3.03 mm, Row= 6, t=0.13 mm -0-:#4. H= 1.90 mm --A--:#15, H=2.96 mm. Row= 6, t=0.2 mm t1-:#5, H=210 mm -&-:#3. H=3.07 ram, Row -Q-:#6, H=2.87 mm 2, t=0.13 mm R o w = 4, t = 0 . 1 3 m m --$-:#11, H=3.01 ram, Row= 2, t=0.2 mm f f 10-1 10 10 .2 10 -2 I i i I I IIII I I I I I II I 3 10 4 10 I 10 10 Figure 4 Effectof fin thickness on the heat-transfer and friction characteristics Figure4 Effet de l'~paisseur des ailettes sur le transfert de chaleur et le Figure 5 istics frottement froltement thickness may not effect the thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the plate fin-and-tube heat exchanger. However, the heat transfer correlation for the individually finned and tube heat exchanger as proposed by Briggs and Young 21 is (17) TM As seen, the fin thickness shows a slight effect on the transfer coefficients. Rabas et al. 22 developed more accurate j and f correlations for low fin height and small fin spacings. The correlation also indicates that the j are related to the fin thickness, and is given by 1.12 j=O.292Ren(~o) . (L. (---He)°26\ H / I i I I I r i 3 10 4 10 ReDc ReDc j=O.134Re-°'319(H)°2(H) I I I I II] 2 0.67 ( d e .~ 0.47 ( @ ) 0.77 \Doj (18) where n = -0.415 + 0.0346 de/s. The effect of fin thickness on the thermal-hydraulic characteristics is generally small for individual fin geometry. For the present continuous fin-and-tube configuration, as depicted in Figure 4, the effect of fin thickness on both the friction factor and the Coburn jfactor are negligible. The correlation form of Equation (17) was used for the present data. It was found that the exponent dependence of fin thickness is smaller than that of Equation (17). Figure 5 depicts the effect of fin spacing on the heattransfer and friction factors. Rich l concluded that the heat-transfer coefficients are essentially independent of fin spacing. In the analysis by Elmahdy and Biggs23, the heat-transfer coefficient increased with fin spacing. On Effect of fin spacing on heat-transfer and friction character- Figure 5 Effet du pas des ailettes sur le transfert de chaleur et le the contrary, the experimental results of McQuiston and Tree 24 showed a decrease in heat-transfer coefficient with decreasing fin spacing. Using an oil-lampblack visualization technique, Chen and Ren 13 studied the airflow pattern for a two-row plate fin-and-tube heat exchanger. They concluded that the vortices behind the tube do not effect the heat-transfer coefficient for ReDo < 7000 when H / D c < 0.33, and the fin spacing does not affect the heat-transfer coefficient for H / D c > 0.33. The present three samples are of four-row configuration and their corresponding H / D c values are 0.186, 0.205 and 0.281, respectively. Since the Reynolds number of most of the experimental data are less than 7000, it is seen that the heat-transfer coefficient is nearly independent of the fin spacing. The data here are consistent with the data of Rich 1 and the criteria proposed by Chen and Ren 13 . Figure 6 compares the ability_ of the correlations by McQuiston 3, Gray and Webb 5 and Kayansayan4 to predict the j and f data for two-, four- and six-row configurations. The McQuiston 3 correlation considerably overpredicts the friction factors and yields an unacceptable overprediction of the j-factors for Reynolds number less than 1000. Good agreements of jfactors with the Gray and Webb 5 correlation are generally reported, and the deviations between the predictions of the Gray and Webb 5 correlation and the present experimental data are generally within + 2 0 / - 8%. The deviation between the prediction of the Gray and Webb 5 correlation and the present data increases with decrease in Reynolds number. This is probably due to the data bank of the Gray and Webb 5 correlation usually having a Reynolds number higher than 2500. The predictions of the friction factors of the plate fin data by the Gray and Webb 5 correlation are Characteristics of heat exchangers 0 10 --. •-, 10 10 i i i i E i ii I --A-:#15, H = 2 . 9 6 mrn, R o w = 6 ..... :McQuistion Correlation for #15 - - -:Gra y & Webb (1986) Correlation for #15 -C--:#13, H = 2 . 9 7 ram, R o w = 4 - - :McQuiston Correlation for #13 i - - : G r a y & Webb Correlation for #13 -e'4r-:#11, H = 3 . 0 1 mm, R o w = 2 [ :McQuiston Correlation for #11 / "- - :Gray & Webb Correlation tor #11 -l 229 1 -B--:#12, H = 1 . 5 7 ram ..... :Gray & Webb (1986) Correlation for Sample#12 :McQuistion Correlation for #12 :Kayansayan Correlation for #12 -C---:#13, H = 2 . 9 7 rnm - - :Gray & W e b b (1986) Correlation for Sample# 13 - - :McQuistion Correlation for # 13 - - - : K a y a n s a y a n Correlation for #13 - ~ - : K a y a n s a y a n 07, H = 2 . 2 0 -M-- :Kayansayan #8, H = 3.20 --6--:Kayansayan #9, H = 2 . 5 0 f ~'~ .~" -.