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California Perceptual Regions Assignment

Section Assignment 1 - Template
Place Perceptions and Perceptual Regions of California
The concept of “regions” is used to identify and organize areas of the earth surface that share one or
more properties of interest. Perceptual regions (also called cognitive regions by geographers) are
based on people’s perceptions and beliefs about the world around them. They typically have vague
or imprecise boundaries, and a particular place is considered a “better” example of the region than
another place, even though both places are within the region. The place that best represents the
region may be called the region’s core. The core is often near the spatial center of the region but
need not be.
In this assignment, you will delineate some perceptual regions within California. You will also list
some of the ideas or images that you associate with the different regions. There are no right or
wrong answers.
Part 1
1. On the outline map of California, draw a line separating “Southern California” from “Northern
California” (not necessarily a straight line).
2. Put a dot or small circle within each of the two regions to show where you think the core of each region
is. Remember, this place best represents what the region means, not necessarily its spatial center.
Label this as the core on the map.
3. What comes to mind when you think of Southern California? In other words, what characteristics do
you associate with the region? List as many characteristics as you can (at least 5). These could be
natural or built features, climate conditions, human activities, cultural practices, housing styles,
common attitudes, feelings, representative images, sounds, smells, or anything else.
4. List at least 5 characteristics for Northern California.
5. On the same map, add two lines to show the boundaries of the area that you consider to be “Central
California”. Use a dashed line or a line of another color. Indicate the core. Does it overlap more with
Southern or Northern California? Was it easier or harder to decide where to put the boundary and core
for this region than for the first two? Does adding Central California change what you think of as
Southern and Northern California? How? Are there characteristics of Central California that come to
mind that are different than either Southern or Northern? What are they?
Google Maps: California (for reference)
Map of California
1. On the outline map of California, draw a line
separating “Southern California” from “Northern
California” (not necessarily a straight line).
Northern california
2. Put a dot or small circle within each of the two
regions to show where you think the core of
each region
is. Remember, this place best represents what
the region means, not necessarily its spatial
Label this as the core on the map.
When I think of Northern California I
tend to think of San Francisco (pink
dot)and when I think of Southern
California I think of Los Angeles (blue
Southern california
3. What comes to mind when you think of Southern California? In other words, what characteristics do
you associate with the region? List as many characteristics as you can (at least 5). These could be
natural or built features, climate conditions, human activities, cultural practices, housing styles,
common attitudes, feelings, representative images, sounds, smells, or anything else.
Southern california:
Some of the characteristics I associate Socal with is hot weather, famous people, the hollywood sign, crazy traffic
and fast food restaurants. Another thing that comes to mind when I think about Southern california is that it gives off
a very stressful vibe.
Northern california:
Some of the characteristics I associate Northern California with is the Bay area, the Golden Gate Bridge, cold
weather, my family and friends. I'm from northern california and I think the climate conditions are one of my favorite
things about where i'm from. It's always cold and foggy
4. List at least 5 characteristics for Northern California.
Golden Gate Bridge
Cold weather
Wine country
More forests and tree and less beaches and water around us
Yosemite national park
5. On the same map, add two lines to show the boundaries of the area that you consider to be
“Central California”. Use a dashed line or a line of another color. Indicate the core. Does it overlap
more with Southern or Northern California? Was it easier or harder to decide where to put the
boundary and core for this region than for the first two? Does adding Central California change what
you think of as Southern and Northern California? How? Are there characteristics of Central
California that come to mind that are different than either Southern or Northern? What are they?
When I was identifying central california, I simply just labels the area in between
northern california and southern california as central. I would say it was easier to
decide the boundaries because I went based on what I had left. Now that I labeled
that area as central california I believe this location has a mix of characteristics
that mention when talking about Northern and southern california. I would say they
aren't as hectic as socal but definitely not as laid back as norcal. They fit right in
the middle.
Part 2
Go to the internet and search for images showing “postcards from Santa Barbara”. Select 10 different
postcards of Santa Barbara or the surrounding region; they can be old postcards or modern ones. For each
postcard image, write down a single word or phrase that summarizes the content or theme of the postcard.
Your themes should include abstract “feelings” or qualities of “ambience,” not just concrete objects and
scenes. Examine your list of themes and group them into common or overlapping themes. What are the
common themes? How well do they represent your idea or image of the Santa Barbara region? That is,
do the postcards overemphasize some things about Santa Barbara? Do they leave out some things you
think are important? (1-2 pts based on quality and effort in these answers)
Postcards 1 and 2
The colors and contrast on this postcard kind of
give it a very lonely ambience. The objects in this
postcard seem very stranded.
I selected this postcard alongside the first because they
both give the same feeling. Alone but peaceful.A very
mellow environment with plenty of sky to look at.
Postcards 3 and 4
In this postcard it gives of the energy of a very small location. Although when I
think of beaches I typically link them to Los Angeles. But the energy im getting
is that some beaches are kinda secluded. There is definitely a high emphasis
on the sky considering it takes up most of the frame.
Similar to this postcard, it also takes place at a beach. In this
picture it seems a little bit more busy. The emphasis on
beaches seems to be a very common theme. Therefore I want
to assume Santa Barbara is known for its beaches.
Postcard 5 and 6
In this postcard its gives the vibe that when people
retire they go here. Somewhere isolated from the rest
of the world. It provides a sense of relaxation.
This image actually provides the opposite of the last postcard,
at least in my perspective. Everything seems very clustered
together and it actually gives off the same vibe as Los
Postcard 7 and 8
This postcard makes Santa barbara look like a resort. A palace
people can go for a vacation and be right along the coast of the
sea.It gives a very magical and tropical feel.
This postcards gives Santa Barbara a more
historical feel.It hints at the mission and maybe
emphasis that there is history behind this city.
Postcard 9 and 10
This postcard gives Santa Barbara a more tropical and
maybe forestry vibe along with including the mission.It
included the historical and relaxing aspects of SB
This postcard gives santa barbara a tourist vibe. People come
here to see the beaches the palm trees.This postcard
specifically reminds of the Santa Cruz boardwalk
Examine your list of themes and group them into common or overlapping themes. What are the
common themes? How well do they represent your idea or image of the Santa Barbara region? That is,
do the postcards overemphasize some things about Santa Barbara? Do they leave out some things you
think are important? (1-2 pts based on quality and effort in these answers)
Some of the common themes that were displayed on all postcards was the
inclusion of beaches, tress like palm trees and the vibe that this a location where
you can go to relax or simply for vacation. The only thing I noticed that kind of
contradicted that is the fact that some of the postcards would give off a more
clustered or busy vibe while some didnt.They might have done that to emphasis
the different sides of Santa Barbara. Overall the postcards were rather accurate.