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Invertebrate Animals Quiz for 5/6 Grade Science

Name ____________________________________
Date _________________________________
5/6 Science – Chapter 6 Invertebrate Animals Quiz
Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1: Which animal attaches itself to another animal and removes blood?
a. scorpion
b. leech
c. sea anemone
d. coral
2: Which of these is true of animals?
a. Most animals can digest food in large chunks.
b. Most animal cells do not have a nucleus.
c. Animals are many-celled organisms.
d. A few animals can make their own food.
3: Young insects’ bodies change to adult bodies after they go through __________.
a. regeneration
b. metamorphosis
c. meiosis
d. chemosynthesis
4: Which of these is true of echinoderms?
a. They have heads.
b. They have radial symmetry.
c. They have shells.
d. They have smooth skin.
5: The body shape of a jellyfish is called __________.
a. a hermaphrodite
b. an exoskeleton
c. asymmetrical
d. a medusa
6: Which of these is a cnidarian?
a. conch
b. lobster
c. hydra
d. slug
7: Bivalves are water animals and __________.
a. predators
b. vertebrates
c. echinoderms
d. filter feeders
8: About 97 percent of all animals are __________.
a. crustaceans
b. carnivores
c. asymmetrical
d. invertebrates
9: What does a mollusk use its radula for?
a. to sleep
b. to reproduce
c. to eat
d. to swim
10: Which of these is true?
a. Cephalopods have closed circulatory systems.
b. Cephalopods are sessile.
c. A slug is a cephalopod.
d. All cephalopods have shells.
11: Which of these describes how a sponge eats?
a. They are perennial.
b. They are scavengers.
c. They are filter feeders.
d. They are prokaryotic.
12: Which of these animals has radial symmetry?
a. a sea star
b. a sponge
c. a leopard
d. a beetle
13: Segmented worms are __________.
a. arthropods
b. annelids
c. vertebrates
d. echinoderms
14: How is a spider different from a fly?
a. A spider has three body regions, and a fly has two body regions.
b. A spider has four pairs of legs, and a fly has three pairs of legs.
c. A spider is an invertebrate, and a fly is a vertebrate.
d. A spider is a filter feeder, and a fly is a parasite.
15: How does a tapeworm grow?
a. by adding sections behind its head
b. by converting energy from the Sun into food
c. by budding
d. by asexual reproduction
16: Arthropods have __________.
a. jointed appendages (legs/feet)
b. sucking disks
c. segmented bodies
d. eight body regions
17: What type of symmetry does a lobster have?
a. trisymmetry
b. asymmetry
c. bilateral symmetry
d. radial symmetry
18: Which of these protects a sponge’s body?
a. cartilage
b. skin
c. spicules
d. appendages
19: A mussel is a __________.
a. millipede
b. sponge
c. cnidarian
d. mollusk
20: Flatworms that live in or on their hosts are called __________.
a. echinoderms
b. parasites
c. cephalopods
d. polyps
EXTRA CREDIT (5 points) – Choose ONE of the following and write your answer below and/or on back of
this sheet.
A. Write a poem (at least 4 lines) about any invertebrate you choose, - OR B. Write 2 diary entries (each with a date and at least 2 sentences) from the point of view of an
earthworm and its daily life of moving, eating, etc. – OR –
C. Draw a detailed picture of an invertebrate you choose, and label at least 4 parts