~..,~ -2 10 10-~ t=0.2 mm i I / \Kayansayan Correlation for #15,#13,#11 I i I i IlL I i i i i I I 3 10 Row=4, i 4 10 ReDc 10 t=0.20 10 mm I Iiiiii ~ ~ 3 111 t 4 10 10 i t Jt 5 10 ReDc Figure 6 Comparisonofj andf betweentypicaltest sampleswith the McQuiston-, Gray and Webb5 and Kayansayan4 correlations Figure 6 Comparaisonde j et f, de plusieurs dchantillons types avec la corrOlation de McQuiston. Gray et Webb et Kayansayan Figure 7 Comparison of j values between test samples with Kayansayan4 and the present experimental data with identical tube of row, Pt, PI and fin thickness Figure 7 Comparaisondes valeurs de j, de plusieurs &:hantillons types, avec la corrOlation de Kayansayan et les donnOesexp&imentales aetuelles tubes, P, P~et 6paisseur des ailettes identiques approximately + 3 0 / - 15% compared to the present data. The deviations here may be attributed to the data bank used for their correlation being generally for larger tube diameters. In addition, the prediction of friction factors by the Gray and Webb 5 correlation are generally linear (in a logarithmic scale plot). However, as is known, the friction factors are usually4 nonlinear in a logarithmic scale plot. The Kayansayan correlation for j-factors considerably underpredicts the experimental data, especially in low Reynolds number regions. Figure 7 comp4ares the present j-factor data with that of Kayansayan for identical transverse pitch, longitudinal pitch, tube diameter, number of tube rows and fin thickness. Although the present data show a negligible effect of fin spacing, the Kayansayan 4 data are quite scattered. The present data show 5-25% higher heat-transfer coefficients than those of Kayansayan4. The Kayansayan correlation typically predicts lower jfactors than those of others. It is obvious from the curves shown in Figure 2 that no single curve can be expected to describe the complex behaviors for both j- and f-factors. In addition, the maximum phenomenon for samples 7 and 14 make the problem even more complicated. As a result, using a multiple linear regression technique in a practical range of experimental data (800 < ReD~ < 7500), the appropriate correlation form o f j a n d f for the present data are / (Fp-~ -0.212 , \-0.0449 N 0.0897\DccJ j = 0.394ReD°392~c)~ / ~, \ - 0 . 1 0 4 f=l'Og9ReD°4181~c)" ( (19) )-0.197 N-°°935 DccFP (20) As shown in Figure 8, Equation (19) can describe 97% of the experimental data within 10% and Equation (20) can describe 88% of the experimental data within 10%. The RMS error of the resulting correlation is 4.1% for heat-transfer coefficients, and 6.5% for friction factors. Conclusions Experiments on the heat-transfer and pressure drop characteristics of plate fin-and-tube heat exchangers were carried out for Dc = 10.23mm. In the present study, 15 samples of plate fin-and-tube heat exchangers with different geometrical parameters, including row number, fin thickness and fin spacing. On the basis of previous discussions, the following conclusions are made: 1. The maximum phenomena of Colburn j-factor at low Reynolds numbers occur for plate fin-and-tube heat exchanger at larger number of tube row and smaller fin spacing. 2. The experimental data indicate that the number of tube rows does not affect the friction factors. A significant reduction of the heat-transfer coefficients is found for Reynolds number less than 2000 for the six-row coil, and the effect of the number of tube row diminishes for 2000 < Reoc < 7500. 3. Fin thickness has negligible effect on both heattransfer and friction characteristics of plate fin-andtube heat exchangers. 4. Fin spacing has negligible affect on the heat-transfer C.-C. Wang et al. 230 0.1 / information appreciated. / f r o m Prof. Ralph Webb are very m u c h (f) 0.08 References 0.06 1 2 0.04 / 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.06 Correlation ( f ) i 0.08 3 4 5 O. 1 6 7 8 0.03 . . . . I . . . . I . . . . 9 10 () 11 £/A o q 12 13 14 ~0.01 15 16 • 0 F 5 0 0.01 0.02 Correlation ( j ) J i 17 0.03 Figure 8 Comparison of the experimental data and the present correlations: (a) friction factor, f ; (b)j-factors Figure 8 Comparaison des donn~es exp&imentales et des correlations aetuelles. (a) facteur de frottement, f. et (b) facteurs j 18 19 20 characteristics of plate fin-and-tube heat exchangers at t h e p r e s e n t test r a n g e . Acknowledgements T h e a u t h o r s w o u l d like to e x p r e s s t h e i r g r a t i t u d e for the E n e r g y R & D foundation f u n d i n g f r o m the E n e r g y C o m m i s s i o n o f the M i n i s t r y o f E c o n o m i c Affairs, T a i w a n , w h i c h p r o v i d e d f i n a n c i a l s u p p o r t f o r the p r e s e n t study. V a l u a b l e s u g g e s t i o n s a n d 21 22 23 24 Rich, D. G. 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