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Technology Impact on Education Research Paper

Table of Content
Section 1
Introduction- Problem Statement………………………………3
Statement of the Problem………………………………………4
Purpose of Research……………………………………………5
Aims and Objectives……………………………………………6
Section 2
Literature Review………………………………………………7
Data Collection Source…………………………………………9
Section 3
Data Presentation……………………………………………….11
Data Analysis…………………………………………………...18
Discussion of Findings………………………………………….21
Conclusion, Recommendation and Limitations…………………23
Glossary of Terms………………………………………………..26
Firstly I would like to thank God for blessing me with the abilities and the strength to complete
this research. I would also like to thank Knox College for providing a sample for my research. I
would also like to thank my teachers who were with my all the way. I would lastly like to thank
my editors and proof readers Camille Johnson and Tiffany Dunkley.
Problem Statement: The impact of technology on education in Knox College
Over the past years technology has been improved vastly and has made an indelible mark on our
society and it major institutions. Technology can be defined as the making, usage and knowledge
of tools, machines, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or
perform a specific function. For years, there have always been concerns with students and the
way they write. This issue, due to the developing technologies has become worse. The more
technology evolves the more the decay of the English language among students is evident. There
have been many arguments as to whether the English language is archaic or the language is fine
and it it’s the students who need to adapt to it.
The issue of writing has become an issue in many education institutions. Many have blamed this
problem on the increase of technology and the amount of time students spend using it idly. Many
students have been faced with the challenge of writing a good essay. In some cases sentence
construction, grammar or spelling is a problem. When using technology one tends to move away
from the formal aspect of writing, and spending so much time practising mediocre writing has
ultimately proven to be detrimental for many.
Statement of the Problem
Research Topic: The impact of technology on education
Research Questions:
 How does the widespread use of technology affect students?
 What effect does the frequent use of technology have on students?
 What measures can be put in place to aid the way in which technology negatively impact
Purpose of Research
. This research seeks to find out if technology has affected education among students in Knox
College. The use of technology has become a widespread issue among youths in Knox College
and the wider society. This research seeks to find the root of the problem and see if there is a
direct link between technology and the breakdown in the education system.
Educational Purpose: This research seeks to highlight a problem among students and seek to
find ways in which the problem can be addressed. Some students do not readily accept that
technology may pose a problem in the education process. The findings of this research may
perhaps help them to identify their problem and try to fix it once it is identified.
Aims and Objectives
To meet the requirements of Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) Unit
To discover data about society that can be analyzed in relation to the stated hypothesis in
order to find solution to the problem.
To find out whether the stated hypothesis is true.
To determine if technology had affected education.
To discover if data will give valid, credible, and reliable information as to whether the
stated hypothesis is true and give a conclusion that supports the data provided.
Literature Review
In the age of Facebook2 posts, emoticons3 and tweets4, English grammar may seem like it is on
the road to extinction. It can be noted that the rise of technology and technological features has
aided in the creation of grammar suppression among students. One of the most apparent
problems is the use of “text” language5. In the text language ones seeks the shorten words of
example ‘wat’ instead of ‘what’ and then brings it over into their formal life. This is an
involuntary process as this type of writing is embedded into ones psyche. It is then hard to just
switch in and out and the best thing to do is to practise the standard language at all times. In
some cases there is just general misuse of words for example using ‘your’ instead of ‘you’re’.
This is a problem that stems from general misunderstanding in the class room. (Stephen J. Pytak,
The Caribbean is a developing region and the problem of ‘writing’ is not a good thing as
literacy6 should be on the increase in order to promote development. There are different
strategies that could be adapted to tackle this problem. In the United Stated there is a National
Grammar Day7, adopting this within the Caribbean would be a good thing (Martha
Brockenbrough, 2008).The national grammar day is a day that is devoted to educating people
about the correct way to speak and write. This could well be promoted through these same
technological features.
One researcher states that one can safely say today that literacy is not what it used to be. The
educators then need to apply a new way of teaching through the use of technology to reach out to
the students. Cotherman states that the teachers should become familiar with technology as
students are partially married to it and technology has been accepted hence it has become the
norm. (Audrey Cotherman, Ed.D, 2012).
Sven Birkerts, another researcher, argues that it is better to stick to the regular way of teaching
and learning; through books because reading from books creates a more logical and linear
thinking. While using technology only creates impressions and images. He thinks that
technology will just work against historical concepts (Sven Birkerts, 1994).
