See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: TIPS OF PASSING A SCIENCE EXAM Presentation · November 2023 CITATIONS READS 0 69 1 author: Mugyenyi Edison Kampala International University (KIU) 27 PUBLICATIONS 8 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE All content following this page was uploaded by Mugyenyi Edison on 21 November 2023. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. TIPS OF PASSING A SCIENCE EXAM In life, people who fear to undergo testing will never move from one level to another. Tests come to promote you not to fail you! Advice from those who’ve been there! Exam season is an important, yet stressful time of year for pupils. We know the key to doing well is to study hard right from the day you start school, but many of us are not very good at it. At this time when you are remaining with a few days to do PLE, you just need an effective study plan that will work for you. The following are some of the science study tips from researchers and scientists that will tell you how to pass science exam with flying colours. Preparation for a science exam Draw up a realistic timetable. The teachers will provide the time table for UNEB exams, study it properly, make your own timetable with short and frequent reading sessions. Look at it every morning so as to remind yourself of what you are supposed to have and read on a particular day. Set a target as you read especially past papers: “I will revise this subject for 45 minutes”. Don’t give attention to people who divert you from reading saying they know what is coming. Many times, learners emerge devastated because they listened to rumours about what was coming up. The truth is anything can come up. PLE papers are designed to be unpredictable. Try teaching someone.” Content shared is content mastered” One of the best ways to test yourself on what you’ve studied is to try and teach the topic to someone. Explain to them your reasoning for why you have answered a Edison Mugyenyi@2022 | Science Examination Tips one should not miss 1 certain question in a certain way. Pupils who teach what they’ve learned show better knowledge retention than those who simply re-read their study notes. Teaching a topic to someone else is a good way of testing how much you truly know and will help you discover gaps in your knowledge. This will point to areas you need to go over again before taking an exam. You also need to link up your ideas such that you can able to understand them very well. To clearly link up your ideas in science, one can use a revision technique known as concept map. This helps you to revise a huge topic with in the shortest time A concept map looks like the one below. Practice on old exams- One of the most effective ways to prepare for exams is to practice with an old version of previous exams. Also, an old test will help you see the format and formulation of the questions and it will be good for you to know what to expect but also as a worthy practice for measuring the time you need for the actual exam. Organize science study groups with friends. Study groups can help you get the answers you need and finish tasks Edison Mugyenyi@2022 | Science Examination Tips one should not miss 2 faster. Just make sure the group is focused on the subject and they are not easily distracted. You should not eat unhealthy food while you are in examination period. Keep your body and brain fit by choosing natural, fresh and vitamins rich food that is good for you and would improve your concentration and memory. Drink plenty of water. While preparing for science exam and even during an exam, it is advisable to drink water. Remaining hydrated is vital and adds to your overall positive mood. Prioritize weak areas or topics in science revision - Aim to revise everything but devote more time to things you don't understand or know less well. It sounds obvious, but it's surprisingly hard to do. Why? Because we like doing easy things so our tendency, when we revise, is to concentrate on the things we already know. Use memory aids (mnemonics). It can be quite hard to remember all the things you need to know in an exam, so use memory aids if you need to. A mnemonic, also known as a memory aid, is a phrase or word that helps you remember an idea or order of things. Mnemonics allow us to use more memorable phrases that tie the concepts we want to memorize to our minds. They allow us to quickly and successfully learn, and remember key concepts in science. So if you’re struggling to remember something, consider making yourself a mnemonic like the ones below. To remember the characteristics of living things: You can Edison Mugyenyi@2022 | Science Examination Tips one should not miss use 3 MRS.GREN: Movement; Respiration; Sensation; Growth; Reproduction; Excretion; Nutrition To remember the Order of planets from the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Ura