Uploaded by kriskris bogdanova

Human Design System, Cosmology, and Consciousness

[Music] nice you're here uh first thing that i want to tell you is that uh i don't want you to believe
anything that i say nor to trust me the human design system is an empirical system it's something
that proves itself anybody who's ever worked with it knows that so it's something for you to wait
and see i'm going to take you through a great deal of information before i do that on the 3rd of
january 1987 until the 11th of january 1987 on the island of ibiza in the mediterranean i was
penetrated by a voice i was given all of this information so i'm a messenger in this case and i'm just
here to share with you the knowledge that was given to me and this knowledge is the human
design system in order to take you to a point where you can understand how individual design
affects each and every one of you i've got to take you through a lot of information basically what
i'm here to explain to you and share with you is the duality of the universe and the fact that the
duality of the universe is also the duality that is in all of us according to the physicists sometime
about 15 billion years ago there was an event that they call the big bang that is uh there was a
molement 15 billion years ago when all the material of the universe all the mass of the universe all
of it stars trees birds and bees you and me was all compressed into an object the size of my fist at
the moment that that object was ignited an enormous amount of material spread out into the
expanding universe and this material as it spread out into the expanding universe was divided into
two groups of things the first side that we're going to look at is the yin side the scientists call them
quarks and there's six of them up down strange charm beauty and truth nice names scientists gave
to them the reality is that they have discovered and proven five of them the sixth one i just have
evidence for we discovered within the last month that there is evidence that truth exists the reality
is that these six quarks as the universe expanded outwards the the universe began to cool from the
intense heat of the beginning and as it began to cool these six quarks came together in two groups
of three we call these neutron and protons and the neutron and the proton are at the center of
everything that we call atomic in nature which means what we are and this building and our planet
and everything on it and all the stars and all the galaxies all that material is atomic in nature the
other side that was created at the beginning they're called leptons they thought for a long time
that this was just pure energy and these leptons were also divided into six parts of the three
electrons and the three different types of neutrinos and as the universe began expanding outwards
and as the universe began to cool what happened was that this neutron and proton came together
with the electron and they formed the atom everything that we can think of is atomic in nature
everything that we can think of is atomic in nature everything that we think of that has mass that
has shape that has formed everything in the entire universe is atomic invention there's a joke
though and there's always a joke the joke is that if you add up all the material of all the stars and all
the galaxies and all the trees and all the birds and bees you only end up with 10 percent and you
end up with 10 of the mass of the universe 10 of the material 110 there's an enormous enormous
amount of material that is not atomic in nature i'm here really to talk to you about neutrinos my
joke is that i'm a neutrino salesman because the reality is that neutrino is one of the most incredible
things neutrinos are only made in stars they're really the breadth of stars they're the by product of
stars there are so many neutrinos it's hard to imagine there's three trillion that's three million
million neutrinos passed through everything everywhere all the time at near the speed of light you
know try to imagine that you've got three million million of these particles and they go through
everything everywhere all the time and near the speed of light and what makes the neutrino
absolutely extraordinary is that they discovered in the 80s that the neutrino bears an infinitesimal
mass this is very important it's not pure energy it's information and that information is penetrating
through all of us all the time and it is programming us as you will see the second part of our story is
more mystical in my experience with what i call the voice i was told that the whole universe is a
living entity that the whole universe is an unborn fetus but it's still within the womb but it does not
know what made it but it has not come out into the world yet and in the information that i was
given by the voice what i was told about was the crystals of consciousness according to what the
boys told me in the beginning when we had all the material of the universe compressed into a
single object something banged into it that is the beginning of the universe was a conception a
moment of conception and inside the yang see and inside the yin egg were two crystals now i call
them crystals because that's what i was told that is uh i've never seen them but the term crystal is
important because it gives you an idea about how they work so imagine for a moment that you
have these two crystals one in the seed one in the egg that bang into each other they expand out
into the universe what happens is that those crystals inside they shatter they shatter into so many
different facets so many different pieces it's beyond our ability to imagine it because the crystals of
consciousness are in everything every bird every bee every plant every tree every human being
every animal bears crystals of consciousness these crystals of consciousness are within us here in
the ashna center what they call the third eye here is the design crystal this comes from the original
yin this comes from the egg and the design crystal manifests our biogenetic vehicle that is a design
crystal builds these bodies directs these bodies in their development in their growth what you look
like really what you've inherited as a genetic information is all lodged within the design crystal that
sits here in the head center in the crown head chakra at the top of the head is the personality
crystal this comes from the original seed this comes from the original yang and this personality
crystal manifests who you think you are your personality or more likely who you think you think you
think you are and here the g center in the sternum here is the magnetic monopole the magnetic
monopole is the thing that holds us together it gives us literally our sense of separateness the
illusion of our separateness it also pulls everything else towards us you could call it love but the
magnetic monopole is like the arm that goes up from a street car that is it hooks you into your
geometry it is a mono pole it only attracts it hooks you into your geometry and rides you along in
your life it is your driver here if i could give you an analogy imagine for a moment that we have a
