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General Surgery Assignment: Pre & Post-Op Care

Assignment for general surgery
Prepared by :
‫أحمد محمد عبد الغني إبراهيم‬
ID : 812591195
Under supervision :
Assist.Prof.Dr/ Karema Elshamy
Assist.Prof.Dr/Eman Heggy
Assist.Prof.Dr/Mohamed Habeeb
Dr/ Awatif Abdelhameed
Dr/ shymaa Elsayed
Dr/ Amira Mohamed
1.What is the pre-operative preparation for this patient?
• Review the patient's medical history and perform a physical
• Medications review٫Blood tests and other diagnostic tests .
• The patient may be instructed to stop eating or drinking anything
for a certain period of time before surgery.
• Antibiotic prophylaxis to reduce the risk of infection .
• Additionally, patients may undergo pre-operative counseling to
understand the procedure and its implications, as well as
psychological support to cope with the changes .
2.What are major post-operative complication may be
• Major post-operative complications that may be present include
infection at the surgical site, complications related to anesthesia,
bowel obstruction, leakage or necrosis of the stoma, bleeding, and
complications associated with the formation of adhesions.
3. What is the proper therapeutic diet post-operatively for
this patient?
• Immediately following a colostomy surgery, a patient will likely be
on a short-term therapeutic diet consisting of bland, low-fiber
foods to promote healing and minimize digestive discomfort.
• It's important for patients to stay hydrated and consume a balanced
diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains to
maintain overall health and prevent complications.
4. List the clinical features for stoma site infection.
• The skin surrounding the stoma will appear red and inflamed. It
might also feel warm to the touch.
• Increased drainage from the stoma.
• Pain or tenderness around the stoma.
• A fever is a common sign of infection and can accompany a stoma
site infection.
• Delayed healing or persistent wound breakdown.
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