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Ten Commandments Lecture Notes

3-9-24 points: ||||| - |
Last effort of hebrews to
provide order
Has historical context
(1) Commandment 1
- Selfish and narrow
- Truth: Many of us are
godless and faithless
- Faith: Recognition of a
power greater than
ourselves. Put trust and faith
in that power knowing not
much of our capabilities and
- Why scripture says: Apart
from me, there is nothing you
can hope (?) to do
- Why man has always
recognized divine beings. For
- We either make ourselves
or others our gods
notice that we do it but we
make whoever provides
much needed security into
gods. When we put too much
faith into ourselves
= We end up disappointed
when we put too much faith
into ourselves
- Baseball, metaphor for our
arrogance: We try to COVER
all the bases
= Each player can only cover
one base.
“I do my best and god does
the rest”
= Think you can do life
without god
* Romans 8:28
- It is by my grace that you
will be able to thrive and
survive (?)
* The credit is NEVER ours. That’s
why there is the word “HUMILITY”
(2) Though shall not take the
name of the Lord in vain
- “Respect me”
- Because he is God, you
should be at PEACE
- When you try to do
everything: RESTLESSNESS
(Aligaga - Hindi Mapakali) =
WORRIED (Nag-aalala)
= Worry is the specific face
of fear = Antithesis of FAITH
- When fear runs your life,
- Fight because you want to
assert yourself
- God is a FACTOR because it
is him who put all things
- If you truly respect him, you
will be at peace
- First and second
commandments are like two
sides of the same God. Of
the same thread
= First – Recognition
= Second – Respect
- Do not attempt to take his
place and play his role
- God says: WAIT for me. You
have to trust my
- Was created out of a
- Problem before:
Exploitation of workers.
People of wealth would buy
- Slaves were made to work 7
days a week
- Work to my PROFIT or
- I tell you when to stop
- Work 16 hours a day
= It is inhumane
- Day for R & R = Rest and
- Put religious overtone so
employers cannot testify
that. Cannot do anything but
to award and honor that day.
- That day is not for God, but
for us
- God is pleased if we rest
because human body is my
- God has made the human
being as his MASTERPIECE
= Because in scriptures,
human being is the only
creature made in his IMAGE
- That’s why you desecrate or
disrespect the human being,
that is great shamelessness
to God
March 14, 2024 Points: ||||
(4) Honor your father and your
- Only commandment with a
promise = It’s necessity is
(Highlightened) = Not just
important, it is necessary
- What’s necessary is far
greater than what is
- Promise that your may have
a long life to your parents
- Ancient wisdom is very
refined wisdom = Whatever
is said there is a product of
no nonsense reflection done
over long periods of time
o So whatever is said
must be observed as
a rule of. Life
- Bible = Book of instruction –
Instruction for life
- They observed it tediously
from one generation to the
- Reason why church said
things in bible are infallible
(Not prone to mistakes or
error – Not from a literarily
- Ex. Joshua and people
walked around wall and on
7th time nahulog yung wall,
but archeology said no
earthquake. Impossible!
- Bible speaks in literary
- Things in Bible cannot be
- Hyperbole = Even when you
squeeze yourself dry
- Without divine favor – you
cannot do it
= Why we try to do our best
and why we try to be kind
- We cannot work by
- As you start to grow you
start to see the flaws
- Fanny Serano – Very very
rich! Got into the salon
industry – Salon for the
- How do we honor the
- One of the most
- We think it’s all about
respect = Part of it but a
small fraction only
- Honor them by taking care
of yourselves
= When we are healthy,
well, and safe, then parents
are happy
= World of parents are their
kids. They exist for their kids,
their world revolves around
their children
- Never put yourself at risk.
Care for yourself
- Spreading yourself thin –
putting yourself in trouble
- Choose friends – Choose
inner circle – Cause when
you make a mistake there – It
will spell disaster for you
because of their influence
- Remove yourself from
toxicity – If there are people
who belittle you – If you know
it’s poison, why drink
- Choose yourself
- Therefore, best way honor
your parents would be to
take care yourself
March 16 Points: |||| - |||
- For young people, the best
way to honor your parents is
take good care of yourselves
- Be selective of friends
- Spend time and money
- Should we honor abusive
• Parents are supposed
to be protectors and
• First obligation is no
longer to honor
parents who are not
You have to protect
First obligation is
always to the self
That’s why there is
such a thing as prayer
(It changes things) =
We ask for divine
Never forget to put
God into the equation
We can never
underestimate the
power of prayer
“Just call on my name
and I will be there” =
Can be there in the
form of peace,
perseverance, etc.