limousine nice lovely car let's call it a jaguar i have a nice car nice interior leather seats all kinds of
goodies inside that's the design crystal that's the body just the body and it can be a nice body it
could be not but it's just the body but then then you have the driver here the magnetic monopole
the magnetic monopole knows exactly where it's going it's the chauffeur of the car it knows the
road it knows the machine it knows where it has to go nobody has to tell it anything he knows
exactly where it has to go and then there's the personality crystal that sits up here in the crown
head chakra that personality crystal dead thinks it thinks this personality crystal this is the
passenger in the back seat of the car it's not the car who you think you are it's not the car it's not
the driver it's passenger in the back seat and you know what a good passenger is supposed to do
you look out the windows and watch the world go by the human design system there's a synthesis
like the television set nobody knows who invented the television set is just made up of all different
kinds of things that suddenly came together in the synthesis that had enormous impact on the
world the reality is that the human design system is a synthesis and it's a synthesis of knowledge
that is both ancient and modern it belongs to the the whole planet because it comes from all the
major cultures of the planet and when you look at this particular mandala because this represents
the various components of the human design system this synthesis then comes alive but before i
talk to you about the components here i want you to imagine something for a moment many years
ago somebody asked me what i thought about astrology and i said well prove it to me there was
nobody around that was going to prove that to me the reality is that all these years later i end up in
this situation in which i teach something that is based on astrological information so i'm going to
have to prove it to you so let me do that let me give you a proof for astrology first of all i told you
about the neutrinos and the neutrinos are only made in stars our sun by the way is a star and our
sun produces nearly 70 percent of the neutrinos that we receive the reality is that all around this
wheel we have an enormous star field everywhere and all that starfield is doing is it's streaming
information towards us neutrino information traveling at near the speed of light at a density that's
far beyond our ability to understand all of that information streaming through and when it's
streaming through imagine that it's all around the outside of this circle it has to come through here
i told you about these crystals that are inside of us imagine what it's like imagine i have two crystals
in my hands let's call them diamonds and they're cut differently that is they have different facets
different shapes to them and i take these two crystals and i put the same exactly the same source
of light through these two crystals because they're cut differently what comes out is different that's
us that's all of us all of us have a slightly different cut to the crystals that are within us and as we
receive the same information and we're all receiving the same information we translate that
information uniquely imagine what happens when the planet mars gets in the way and you've got
this stream of information pouring through and the planet mars gets in the way i tell you if you've
got a red car and you've got a white car and they bang into each other you're gonna get a little
white paint on the red car and you're gonna get a little red paint on the white car and that's called
communication when you have this stream of information going through mars it's going to have an
interaction with mars it's going to be changed by mars and it's going to come through your crystals
and it's going to leave off that information this wheel the outside of this wheel you can see there's
all these numbers going around the outside of this wheel there are 64 of these numbers they're
from the eachine the book changes ancient chinese wisdom really a miracle when you think about
it the chinese thousands and thousands of years ago knew that the basic configuration for what it is
to be human was the 64 times six that is the chinese understood that there were 64 basic themes
those are the themes that are going around this wheel and out of those 64 themes there are six sub
themes in 1958 when they discovered the human genetic code lo and behold they found the same
story that is they found 64 codons of six groups of amino acids each it's exactly the same
mathematics in the design system is a way to understand your genetics in a way that is available to
everyone because it is a logic system you do not have to be a mystic you do not have to be
spiritual you simply have to be able to follow the logic of things the reality is that all of these gates
going on around the outside they're oriented to the zodiacal wheel they're oriented to the zodiacal
wheel because it's through the wheel of the zodiac the astrological wheel that the calculations are
made for the design system and anytime that you make a calculation if you place a planet here in
the middle of vita in the middle of aries the reality is it's going to be in this 21st gate 21st hexagram
rather than just being in aries in other words this information is much more precise there are more
groups involved there's more exact information and this information here this 21 this 21 has a place
here inside of the body graph one of the unusual features about the design system is that the
moment that you take the calculations of the planets not only can you find out specifically where
they are in terms of this genetic matrix itching matrix around the outside but you can place that
information directly into the body and as you'll see it makes an enormous difference in the capacity
to be able to understand not only our own nature but to be able to understand our relationship
with the universe itself with other people in our lives basically the human design system is about
recognizing that we all are integrated with other people all the time and to see what kind of effect
they have on us what kind of effect they have on our conditioning here within the body graph there
are nine energy centers these energy centers are based in the hindu brahman chakra tradition and
between these centers are channels these channels are from the zohar from the kabbalah and they
connect these energy centers together and you can see for example that here at the top the 64 and
here at the bottom of the 47 these numbers they represent the gates the opening of these
channels and if you had a planet in 64 which is over here or in 47 over here that would open up this
channel in other words where everything is placed in the wheel gives you immediate access to be
able to place that information inside of the body this is a individual ray calculation chart on this
individual rave calculation chart you can see that it has a very unusual feature because this chart is
made up of two wheels and it has a body graph in the center and these two wheels are very
