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Applied Research & Formative Assessment in PYP

Using headings to organize your post, respond to the following:
1. From your early understanding of applied research, would you agree or disagree that it is difficult to
be a highly effective teacher or principal without having a working knowledge of the research world
and how it works? (Support your answer with the readings from this Unit, as well as knowledge from
your own experiences.)
2. Jumping right into your research proposal, what topic would you like to explore and why is this of
interest to you or important for you to research?
3. List your two to three “applied research” questions that will guide your research
proposal. (Remember that applied research questions must be bias-free, cannot make assumptions
on the outcome, focuses on solving a current educational problem involving students, and includes
the intervention [strategy] that you plan to implement and study.)
I've been a teacher for almost 10 years, and I think that to be a good teacher, I need to always know about
the newest studies on education and how to teach. It is also very important to do research on an educationrelated topic, either to "test pedagogic processes in order to discover the best teaching and learning methods"
(Formplus Blog,2022, p. 3) or to test educational policies before they are put into place and to deal with
problems in the way lessons are taught. If you want to understand and improve the level of education, action
research in schools is the process of looking at a school setting (Hine, 2013, p. 2). For instance, it's almost
impossible to solve an education problem without doing research. This involves collecting both qualitative
and quantitative data, which is called empirical proof, and putting it through a lot of thorough analysis so
that you can come to accurate conclusions.
Action research helps teachers constantly think about how they teach, gives them more ways to teach, helps
them learn new things that are relevant to their schools, makes them more open to new ideas, and gives them
ownership over effective practices.
Assessing the Effectiveness of Formative Assessment in the PYP Classroom
1. Research Question
- How does the implementation of formative assessment strategies impact student learning outcomes and
engagement in the Primary Years Programme (PYP) classroom?
2. Research Question
- In what ways does timely and targeted feedback, derived from formative assessments, contribute to
student progress and understanding in PYP classrooms?
3. Research Question
- How do students and teachers perceive the role of formative assessment in supporting the development
of key skills and attributes outlined in the PYP framework?
These applied research questions aim to investigate the practical implications and effectiveness of formative
assessment strategies in PYP classrooms, ensuring a focus on the real-world impact on student learning
outcomes and engagement.
Formplus Blog. (2022) What is Applied Research? + [Types, Examples & Method].
Hine, G. S. C. (2013). The importance of action research in teacher education programs. Issues in
Educational Research, 23(2). https://www.iier.org.au/iier23/hine.pdf