nus, Neptune, Pluto My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pi neapples Ask the teacher- As far as you're concerned, teachers probably have a single function: to help you pass your exams and move on to the next stage of your education. Teachers themselves see things a little differently; don't forget that they have to get hundreds of pupils through exams each year. So take advantage of that help and you'll never regret it. Ask for help whenever you need it: that's what teachers are there for. Be honest with yourself- What are you good at and what are you bad at? Ask your teachers to spend a little time with you helping you to understand where you need to focus your efforts. Take regular breaks and exercise. Regular breaks are needed for the brain to regain its focus. Don’t study any later than 10pm, and if you can find the energy, go for a walk. It releases endorphins in your brain that make you feel good about yourself, and it clears your head after hours of studying. During your revision, write the topics which are still a challenge and seek for teacher’s guidance. Edison Mugyenyi@2022 | Science Examination Tips one should not miss 4 Check your diagram work. All science diagrams must be done using pencils. The labeling should be done using a line not arrow. Look at the example below When answering science questions, take time to read and interpret the questions well. Sometimes science questions are tricky. Read and comprehend not over sight reading. Sometimes we give answers that may look to be correct yet scientifically wrong. Take an example of the following questions in science 1. Give two Incorrect causes answers: Vomiting, of Sweating, dehydration. Diarrhoea Correct Answers: Prolonged Diarrhoea, Excessive Vomiting and excessive sweating COMMENTS The first answers are incomplete in that they do not show the degree of the condition that can lead to dehydration. One becomes dehydrated when he/she has prolonged or severe diarrhoea Vomits excessively and sweats excessively 2. How Incorrect is malaria spread? answers; By mosquitoes, By female anopheles mosquitoes. Correct answer: Malaria is spread when an infected female anopheles mosquito bites a person Edison Mugyenyi@2022 | Science Examination Tips one should not miss 5 COMMENTS The question requires one to state the mode of movement/ transmission of the germs. NOTE: Be extra careful when answering the HOW questions 3. What vector spreads the germ that causes malaria? Incorrect answers. Mosquito Correct answer. Infected female anopheles mosquito spreads the germ that causes malaria. COMMENTS The question requires one to specify the type of mosquito that spreads the germ that causes malaria because not all mosquitoes spread malaria germ 4. Why are Incorrect vitamins important answer: To in one’s diet? prevent disease: Correct answers: Vitamins are important in one’s diet because they make the body healthy and protected from diseases COMMENTS Vitamins do not prevent diseases neither do they cure diseases BUT they make the body healthy and resistant from diseases. 5. Why are we Incorrect advised answer: to To brush our prevent teeth regularly? tooth decay. Correct answer: We are advised to brush our teeth regularly to remove the remaining food particles which may attract the bacteria that causes tooth decay COMMENTS Brushing only does not prevent tooth decay but removes the remaining food particles that attract the bacteria that cause tooth decay. 6. State the Incorrect type of chicken kept for special purposes? answers: indigenous, local, Rhode Island, exotic, Sussex. Edison Mugyenyi@2022 | Science Examination Tips one should not miss 6 Correct answers: The two types of chicken kept for special purposes are Broilers and layers COMMENTS Type of chicken implies the purpose. Then breed of chicken implies the clan e.g. Rhode Island, black leghorn 7. Mention two types of poultry kept at home Incorrect answers: Broilers, layers Broilers and dual purpose. Correct answers: Hens, turkeys, Geese, Ducks etc. COMMENTS Type of poultry implies the examples of poultry or domestic birds kept at home. Broilers, layers are types of chicken not poultry 8. Mention the Incorrect materials plants answers: use to make Sunlight, starch. Chlorophyll. Correct answers: Plants use water and Carbon dioxide to make starch COMMENTS Materials are matter and therefore have molecules. Chlorophyll and sunlight do not have molecules. Raw materials are those processed to make starch. 