important that is this wheel over here represents a calculation that will tell you the nature of your
design crystal this wheel over here will tell you the nature of your personality crystal that is the
basic information the database and then this database gets integrated here into the center into the
body graph but before i can tell you that or i'll tell you about that i have to tell you the strangest
thing i tell you tonight that is the conception sequence how life begins how life comes into the
world you know one of the things that that i teach one of the things that i share with people is at
the moment that you recognize that this is an empirical system is the moment that you will
discover that you really do not have any choice and life is like not children come into the world
when they come into the world these crystals of consciousness they're not always bodies there are
so many of them many more than one can imagine they're outside of bodies and in and if you
could really see the picture of this planet you would see that this planet is nothing but a
shimmering field of them there are trillions and trillions and trillions of these crystals out of
manifestation the personality crystals that sit in the crown of checker who we think we think we are
these personality crystals of consciousness when they're not in manifestation when they're not in a
body they are in the atmosphere of the earth they're always moving around passing through
sometimes they come together in large bundles and when the information the neutrino stream
passes through those bundles people think they're talking to the virgin mary or god or seth or zeus
or whatever it is that's common ufos depending on the tradition the crystals of the design that
create the forms when they're not in manifestation they're within the mantle of the earth and when
they're in the mantle of the earth and when they're outside of a form embedded into the designed
crystal there's a magnetic monopole remember the magnetic molecule is a driver at the moment
that there's going to be a conception the magnetic monopole of the male puts out a frequency and
in putting out that frequency a design crystal and its magnetic monopole comes up from the
mantle of the earth follows that frequency line comes into the male body into the solar plex center
this is the emotional center it's going to move along this channel as you will see this channel here
the 59 the six this is the channel of reproduction this is a channel of producing children at the
moment of orgasm it is the design crystal with its magnetic monopole with its driver that's in
exactly the sperm that does not break into the egg the egg opens up for it the moment it starts the
moment that that seed is there within the egg all there's there's the seed and the egg and the
design crystal and that design crystal takes the neutrino stream that pours through the mother and
it pours through that design crystal and that design crystal starts building the biogenetic vehicle it
starts building the body of the fetus it starts building the body of the child if it's going to be a
normal pregnancy if it's going to be a pregnancy that is a nine month term and i will talk about the
others in the moment it's going to be a normal pregnancy for approximately the first six months
the only thing the only thing in that fetus is its design crystal building its body it does not have a
crystal of christianity there's no soul in personality in the body you know we live in an age in which
there is an enormous discussion about the nature of abortion and whether it is correct or not
correct to take a life before it comes into the world as far as i know as far as this knowledge knows
you know there is no personality there is no soul in the fetus if it's going to be a normal pregnancy
pregnancy until the sixth month at that moment at that point the personality is called into the fetus
by the fetus monopole pulls it in pulls in its own soul pulls in its personality and then for
approximately 88 or 89 days that personality has a chance to hook into the body and then there's
birth these two wheels are calculations that are made at the end of a process and it begins with the
birth calculation that is here this is like a normal astrological calculation at the time of birth the
place of birth and this calculation over here this gives you the calculation for the personality that is
for the personality of the moment of birth because at the moment of birth the personality is ready
to deal with the world i was told in my experience with the voice that 88 degrees of the sun before
birth it's between 88 and 89 days depending on the sun's cycle 88 degrees of the sun before birth
the personality enters the body if you go back 88 degrees from the first time you come to the exact
time and the exact point that the soul enters the body and that's the moment when the body is
ready for its personality that's the moment that the neocortex of the brain is ready to take in the
personality to allow the personality to begin to function so we have here two sets of calculations a
birth calculation that gives us the data of the personality and we have a prenatal calculation that
gives us our genetic information that tells you the nature of the body before the personality came
in so we know what the personality is going to live inside remember the personality is the
passenger and it's the passenger inside of this designed vehicle now you can see in these wheels i
take an example here in this design wheel the design the prenatal is always coated red the
personality what you have access to is always coated black i've trained a lot of psychiatrists and
psychologists a lot of therapists because through this side through the design side what's read you
can always see the unconscious at work because everything from this wheel operates unconsciously
within us in this calculation once the astrological calculation is made here's the case where for
example the planet uranus in gemini it's in a position that places it in the 35th gate and if you move
over here you can see the 35 here and you can see that this channel is colored in halfway that is
that the moment that a gate is activated one of these positions then automatically the channel is
open from that gate but not all the way only partially all this information over here then gets
translated along with the earth and the earth is always opposite the sun the earth is where we get
our grounding it's where we get our stability it's a very important axis so here on this side you have
the design information and then you come over to this side and you have the personality
calculation again all this information gets translated here for example is uranus in the node they're
in 45 here's the 45 colored it in black so when you're looking at this chart when you're looking at
the body graph you get to see the two sets of information the unconscious genetic information
that you inherited from your mother and father and your grandparents going all the way back in
your genetic pool and it's also the information that operates in an unconscious level and you can