Mark Anthony, another researcher, claims that the world is moving forward and instead of
pressuring the students to conform to the Standardized English why not conform the English
Language to fit the technological advancements. It would help a lot if some of these coined
phrases and cliché were added to the dictionary. After all the language is formed based upon
culture and technology is the new culture (Mark Anthony, 2011).
Data Collection
Primary data was collected with the use of a questionnaire as this a quantitative method of data
collection and as such information obtained can be considered objective, easily generalized and
easily represented by graphs and charts. This proved to be inexpensive and less time consuming
than to do a qualitative research such as interviews.
The sampling technique that was used is stratified-random sampling. This was used in order to
gain information from the relevant age groups. The sampling population consisted of persons
between the age group 10-20. The sampling area that was chosen is Knox College a coed school
in Spaldings, Clarendon. Secondary data was obtained with the use of various articles from
newspapers, books and internet sources. There secondary sources were used to give support to
the research. The secondary data also acts as an agent of validity to show that the topic is
relevant, current and is studied by others.
(A copy of the letter of consent and questionnaire are presented in the appendix.)
Data Presentation
Figure 1. Pie Chart showing the sex of respondents.
10 - 12
13 - 15
16 - 18
19 - 20
10 - 12
13 - 15
16 - 18
19 - 20
Figure 2. Bar graph showing the percentage of respondents between the ages 10-20
Percentage of respondents that
use technology on a Daily basis
Figure 3. Figure showing the percentage of respondents which use technology on a regular basis.
Type of technology used by respondents
Musical Devices
Cell Phones
Cell Phones
Musical Devices
Figure 4. Figure showing type of technology used by respondents in percentage.
Figure 5. Figure showing percentage of technological features used by respondents.
Data Analysis
The following data was obtained through questionnaires which were issued to thirty-two
individuals of the Holy Childhood High School population. Figure 1 shows that 100% of the
sample size was females.
Figure 2 shows that twenty-three percent (23%) of the respondents are between the ages of 10-12
years, fifty-seven percent (57%) between 13-15 years, seventeen percent (17%) between 16-18
years and three percent (3%) between 19-20 years.
Figure 3 show that one hundred percent (100%) of the sample used technology on a daily basis.
It can be seen in figure 4 that cell phones were used by one hundred percent (100%) of the
respondents while seventy percent (70%) used computers, forty-seven percent (47%) used
musical devices and three percent (3%) used other such as calculators.
Figure 5 is the representation of the technological features used by the respondents. It can be
seen that texting is the highest with ninety-seven percent (97%), and then Facebook with fiftyseven percent (57%), followed by instant messaging at thirty-three percent (33%) then ooVoo at
thirty percent (30%), followed by tweeting and Blackberry Messenger both at twenty percent
(20%), Skype at seventeen percent (17%), tumblr comes next at thirteen percent (13%) then
YouTube at ten percent (10%) and finally games at three percent(3%).
Discussing of Findings
Based on the results gathered from this study and the supporting information presented in the
literature review, it is safe to say that technology does indeed affect the education of students
There are a few noticeable factors that were notices that were direct contributors to the problem.
It can be noted that based on the research a hundred percent (100%) of the respondents stated
that they use technology on a regular basis. Another finding that can be noted is that ninety
percent (90%) of the respondents when utilizing technology use Jamaican Creole or shorthand
. According to Stephen J. Pytak, 2012 over a time shorthand or “text” writing becomes an
involuntary action and is embedded in the psyche of the students. Ergo the students are unaware
of the problem because it is so much a part of them.
A trend to note is the use of cell phones. When the respondents were asked which technological
device was used the most cell phones was used by a hundred percent (100%) of the respondents
on a daily basis. When they were asked which feature was mostly used texting was chosen by
ninety-seven percent (97%) of the respondents.
Conclusion, Recommendations and Limitations
This research has proven the hypothesis to be true, that students indeed have a problem as it
relates to technology and their education. This research has proven that technology can be
directly linked to the deterioration of literacy among students over the years. There have been
many suggestions as to how to correction the problems. It Is safe to say that there are measure to
stop technology from negatively impacting education. Whatever way chosen, this problem is not
one that should be left alone and is in need of urgent repair. In concluding, with this research as
my basis it is safe to state that technology has affected education.
Two recommendations are given below that could possible help in dealing with the problem of
writing among students.