9. Why are telephone wires left loose between poles? Incorrect answer: To allow contraction, To allow contraction and expansion. Correct answer: Telephone wires are left loose between poles to leave space for contraction on cold days COMMENTS Contraction will take place even when not allowed and therefore wires are left loose or sagging to allow them contract freely without breaking 10. How Incorrect are sweets answer: dangerous Sweets to cause our teeth? tooth decay. Correct answer: Sweets are dangerous to our teeth because remains of Edison Mugyenyi@2022 | Science Examination Tips one should not miss 7 sweet particles attract bacteria which causes tooth decay (dental caries or cavities) COMMENTS Sweets alone do not cause tooth decay without bacteria. Remember it is bacteria which has been attracted by the remains of sweet particles that will cause tooth decay 11. Give one modern way of preserving meat in Uganda today. Incorrect answer. Freezing. Correct answers: Refrigeration/ Dehydration, in the oven, Tinning and Canning COMMENTS Freezing is a change of state of matter where by liquids changes into solids BUT remember meat is already a solid. 12. Name the type of change that takes place when water changes into vapour. Incorrect answer: Evaporation. Correct answer: The type of change which will take place when water changes in to vapour is physical change COMMENTS One should note that there are two types of changes that take place in water that is Physical change and chemical changes 13. Name the change that takes place when water changes into vapour. Incorrect answer: Physical change. Correct answer: The change which takes place when water changes into vapour is evaporation COMMENTS The above question just requires one to name the process not the type of change. It is always a tricky question and requires one to be careful when attempting it Edison Mugyenyi@2022 | Science Examination Tips one should not miss 8 14. How does heat Incorrect move answer. through By gases? radiation. Correct answer: Heat moves through gases by convection. COMMENTS The first answer is not correct because gas is matter and movement of heat involves movement of heated molecules which is only done by convection or conduction 15. Why do Incorrect we wash answer: To our avoid hands germs, before To eating avoid food? diseases. Correct answers: We wash our hands before and after eating food to wash off or to remove germs COMMENTS Note that germs cannot be avoided but we remove them or wash them away. The first answer is vague The day before the exam Plan the day of your exams- Check all the rules and requirements for the exam by UNEB. Plan your route and the time it may take you to reach the examination sitting Centre. Then add on some extra time. You should not arrive late and deal with even more anxiety. Avoid dangerous play/games. You have to be cautious to avoid accidents. Keep calm avoid unruly behaviors at home and school. The day before the test is essential to rest, allowing the body to sleep for at least eight hours. In this simple way you will get the body to store energy, which will allow you to concentrate and to be able with the mental effort that involves any examination. Edison Mugyenyi@2022 | Science Examination Tips one should not miss 9 On the day for the exam Once you have gotten up, bathe and eat breakfast, you can review the notes if you think necessary, although it is very important that before the test begins, leave all the books aside and concentrate, doing some meditation exercises, breathing deeply and thinking that you are prepared. Remember to reach the examination centre on time. Prepare yourself by visiting the toilets to ease yourself. Beat your test anxiety. the day before the exam, you probably will be feeling sick and anxious, relax you are not the only one who has a fear of the exam. Many get into the examination room with it but in less than 10m it’s no more. Be confident about your performance and don’t worry. The questions supply you with ways to get calm enough and to write the correct answers. Try to eat light foods not heavy meals before the exam. This makes sure that your most oxygen-rich blood goes straight to your brain and not your digestive system. Dress smartly in your uniform. Also, make sure you have all the pencils, pens, and erasers you will need so you won’t feel nervous over their absence. Entering and during examination Remember to maintain the SOPS to avoid COVID-19. Enter the examination room with prepared pens, pencils, eraser and ruler. your pen must be functioning not just being new. A new pen may fail to write so prepare it by using it. Prepare at least three pens. Edison Mugyenyi@2022 | Science Examination Tips one should not miss 10 In the first place pray to the mighty for guidance through the task you are facing. This gives you courage after knowing that God has answered your prayers. When the invigilator or supervisor gives you the papers, takes a minute or two to read the instructions. Never try to save time by skipping the instructions, as they sometimes contain hints. Besides, not reading the task instructions can lead to you wasting your time what if the instructions say “answer one of the following questions” and you waste your time by answering all of them? Take less than 3m to scan the whole paper first