always see that unconscious because it's the red in the chart on this side over here the birth
calculation this is the potential of the personality and this potential of the personality where you
have access is colored in in black inside here is where you get to see the individual human life it's
not the separate pieces of information it's how these sets of information integrate together into a
body graph before i take you into an individual chart in the back here on our table here there is a
box at a black box set and in this box that there are two books one of them is called the human
design system and it gives you an introduction to the design system it also includes an itching so
that you can do the analysis of any of anyone's chart in that human design system there is also an
index and in this index what this allows you to do is that it allows you to look for any single
astrological position and out of those astrological positions you can know exactly what hexagram
what gate and exactly what some theme you that particular planet that particular object activates
one of the advantages of design is that you get very very exact information you simply have to read
it it gives you a deep detail of that information so this index gives you an idea that you can go
through the entire zodiac and for every single one of these positions in the zodiac there is a
corresponding hexagram and line which will give you the exact information so now we can get to
individual design this is a individual rave analysis chart this is the kind of chart that's used to do
individual analysis and you can see that these two wheels are no longer here we have two sets of
information now we have the design information and it's given in hexagrams and lines so for
example this jupiter the design jupiter the unconscious jupiter is in the tenth hexagram in the first
line there are always six sub themes and you can also see for example that on the conscious side
the personality jupiter is in the 58th hexagram fourth line this 10 over here here's the 10 over here
and you can see it's black and red because there's a 10 coming from the other side it's a direct
coding system and in this particular chart you just get the basic information in hexagrams and lines
if you look at the top this is uh the founder of modern india if you look on the right hand side it
gives the birth time if you look on the left hand side which is an earlier calculation this gives you
the moment that his personality crystal entered into a body that is when you have an individual
rape chart you have both your birth time and you have your design time that is you have the time
that your soul entered the body these two sets of information then get translated here into the
body graph and the body graph it's very special because when you see the information coded in
certain things happen the first thing that happens is if you look here you can see that there's a gate
open at the top the 43 that's the sun on the right hand side here the personality sun and you can
see that the earth opens up to 23 at the other end and this whole channel is colored in and these
centers are colored in this is called definition think of this as a circuit board whatever circuitry is
running whatever circuitry is always moving drawn in this way this is what can be trusted it's there
24 hours a day it's there all the time it's always there it's the only thing that a human being can
trust when you look at this drawing over here you can see that this isn't colored in and this isn't
colored in and this isn't covered in this is the heart center this is the ego and the willpower this is
the emotional center the solar plex center here at the bottom this is the root center our adrenaline
center our kundalini center they're not colored in they're not connected this human being is always
going to live out what he's not human beings never live what they are they never live their
definition they only live their conditioning and these centers that are not colored in these are the
centerings where our conditioning takes place take the example here the solar plex center this is
the emotional center and you can see that this emotional center isn't colored in but there's a
possibility over here to connect it and there's a possibility over here to connect it and over here and
the moment that that emotional center is connected whether by another person or by a planet that
emotional system is opened up and the emotions burst out and this person doesn't know why i'm
like this person i have an undefined emotional system so i went through 35 or 36 years of
emotional chaos because i'm a very rational being and all of a sudden somebody would come
along and they would just hook me up boom outpours the emotions and people would say oh he's
so emotional but you know it wasn't me i was being conditioned by other people connecting up
those emotions you know i've sat with over 3 000 people now professionally i sit down beside them
every once in a while i have people come and sit down beside me they're so emotional and they
put those defined emotional systems right into my body and i get butterflies in my stomach and i
can get knots and i can feel very very uncomfortable nothing you can do about energy but you
know i know it's them and it's not me and i used to think it was always me and the reality is that
every single one of these centers they are not empty they are not broken they do not need to be
fixed understand that they are just open what's defined is fixed and can be trusted but here what is
opened this is where we get conditioned all of us have been conditioned think about this human
being as a baby comes into the world to take him out of his mama they put him on top of his
mother he's in her aura i will show you what auras do to human beings in her aura and the moment
he's in her aura perhaps she connects these emotions stabilizes them gives him the same emotional
connection the same emotional connection verse 15 or 16 or 17 years and then he leaves home
and the moment he leaves home that conditioning is broken the aura is broken he doesn't have
that energy anymore first woman he meets that hooks up that emotional system that's going to be
the one that he says she makes me feel like who i am and of course it was never who he was never
if you have somebody who has an undefined ego they're always looking for their courage they're
always looking for their willpower if they have an undefined emotion they're always trying to find
their emotional stability if they have an undefined root center they're always looking for this deep
adrenaline kundalini power and they forget about the rest because they think something's missing
you're all like that none of you none of you have ever lived your life you live your conditioning you
cannot eliminate conditioning but you can condition the conditioning you can be wise enough to
be clear about who is good for you and who is not and that's really the work of the design system
it's all about the stars if i step into your aura i penetrate you as deeply as if you were my lover you