1. One recommendation is that students can use technological advancements for their
educational benefits for example using the different social media to study like creating
study groups on facebook or video chatting with friends while studying.
In carrying out this research there were many obstacles. The first was getting plausible sources
for the compilation of the literatures review. The second limitation was getting the questionnaires
printed as technical difficulties were encountered. The third limitation was the collection of the
questionnaires, some of the respondents could not be found and some of the questionnaires were
destroyed. The forth limitation was the interpretation of the questionnaires as some of the
respondents penmanship was poor, some of the questions were misinterpreted and some of the
questions were not answered at all. As a result of these limitations the researcher had to find
creative ways of using the information obtained.
 Birkets, S (2006). The Guterberg Elegies: The Fate of Reading in an Electronic Age,
New York, Faber and Faber , Inc.
 Collins Pocket Dictionary (4th ed.). (2000).HarperCollins Publishers.
 Colour Oxford Dictionary Thesaurus and Wordpower Guide. (2002). Oxford University
 http://www.casperjournal.com/news/opinion/editorial/article_784f9b51-a02c-5fa0-a5f0d52234f1d8b8.html February 15, 2012 9:58 am, Audrey M. Cotherman, Ed.D
 Lac, E. (2012, February 6). Dangers of Technology.
 Mustapha, N (2009). Sociology for Caribbean Students, Kingston, Ian Randle Publishers.
 Pytak, S. (2012, March 4). In the Age of tweets, Teachers hammer the grammar.
 Simon, V. Osborne, S (2009). Communication Studies for Cape Examinations, Oxford,
Macmillan Publishers Limited.
Definition of Terms
1 Technology- the term technology can be defined as the making, usage and knowledge
of tools, machines, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem
or perform a specific function.
2Facebook- Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows registered
users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with
friends, family and colleagues.
3Emoticons- An emoticon is a pictorial representation of a facial expression using
punctuation marks, numbers and letters, usually written to express a person's feelings or
4Tweets- A tweet is a function of twitter (social networking site) that enables its users to
send and read text-based messages of up to 140 characters.
5”Text” language- SMS language or textese (also known as txt-speak, txtese,
chatspeak, txt, txtspk, txtk, txto, texting language, txt lingo, SMSish, txtslang,or txt
talk) is a term for the abbreviations and slang most commonly used due to the necessary
brevity of mobile phone text messaging, in particular the widespread SMS (Short
Message Service) communication protocol.
6Literacy- The term literacy can be defined as the ability to read and write.
7National Grammar Day- National Grammar Day is celebrated in the United States on
March 4. Designated in 2008, the National Grammar Day was established by Martha
Brockenbrough, founder of the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar.
Data Collection Instrument
Dear Respondents,
I am a student of Knox College and I am doing a research on the topic “The impact of
Technology on Education”. I would like your help to gather information for my Caribbean
Studies Internal Assessment.
I would like to advise you that no form of personal identification is needed and all information
provided will be kept confidential. You are required to answer all questions clearly and truthfully
as there will be no penalties for any response provided. There are no correct or incorrect answers
as all opinions are necessary. Indicate answers by placing a tick [√] in the brackets provided.
Yours Sincerely,
Miquel Anderson
1. To what gender do you belong?
Female [ ]
Male [ ]
2. To what age group do you belong?
10-12 [ ]
16-18 [ ]
13-15 [ ]
19-20 [ ]
3. Do you use technology on a daily basis?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
4. If yes what kind of technology do you use?
Cell phones [ ]
Computers [ ]
Musical devices [ ]
5. What technological features do you spend most of your time using?
Texting [ ]
Instant messaging [ ]
‘Facebooking’ [ ]
Tweeting [ ]
‘Skyping’ [ ]
‘Oovooing’ [ ]
‘Blackberry messengering’ [ ]
6. Does the use of technology affect your education?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
7. In what way does technology affect your education?
Shorthand writing because of the way you text [ ]
Trouble studying because you are addicted to social networks [ ]
Other [ ]
8. Does writing in broken English and Creole affect the way in which you write the
Standard English?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
9. How often do you find yourself wanting to use a technological device?
You can’t stop using it [ ]
Every hour [ ]
Everyday [ ]
Every week [ ]
10. Do you find yourself using technological devices when you are to be studying?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
11. What do you think may be done to reduce the negative impact technology has on student?
More strict rules in schools [ ]
Parents supervising their children more [ ]
Students learning discipline [ ]
Other [ ]