to get an idea of what is in the paper and making sure that no error with the paper pages. As you may also find that the answers to some questions are actually given within other questions. As you’re scanning, try to figure out which parts will take the most or least time, and organize your time accordingly. Know the time involved: time the science paper takes two hours and 15 minutes. Plan your time well. At least 80 per cent of your time will be spent on answering and 20 percent cross checking As you begin to write, don’t be afraid to take a pause if you need to just close your eyes and relax with some breathing exercises. Remember that there are two main ways you can approach your exam: either by completing your test section by section or by giving answers to the questions you know first and then coming back to the ones you are not certain of. By tackling your test in the second way, you will have more time to recall necessary information. Edison Mugyenyi@2022 | Science Examination Tips one should not miss 11 Always review your answers before you the end of the exam time to make sure you haven’t forgotten any skipped questions. However, while looking through your work, don’t second-guess yourself too much correct the answer only if the mistake is obvious. Write in a readable handwriting using a blue pen, avoid unnecessary crossing of the work. Remember bad handwriting will lead to lose of marks so make sure you write to the best of your ability. Don’t let yourself be distracted by other pupils who seem to be writing non-stop. Concentrate on your own tasks instead, focusing only on how to pass your examination. Do not prolong your neck to copy as this is malpractice and will lead to punishment Don’t get worried if you do not understand a question at first. Normally some science questions are very tricky. Read the question as many times as necessary (at least 3times) until you identify what it requires you to write. Carefully choose the correct science words when answering science questions, At times some words are pronounced in the same way; meat and meet watch out for such homophones. Read and identify the key word(s) in the question. For example, if the question says why do people boil water. The key word is boil. Answer should be; To kill germs. Base your answers to the key words. Make sure the answer relates to the question statement. Never provide two answers when only one is required, once one is wrong then you lose it all. Give local and strong answers. Follow instructions very well Edison Mugyenyi@2022 | Science Examination Tips one should not miss 12 What to do after the science exam This might not sound important, but it is. Why? Because what you do after an exam will influence what you do in future exams. At this point it is important to normalize your mind to its original state Once you leave the exam, don’t talk about the exam or focus on what you did wrong or what score you think you will get with other people. This will only increase your anxiety if you think that you did something wrong. It can also kill your confidence as well as the confidence of your friends. Remember that the exam is over, you cannot do anything about it anymore, and no otherr pupils know how the marking will be done Relax and don’t worry after because worrying will not change your grade, but it can negatively affect your next one. Instead, put your focus right away on the next exam. Once the exam is finished, leave the classroom and do not start like crazy to check the answers, since, besides that will not be useful, it will create in you a feeling of pessimism, nervousness and stress. Don’t be critical of yourself “If you could have prepared better, or could have performed better during the exam, resolve to do so for the next paper and move on. Negative self-talk can sabotage your future efforts. Be honest with yourself and aim to do better next time. After the paper reward yourself by doing something simple that you enjoy. This could mean meeting up with friends. Do something that allows your brain and body to operate outside of the exam-zone for an hour or two, so Edison Mugyenyi@2022 | Science Examination Tips one should not miss 13 that you can switch off and recharge. Then tackle your next subject with renewed vigour and determination. Lastly “As you leave the exam room, after the last paper, let whatever happened in there go. What’s done is done, and you can’t change anything anymore. So release any residual anxiety and emotional tension, which will allow you to focus optimally on the challenges that lie ahead. Always make good friends that will enrich you and add value to your life and always yarn for the right things. Wishing you the best in your academic journey to become the best scientist! Edison Mugyenyi Contact: +256772052482. Email: Edison Mugyenyi@2022 | Science Examination Tips one should not miss View publication stats 14