pass a stranger in the street they penetrate you that deeply live in an apartment building get into
your bed at night you got a wall beside you and on the other side of that wall there's somebody
else sleeping in their bed in their apartment they're in your aura i'm going to condition you human
beings are living in oral boxes constantly surrounded by other auras not being able to recognize
what is them and what is not them this is the inspiration center this is the head center this is where
inspiration comes through here's somebody who's open to inspiration but the inspiration will
always be conditioned by the outside it's not this person's inspiration his inspiration that will come
through he has a defined ajna center this is where we conceptualize and this area of
conceptualization is connected here to the throat center which is the most complex anything that
connects to the throat speaks so here's somebody that can always speak always always always
speak if you have somebody who doesn't have that connection to the throat if their throat looks
like this heart center they cannot speak those are the kind of people who want to speak as much as
they possibly can but they can't they have to wait there's a way for the right people that's the way
to the right energy so here's somebody that can always speak the mind is connected to the throat
the mind speaks here the instincts are connected to the throat the instinct speaks the sexuality is
connected to the throat the sexuality speaks this throat center this center of manifestation it's more
than just verbal when the throat center is connected to one of the body's four motors then the
throat center becomes our center for action this is somebody who is a doer the four motors the
heart center this is the motor of willpower the emotional center emotional power the root center
the kundalini the adrenaline motor and here the sacral center the sexuality this sacral center is
connected through the cell where the monopole is that holds us together our driver that gives us
our direction and then in a continuous movement it connects to the throat this is somebody they
can always do there's two kinds of people there's people who can do and people have to wait to do
that's the nature of the world those that are doers always do too much those who are not doers
always want to do too much it's just the way it is it's one of the jokes this is the higher self the g
center this higher self is made up of two great crosses in the zodiac that point the corners of our
seasons and the interregnums in between it's the microcosm of the whole universe within us it is
love in a sense it's what holds us together and this is the higher self this is the higher self that
knows what direction to take remember it's the driver it knows where it's going so if you have
somebody that doesn't have a defined g center they do not know who they are they will never
know who they are and they suffer from this mythology that everybody is supposed to know their
one self not everybody can the reality is some people can some people can this is somebody that
can always know themselves because this self always has an access here to the throne you can
always speak you can always do it can always express itself this center over here this is the splenic
center this is the body's immunity system this is our protection from disease it's our protection
from bad vibrations it cleans us out our center of well-being this is somebody that can make other
people feel good he brings the power of this cleansing system into their life if he didn't have this he
wouldn't feel good at all anybody who comes into a session and they have an undefined splenic
system and i say that if you do not feel good about yourself and they know what to do by the way
anytime that you have a center that's undefined the human design system has no morality there is
no good chart there's no bad chart there's no better chart there's no worse chart is it just games
there's nothing to do with that everybody has their own design everybody has their own thing that
they have to deal with in this life these centers here these are where we go to school i have an
undefined emotional system when you step into my aura i know exactly what you feel emotionally
exactly because whatever i feel emotionally when i'm with you it's not me that's not my business so
i just take it in and now i don't let people into my aura that make me uncomfortable emotionally i
can feel it a mile away the moment they just step in these are windows these are windows to
protect you because wherever you have a lack of definition all your life you've been conditioned
there the moment that you recognize that it's not you the moment you stop identifying with that
energy and saying what's wrong with me instead of looking around you and saying what's wrong
with them i do not teach people to love their neighbor this is a very tough business i don't want to
love themselves in order to love yourself you have to accept yourself for what you are there is no
magic potion there is no guru there is no mantra there is nothing ever going to change the nature
of what you are it's fixed until you leave this plane and unless you accept your own nature not only
will you never love yourself you will never really find most human beings what they call love is
simply being conditioned by somebody else whether it's a positive conditioning or a negative
conditioning the reality here is that when you're looking at this design what you can also
understand is that if you take somebody else's design and you match this to this you're going to
see right away where things connect these potentials this channel here this outside channel is the
channel of talent there's an enormous amount of information locked in here there's a channel of
talent this 16th gate at the top it has a double opening it's coming from both sides you can see it's
from both the pluto's here this 16 is the ancient chinese hexagram of enthusiasm it's a hexagram of
music and dance and the arts it's very creative it's the gate of skills and this gate of skills in this
channel of talent it isn't connected to the other end this other end the 48th gate this is the gate of
depth this is where the instinct and the intuition builds its quality so think about it you have a little
boy he's got this 16th gate and he's going out of school and as he's going out of school he hears a
piano and just as he hears that piano the planet pluto comes along and opens up the other end the
48th game pluto can stay in the gate three years that's a very long time in a human life so all of a
sudden he hears the piano and in the moment that he hears the piano pluto opens up the whole
channel and the whole channel with talent has opened up and suddenly he feels very good because
it's connected to his well-being and suddenly his skills have the depth that he needs the taste that
he needs and he goes inside me says to the teacher i'd like to play with piano he goes home he
tells his mother he says i want to play the piano but she says well pianos are expensive she said well