God is not supposed
to be the last resort,
he is supposed to be
the first resort =
Before we call on
anyone, let us call on
- What if the child succeeds
even after coming from
• The parents don’t
deserve it cause they
weren’t there in the
time of need
Revenge (Getting
Scripture says
“Revenge is not yours,
it’s mine. By avenging,
you dishonor me”
That success is my
You are using my
blessing to avenge
yourself, eh I already
avenged you
Mercy he gave to his
mom was multiplied
by God
Ma’am point: His dad
he gave 1 million for
house. Por mader:
isang bag na 1 million
(?). He honored pader
but still gave greater
honor to the mother
She is a woman of
When God blesses
you, never use that
blessing to avenge
yourself because that
success is already the
Honoring parents
includes anybody and
everyone who is of
greater age than you
Ex. People of
authority, uncles,
aunties, extended
family, lolos and lolas
How can you honor
the parents if you
dishonor everyone
As long as it does not
cause harm, you have
to honor them
If it does, say it with
It extends to
everybody else
(5) You shall not kill
- Not just about literal killing
- Killing me softly
- When we belittle,
discourage, bully
- When we gossip on one
another = Sure way of killing
- Killing their dignity
= Has repercussion on their
economics (livelihood)
- Cause when it spreads,
people will no longer
patronize, or they will no
longer rise through the ranks
- When you kill someone’s
resources, that has an effect
on the total well-being of the
- Well-being when you hit
area of economics, the
emotions, sanity, and a lot of
things get affected
- Never should you think that
it is just about physical killing
- Role is never to bring each
other down, but to build
each other up
- Hollow blocks makes the
- Give brick, if you see even
small things about them
being good talk
(6) Though shall not commit
- Applicable for both genders
- There was a time it was only
afforded or for women
- Words evolve = what is
meant then is no longer
meant now
- You are not to sleep with
any man who is not your
- Very pointed
commandment to women
- All about faithfulness
- Commandments of long
ago, when it was patriarchal
- Sexual transgression = very
bloody messy
- People like exclusivity
- Polygamy does not work
- There are those who want
buffet. Goof for food but not
for intimate relationships
(7) Though shall not steal
- Though shall not get what is
Anything taken without
permission is stealing
- Stealing is not just about
properties, material things
- When you take credit of
someone else, that’s stealing
4 – Honoring parents
5 – Honoring people’s
properties. Anything and
everything that belongs to
- Anything not yours should
never be taken as yours
- Ex. Staff in king’s court who
got the credit
- Keep your cool
- God will always find a way
to give the credit where it
- Let God do his thing.
Nothing and no one can
overpower the truth
- God holds the truth
March 23, 2024 points: ||||| - |
(8) Though shall not bear false
witness against thy
- Though shall not lie
- All about truthfulness
- Should never be tempted to
anything that should tempt
you to not tell the truth
- Value: truthfulness
- White lie = Not acceptable
- What if you have to lie even
if intention good?
= Have to be very discerning
= What matters all the time is
always intention
= Scripture says: God looks
at the heart
= We can easily deceive
people with what is
seemingly good
= He sees and knows
= Nothing we can hope to
hide from him
= What about the motive?
- The why is more
important than the what
= Motivation matters
= For as long as the intention
is good it can justified
*9 and 10 are similar because of the
word “Covet”
- To desire in the wrong direction
- Desire in a negative way
- Desire in itself is supposed to be
- When it goes the wrong way the
word becomes covet
- Prohibits ancient wisdom
- Prohibits even covetousness
“Desiring the wrong way”
*Not just the physical act, but the
* Wrong desires can manifest
themselves in the physical world
= When inner self is scattered, all
kinds of trash is in the inside, it can
manifest on the outside
= You have the to discern (Reflect,
make things better)
= You create trouble if you want
something that is not yours
* That’s why we have laws
- Choose to live with others cause
there is so many benefits
- All about capitalizing on each
other’s strength
- To make life easier and better
- Humanity is an orchestra, a
powerhouse of talents
- Use it as inspiration to get
something of the same amount and
- Commandments streamline our
desires so that we live in peace
and honor
(9) Though shall not covet thy
neighbor’s wife
- Anybody who is not your
- We fool ourselves
- Desire in positive direction:
inspiration – Inspire you to level
up your game and hustle
Though shall not
covet thy neighbors goods
- No to Gossip
= Such an abomination
- Dignity
- Against 8
= In every gossip there is always a
= Not supposed to participate
*We have to observe those
* We have to check on our feelings
* All wrong things can come out of
wrong desires
* 9 and 10 teaches us to desire
properly and desire the right way
*Sa module combined and 9 and
April 2, 2024 points: ||||| - ||
Commandment 4
- No greater dishonor to parents
than not taker care of the self
= Painful: Out of their sight
= No choice but to let go
= Out of their nest
- Oh so excited to explore
- Wobbly = Not yet stable
= No excuses
= Should know your limitations
= You are still reckless
Commandment 9 and 10
- No to covetousness