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What is Dedicated Server Thailand for Gaming? Why do you Need It?

What is Dedicated Server Thailand for
Gaming? Why do you Need It?
If you are a gamer, you know how frustrating it is to deal with lag, slow loading times, high
latency, and dropped games. It can turn a pleasant experience into an awful one. Client hosts
are commonly used in multiplayer games to both host and play at the same time. But it causes
problems like performance, lag, slow speed and many others.
To host a multiplayer game smoothly and securely you need a Dedicated server Thailand. In
this article, we will dive deep into the world of Dedicated servers in Thailand for gaming and
cover everything like what a dedicated gaming server and why you need one for gaming. Read
on to learn about Thailand's dedicated servers for gaming.
What is a Dedicated Gaming Server?
A dedicated server in gaming is a private server that can host games for the server admin and
all other clients who connect to the server. Using this type of game server, gamers can
experience a stable, reliable, and fast connection. In this players experience smooth and
low-latency gaming backed by resources and storage no matter how intensive the applications
Unlike shared hosting, in a dedicated gaming server, all the resources are exclusive to a single
client. It means the server’s memory, bandwidth, storage and processing power are used only
for hosting the game improving its stability and performance.
Why Do You Need a Dedicated Server Thailand to Host Games?
Many online public multiplayer games run on one of two different hosting models—Client-server
hosting or peer-to-peer (P2P) hosting. In most cases, they both have their drawbacks, they can
cause a lag-ridden or non-customizable gaming experience.
Client-Server Hosting Model
In Thailand, Client-Server hosting model, gaming servers are run by the main host. The host is
often the game publisher. It means it manages individual player’s connections directly. While
this works for most of the players. It can lack control and leave players vulnerable to the server
issues a host could experience.
P2P Hosting Model
A P2P hosting model selects the player with low latency or the one who started the game, as
the host for all other players. In this configuration, the host player uses their computer or system
to host the game.
To ensure that all players are synchronized and all activities are maintained the host’s device
must have enough memory, processing power, a solid network and proper bandwidth to keep
the game running smoothly for other players. If these criteria are not fulfilled then users can
experience lag, glitches or crashes.
While using a dedicated server Thailand for gaming, all players connect to a server rather than
a host. This results in a synchronized gaming experience and all activities and player
interactions are maintained throughout the game. The best dedicated server Thailand gives you
high computing power, stronger connection and low latency.
With the Best Dedicated servers in Bangkok, Thailand the admin can●
Configure the server however they like to ensure a smooth gaming experience.
Customize the game rules like number of rounds, maps, win conditions etc.
Fix the number of players in the game.
As all the resources are exclusive to a single client it can take your gaming experience to the
next level. Cheap dedicated servers in Thailand ensure low latency, high performance and no
lagging gaming experience. These are the reasons you need a Dedicated server Thailand for
hosting a game.
Advantages of Dedicated Gaming Servers in Thailand
A few of the most common advantages of dedicated servers in Thailand are-
Excellent performance
With its bare-metal technology and a steady internet connection, problems like glitches, lag and
losing connection to the host do not occur. Instead, Thailand's dedicated servers can easily
handle the increasing traffic of players without impacting performance. Even with all the traffic,
there are no problems seen like lag, glitches or crashes.
Reliable Infrastructure
With the best dedicated servers in Thailand, along with low latency and high performance, you
get 24/7 monitoring, cooling systems and backup generators to ensure the availability of the
With the dedicated server in Thailand, You can choose the ideal processor and RAM for running
the game. Set the bandwidth speed for a smooth gaming experience. The host can define the
rules of the game like the number of players, maps, rounds and objectives.
Ability to Handle High Traffic Demand
Dedicated servers in Bangkok can easily handle high traffic. The host if want can also set the
number of players who can play the game on the dedicated server.
No Corrupt Files
The cheap dedicated server in Thailand ensures no corruption of saved files in the system. The
server saves your progress, ensuring you can pick up the game from wherever you left off.
High Levels of Security
Security is the main concern for hosting games on a dedicated server in Thailand. A dedicated
server offers you a high level of security, like
● The admin can control who can and cannot enter the game.
● Choose the firewalls, DDoS protection and Backup according to the host.
● The gaming server hosts only games. The server does not have any other applications
or emails, so the chance of attacks is minimal.
Today’s games have high graphics, impressive designs and dynamic environments. They
create virtual worlds that are fun and exciting to play with friends. But these are intensive
applications and need a proper server for a smooth and uninterrupted gaming experience.
Dedicated server Thailand is the best option for lag free and smooth gaming experience.
A dedicated server in Bangkok can ensure smooth gameplay, low latency, high performance
and strong connection.
The cheap dedicated servers in Thailand are important in the game industry. The server
ensures that players can start the game from where they left off and have a soothing experience
in the gameplay. There are several advantages of using a cheap dedicated server in Thailand
like excellent performance, low latency, no lagging, customization, security measures and ability
to handle traffic. If you are hosting a game, then you should consider a dedicated server for it.