you go take lessons ask the teacher if you can have some lessons he goes back he takes the lessons
he gets very very good very good after about a year the teacher calls up the mother and says you
know you should really get him a piano because he's very good and he's got to be terrific and so
they decide okay let's get more piano they get more piano and he plays another two years gets
better and better and then one morning he wakes up and pluto leaves the 48th game and it's over
it's all over oh it doesn't mean that he won't play the piano again in his life every once in a while if
the right planet comes by if he's awake it's during the time that he has a chance maybe later it is
likely meet somebody who has the other side and he rediscovers his talent for music but what he
thought was him is over and think about what that does to your psyche because you do not know
why evil is just ignorance the greatest evil in the world is what people do to themselves and it's just
that of ignorance what's he going to do with that how is he going to explain that to himself what
happened to my talent i don't want to play anymore and what is his parents going to say you
should be practicing it's gone and all he's going to feel all he's going to feel is guilt and shame and
blame he's just gonna have to carry a heavy weight for nothing it wasn't his fault life isn't anybody's
fault life is just here's another kind of example if you look here you know i often have the situation
with people that sit down and they see these empty what they call empty centers and they get very
upset you mean i don't have anything there it's not true remember they're not empty they're not
broken they don't need to be fixed here's somebody who's very very open on the mental plane in a
human being there are three areas of awareness there's the mental field of awareness this is the
mind most of us are stuck there whether we should be or not that is if it's not defined you can't
trust it she cannot trust her mind she could be conditioned all her life mentally every time she's got
an idea every time she's got an opinion every time she has an insight it's got to come from
somebody else because it's not there in her by the way that's very similar to carl gustaf if you take a
look at all the people that have an open mental system like this and you go into their house they've
got lots of books tapes magazines all kinds of stuff everywhere they're just trying to fill up that
space here this is the oldest awareness system that we have this is the splenic awareness system
this is our body consciousness and this body consciousness is very different from the mind and that
it only operates in the now if you have this defined colored in like her father does you can be
spontaneous you could be existential because this is an existential awareness it's a now awareness
you go up to a door you have an appointment this screams at you no and then the mind comes in
and says yes but we have an appointment well you really should be there and the emotions come
in the vulnerability and the emotions come in and she said oh no if i don't go in there they're going
to be upset with me and i'm going to be uncomfortable and this splendid awareness this now
awareness does not come back a second time and say hey look i just told you no it doesn't do that
you miss it you miss it think about it if somebody has a defined splenic awareness and they don't
pay attention to their intuition they're in state they're never going to be able to guide their life
properly never the third awareness system is the most complex it's the emotional awareness system
in the solar plex center because it's not just an awareness it's a motor unlike the other two
awareness systems and the confusion that exists in this planet the violence that exists in this planet
the energy that exists in this planet is simply because people cannot control this emotional energy
these three areas of awareness have three different frequencies the mental frequency works over all
time you can think about a problem yesterday today tomorrow the splenic awareness only operates
in the now right here right now in the moment and the frequency of the emotions is a wave it
either starts high it goes down though it comes back up where it starts slow builds up and falls
back down so when you're really excited emotionally don't make any decisions that's not the
awareness that's the energy and when you're deeply depressed don't make any decisions because
that's not the awareness it's the energy people who have an emotionally defined self these people
who have emotional definition in the solar flex center they control the whole environment if you
have a defined emotional system and you walk into a room and you're in a bad mood everybody's
going to be in a bad mood and if you walk in and you're a good mood everybody's going to be in
a good mood this is the way that it works you can see that in the case of indira gandhi that these
three areas of awareness along with the ego they're not defined they're open this is somebody that
could never trust her awareness she can only trust her doing she didn't know that she didn't know
that at all if you're somebody like her you've been living out somebody's ideas whenever you're
spontaneous it's because of somebody else whenever you're emotional it's because of somebody
else whenever your ego's pumped up and you're full of all kinds of willpower it's somebody else
and you think it's you so you make decisions on it like me with my undefined emotional system
when i was younger i would have that emotional system pumped up and the moment it was
pumped up i would make a decision i thought it was my emotions this led to chaos had nothing to
do with me you know what design is all about is to really understand the dichotomy that exists in
each of us this basic duality in each of us what we can trust and where we're conditioned the
moment that you live out what you can trust is the moment that you're going to discover for the
first time in your life that your life is okay because that's what you're here to do the test in life is
how you deal with all this potential conditioning most people just get absorbed in other people
they get absorbed in their children they get absorbed in their lovers they get absorbed in their
colleagues and they lose all sense of identification so whenever you're looking at your own design
and you're seeing all of these centers that are open remember something two sides to it you can
be deeply conditioned there so that your whole life is lived out based on somebody else if i did the
charts of all of you and i did the charts of all of your parents and i did the charts of all the people
that you're close with now you will discover that the charts of your parents and the charts of the
people you're close with now have all the same connections to you you're still in the same
conditioning it's about time to wake up and recognize that to see the difference to know and the
moment that you can understand where your condition is the moment that you are free of it not
the energy when people have powerful emotions and they step inside of me and i take that
