Uploaded by Micah Edwards

Blow Dry Women's Hair Course Outline

Blow Dry Women's Hair
Reference : A/618/2147
Level : Entry Level 2
Credit Value : 3
Guided Learning Hours : 30
Learning Outcomes
Assessment Criteria
The Learner Will
The Learner Can
Have an awareness of some basic blow-drying techniques for
women’s hair.
1.1. - Recognise two basic blow-drying techniques for women’s hair.
1.2. - Recognise steps in preparing for blow drying women’s hair.
1.3. - Identify the purpose of some common blow-drying products,
tools and equipment.
Be able to blow-dry a woman’s hair with support and direction
from stylist.
2.1. - Assist in preparing a client’s hair for blow drying, safely and
2.2. - Identify the products, tools and equipment suitable for the
required style.
2.3. - Assist in blow-drying a client’s hair, safely and hygienically,
with support and direction from a stylist.
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