emotional energy inside there's nothing i can do about it but i don't identify with it i don't suffer
and when i've had enough i just step away and i break the order and it's gone period an aura is
about twice the length of my arm going all the way around my body in every direction you think
about that you think about where you live think about the room you're sleeping i tell partners not
to sleep with their lovers it's very simple you spend one third of your life unconscious go to sleep in
your own aura wake up in your own aura otherwise you're never going to know who you are you
never even have a chance to know who you are because you're never going to be who you are ever
simple things simple things the truth is always simple all of us all of us are always in the
conditioning matrix it means that you have to be very careful about the people that are around you
you have to recognize who's good for you who isn't you have to recognize that anybody in your life
who is trying to change you is your enemy understand that you cannot be changed there's a gate
here here's 15th gate this is the gate of extremes she's an extremist and by extremists what i mean
is that she has extremes of energy sometimes she's busy busy busy busy busy but sometimes she
can't do anything now when she can't do anything the best thing for her to do is enjoy doing
nothing and when she's busy busy busy the best thing for her to do is enjoy that and if somebody
comes up to her while she's lying flat on her back and she can't do anything and says hey you know
you should really get up and do something then you know that she's got the wrong person in her
life and if she's running around like mad and somebody comes up to her and says hey you know
you should really calm down you know she's got the wrong person in her life don't allow anybody
to change you don't allow anybody to change your basic nature it means they have no respect for
you it means they do not love you human beings are forever getting themselves into relationships
and then demanding that the other person change it does not work that way it'll only reach
problems over and over and over again you have to find people in your life that accept you for
what you are and if they're not there then learn to wait don't chase after every org that comes into
you and wants to condition you into being what they expect you to be that's how you were all
raised by the expectations of your parents by the expectations of your teachers by the expectations
of the places where you work constant conditioning and then you end up being the same way you
get up in the morning you look in the mirror and you decide you don't like it you want to be
smarter richer faster better looking all those things that people think they deserve instead of just
seeing that what you are is absolutely absolutely perfect and by the way that's not mystical that's
just a fact there's never been anything like any of you or like me we're absolutely unique we're part
of the genetic totality each of us each of us think about these neutrinos when they're pouring
through us they don't stop we can't stop a neutrino they go pouring through us they program us
and we program it and then they fly out into space at near the speed of light i've been on the earth
46 years in those 46 years the information that has passed through me has gone out into the
universe in every single direction at near the speed of light i have touched so many stars in the sky
with my energy in fact in fact and recognize that each and every life is of value for that reason we
are all adding our information to the totality it's just about recognizing that what you are is already
okay it's my joke with people you're already surrendered but you just don't know it ability to look at
all kinds of relationships all kinds of partnerships all kinds of pooping together with people in this
particular case what we have is that we have indira the daughter and the red we have her father in
the black and this chart over here what this chart shows you is exactly how they come together in
terms of what's fixed only the definition the potentials aren't here you can see on this side you have
all of these potentials here but they're not a definition so they don't get into this chart over here
the only thing that comes over here is the definition that is created the permanent circuitry that is
created and this chart becomes the foundation of the relationship through this chart you can see
the nature of the relationship if you'll remember she did not have any of these three awareness
systems defined the moment that she was in her father's aura he defined the way her mind worked
he defined the way her instincts were and together they opened up each other's emotional system
the moment that you step into somebody's or you make connections and those connections are
going to change you this is somebody who was always being conditioned mentally by her father
she did not know that simply by being in his aura she was defining her mental path and when she
left him she got married she had her children she came back to all that she ended up being his
private secretary spent a lot of time in this aura until he died when human beings come together
there are four kinds of basic connections the first kind of connection here is called dominance
dominance is when one partner brings a whole definition the best thing for dominance is love it or
leave it there's nothing you can do about it nothing you can do about it if you have dominance in
your life from your partner first of all it's what you're supposed to learn but it's not pleasant you
have to deal with it and there's nothing you can do you can't change it she could never change the
way her father's mind works she could never stop him from being an individual this is the channel
of individuality this is from genius to freak this is the unique insight of an individual that was his
way can't change that circuit the moment she's with him she has to deal with that and she doesn't
like it she can't change it she can leave it but you can't change it it's dominance the second kind of
connection is electromagnetic an electromagnetic connection is when one partner opens up one
end of the gate and the other partner opens up the other end of the gate this meeting of each
coming from the other side this is the basic and fundamental dynamic in a relationship this is love
this is also hate it is attraction it's also repulsion it's the basic energy that fuels a relationship in
their particular case this is in the channel of intimacy the most intimate of the social channels these
are people that have a deep deep connection to each other a dynamic intimacy between the two of
them the third kind of connection is called compromise this is a channel of leadership this channel
of leadership is very interesting coming out of the self you have the seventh gate the seventh gate
is about the role of the self and interaction whether someone's going to be a general or
authoritarian or a democrat or an anarchist all kinds of possibilities and the 31 gate at the top in
the throat center so that it can be expressed this 31 is the gate of influence and when the role and
the influence come together you have the channel of leadership now you can see in this case that
the daughter has the whole channel the father only has the beginning of it he needed her in his life
and the role that she brought because he did not have the role he had the potential for influence
but he did not know what role to play she brought the role and she brought the role of the
democrat so it started off as the world's largest democracy it still is the last kind of connection is
called companionship and you can see in this black and red coding the companionship is when
both partners open up a whole channel together this is real friendship this is the basis of a deep
partnership in companionship between people because they both have the same path they both
have the same energy and potential to deal with the same experience this channel happens to be
the channel of succeeding where other people fail it's something that they shared together was this
ability to be persistent to stay with things to be determined and to be able to succeed to discover
what they need to discover to succeed these four kinds of relationships condition our meeting with
other people the moment that you have the foundation is the moment that you can go over to this
side and you can find all the smoking volcanoes because you see this is never static this is the
foundation of the relationship but the relationship changes in time it changes when people come
into the life let's take an example here in the middle this channel 28 38 this is the channel of
struggle this is a channel of stubbornness this 38th gate at the bottom is the gate of the fighter the
gate at the top the 28th gate this is the gate of the game player the gate of the risk taker and the
moment that the game playing gate is opened up then the fight gets serious and the struggle
begins imagine for a moment it's not father and daughter imagine for a moment it's two people
that have met each other and they're very attracted to each other and they get into a relationship
together and then all of a sudden a planet comes along like jupiter that's in this 28th gate right
now a planet comes along and opens up this gate and the moment the definition is connected it
becomes part of the relationship and that definition is struggle and all of a sudden they're fighting
they're fighting with each other the fighting with others she looks at him and says i didn't know you
were like that suddenly life is very hard for them and they end the relationship just the transit just
the transit you know this relationship everything is connected together this is very nice they can
communicate with each other every once in a while not just every once in a while a lot of the times
they have relationships that are split that have two areas of definition that are not connected to
each other and these people can come together on a transit that makes the bridge it's happened
so many times you meet somebody feels terrific by the time the problems start the woman's
pregnant to have the child a child comes into the world brings exactly the right aura to hook it all
up and they all stay together as the child grows up the parents when they have problems
communicate through the child to each other by the time the child's 17 or 18 or whatever age
when he finally leaves home the parents go back to their split definition and they get divorced and
this is a movie that's been played over and over and over and over and over and over again the
reality is it could be just a planet like the little boy with pluto opening up his talent all of a sudden
things can be wonderful and then one morning comes along and they're gone and what human
beings do will then be their catalog of reasons it's because of this or because of that or because of
this or because of that and they do not know you do not know it's just a mechanic the moment that
you recognize that is the moment that you can really be awake awake it's very different than being
asleep to be awake is just to experience your life and it's to experience your life without seeing that
there's anything wrong with it there is not there is not it is what it is to recognize the influence that
people have over you to recognize your own conditioning to understand in those moments that
you're confused about what's going on in your life there are answers that you can find as long as
you understand your own nature as long as you understand your own design then you can
understand how you're affected by everything else around you no choice my favorite sign you
know one of the one of the the trials and the specialties of this kind of work is going around and i
travel all over the place letting people know that there's a way to understand how these things
work no choice is real that is it's real at the physics level it's real at the atomic level it's real it's
biological level everything that you think and say and do is initiated in the deep gray areas of your
brain one half second before you're aware of it think about that everything that you think and say
and do everything that you think and say and do is initiated in the deep gray areas of the brain a
minimum of a half second before you're aware of it we do not make ending choices we live out our
lives life is something that happens to us now as i told you this is not about believing there's been
too much believing the age of believing is over we live in an age where it's necessary to have facts
the reality is that i would never do such a silly job because it's a silly job i would never do such a
silly job unless it was actually the facts it's logical it works over and over and over again and this is
the whole thing it's something that you have to discover for yourself it's not something that you
discover from me it's something you discover yourself the moment you know your own design you
can find out the truth for yourself and you can see that the moment that you recognize that is the
moment that you're really freed from the condition because it's the moment that you can recognize
it you begin your process of separating from the conditioning in your life that's negative i'm going
to be here in munich until saturday uh we're going to sunday we're going to be giving a workshop
here on saturday and sunday and i'm available during the course of this week for the time that i
have left here to do individual readings you know to have your own individual analysis done this is
the easiest way and the quickest way to recognize that this can really tell you who you are and it
can really give you an enormous amount of protection in your process it's also a wonderful
education and opens up a whole new way of understanding your own nature and opens up a way
for you to really begin to see not only where you've been conditioned in your life but a way to see
how you can step out of that conditioning how you can live out the life that's really here for you
anyway i want to thank you for being here tonight it was nice that you made [Applause]